1,428 research outputs found

    Dual Language Books Go Digital: Storybooks Canada in French Immersion Schools and Homes

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    In response to Canada’s growing ethnic, cultural, and linguistic diversity, educators in French immersion classrooms are increasingly responding with enhanced cross-linguistic initiatives, and dual language books are promising resources in the promotion of multilingualism (Zaidi, 2020; Zaidi & Dooley, 2021). This paper details a research project we completed in a 2019 classroom-based qualitative case study in a French immersion school experiencing an increasing enrollment of linguistically diverse students. The researchers sought to determine if Storybooks Canada, a free digital platform with 40 dual language books in multiple languages, could help promote literacy engagement and strengthen home-school connections. Five teacher participants identified a range of features that make the platform a useful resource for promoting literacy engagement, text comprehension, learner autonomy, meaning-making, and instructional differentiation. These included (i) the multilingual features, (ii) the ability to project stories on a large screen, (iii) the audio component, (iv) the illustrations, and (v) the different levels of text difficulty. While teachers made almost exclusive use of the French language features of the site, for classroom purposes, they supported cross-linguistic uses of the platform in the home context, with a view of strengthening home-school connections. En réponse à la diversité ethnique, culturelle et linguistique croissante présente actuellement au Canada, les éducateurs des classes d’immersion française y répondent de plus en plus en établissant des initiatives interlinguistiques améliorées. Par example, les livres bilingues sont des ressources prometteuses pour la promotion du multilinguisme (Zaidi, 2020; Zaidi et Dooley, 2021). Cet article détaille un projet de recherche réalisé en 2019 grâce à une étude de cas qualitative dans un école d’immersion française qui connait une augmentation du nombre d’élèves linguistiquement diversifiés. Les chercheurs ont cherché à déterminer si Storybooks Canada, un plateforme numérique gratuite avec 40 livres bilingues en plusiers langues, pourrait aider à promouvoir l’engagement en matière d’alpabétisation et à renforcer les liens entre la maison et lécole. Cinq ensignants participants ont identifié une gamme de caractéristiques qui font de la plateforme une ressource utile pour promouvoir l’engagement en littératie, la compréhension de texte, l’autonomie de l’apprenant, la création de sens et la différenciation pédagogique. Ceux-ci comprenaient (i) les fonctionnalités multilingues, (ii) la possibilité de projeter des hitoires sur un grand écran, (iii) la composante audio, (iv) les illustrations et (v) les différents niveaux de difficulté du texte. Bien que les enseignant aient utilisé presque exclusivement les caractéristiques en français du site, dans le cadre de la salle de classe, ils ont appuyé les utilisations interlinguistiques de la platforme dans le contexte familial, avec le but de renforcer les liens entre la maison et l’école.

    Making too much of a weak case

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    LetterB E Christopher Nordin, Robin M Daly, John Horowitz, Andrew V Metcalf

    Transforming institutional quality in resource curse contexts: The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Myanmar

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    Many resource-rich countries face the paradoxical situation that their wealth in natural resources coincides with low economic and human development rates. To address this so-called resource curse, academics and practitioners turn their hopes to institutional quality. Yet whether, how and with what consequences institutional quality is transformed in resource curse contexts remains poorly understood, especially so at subnational levels. The most widely implemented initiative that seeks to address the resource curse through enhanced institutional quality is the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). This article analyses to what extent and how the EITI transforms institutional quality at national and subnational levels in Myanmar, focusing on transparency, civil society participation and accountability. We show that many transformations go beyond the official EITI process and report. While the EITI report itself is not heavily used by civil society organisations (CSOs), the EITI process motivated CSOs to gather data and organise themselves both around and beyond EITI-related issues at subnational levels. Such participatory processes of constituting transparency improved relations between the (regional) government, CSOs and private companies, but also created new forms of in- and exclusion among civil society. While avenues opened up for CSOs to demand accountability regarding the impacts of resource extraction, the extent to which they are able to trigger action of extractive industry actors in their region remains limited. In conclusion, we argue that transformations in institutional quality are not characterised by a linear trajectory from transparency in the form of the EITI report to accountability, facilitated by civil society participation in EITI multi-stakeholder groups, as the EITI standard posits. Rather, transformations in institutional quality are characterised by spin-offs, dynamic interlinkages, trade-offs, limitations and a reinforcing cycle between participation and transparency within and beyond the EITI

    A robust statistical estimation of the basic parameters of single stellar populations. I. Method

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    The colour-magnitude diagrams of resolved single stellar populations, such as open and globular clusters, have provided the best natural laboratories to test stellar evolution theory. Whilst a variety of techniques have been used to infer the basic properties of these simple populations, systematic uncertainties arise from the purely geometrical degeneracy produced by the similar shape of isochrones of different ages and metallicities. Here we present an objective and robust statistical technique which lifts this degeneracy to a great extent through the use of a key observable: the number of stars along the isochrone. Through extensive Monte Carlo simulations we show that, for instance, we can infer the four main parameters (age, metallicity, distance and reddening) in an objective way, along with robust confidence intervals and their full covariance matrix. We show that systematic uncertainties due to field contamination, unresolved binaries, initial or present-day stellar mass function are either negligible or well under control. This technique provides, for the first time, a proper way to infer with unprecedented accuracy the fundamental properties of simple stellar populations, in an easy-to-implement algorithm.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, MNRAS, in pres

    The Canada-France deep fields survey-II: Lyman-break galaxies and galaxy clustering at z~3

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    (abridged) We present a large sample of z~3 U- band dropout galaxies extracted from the Canada-France deep fields survey (CFDF). Our catalogue covers an effective area of ~1700 arcmin^2 divided between three large, contiguous fields separated widely on the sky. To IAB=24.5, the survey contains 1294 Lyman-break candidates, in agreement with previous measurements by other authors. Based on comparisons with spectroscopic observations and simulations, we estimate that our sample of Lyman-break galaxies is contaminated by stars and interlopers at no more than ~30%. We find that \omega(\theta) is well fitted by a power-law of fixed slope, \gamma=1.8, even at small (\theta<10'') angular separations. In two of our three fields, we are able to fit simultaneously for both the slope and amplitude and find a slope \gamma ~ 1.81. Our data marginally indicates in one field (at a 3 \sigma level) that the Lyman-break correlation length r_0 depends on sample limiting magnitude: brighter Lyman-break galaxies are more clustered than fainter ones. For the entire CFDF sample, assuming a fixed slope \gamma = 1.8 we find r_0 = (5.9\pm0.5)h^{-1} Mpc. Using these clustering measurements and prediction for the dark matter density field, we derive a linear bias of b = 3.5 +/- 0.3. Finally we show that the dependence of the correlation length with the surface density of Lyman-break galaxies is in good agreement with a simple picture where more luminous galaxies are hosted by more massive dark matter halos with a simple one-to-one correspondence.Comment: 18 pages including 11 postscript figures. Accepted to A&