102 research outputs found

    The SAPP pipeline for the determination of stellar abundances and atmospheric parameters of stars in the core program of the PLATO mission

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    We introduce the SAPP (Stellar Abundances and atmospheric Parameters Pipeline), the prototype of the code that will be used to determine parameters of stars observed within the core program of the PLATO space mission. The pipeline is based on the Bayesian inference and provides effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity, chemical abundances, and luminosity. The code in its more general version has a much wider range of potential applications. It can also provide masses, ages, and radii of stars and can be used with stellar types not targeted by the PLATO core program, such as red giants. We validate the code on a set of 27 benchmark stars that includes 19 FGK-type dwarfs, 6 GK-type subgiants, and 2 red giants. Our results suggest that combining various observables is the optimal approach, as this allows the degeneracies between different parameters to be broken and yields more accurate values of stellar parameters and more realistic uncertainties. For the PLATO core sample, we obtain a typical uncertainty of 27 (syst.) ± 37 (stat.) K for Teff, 0.00 ± 0.01 dex for log g, 0.02 ± 0.02 dex for metallicity [Fe/H], −0.01 ± 0.03 R⊙ for radii, −0.01 ± 0.05 M⊙ for stellar masses, and −0.14 ± 0.63 Gyr for ages. We also show that the best results are obtained by combining the νmax scaling relation with stellar spectra. This resolves the notorious problem of degeneracies, which is particularly important for F-type stars

    A Cryogenic Silicon Interferometer for Gravitational-wave Detection

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    The detection of gravitational waves from compact binary mergers by LIGO has opened the era of gravitational wave astronomy, revealing a previously hidden side of the cosmos. To maximize the reach of the existing LIGO observatory facilities, we have designed a new instrument that will have 5 times the range of Advanced LIGO, or greater than 100 times the event rate. Observations with this new instrument will make possible dramatic steps toward understanding the physics of the nearby universe, as well as observing the universe out to cosmological distances by the detection of binary black hole coalescences. This article presents the instrument design and a quantitative analysis of the anticipated noise floor

    Obeticholic acid for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis: interim analysis from a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial

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    Background Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a common type of chronic liver disease that can lead to cirrhosis. Obeticholic acid, a farnesoid X receptor agonist, has been shown to improve the histological features of NASH. Here we report results from a planned interim analysis of an ongoing, phase 3 study of obeticholic acid for NASH. Methods In this multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, adult patients with definite NASH,non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) activity score of at least 4, and fibrosis stages F2–F3, or F1 with at least oneaccompanying comorbidity, were randomly assigned using an interactive web response system in a 1:1:1 ratio to receive oral placebo, obeticholic acid 10 mg, or obeticholic acid 25 mg daily. Patients were excluded if cirrhosis, other chronic liver disease, elevated alcohol consumption, or confounding conditions were present. The primary endpointsfor the month-18 interim analysis were fibrosis improvement (≥1 stage) with no worsening of NASH, or NASH resolution with no worsening of fibrosis, with the study considered successful if either primary endpoint was met. Primary analyses were done by intention to treat, in patients with fibrosis stage F2–F3 who received at least one dose of treatment and reached, or would have reached, the month 18 visit by the prespecified interim analysis cutoff date. The study also evaluated other histological and biochemical markers of NASH and fibrosis, and safety. This study is ongoing, and registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02548351, and EudraCT, 20150-025601-6. Findings Between Dec 9, 2015, and Oct 26, 2018, 1968 patients with stage F1–F3 fibrosis were enrolled and received at least one dose of study treatment; 931 patients with stage F2–F3 fibrosis were included in the primary analysis (311 in the placebo group, 312 in the obeticholic acid 10 mg group, and 308 in the obeticholic acid 25 mg group). The fibrosis improvement endpoint was achieved by 37 (12%) patients in the placebo group, 55 (18%) in the obeticholic acid 10 mg group (p=0·045), and 71 (23%) in the obeticholic acid 25 mg group (p=0·0002). The NASH resolution endpoint was not met (25 [8%] patients in the placebo group, 35 [11%] in the obeticholic acid 10 mg group [p=0·18], and 36 [12%] in the obeticholic acid 25 mg group [p=0·13]). In the safety population (1968 patients with fibrosis stages F1–F3), the most common adverse event was pruritus (123 [19%] in the placebo group, 183 [28%] in the obeticholic acid 10 mg group, and 336 [51%] in the obeticholic acid 25 mg group); incidence was generally mild to moderate in severity. The overall safety profile was similar to that in previous studies, and incidence of serious adverse events was similar across treatment groups (75 [11%] patients in the placebo group, 72 [11%] in the obeticholic acid 10 mg group, and 93 [14%] in the obeticholic acid 25 mg group). Interpretation Obeticholic acid 25 mg significantly improved fibrosis and key components of NASH disease activity among patients with NASH. The results from this planned interim analysis show clinically significant histological improvement that is reasonably likely to predict clinical benefit. This study is ongoing to assess clinical outcomes

    Engagement des patients dans la formation et la recherche en santé

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    Since the liberation, the French health care system has completely evolved. A profound cultural change is currently taking place, with the development of health democracy, the determination of health pathways, the reorganization of territorialization with the GHT (Groupements Hospitaliers de Territoire), the CPTS (Communautés Professionnelles Territoriaux de Santé), and personalized medicine, the Law on the modernization of our health system, the four main priorities for the national health strategy, the concept of transition affecting five major areas structuring not only the evolution of the health status of populations but also the methods of individual and collective response to the needs of these populations, ma santé 2022 : the place that the patient, as a user of the healthcare system, must take with regard to the expectations and needs of the actors concerned in the health and social fields remains to be defined.Medicine, surgical techniques, treatments and care are constantly evolving. The legislative environment is adapting to the pace of these advances, providing a framework for all these systems and enacting rules of application. In the same dynamic, patients are making progress; they decide to go against the flow of things and refuse to let themselves be overwhelmed by their illnesses, their treatments and their consequences. The notion of : The notion of "living with" is becoming more and more precise and commits, on the one hand, caregivers to re-evaluate their professional practices and postures and, on the other hand, patients to commit themselves to a willingness to participate, to act and to be able to make informed choices.A paradigm shift through collaboration is now taking shape. Numerous questions arise around: the role, missions and place of the patient-user: who is he or she, what is his or her etymology, history, how is he or she defined? Can it evolve and to what level? How, by what means, by what training and with which actors. Can it participate in the initial and continuing training of professionals in the social, medico-social and health sectors as well as in health research? All in all: how can it become involved and integrated into this new French healthcare system?Depuis la libération, le système de santé français a complètement évolué. S'opère actuellement un profond changement culturel, de développement de la démocratie sanitaire, en pleine mutation vers la démocratie en santé, la détermination des parcours de santé, la réorganisation de la territorialisation avec les GHT (Groupements Hospitaliers de Territoire), les CPTS (Communautés Professionnelles Territoriaux de Santé), la médecine personnalisée, la Loi de modernisation de notre système de Santé, les quatre grandes priorités pour la stratégie nationale de santé, le concept de transition affectant cinq grands axes structurant non seulement les évolutions des états de santé des populations mais également les modalités de réponse individuelle et collective aux besoins de ces populations, ma santé 2022 : la place que le patient, usager du système de santé, doit prendre au regard des attentes et des besoins des acteurs concernés dans le domaine de la santé et du social reste à définir.La médecine, les techniques chirurgicales, les traitements, les prises en charge évoluent en permanence. L’environnement législatif s’adapte au rythme de ces avancées, encadre tous ces dispositifs et édicte des règles d’application. Dans la même dynamique, les patients progressent ; ils décident d’aller contre le cours des choses et refusent de se laisser envahir par leurs maladies, leurs traitements et leurs conséquences. La notion de : « vivre avec » se précise de plus en plus et engage, d’un côté, les soignants à réévaluer leurs pratiques professionnelles ainsi que leurs postures et de l’autre côté, les patients à s’engager dans une volonté de participation, d’action et d’être en capacité de faire des choix éclairés.Un changement de paradigme par la collaboration se précise désormais. De nombreuses questions se posent autour : du rôle, des missions et de la place du patient usager : Qui est-il, quelle est son étymologie, son histoire, comment se définit-il ? Peut-il évoluer et jusqu’à quel niveau ? Comment, par quels moyens, par quelles formations et avec quels acteurs. Peut-il participer à la formation initiale et continue des professionnels dans les secteurs social, médico-social et sanitaire ainsi qu’à à la recherche en santé ? Au total : comment peut-il s’engager et s’intégrer dans ce nouveau système de santé français

    Quelle place de la représentation patient dans le parcours de soin ? Modélisation des besoins, construction et évaluation d'un référentiel de formation.

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    Thèse en coursIn a context of profound cultural change, development of democracy, determination of the path of care, health, life, reorganization of territorialisation and reassessment of the health law, the place that the patient must take to look The expectations and needs of the health actors and the French health care system remain to be defined. The objective of this study is to collect from the various actors-health professionals, patients, institutional and administrative-their feelings, the advantages and the limits they perceive. For the first purpose, a triple collection of data was used, using the Focus Group method, self-questionnaires, and individual interviews. A maintenance grid integrating various open questions for health professionals, as well as a patient-oriented one, was disseminated. In the interest of spontaneity, all participants discovered the questioning at the time of the meeting, the interview, or the self-questionnaire. The study shows that some health professionals still have many reluctance or even opposition to agree to collaborate with patients: they remain convinced of the verticality of the prescriptive and paternalistic relationship that they maintain with The patients. While other health professionals consider this collaboration with patients on the contrary as evidence. They simply believe that the latter must be fully integrated at the initiative of the creation of educational projects and find normal, logical and indispensable, that this relationship is oriented towards a transversality and becomes either Prescriptive but educational and collaborative. The study shows the many benefits of collaboration both for health professionals and for patients, and helps establish a relationship of trust, better listening and understanding, and finally a shared willingness to work together. However, a number of limitations have been expressed, both structural, temporal, organizational, and economic. Even if the stage of awareness is engaged, if important advances have been made, and if we go back into the era of profound cultural change but also paradigm in the care system, the path is still long to go.Dans un contexte de profond changement culturel, de développement de la démocratie, de détermination du parcours de soins, de santé, de vie, de réorganisation de la territorialisation et de réévaluation de la Loi Santé, la place que le patient doit prendre au regard des attentes et des besoins des acteurs de santé et du système de santé français reste à définir. L'objectif de cette étude est de recueillir auprès des différents acteurs - professionnels de santé, patients, institutionnels et administratifs - leurs sentiments, les avantages et les limites qu'ils perçoivent. En première intention, Il a été utilisé un triple recueil de données, par la méthode des Focus Group, des auto-questionnaires, et des entretiens individuels. Une grille d'entretien intégrant différentes questions ouvertes destinée aux professionnels de santé, ainsi qu'une destinée aux patients a été diffusée. Dans un souci de spontanéité, tous les participants ont découvert le questionnement au moment de la rencontre, de l'entretien, ou de l'auto-questionnaire. L'étude montre chez certains professionnels de santé toujours de nombreuses réticences voire oppositions à accepter de collaborer avec les patients : ils restent convaincus de la verticalité de la relation prescriptive et paternaliste qu'ils entretiennent avec les patients. Tandis que d'autres professionnels de santé considèrent au contraire comme une évidence cette collaboration avec les patients. Ils pensent tout simplement que ces derniers doivent être complètement intégrés dès l'initiative de la création de projets éducatifs et trouvent normal, logique et indispensable, que cette relation s'oriente vers une transversalité et devienne non plus prescriptive mais éducative et collaborative. L'étude montre les nombreux avantages de la collaboration aussi bien pour les professionnels de santé que pour les patients et permet d'établir une relation de confiance, une meilleure écoute et compréhension, enfin une volonté partagée à travailler ensemble. Toutefois un certain nombre de limites ont été exprimées, à la fois structurelles, temporelles, organisationnelles, et économiques. Même si l'étape de la prise de conscience est engagée, si d'importantes avancées ont été réalisées, et si nous rentrons dans l'ère d'un profond changement culturel mais aussi de paradigme dans le système de soins, le chemin reste encore long à parcourir

    Patient Engagement in Health Education and Research

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    Depuis la libération, le système de santé français a complètement évolué. S'opère actuellement un profond changement culturel, de développement de la démocratie sanitaire, en pleine mutation vers la démocratie en santé, la détermination des parcours de santé, la réorganisation de la territorialisation avec les GHT (Groupements Hospitaliers de Territoire), les CPTS (Communautés Professionnelles Territoriaux de Santé), la médecine personnalisée, la Loi de modernisation de notre système de Santé, les quatre grandes priorités pour la stratégie nationale de santé, le concept de transition affectant cinq grands axes structurant non seulement les évolutions des états de santé des populations mais également les modalités de réponse individuelle et collective aux besoins de ces populations, ma santé 2022 : la place que le patient, usager du système de santé, doit prendre au regard des attentes et des besoins des acteurs concernés dans le domaine de la santé et du social reste à définir.La médecine, les techniques chirurgicales, les traitements, les prises en charge évoluent en permanence. L’environnement législatif s’adapte au rythme de ces avancées, encadre tous ces dispositifs et édicte des règles d’application. Dans la même dynamique, les patients progressent ; ils décident d’aller contre le cours des choses et refusent de se laisser envahir par leurs maladies, leurs traitements et leurs conséquences. La notion de : « vivre avec » se précise de plus en plus et engage, d’un côté, les soignants à réévaluer leurs pratiques professionnelles ainsi que leurs postures et de l’autre côté, les patients à s’engager dans une volonté de participation, d’action et d’être en capacité de faire des choix éclairés.Un changement de paradigme par la collaboration se précise désormais. De nombreuses questions se posent autour : du rôle, des missions et de la place du patient usager : Qui est-il, quelle est son étymologie, son histoire, comment se définit-il ? Peut-il évoluer et jusqu’à quel niveau ? Comment, par quels moyens, par quelles formations et avec quels acteurs. Peut-il participer à la formation initiale et continue des professionnels dans les secteurs social, médico-social et sanitaire ainsi qu’à à la recherche en santé ? Au total : comment peut-il s’engager et s’intégrer dans ce nouveau système de santé français ?Since the liberation, the French health care system has completely evolved. A profound cultural change is currently taking place, with the development of health democracy, the determination of health pathways, the reorganization of territorialization with the GHT (Groupements Hospitaliers de Territoire), the CPTS (Communautés Professionnelles Territoriaux de Santé), and personalized medicine, the Law on the modernization of our health system, the four main priorities for the national health strategy, the concept of transition affecting five major areas structuring not only the evolution of the health status of populations but also the methods of individual and collective response to the needs of these populations, ma santé 2022 : the place that the patient, as a user of the healthcare system, must take with regard to the expectations and needs of the actors concerned in the health and social fields remains to be defined.Medicine, surgical techniques, treatments and care are constantly evolving. The legislative environment is adapting to the pace of these advances, providing a framework for all these systems and enacting rules of application. In the same dynamic, patients are making progress; they decide to go against the flow of things and refuse to let themselves be overwhelmed by their illnesses, their treatments and their consequences. The notion of : The notion of "living with" is becoming more and more precise and commits, on the one hand, caregivers to re-evaluate their professional practices and postures and, on the other hand, patients to commit themselves to a willingness to participate, to act and to be able to make informed choices.A paradigm shift through collaboration is now taking shape. Numerous questions arise around: the role, missions and place of the patient-user: who is he or she, what is his or her etymology, history, how is he or she defined? Can it evolve and to what level? How, by what means, by what training and with which actors. Can it participate in the initial and continuing training of professionals in the social, medico-social and health sectors as well as in health research? All in all: how can it become involved and integrated into this new French healthcare system

    Tests of reinforced concrete t-beams

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    Thesis (B.S.)--University of Illinois, 1907.Typescript

    Trust dissolution /

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    Bibliography: p. 305-309Mode of access: Internet
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