79 research outputs found

    On North Pacific Multidecadal Cllimate Variability

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    The multidecadal climate variability in the North Pacific region is investigated by using a 2000-yr-long integration with a coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation model. It is shown that the multidecadal variability evolves largely independent of the variations in the tropical Pacific, so that this kind of multidecadal variability may be regarded as internal to the North Pacific. The coupled model results suggest that the multidecadal variability can be explained by the dynamical ocean response to stochastic wind stress forcing. Superimposed on the red background variability, a multidecadal mode with a period of about 40 yr is simulated by the coupled model. This mode can be understood through the concept of spatial resonance between the ocean and the atmosphere

    Coral ÎŽ18O evidence for Pacific Ocean mediated decadal variability in Panamanian ITCZ rainfall back to the early 1700s

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    In Central America, seasonal and interannual shifts in the position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) control the hydrologic budget. To better understand long-term changes in regional ITCZ-driven precipitation we re-examined a coral ÎŽ18O record from a Porites lobata coral head near Secas Island (Core ID: S1) (7°59â€Č N, 82°3â€Č W) in the Gulf of ChiriquĂ­ on the Pacific side of PanamĂĄ. Linsley et al., (1994) originally published the 277-year time series and first described the presence of a narrow-band decadal cycle (period near 9–12 years) in ÎŽ18O. The original study did not present potential drivers for the decadal cycle, although they ruled out the influence of the sun spot cycle. Our re-analysis of this record supports the original interpretation that coral ÎŽ18O is largely responding to variations in precipitation and associated river discharge, but with a new proposed mechanism to explain the decadal mode. There is no similar decadal cycle in gridded instrumental sea surface temperature from the area, suggesting that the decadal coral ÎŽ18O signal results from hydrologic changes that influence coastal ÎŽ18O seawater. The decadal component in S1 ÎŽ18O is also coherent with a decadal mode embedded in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) Index that we suggest has tropical origins. We speculate that the coral's temporary ÎŽ18O deviation (1900–1930) in the decadal mode from the corresponding bands in rainfall and the PDO can be ascribed to a weak PDO in addition to local Panama gap wind variability and its effect on moisture transport from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Ultimately, the Secas Island coral ÎŽ18O series records ITCZ-driven precipitation dictated by both the Atlantic and Pacific basins

    What determines the spatial pattern in summer upwelling trends on the U.S. West Coast?

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 117 (2012): C08012, doi:10.1029/2012JC008016.Analysis of sea surface temperature (SST) from coastal buoys suggests that the summertime over-shelf water temperature off the U.S. West Coast has been declining during the past 30 years at an average rate of −0.19°C decade−1. This cooling trend manifests itself more strongly off south-central California than off Oregon and northern California. The variability and trend in the upwelling north of off San Francisco are positively correlated with those of the equatorward wind, indicating a role of offshore Ekman transport in the north. In contrast, Ekman pumping associated with wind stress curls better explains the stronger and statistically more significant cooling trend in the south. While the coast-wide variability and trend in SST are strongly correlated with those of large-scale modes of climate variability, they in general fail to explain the southward intensification of the trend in SST and wind stress curl. This result suggests that the local wind stress curl, often topographically forced, may have played a role in the upwelling trend pattern.H.S. acknowledges the WHOI supports from the Coastal Research Fund in Support of Scientific Staff, the Penzance Endowed Fund in Support of Assistant Scientists, and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Endowed Fund for Innovative Research. K.B. and C.E. acknowledge support by the National Science Foundation through grants OCE-1059632 and OCE 1061434.2013-03-0

    Influence of Model Bias on Simulating North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature During the Mid-Pliocene

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    Climate models generally underestimate the pronounced warming in the sea surface temperature (SST) over the North Atlantic during the mid‐Pliocene that is suggested by proxy data. Here we investigate the influence of the North Atlantic cold SST bias, which is observed in many climate models, on the simulation of mid‐Pliocene surface climate in a series of simulations with the Kiel Climate Model. A surface freshwater‐flux correction is applied over the North Atlantic, which considerably improves simulation of North Atlantic Ocean circulation and SST under present‐day conditions. Using reconstructed mid‐Pliocene boundary conditions with closed Bering and Arctic Archipelago Straits, the corrected model depicts significantly reduced model‐proxy SST discrepancy in comparison to the uncorrected model. A key factor in reducing the discrepancy is the stronger and more sensitive Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and poleward heat transport. We conclude that simulations of mid‐Pliocene surface climate over the North Atlantic can considerably benefit from alleviating model biases in this region

    Multispectral analysis of Northern Hemisphere temperature records over the last five millennia

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    Aiming to describe spatio-temporal climate variability on decadal-to-centennial time scales and longer, we analyzed a data set of 26 proxy records extending back 1,000–5,000 years; all records chosen were calibrated to yield temperatures. The seven irregularly sampled series in the data set were interpolated to a regular grid by optimized methods and then two advanced spectral methods—namely singular-spectrum analysis (SSA) and the continuous wavelet transform—were applied to individual series to separate significant oscillations from the high noise background. This univariate analysis identified several common periods across many of the 26 proxy records: a millennial trend, as well as oscillations of about 100 and 200 years, and a broad peak in the 40–70-year band. To study common NH oscillations, we then applied Multichannel SSA. Temperature variations on time scales longer than 600 years appear in our analysis as a dominant trend component, which shows climate features consistent with the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. Statistically significant NH-wide peaks appear at 330, 250 and 110 years, as well as in a broad 50–80-year band. Strong variability centers in several bands are located around the North Atlantic basin and are in phase opposition between Greenland and Western Europe
