308 research outputs found

    The Interaction of state, prosody and linear order in Kabyle (Berber) : Grammatical Relations and Information Structure

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    To appear in a volume submitted to Benjamins, edited by Mauro Tosco and Alessandro MengozziThe aim of this paper is to show how, starting only from forms belonging to various domains (morphology, syntax, and prosody), it is possible to compute the grammatical relations and the information structure of Kabyle spontaneous speech. The hypothesis underlying the paper is that the marking of grammatical relations on nouns are a by-product of information structure constraints

    Topic-Focus Articulation in Taqbaylit and Tashelhit Berber

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    This paper deals with the form/function mapping of information structure on word-order in two Berber lects, Taqbaylit (Kabyle) and Tashelhit (Shilha). We claim that the general assumption according to which Berber should be strictly VSO is wrong, and we argue for a more cautious approach, that takes into account language variation inside Berber. We show that pragmatics trigger the emergence of (relatively stable) discourse-confi gurationality, without giving rise to a VSO>SVO shift. We compare Taqbaylit and Tashelhit in terms of information structure and word order variation, and come to the conclusion that, while there is good reason to classify Taqbaylit as discourseconfi gurational, Tashelhit is somewhat more restrictive in terms of word order fl exibility. We link those characteristics with case-marking: the distinction between free state and annexation state is more clearly a dependency-oriented phenomenon in Taqbaylit, while it corresponds more closely to a subject (or marked nominative) versus absolute case system in Tashelhit.Peer reviewe

    Prosodic segmentation and cross-linguistic comparison in CorpAfroAs and CorTypo: Corpus-driven and corpus-based approaches

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    The paper addresses the issue of corpus-design in relation to research questions for under-described languages. It shows how a corpus emerges from the methodology and habitus of its contributors, and how it is shaped by the technical tools used for data organization. It also underlines the ways in which a morphosyntactically annotated corpus, segmented into intonation units, is amenable to a wide array of searches, both corpus-based and corpus-driven, and both formal and functional. After a presentation of the annotation layout, and the segmentation choices that characterize the two projects, CorpAfroAs and CorTypo, scientific results are illustrated for two languages, Kabyle and Beja, and more marginally for Zaar, Juba Arabic, and Modern Hebrew. They exemplify corpus-driven and corpus-based approaches of information structure and grammatical relations. Both types of approaches plead for an integrated view of prosody, closely interacting with syntax, semantics, phonology, information structure, and all levels of human communication and cognition. They also plead for a general endeavour to annotate as much as possible the large array of prosodic cues that are inseparable from speech processing and interaction dynamics

    Lionel Galand (1920-2017)

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    Permettez-moi de commencer cet hommage posthume en vous lisant l’avant-propos sur lequel s’ouvre le dernier ouvrage de Lionel Galand, paru en 2010 : On ne pratique pas la recherche et l’enseignement pendant plus de soixante ans sans avoir à traiter d’un grand nombre de problèmes. Cela m’a conduit à écrire une longue série d’articles, dispersés dans quantité de publications souvent difficiles d’accès ou introuvables. J’ai donc constaté, voici longtemps, que j’avais fait fausse route en ne pren..

    Cross-linguistic comparability and language-specificity in CorpAfroAs

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    Prosodic Segmentation and Grammatical Relations: The Direct Object in Kabyle (Berber) / Segmentação prosódica e relações gramaticais: o objeto direto em kabile (berbere)

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    Abstract: The aim of the present paper is to provide evidence for the existence, in Kabyle (Berber), of the grammatical role ‘Direct Object’, and to define it using a non-aprioristic, empirical methodology. The definition, based on the analysis of corpus data, involves formal means pertaining to morphology, syntax and prosody. Prosodic segmentation is not only crucial for the definition of the category; it also serves as supporting evidence for the tightness of the relationship between verb and direct object. Keywords: direct object; prosody; segmentation; Kabyle; Berber; grammatical relations. Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é oferecer evidências para a existência da função gramatical “Objeto Direto” em kabile (berbere) e defini-lo utilizando uma metodologia empírica, não-apriorística. A definição, baseada na análise de dados de corpus, envolve meios formais pertinentes à morfologia, sintaxe e prosódia. A segmentação prosódica não é apenas crucial para a definição da categoria, mas também serve como evidência em favor da coesão da relação entre verbo e objeto direto. Palavras-chave: objeto direto; prosódia; segmentação; kabile; berbere; relações gramaticais

    Efecto del ataque de la mosca (Bactrocera oleae) sobre la calidad y contenido en compuestos polifenolicos de aceites procedentes de aceitunas de la variedad Chemlal

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    The attack on olives by the pest Bactrocera oleae has been studied to determine its influence on the olive oil quality (free acidity, peroxide value, UV extinction, sensorial quality), the total polyphenol and the individual phenolic compounds. The Algerian chemlal olive variety was used in this work. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of phenolic compounds were performed using the colorimetric method and the GC coupled with mass spectrometry. The results demonstrated that the attack modified the quality of olive oil and confirmed the existence of hydrolytic and mostly oxidative processess which strongly reduced the amount of O-diphenolic compounds. The extent of modification was much greater when the olives were attacked and harvested at an advanced stage of maturity. Early harvesting could be an effective way to limit the damage caused by B. oleae and to improve the quality of virgin olive oil.Se ha estudiado el ataque de las aceitunas por la plaga Bactrocera oleae con el fin de determinar la influencia sobre la calidad del aceite de oliva (acidez libre, índice de peróxidos, extinción UV, calidad sensorial), polifenoles totales e individuales. Este estudio se realizó con el aceite de oliva obtenido a partir de la mayoritaria variedad de Argelia (Chemlal). El análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de los compuestos fenólicos se realizó por el método colorimétrico y por cromatografía gaseosa acoplada a la espectomertria de masas respectivamente. Los resultados demostraron que el ataque de la mosca, modifica la calidad del aceite de oliva y se confirmó además la existencia de procesos hidroliticos y, en particular oxidativos, que reducen fuertemente la cantidad de compuestos O-difenólicos. El alcance de la modificación fue mucho mayor cuando las aceitunas fueron atacadas en una fase avanzada de maduración. La recolección temprana podría ser una manera eficaz para limitar el daño causado por B. oleae y mejorar la calidad del aceite de oliva virgen y preservar los compuestos fenólicos

    Mode – Modalité

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    Mode - Modalité (linguistique)

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    Ces notions, issues de la tradition grammaticale occidentale et fortement réinvesties par la linguistique moderne, sont à la fois essentielles et très polysémiques, avec des définitions, des approches et des objets mêmes extrêmement divers selon les périodes et les courants théoriques. On renverra sur ce sujet aux grands outils francophones de la linguistique, notamment : Marouzeau (p. 147, sous « Modal » et « Mode ») ; Mounin : (p. 147, sous « Mode » et « Modal ») ; Dubois et al. (p. 319-321..

    Beyond aspect: will be -ing and shall be -ing

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    This article discusses the synchronic status and diachronic development of will be -ing and shall be -ing (as in I’ll be leaving at noon).2 Although available since at least Middle English, the constructions did not establish a significant foothold in standard English until the twentieth century. Both types are also more prevalent in British English (BrE) than American English (AmE). We argue that in present-day usage will/shall be -ing are aspectually underspecified: instances that clearly construe a situation as future-in-progress are in the minority. Similarly, although volition-neutrality has been identified as a key feature of will/shall be -ing, it is important to take account of other, generally richer meanings and associations, notably ‘future-as-matter-of-course’ (Leech 2004), ‘already-decided future’ (Huddleston & Pullum et al. 2002) and non-agentivity. Like volition-neutrality, these characteristics appear to be relevant not only in contemporary use, but also in their historical expansion. We show that the construction has evolved from progressive aspect towards more subjectivised evidential meaning