12 research outputs found

    Hydraulic and physical properties of managed and intact peatlands : application of the van Genuchten-Mualem models to peat soils

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    Key Points: ‱ Land use such as agriculture and peat extraction alter the physical and hydraulic properties of the peat more strongly than other land uses ‱ The top 30 cm peat depth was most affected by agriculture and peat extraction, as indicated by the bulk density, specific yield, and porosity values ‱ The van Genuchten-Mualem soil water retention model was applied successfully to different layers of peat under different land useUndisturbed peatlands are effective carbon sinks and provide a variety of ecosystem services. However, anthropogenic disturbances, especially land drainage, strongly alter peat soil properties and jeopardize the benefits of peatlands. The effects of disturbances should therefore be assessed and predicted. To support accurate modeling, this study determined the physical and hydraulic properties of intact and disturbed peat samples collected from 59 sites (in total 3,073 samples) in Finland and Norway. The bulk density (BD), porosity, and specific yield (Sy) values obtained indicated that the top layer (0–30 cm depth) at agricultural and peat extraction sites was most affected by land use change. The BD in the top layer at agricultural, peat extraction, and forestry sites was 441%, 140%, and 92% higher, respectively, than that of intact peatlands. Porosity decreased with increased BD, but not linearly. Agricultural and peat extraction sites had the lowest saturated hydraulic conductivity, Sy, and porosity, and the highest BD of the land use options studied. The van Genuchten-Mualem (vGM) soil water retention curve (SWRC) and hydraulic conductivity (K) models proved to be applicable for the peat soils tested, providing values of SWRC, K, and vGM-parameters (α and n) for peat layers (top, middle and bottom) under different land uses. A decrease in peat soil water content of ≄10% reduced the unsaturated K values by two orders of magnitude. This unique data set can be used to improve hydrological modeling in peat-dominated catchments and for fuller integration of peat soils into large-scale hydrological models

    Testing peatland water-table depth transfer functions using high-resolution hydrological monitoring data

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    Transfer functions are now commonly used to reconstruct past environmental variability from palaeoecological data. However, such approaches need to be critically appraised. Testate amoeba-based transfer functions are an established method for the quantitative reconstruction of past water-table variations in peatlands, and have been applied to research questions in palaeoclimatology, peatland ecohydrology and archaeology. We analysed automatically-logged peatland water-table data from dipwells located in England, Wales and Finland and a suite of three year, one year and summer water-table statistics were calculated from each location. Surface moss samples were extracted from beside each dipwell and the testate amoebae community composition was determined. Two published transfer functions were applied to the testate-amoeba data for prediction of water-table depth (England and Europe). Our results show that estimated water-table depths based on the testate amoeba community reflect directional changes, but that they are poor representations of the real mean or median water-table magnitudes for the study sites. We suggest that although testate amoeba-based reconstructions can be used to identify past shifts in peat hydrology, they cannot currently be used to establish precise hydrological baselines such as those needed to inform management and restoration of peatlands. One approach to avoid confusion with contemporary water-table determinations is to use residuals or standardised values for peatland water-table reconstructions. We contend that our test of transfer functions against independent instrumental data sets may be more powerful than relying on statistical testing alone

    Hydrology of peat-dominated headwater catchments:theories and empirical analysis of the impacts of anthropogenic disturbance

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    Abstract Peatland drainage affects about half the peatland area in Finland. Drainage changes natural peatland hydrology and affects water quality through effects on peat decomposition, mineralization, and enhanced mobilization. Runoff water from degraded peatlands transports metals and nutrients and impairs downstream water quality. Peatland restoration through drain blocking can reverse or minimize the negative effects and return degraded peatlands to their natural state over time. In this thesis, a before-after-control-impact study was applied at national scale to 44 boreal peatlands representative of a south-north boreal climate gradient, to study peatland watertable and pore water quality responses to drainage and restoration. Runoff dynamics, watertable levels, and associated characteristics were studied after peatland forestry drainage and subsequent restoration at seven sites. Analysis of watertable-related hydrological responses of 24 drained and restored sites and 19 undisturbed control sites revealed that restoration generally returned watertable levels and fluctuations at restored sites to near-undisturbed levels. This created favorable high-watertable conditions under which peatland species typically flourish. Examination of drainage/restoration effects on local geochemical conditions by studying pore water quality at the same sites revealed that, compared with undisturbed sites, forestry drainage increased dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total phosphorus (Ptot), and total nitrogen (Ntot). Nutrient concentrations continued to increase in the first year after restoration because of significant peatland disturbance, but DOC and nutrient concentrations declined to near-undisturbed levels over time. Watertable level, soil and air temperature, peatland class, and trophic level influenced pore water quality. An investigation of catchment-scale runoff processes in response to drainage and restoration revealed the complexity of runoff dynamics in peatlands. The amount of event runoff water varied between sites, but disturbed sites had higher mean runoff efficiency than undisturbed sites. Raising the watertable increased mean runoff efficiency compared with drained and undisturbed control sites, as shown by higher mean event runoff coefficient. In periods of no rainfall, low flow in all treatment conditions (disturbed, restored, undisturbed) was similar. During rainfall, the drainage networks at disturbed sites created short flow paths and water reached the outlets faster. Watertable-related storage (i.e., specific yield) at disturbed sites was significantly smaller than at other sites, but restoration raised the watertable to near-undisturbed levels into the layer of less decomposed and significantly higher specific yield. Comparing the success of restoration against peatland ecological functions revealed some improvements to restoration techniques that could improve restoration efficiency. However, better hydrological indicators of peatland disturbance are needed.TiivistelmĂ€ Suomessa on ojitettu iso pinta-ala turvemaita. Ojituksen seurauksena turvemaiden hydrologia on muuttunut ja valumavesien laatu heikentynyt orgaanisen aineksen hajoamisen, mineralisaation ja ravinteiden liikkeellelĂ€hdön seurauksena. Valumavedet sisĂ€ltĂ€vĂ€t usein metalleja ja ravinteita, jotka heikentĂ€vĂ€t alapuolisten vesistöjen laatua ja ekologista tilaa. Turvemaiden ennallistaminen ojia tukkimalla tai patoamalla voi vĂ€hentÀÀ nĂ€itĂ€ haitallisia vaikutuksia ja palauttaa suoekosysteemin luonnollisen toiminnan ajan saatossa. TĂ€ssĂ€ vĂ€itöstyössĂ€ hyödynnettiin kansallista soiden ennallistamisen monitorointiverkostoa, jossa on vedenlaadusta, valunnasta ja vesipintojen korkeudesta aineistoa ennen ja jĂ€lkeen soiden ennallistamisen sekĂ€ vastaavaa aineistoa luonnontilaisilta vertailualueilta. TĂ€mĂ€ aineisto mahdollisti ojituksen ja ennallistamisen hydrologisten vaikutusten tutkimisen ”Ennen-JĂ€lkeen-Kontrolli” – asetelmalla. Tutkimuksessa oli 44 tutkimuskohdetta, jotka edustivat kattavasti Suomen eri ilmastovyöhykkeitĂ€. NĂ€istĂ€ seitsemĂ€llĂ€ kohteella tutkittiin myös valunnan muodostumisen dynamiikkaa turvemetsĂ€talousmailla, ennallistetuilla soilla sekĂ€ luonnontilaisilla soilla. Tutkimuksen havaittiin, ettĂ€ ennallistamisen seurauksena vesipintojen taso ja vaihtelu palautui (24 kohdetta) lĂ€helle luonnon tilaa (19 kohdetta). Tulos osoittaa, ettĂ€ kunnostus mahdollistaa suoekosysteemille tyypillisten kasvien palautumisen. Vedenlaatuun liittyvĂ€t selvitykset sen sijaan osoittivat, ettĂ€ ojituilla alueilla liuennut orgaaninen hiili (DOC), kokonaisfosfori (Ptot) ja kokonaistyppi (Ntot) pitoisuudet olivat korkeita huokosvesissĂ€. Ravinnepitoisuudet kohosivat edelleen ensimmĂ€isenĂ€ vuotena ennallistamisen jĂ€lkeen, sillĂ€ varsinaiset ennallistamistoimet (puiden kaato, ojien tukkiminen) aiheuttivat hĂ€iriötĂ€ alueella. TĂ€stĂ€ huolimatta DOC ja ravinnepitoisuudet laskivat lĂ€hemmĂ€ksi luonnontilaisia vertailualueita seuraavina vuosina. Aineiston perusteella, vesikorkeus, maaperĂ€n ja ilman lĂ€mpötila, suotyyppi ja suon ravinnetaso vaikuttivat veden laatuun. Valunnan vasteet valuma-alueella osoittivat monimutkaisia valunta-sadantaprosesseja turvemailla. Nuoren veden osuus valunnasta sateiden jĂ€lkeen vaihteli suuresti tutkimuskohteilla, mutta ojitetuilla/myöhemmin ennallistetuilla kohteilla oli keskimÀÀrĂ€istĂ€ suurempi valunnan osuus kuin luonnontilaisilla vertailualueilla. Vesikorkeuden nosto ennallistuksessa lisĂ€si valunnan mÀÀrÀÀ verrattuna ojitettuun tilanteeseen tai luonnontilaiseen tilanteeseen. Ajanjaksoilla, ilman sadantaa, valuntaprosessit olivat hyvin samankaltaiset ojitetuilla ja myöhemmin ennallistetuilla sekĂ€ luonnontilaisilla vertailualueilla. Sateiden jĂ€lkeen ojaverkosto muodosti lyhyitĂ€ virtausreittejĂ€ ja viipymÀÀ valuma-alueella. Vesivarastoa kuvaava ominaisantoisuus oli ojitetuilla aluilla merkittĂ€vĂ€sti heikompi kuin luonnontilaisilla kohteilla. Ennallistaminen vedenkorkeutta nostamalla sen sijaan nĂ€kyi merkittĂ€vĂ€sti korkeampana ominaisantoisuutena. TĂ€tĂ€ selittÀÀ heikommin maatunut turvekerros suon pinnalla. Työn tulokset edistĂ€vĂ€t tietoa suokunnostuksen hydrologiasta. Tuloksia voidaan kĂ€yttÀÀ arvioimaan ja suunnittelemaan soiden ennallistamisen toimenpiteitĂ€ ja vaikutuksia

    Changes in pore water quality after peatland restoration : Assessment of a large-scale, replicated before-after-control-impact study in Finland

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    Drainage is known to affect peatland natural hydrology and water quality, but peatland restoration is considered to ameliorate peatland degradation. Using a replicated BACIPS (Before‐After‐Control‐Impact Paired Series) design, we investigated 24 peatlands, all drained for forestry and subsequently restored, and 19 pristine control boreal peatlands with high temporal and spatial resolution data on hydroclimate and pore water quality. In drained conditions, total nitrogen (Ntot), total phosphorus (Ptot), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in pore water were several‐fold higher than observed at pristine control sites, highlighting the impacts of long‐term drainage on pore water quality. In general, pore water DOC and Ntot decreased after restoration measures but still remained significantly higher than at pristine control sites, indicating long time lags in restoration effects. Different peatland classes and trophic levels (vegetation gradient) responded differently to restoration, primarily due to altered hydrology and varying acidity levels. Sites that were hydrologically overrestored (inundated) showed higher Ptot, Ntot, and DOC than well‐restored or insufficiently restored sites, indicating the need to optimize natural‐like hydrological regimes when restoring peatlands drained for forestry. Rich fens (median pH 6.2–6.6) showed lower pore water Ptot, Ntot, and DOC than intermediate and poor peats (pH 4.0–4.6) both before and after restoration. Nutrients and DOC in pore water increased in the first year postrestoration but decreased thereafter. The most important variables related to pore water quality were trophic level, peatland class, water table level, and soil and air temperature.peerReviewe

    Can lake sensitivity to desiccation be predicted from lake geometry?

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    Abstract Declining lake levels (Aral Sea syndrome) can be caused by changes in climate, increased water use or changed regulation patterns. This paper introduces a novel lake geometry index (LGI) to quantify lake hydrological characteristics. The index was developed using a large representative dataset of lake hypsographic characteristics from 152 lakes and man-made reservoirs. Using the LGI index, lakes can be classified into five groups: groups 1–4 when LGI is 0.5–2.5, 2.5–4.5, 4.5–6.5 and 6.5–8.5, respectively, and group 5 when LGI is >8.5. Naturally shallow and vast lakes and wetlands fall into the first group and deep man-made reservoirs in narrow valleys are in group 5. The response of three different lake systems (LGI 0.75, 2.75 and 6.5) to different water flow scenarios was then simulated using the water balance equation. From this, the index ‘potential lake area’ (Apot) was developed to show lake responses to changed hydro-climatological conditions. Apot and LGI can be used to classify lakes into open or closed systems. Simulations showed that lakes with low LGI have a shorter response time to flow and climate changes. As a result, the impact of water balance restoration is faster for lakes with low LGI than for lakes with high LGI. The latter are also more vulnerable to climate variation and change

    Effects of drainage and subsequent restoration on peatland hydrological processes at catchment scale

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    Abstract Potential benefits of peatland restoration by rewetting include carbon sequestration, restored biodiversity, and improved hydrological functions. There is great uncertainty about how catchment hydrological processes change after restoration, with a particular lack of well‐documented catchment runoff data. This study compared five formerly Disturbed (now Restored) and two undisturbed peatlands. In total, 455 and 728 hydrological events were selected for the analysis, using a three‐event selection technique. Mean event runoff coefficient (RC) values varied greatly between conditions and hydrological events. RC in Disturbed conditions was slightly higher than in undisturbed conditions, but RC in Restored conditions was higher than under other conditions. Mean transit time revealed that event rainfall water reached the outlet faster in Disturbed conditions. Mean event peak flow in Disturbed conditions was higher and peaked faster than under other conditions. However, the base flow showed no noticeable difference between treatments. Significantly higher watertable (WT) rise per rainfall input (0.36–0.85 cm/mm) was observed in Disturbed conditions, due to lower specific yield (Sy) values (0.13–0.24) than under Restored and undisturbed conditions (Sy 0.25–0.50). Shallow WT showed significant positive correlations with runoff and storage properties and was a key component of the runoff generation mechanisms in peatlands. Storage‐related parameters (Sy, WT rise per rainfall input) and catchment response time parameters revealed disturbance‐related hydrological changes in peatlands more clearly than other runoff parameters tested (e.g., RC). Overall, with restoration, WT and storage properties recovered to the levels at undisturbed sites but increased runoff was observed occasionally due to wetter antecedent moisture conditions

    RiMARS:an automated river morphodynamics analysis method based on remote sensing multispectral datasets

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    Abstract Assessment and monitoring of river morphology own an important role in river engineering; since, changes in river morphology including erosion and sedimentation affect river cross-sections and flow processes. An approach for River Morphodynamics Analysis based on Remote Sensing (RiMARS) was developed and tested on the case of Mollasadra dam construction on the Kor River, Iran. Landsat multispectral images obtained from the open USGS dataset are used to extract river morphology dynamics by the Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI). RiMARS comes with a river extraction module which is independent of threshold segmentation methods to produce binary-level images. In addition, RiMARS is equipped with developed indices for assessing the morphological alterations. Five characteristics of river morphology (spatiotemporal Sinuosity Index (SI), Absolute Centerline Migration (ACM), Rate of Centerline Migration (RCM), River Linear Pattern (RLP), and Meander Migration Index (MMI)), are applied to quantify river morphology changes. The results indicated that the Kor River centerline underwent average annual migration of 40 cm to the southwest during 1993–2003 (pre-construction impact), 20 cm to the northeast during 2003–2011, and 40 cm to the south-west during 2011–2017 (post-construction impact). Spatially, as the Kor River runs towards the Doroudzan dam, changes in river morphology have increased from upstream to downstream; particularly evident where the river flows in a plain instead of the valley. Based on SI values, there was a 5% change in the straight sinuosity class in the pre-construction period, but an 18% decrease in the straight class during the post-construction period. Here we demonstrate the application of RiMARS in assessing the impact of dam construction on morphometric processes in Kor River, but it can be used to assess other riverine changes, including tracking the unauthorized water consumption using diverted canals. RiMARS can be applied on multispectral images