1,261 research outputs found

    Fenomenología de la narración audiovisual para la formación ética empleando el “anime”

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    Ethic formation faces the challenge of being understandable for students, but, aboveall, of being expressed in their own ways of understanding and discussing their lives, in orderto be relevant. One especially attractive form among children and young people is audiovisualcommunication, whose formative potential has been usually understood in instrumental terms,when not absolutely denied. This article presents a phenomenological proposal to dialogicallyelaborate in the classroom the problematization of duty centered ethics, as it is dramatized in twoJapanese animation productions (“anime”). In first place, it discusses phenomenologically howto understand the formative potential of the experience of watching an animated narrative. Insecond place, it claims that the phenomenological reinterpretation of the categorical imperativecan overcome its disconnection from the affective dimension of the ethical subject and his factualcontexts of action to focus on the caring of the human condition of vulnerability. In third place,it shows how the previous discussions are elaborated in two “anime”, which allow students toexperientially involve themselves in these ethical interpellations and offer teachers the opportunityto embrace their student’s insights in a dialogical learning experience understood narratively.It concludes summarizing the opportunities and challenges presented to teachers from thisperspective of the meaning of audiovisual creations in the education activity.La formación ética enfrenta el reto de ser comprensible para los estudiantes, pero, sobre todo, de formularsedesde las formas de comprender y discutir sus propias vidas, para que les sea relevante. Una de esas formasespecialmente atractiva entre niños y jóvenes es la comunicación audiovisual, cuyo potencial formativo ha sidocomprendido usualmente en términos instrumentales, cuando no negado absolutamente. Este artículo presentauna propuesta fenomenológica para trabajar dialógicamente en el aula la problematización de una ética centradaen el deber, tal como es puesta en escena en dos productos de animación japonesa (“anime”). En primer lugar,discute fenomenológicamente cómo comprender el potencial formativo de la experiencia de ver una narraciónanimada. En segundo lugar, argumenta cómo la reinterpretación fenomenológica del imperativo categóricopuede superar su desconexión de la dimensión afectiva del sujeto ético y sus contextos fácticos de acción paracentrarse en el cuidado de la condición humana de vulnerabilidad. En tercer lugar, muestra cómo las discusionesanteriores son elaboradas en dos “animes” que permiten que los estudiantes se involucren vivencialmente enestas interpelaciones éticas y que los docentes puedan acoger sus vivencias en una experiencia dialógica deaprendizaje comprendida narrativamente. Concluye recapitulando las oportunidades y exigencias planteadasa los docentes desde esta clave de lectura del sentido de las creaciones audiovisuales en la actividad educativa

    El teletrabajo: perspectiva de futuro

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    Dentro del paradigma existente en la globalización encontramos que una de las tendencias más fuertes es la “tecno-económica”, la cual está enfocada a la mejora constante de los procesos y aprovechamiento de los recursos con los que cuenta una organización. Esto implica que los gerentes actúales deben mantener una visión global de todo el entorno administrativo en un mundo tan cambiante, generalmente con un alto desarrollo para las organizaciones de hoy en día.Within the existing paradigm of globalization we find that one of the strongest trends is the "techno-economic", which focuses on continuous improvement of processes and use of resources are there in an organization. This implies that current managers should maintain an overview of all the administrative environment in a changing world, usually with a high development organizations today

    Desarrollo de una herramienta tecnológica para el trabajo de los profesores de educación física

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    Tesis (Profesor de Educación Física para la Enseñanza Básica, Licenciado en Educación)El crecimiento de la tecnología en el último tiempo ha afectado no sólo a los ciudadanos ordinarios, sino también a las industrias de todo tipo, sin embargo, el rubro escolar no ha sido impactado de forma importante, perpetuando hasta el día de hoy, prácticas centenarias en cuanto a procesos pedagógicos. Las nuevas tecnologías, más específicamente, aplicaciones para dispositivos inteligentes, como computadores, celulares, entre otros, podrían ser la clave para acercar a los establecimientos educacionales y, particularmente, a los profesores de educación física, a esta revolución tecnológica, automatizando procesos y facilitando así su trabajo. El presente documento expone el desarrollo de una aplicación para profesores de educación física como propuesta para acercar las nuevas tecnologías al rubro escolar. Dicha aplicación solventa específicamente necesidades ligadas a las evaluaciones que realizan los profesores a los alumnos. Sus principales funcionalidades son la capacidad de crear instrumentos de evaluación, evaluar a los distintos alumnos seleccionando, primero el curso y luego, su nombre, y estableciendo el puntaje correspondiente en cada indicador calculándose, posteriormente, cada nota de forma automática. Los resultados a estas evaluaciones pueden ser accedidos por cada profesor en el momento que deseen. Además, la aplicación incorpora funcionalidades secundarias, como la posibilidad ver a la actividad de los otros profesores asociados al establecimiento educacional, ver todos los cursos con sus respectivos alumnos, enviar comentarios de manera de retroalimentación, entre otras

    Las obras de Ignacio Cumplido: un reconocimiento

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    Don Ignacio Cumplido destacó en su actividad como impresor, no solamente por la pulcritud y belleza de sus trabajos. Una de las pretensiones de este trabajo es presentar una relación de los autores de 74 de las 179 obras que forman parte de la Biblioteca Digital de la UANL, con un breve general de cada uno, para así, a partir de las mismas, determinar el perfil ideológico de las obras editadas e impresas por Cumplido

    Robust Treatment Planning and Robustness Evaluation for Proton Therapy of Head and Neck Cancer

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    Intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) offers superior advantages over conventional photon therapy, by generating high conformal doses to the target volume and improved sparing of the organ at risks (OARs). Besides, robust treatment planning approaches, which account for uncertainties directly into the plan optimization process, are able to generate high quality plans robust against uncertainties compared to a PTV margin expansion approach. During radiation treatment, patients are prone to present anatomical variations during the treatment course, which can be random deviations in patient positioning, as well as treatment-induced tumor shrinkage and patient weight variations. For IMPT plans using a PTV margin expansion, these anatomical variations might disturb the calculated nominal plan, with a decrease to the dose delivered to the target volume and/or increased dose to the OARs above its tolerance, and a plan adaptation might be needed. However, the influence of these anatomical variations in robustly optimized plans for HNSCC entities has not been determined. The first part of this thesis compared two proton therapy methods, single-field optimization (SFO) and multi-field optimization (MFO), applied to the treatment of unilateral HNSCC target volumes, consisting of a cohort of 8 patients. For each method, a PTV-based and a robustly optimized plan were generated, resulting in four plans per patient. The four plans showed adequate target coverage on the nominal plan, with larger doses to the ipsilateral parotid gland for both SFO approaches. No plan showed a clear advantage when variations in the anatomy during the treatment course were considered, and the same was observe considering additional setup and range uncertainties. Hence, no plan showed a decisive superiority regarding plan robustness and potential need of replanning. In the second part of this thesis, an anatomical robustly optimized plan approach was proposed (aRO), which considers additional CT datasets in the plan optimization, representing random non-rigid patient positioning variations. The aRO approach was compared to a classical robustly optimized plan (cRO) and a PTV-based approach for a cohort of 20 bilateral HNSCC patients. PTV-based and cRO approaches were not sufficient to account for weekly anatomical variations, showing a degradation in the target coverage in 10 and 5 of 20 cases, respectively. Conversely, the proposed aRO approach was able to preserve the target coverage in 19 of 20 cases, with only one patient requiring plan adaptation. An extended robustness analysis conducted on both cRO and aRO plan approaches considering weekly anatomical variations, setup and range errors, showed that the variations in anatomy were the most critical variable for loss in target coverage, while setup and range uncertainties played a minor role. The price of the increased plan robustness for the aRO approach was a significant larger integral dose to the healthy tissue, compared to the cRO plan. However, the increase in integral dose was not reflected on the planned dose to the OARs, which were comparable between both plans. Therefore, the price for a superior plan robustness can be considered as low. In the current clinical practice, the implementation of the aRO approach would be able to reduce the need of plan adaptation. For its application, the acquisition of additional planning CT datasets, considering a complete patient repositioning between scans is required, in order to simulate random non-rigid position variations as simulated in this study by the use of the first two weekly cCTs in the plan optimization. Further studies using multiple planning CT acquisition, including strategies to reduce the patient CT dose such as dual-energy CT and iterative reconstruction algorithms, are needed to confirm the presented findings. Additionally, the aRO approach applied to other body sites and entities might also be investigated. In near future, further in-room imaging methods such as cone-beam CT and magnetic resonance imaging, optimized for proton therapy, might be used to acquire additional datasets. Moreover, alternative approaches capable of modeling variations in patient positioning as biomechanical models and deep learning methods might be able to generate in silico additional image datasets for use in proton treatment planning. In summary, this thesis proposes an additional contribution for robust treatment planning in IMPT, with the generation of treatment plans robust against anatomy variations, together with setup and range uncertainties, which can benefit the clinical workflow by reducing the need of plan adaptation.:Contents List of Figures List of Tables List of Abbreviations 1 Introduction 2 Proton Therapy 2.1 Rationale for Proton Therapy 2.2 Beam Delivery Techniques 2.2.1 Passive Scattering 2.2.2 Pencil Beam Scanning 2.3 Uncertainties in Proton Therapy 2.3.1 Target Volume Definition 2.3.2 Range Uncertainty 2.3.3 Setup Uncertainty 2.3.4 Biological Uncertainty 2.3.5 Anatomical Variations 3 Robust Treatment Planning and Robustness Evaluation 3.1 Robust Treatment Planning 3.1.1 Including Uncertainties in the Optimization 3.1.2 Differences Between Approaches 3.2 Robustness Evaluation 3.2.1 Error Scenarios 3.2.2 Visual Evaluation of Plan Robustness 3.2.3 Summary 4 Illustration of Robust Treatment Planning in a Simple Geometry 4.1 Plan Design 4.2 Plan Results 4.2.1 Doses on Nominal Plan 4.2.2 Influence of Uncertainties in Plan Robustness 4.3 Discussion and Conclusion 5 Evaluation of Robust Treatment Plans in Unilateral Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 5.1 Study Design 5.1.1 Calculation Parameters 5.1.2 Plan Robustness Evaluation 5.2 Results 5.2.1 Evaluation of Nominal Plan Doses 5.2.2 Evaluation of Plan Robustness Against Uncertainties 5.3 Discussion 5.4 Conclusions 6 Assessment of Anatomical Robustly Optimized Plans in Bilateral Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 6.1 Anatomical Robust Optimization 6.2 Study Design 6.2.1 Calculation Parameters 6.2.2 Assessment of Plan Robustness 6.3 Results 6.3.1 Evaluation of Nominal Plan Doses 6.3.2 Evaluation of Plan Robustness Against Uncertainties 6.4 Discussion 6.4.1 Robustness Against Anatomical Variations 6.4.2 Robustness Against Additional Setup and Range Uncertainties 6.4.3 Study Limitations 6.5 Conclusions 7 Summary 8 Zusammenfassung Bibliography Appendi

    Situación Del Emprendimiento Y Sus Alcances En El Ecuador

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    Entrepreneurship, over the last 20 years, has been of vital importance throughout the world. Also, many educational institutions have been concerned with creating careers in these areas, especially when a serious research such as the GEM was followed due to several years of entrepreneurship activity. Many countries have sought to promote the entrepreneurial spirit through actions aimed at providing training, incentive for business start-ups, and financing. This, however, is based on the fact that entrepreneurship is considered as the motor of a country's development, especially in times of crisis. In Ecuador, entrepreneurship plays an important role in the generation of employment, investment, production, consumption, and income for the state. These roles are attributable to the fact that Ecuador is a country where entrepreneurship is generated by opportunity and necessity. The present research is of a bibliographical character since it uses documents which were based on statistical information and other sources in which the situation of the enterprise was analyzed. Analytical method was used to obtain real information based on observation and analysis. It is also based on the inductive part of a particular situation. In general, it derives knowledge that are proposed. The deductive method starts from general data and through logical reasoning, it comes to a particular consideration and conclusion. The objective of the research is to analyze the beginning of entrepreneurship in the current situation in Ecuador

    Convenios de prestaciones complementarias CCAF y los efectos tributarios de la circular N° 2.877 de la Superintendencia de Seguridad Social

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    El propósito de este artículo es efectuar un análisis de los efectos tributarios de la Circular N° 2877 de la Superintendencia de Seguridad Social, que modificó el Régimen de Prestaciones Complementarias administrados por las Cajas de Compensación de Asignación Familiar. Antes de la Circular de la Superintendencia de Seguridad Social, este régimen era utilizado por las compañías para optimizar la carga tributaria de sus empleados, ajustándose a la interpretación dada por el Servicio de Impuestos Internos en diversas Circulares donde las prestaciones complementarias eran asimilables a beneficios previsionales Actualmente, y con la entrada en vigencia de la Circular N° 2877 de la Superintendencia de Seguridad Social, se establecen nuevos requisitos para la utilización de las prestaciones complementarias, haciendo menos atractiva su utilización

    The Magnetic Response of Starphenes

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    The aromaticity of [n]starphenes (n = 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16), as well as starphene-based [19]dendriphene, is addressed by calculating the magnetically induced current density and the induced magnetic field, using the pseudo-π model. When an external magnetic field is applied, these systems create diatropic currents that split into a global peripheral current surrounding the starphene skeleton and several local currents in the acene-based arms, resulting in large shielding cones above the arms. In particular, the arm currents are smaller than their linear analogs, and in general, the strengths of the ring currents tend to weaken as the starphene get larger

    The Magnetic Response of Starphenes

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    The aromaticity of [n]starphenes (n = 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16), as well as starphene-based [19]dendriphene, is addressed by calculating the magnetically induced current density and the induced magnetic field, using the pseudo-π model. When an external magnetic field is applied, these systems create diatropic currents that split into a global peripheral current surrounding the starphene skeleton and several local currents in the acene-based arms, resulting in large shielding cones above the arms. In particular, the arm currents are smaller than their linear analogs, and in general, the strengths of the ring currents tend to weaken as the starphene get larger

    Materiales didácticos y el proceso de aprendizaje en los alumnos del IV y V ciclo de educación primaria de la Institución Educativa Nº 1147 Andrés Rosales Valencia, distrito Cercado de Lima. 2013

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito demostrar la relación que existe entre la variable Materiales Didácticos y la variable Proceso de Aprendizaje, con la finalidad de dar a conocer como influye el uso de los Materiales Didácticos en el Proceso de aprendizaje en los alumnos de educación primaria de la Institución Educativa Nº 1147 Andrés Rosales Valencia, Distrito de Cercado de Lima. 2013. El diseño de investigación utilizada es la correlacional, ya que se orienta a relacionar una variable sobre otra, comprobándose que la primera variable ejerce una influencia positiva sobre la segunda; el estudio es cuantitativo, puesto que brinda datos exactos y medibles. La población está compuesta por 120 alumnos del IV y V ciclo de Educación Primaria de la Institución Educativa Nº 1147 Andrés Rosales Valencia, Distrito de Cercado de Lima. 2013, a quienes se le aplicó los cuestionarios, que fueron los instrumentos utilizados para la recolección de los datos, los cuales fueron codificados y procesados en programas de cálculos estadísticos, obteniendo los resultados esperados. La prueba de hipótesis se realizó a través de la Correlación de Spearman, que es una medida cuyo valor expresa el nivel de relación entre las variables. En conclusión, se puede afirmar que existe relación positiva y significativa entre los Materiales Didácticos y el proceso de aprendizaje de los alumnos del IV y V ciclo de Educación Primaria de la Institución Educativa Nº 1147 Andrés Rosales Valencia, Distrito de Cercado de Lima. 2013, rechazándose la hipótesis nula y validándose así las hipótesis planteadas