310 research outputs found

    Threshold Voltage and Leakage Current Variability on Process Parameter in a 22 nm PMOS device

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    This article explains the effect of variation on the process parameters while designing a Nano-scaled planar PMOS device in complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology for 22 nm gate length. This procedure aims to meet the best combination of fabrication process parameter on the threshold voltage (VTH) and leakage current (IOFF) which was predicted by the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS). The gate structure of the PMOS device consists of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) as the high permittivity material (high-k) dielectric and Tungsten Silicide (WSix) metal gate where it is deposited on top of the TiO2 high-k layer. The simulation process was designed using an industrial-based numerical simulator. This simulator was then aided in design with the L9 Taguchi’s orthogonal array method to optimise the best combination of process parameters in order to achieve the optimum VTH value with the lowest IOFF. The analysis results of the factor effect on the SNR in ANOVA analysis clearly show that the Halo implantation tilting angle has the greatest influence with 52.47% in optimising the process parameter where the implantation tilting angle is at 35°. The final results in characterizing and modelling the process parameters of the 22 nm PMOS device with reference to the prediction ITRS succeeded where the result of the VTH is 4.25% closest to the prediction value of -0.289 V ± 12.7% and minimum IOFF value which is 92% away from the predicted value which is 100 nA/µm

    Cavity implementation of quantum interference in a Λ\Lambda-type atom

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    A scheme for engineering quantum interference in a Λ\Lambda-type atom coupled to a frequency-tunable, single-mode cavity field with a pre-selected polarization at finite temperature is proposed. Interference-assisted population trapping, population inversions and probe gain at one sideband of the Autler-Townes spectrum are predicted for certain cavity resonant frequencies.Comment: 2 postscript figures are adde

    Fungal diversity of selected habitat specific Cynorkis species (Orchidaceae) in the central highlands of Madagascar

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    About 90% of Cynorkis species are endemic to the biodiversity hotspot of Madagascar. This terrestrial habitat-specific genus received little study for fungal diversity to support conservation. We evaluated the diversity of culturable fungi of 11 species and soil characteristics from six sites spanning a >40 km radius in and along the region’s inselbergs. Peloton-forming fungi were grown in vitro from root/protocorm slices and positively identified using DNA sequencing. The fungal diversity was then correlated with soil pH, NO3-N, P, and K. All species harbored either putative mycorrhizal associates in the Rhizoctonia complex or Hypocreales fungi. Tulasnella Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) were most prevalent in all soil types while Serendipita OTUs were found in species inhabiting granite/rock outcrops in moist soil (seepage areas). Most Cynorkis species were present in soil with low NO3-N and P levels with diversity of mycorrhizal fungi inversely correlated to NO3-N levels. Of the different orchid life stages sampled, only one species (Cynorkis fastigiata) yielded putative mycorrhizal fungi from juvenile stages. As diversity of mycorrhizal fungi of Cynorkis spp. was negatively correlated with NO3-N, and majority of the studied taxa were found in soils with low NO3-N and P contents, reintroduction studies must include analysis of N and P in detail. For the first time, we showed that the assemblage of culturable fungi in the roots of habitat-specific species of Cynorkis (Orchidaceae) are intimately tied to specific soil characteristics

    Control Factors Optimization on Threshold Voltage and Leakage Current in 22 nm NMOS Transistor Using Taguchi Method

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    In this article, Taguchi method was used to optimize the control factor in obtaining the optimal value which is also known as response characteristics, where the threshold voltage (Vth) and leakage current (Ileak) for NMOS transistor with a gate length of 22 nm is taken into account. The NMOS transistor design includes a high permittivity material (high-k) as a dielectric layer and a metal gate which is Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) and Tungsten Silicide (WSiX) respectively. The control factor was optimized in designing the NMOS device using the Taguchi Orthogonal Array Method where the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) analysis uses the Nominal-the-Best (NTB) SNR for Vth, while for Ileak analysis, a Smaller-the-Better (STB) SNR was used. Four manufacturing control factors and two noise factor are used to optimize the response characteristics and find the best combination of design parameters. The results show that the Halo implantation tilting angle is the dominant factor where it has the greatest factor effect on the SNR of the Ileak with 55.52%. It is also shown that the values of Vth have the least variance and the mean value can be set to 0.289 V ± 12.7% and Ileak is less than 100 nA/µm which is in line with the projections made by the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS)

    The Intentional Use of Service Recovery Strategies to Influence Consumer Emotion, Cognition and Behaviour

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    Service recovery strategies have been identified as a critical factor in the success of. service organizations. This study develops a conceptual frame work to investigate how specific service recovery strategies influence the emotional, cognitive and negative behavioural responses of . consumers., as well as how emotion and cognition influence negative behavior. Understanding the impact of specific service recovery strategies will allow service providers' to more deliberately and intentionally engage in strategies that result in positive organizational outcomes. This study was conducted using a 2 x 2 between-subjects quasi-experimental design. The results suggest that service recovery has a significant impact on emotion, cognition and negative behavior. Similarly, satisfaction, negative emotion and positive emotion all influence negative behavior but distributive justice has no effect

    Rethinking oxygen redox: does oxygen dimerization occur without oxidation in Li2NiO3?

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    In layered lithium transition metal oxide cathodes, high-voltage operation is accompanied by the formation of oxygen dimers, which are widely used as an indicator of oxygen-redox activity. However, understanding the role that oxygen dimerization plays in facilitating charge compensation is still needed. Li2NiO3 (a 3d8L2-containing compound, where L is a ligand hole) is studied as a model system, where oxygen dimerization is shown to occur without cathode oxidation. Electrochemical cycling results in a net reduction of the cathode, accompanied by structural transformations, despite spectroscopic features of oxygen dimers arising at the top-of-charge. Here, oxygen dimerization is shown to coexist alongside a structurally transformed and electronically reduced cathode structure, thus highlighting that O dimerization is independent of bulk redox processes. This makes it clear that a thermodynamically derived transformation toward a reduced phase remains the only variable capable of generating O-O dimers in Li2NiO

    Limit on Tau Neutrino Mass from τππ+ππ0ντ\tau^{-}\to \pi^{-}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{0}\nu_{\tau}

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    From a data sample of 29058 τ±π±π+ππ0ντ\tau^\pm\to\pi^\pm\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\nu_\tau decays observed in the CLEO detector we derive a 95% confidence upper limit on the tau neutrino mass of 28 MeV.Comment: 17 pages postscript, also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLN

    The COMPASS Experiment at CERN

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    The COMPASS experiment makes use of the CERN SPS high-intensitymuon and hadron beams for the investigation of the nucleon spin structure and the spectroscopy of hadrons. One or more outgoing particles are detected in coincidence with the incoming muon or hadron. A large polarized target inside a superconducting solenoid is used for the measurements with the muon beam. Outgoing particles are detected by a two-stage, large angle and large momentum range spectrometer. The setup is built using several types of tracking detectors, according to the expected incident rate, required space resolution and the solid angle to be covered. Particle identification is achieved using a RICH counter and both hadron and electromagnetic calorimeters. The setup has been successfully operated from 2002 onwards using a muon beam. Data with a hadron beam were also collected in 2004. This article describes the main features and performances of the spectrometer in 2004; a short summary of the 2006 upgrade is also given.Comment: 84 papes, 74 figure

    Observation Of Very High Energy Cosmic-ray Families In Emulsion Chambers At High Mountain Altitudes (i)

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    Characteristics of cosmic-ray hadronic interactions in the 1015 - 1017 eV range are studied by observing a total of 429 cosmic-ray families of visible energy greater than 100 TeV found in emulsion chamber experiments at high mountain altitudes, Chacaltaya (5200 m above sea level) and the Pamirs (4300 m above sea level). Extensive comparisons were made with simulated families based on models so far proposed, concentrating on the relation between the observed family flux and the behaviour of high-energy showers in the families, hadronic and electromagnetic components. It is concluded that there must be global change in characteristics of hadronic interactions at around 1016 eV deviating from thise known in the accelerator energy range, specially in the forwardmost angular region of the collision. A detailed study of a new shower phenomenon of small-pT particle emissions, pT being of the order of 10 MeV/c, is carried out and its relation to the origin of huge "halo" phenomena associated with extremely high energy families is discussed as one of the possibilities. General characteristics of such super-families are surveyed. © 1992.3702365431Borisov, (1981) Nucl. Phys., 191 BBaybrina, (1984) Trudy FIAN 154, p. 1. , [in Russian], Nauka, MoscowLattes, Hadronic interactions of high energy cosmic-ray observed by emulsion chambers (1980) Physics Reports, 65, p. 151Hasegawa, ICR-Report-151-87-5 (1987) presented at FNAL CDF Seminar, , Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of TokyoCHACALTAYA Emulsion Chamber Experiment (1971) Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 47, p. 1Yamashita, Ohsawa, Chinellato, (1984) Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics, p. 30. , Tokyo, 1984, Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of Tokyo(1984) Proc. 3rd Int. 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