166 research outputs found

    The Promise of Catholic Schools for Educating the Future of Los Angeles

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    This study examined the impact of Catholic education on elementary and secondary students in Los Angeles. The study focused on the continuation and graduation rates of ethnic minority students who received special funding from the Catholic Education Foundation (CEF). Using qualitative and quantitative measures, the study revealed that students from ethnic minority and low-income communities enrolled in Catholic schools are graduating from secondary schools at a higher rate than their peers who are enrolled in public schools. Furthermore, survey data was collected from principals and parents of these students enrolled in Catholic schools. The study shows that a Catholic education has a major impact on the lives of these students, their parents, and their communities

    The clinical application of genome-wide sequencing for monogenic diseases in Canada: Position statement of the Canadian College of medical geneticists

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    Purpose and scope: The aim of this Position Statement is to provide recommendations for Canadian medical geneticists, clinical laboratory geneticists, genetic counsellors and other physicians regarding the use of genome-wide sequencing of germline DNA in the context of clinical genetic diagnosis. This statement has been developed to facilitate the clinical translation and development of best practices for clinical genome-wide sequencing for genetic diagnosis of monogenic diseases in Canada; it does not address the clinical application of this technology in other fields such as molecular investigation of cancer or for population screening of healthy individuals. Methods of statement development: Two multidisciplinary groups consisting of medical geneticists, clinical laboratory geneticists, genetic counsellors, ethicists, lawyers and genetic researchers were assembled to review existing literature and guidelines on genome-wide sequencing for clinical genetic diagnosis in the context of monogenic diseases, and to make recommendations relevant to the Canadian context. The statement was circulated for comment to the Canadian College of Medical Geneticists (CCMG) membership-at-large and, following incorporation of feedback, approved by the CCMG Board of Directors. The CCMG is a Canadian organisation responsible for certifying medical geneticists and clinical laboratory geneticists, and for establishing professional and ethical standards for clinical genetics services in Canada. Results and conclusions: Recommendations include (1) clinical genome-wide sequencing is an appropriate approach in the diagnostic assessment of a patient for whom there is suspicion of a significant monogenic disease that is associated with a high degree of genetic heterogeneity, or where specific genetic tests have failed to provide a diagnosis; (2) until the benefits of reporting incidental findings are established, we do not endorse the intentional clinical analysis of disease-associated genes other than those linked to the primary indication; and (3) clinicians should provide genetic counselling and obtain informed consent prior to undertaking clinical genome-wide sequencing. Counselling should include discussion of the limitations of testing, likelihood and implications of diagnosis and incidental findings, and the potential need for further analysis to facilitate clinical interpretation, including studies performed in a research setting. These recommendations will be routinely reevaluated as knowledge of diagnostic and clinical utility of clinical genome-wide sequencing improves. While the document was developed to direct practice in Canada, the applicability of the statement is broader and will be of interest to clinicians and health jurisdictions internationally

    Mast Cell Diseases in Practice and Research: Issues and Perspectives Raised by Patients and Their Recommendations to the Scientific Community and Beyond

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    Background: Since 2010, patients and physicians have collaborated to understand unmet needs of patients with mast cell diseases, incorporating mastocytosis and mast cell activation disorders, which include mast cell activation syndromes. Objective: This Open Innovation in Science project aims to expand understanding of the needs of patients affected by mast cell diseases, and encourage global communication among patient advocacy groups, physicians, researchers, industry, and government. A major aim is to support the scientific community's efforts to improve diagnosis, management, therapy, and patients’ quality of life by addressing unmet needs. Methods: In collaboration with mast cell disease specialists, 13 patient advocacy groups from 12 countries and regions developed lists of top patient needs. A core team of leaders from patient advocacy groups collected and analyzed the data and proposed possible actions to address patient needs. Results: Findings identified similarities and differences among participating countries in unmet needs between patients with mastocytosis and those with mast cell activation syndromes. Issues emphasized struggles relating to the nature and rarity of mast cell diseases, their impact on quality of life, the diagnostic process, access to appropriate care, more effective treatment, and the need for research. Conclusions: Solutions vary across countries because situations differ, in particular regarding the existence of and access to centers of excellence and reference centers. Multifaceted mast cell activation syndrome barriers necessitate innovative approaches to improve access to appropriate care. The outcomes of this project should greatly support scientists and clinicians in their efforts to improve diagnosis, management, and treatment of patients with mastocytosis and mast cell activation disorders.The authors thank Tania Bray, Jan Hempstead, Heather Mayne, Joanne Mulder-Brambleby, and Irene Wilson for their supporting contributions, and all patients and families affected by MCDs, who shared their needs and concerns for development of this project. Authors involved in study conception and design were P. Valent, S.V. Jennings, C.C. Finnerty, J.S. Hobart, M. Martín-Martínez, K.A. Sinclair, V.M. Slee, J. Agopian, C. Akin, I. Álvarez-Twose, P. Bonadonna, A.A. Bowman, K. Brockow, H. Bumbea, C. de Haro, J.S. Fok, K. Hartmann, N. Hegmann, O. Hermine, M. Kalisiak, C.H. Katelaris, J. Kurz, P. Marcis, D. Mayne, D. Mendoza, A. Moussy, G. Mudretzkyj, N. Nidelea Vaia, M. Niedoszytko, H. Oude Elberink, A. Orfao, D.H. Radia, S. Rosenmeier, E. Ribada, W. Schinhofen, J. Schwaab, F. Siebenhaar, M. Triggiani, G. Tripodo, R. Velazquez, Y. Wielink, F. Wimazal, T. Yigit, and C. Zubrinich. Authors involved in acquisition and review of data were S.V. Jennings, C.C. Finnerty, J.S. Hobart, M. Martín-Martínez, K.A. Sinclair, V.M. Slee, J. Agopian, C. Akin, I. Álvarez-Twose, P. Bonadonna, A.A. Bowman, K. Brockow, H. Bumbea, C. de Haro, J.S. Fok, K. Hartmann, N. Hegmann, O. Hermine, M. Kalisiak, C.H. Katelaris, J. Kurz, P. Marcis, D. Mayne, D. Mendoza, A. Moussy, G. Mudretzkyj, N. Nidelea Vaia, M. Niedoszytko, H. Oude Elberink, A. Orfao, D.H. Radia, S. Rosenmeier, E. Ribada, W. Schinhofen, J. Schwaab, F. Siebenhaar, M. Triggiani, G. Tripodo, R. Velazquez, Y. Wielink, F. Wimazal, T. Yigit, C. Zubrinich, and P. Valent. The Core Group (analysis and interpretation of data and drafting of the manuscript) include S.V. Jennings, C.C. Finnerty, J.S. Hobart, M. Martín-Martínez, K.A. Sinclair, and V.M. Slee. Critical revision was performed by S.V. Jennings, C.C. Finnerty, J.S. Hobart, M. Martín-Martínez, K.A. Sinclair, V.M. Slee, J. Agopian, C. Akin, I. Álvarez-Twose, P. Bonadonna, A.A. Bowman, K. Brockow, H. Bumbea, C. de Haro, J.S. Fok, K. Hartmann, N. Hegmann, O. Hermine, M. Kalisiak, C.H. Katelaris, J. Kurz, P. Marcis, D. Mayne, D. Mendoza, A. Moussy, G. Mudretzkyj, N. Nidelea Vaia, M. Niedoszytko, H. Oude Elberink, A. Orfao, D.H. Radia, S. Rosenmeier, E. Ribada, W. Schinhofen, J. Schwaab, F. Siebenhaar, M. Triggiani, G. Tripodo, R. Velazquez, Y. Wielink, F Wimazal, T. Yigit, C. Zubrinich, and P. Valent

    Polymorphism in Gag Gene Cleavage Sites of HIV-1 Non-B Subtype and Virological Outcome of a First-Line Lopinavir/Ritonavir Single Drug Regimen

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    Virological failure on a boosted-protease inhibitor (PI/r) first-line triple combination is usually not associated with the detection of resistance mutations in the protease gene. Thus, other resistance pathways are being investigated. First-line PI/r monotherapy is the best model to investigate in vivo if the presence of mutations in the cleavage sites (CS) of gag gene prior to any antiretroviral treatment might influence PI/r efficacy. 83 patients were assigned to initiate antiretroviral treatment with first-line lopinavir/r monotherapy in the randomised Monark trial. We compared baseline sequence of gag CS between patients harbouring B or non-B HIV-1 subtype, and between those who achieved viral suppression and those who experienced virological failure while on LPV/r monotherapy up to Week 96. Baseline sequence of gag CS was available for 82/83 isolates; 81/82 carried at least one substitution in gag CS compared to HXB2 sequence. At baseline, non-B subtype isolates were significantly more likely to harbour mutations in gag CS than B subtype isolates (p<0.0001). Twenty-three patients experienced virological failure while on lopinavir/r monotherapy. The presence of more than two substitutions in p2/NC site at baseline significantly predicted virological failure (p = 0.0479), non-B subtype isolates being more likely to harbour more than two substitutions in this specific site. In conclusion, gag cleavage site was highly polymorphic in antiretroviral-naive patients harbouring a non-B HIV-1 strain. We show that pre-therapy mutations in gag cleavage site sequence were significantly associated with the virological outcome of a first-line LPV/r single drug regimen in the Monark trial

    Mast Cell Diseases in Practice and Research:Issues and Perspectives Raised by Patients and Their Recommendations to the Scientific Community and Beyond

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    Background: Since 2010, patients and physicians have collaborated to understand unmet needs of patients with mast cell diseases, incorporating mastocytosis and mast cell activation disorders, which include mast cell activation syndromes. Objective: This Open Innovation in Science project aims to expand understanding of the needs of patients affected by mast cell diseases, and encourage global communication among patient advocacy groups, physicians, researchers, industry, and government. A major aim is to support the scientific community's efforts to improve diagnosis, management, therapy, and patients’ quality of life by addressing unmet needs. Methods: In collaboration with mast cell disease specialists, 13 patient advocacy groups from 12 countries and regions developed lists of top patient needs. A core team of leaders from patient advocacy groups collected and analyzed the data and proposed possible actions to address patient needs. Results: Findings identified similarities and differences among participating countries in unmet needs between patients with mastocytosis and those with mast cell activation syndromes. Issues emphasized struggles relating to the nature and rarity of mast cell diseases, their impact on quality of life, the diagnostic process, access to appropriate care, more effective treatment, and the need for research. Conclusions: Solutions vary across countries because situations differ, in particular regarding the existence of and access to centers of excellence and reference centers. Multifaceted mast cell activation syndrome barriers necessitate innovative approaches to improve access to appropriate care. The outcomes of this project should greatly support scientists and clinicians in their efforts to improve diagnosis, management, and treatment of patients with mastocytosis and mast cell activation disorders

    Synergistic repression of the embryonic programme by SET DOMAIN GROUP 8 and EMBRYONIC FLOWER 2 in Arabidopsis seedlings

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    The seed maturation programme occurs only during the late phase of embryo development, and repression of the maturation genes is pivotal for seedling development. However, mechanisms that repress the expression of this programme in vegetative tissues are not well understood. A genetic screen was performed for mutants that express maturation genes in leaves. Here, it is shown that mutations affecting SDG8 (SET DOMAIN GROUP 8), a putative histone methyltransferase, cause ectopic expression of a subset of maturation genes in leaves. Further, to investigate the relationship between SDG8 and the Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins, which are known to repress many developmentally important genes including seed maturation genes, double mutants were made and formation of somatic embryos was observed on mutant seedlings with mutations in both SDG8 and EMF2 (EMBRYONIC FLOWER 2). Analysis of histone methylation status at the chromatin sites of a number of maturation loci revealed a synergistic effect of emf2 and sdg8 on the deposition of the active histone mark which is the trimethylation of Lys4 on histone 3 (H3K4me3). This is consistent with high expression of these genes and formation of somatic embryos in the emf2 sdg8 double mutants. Interestingly, a double mutant of sdg8 and vrn2 (vernalization2), a paralogue of EMF2, grew and developed normally to maturity. These observations demonstrate a functional cooperative interplay between SDG8 and an EMF2-containing PcG complex in maintaining vegetative cell identity by repressing seed genes to promote seedling development. The work also indicates the functional specificities of PcG complexes in Arabidopsis

    Impact of cancer and chemotherapy on autonomic nervous system function and cardiovascular reactivity in young adults with cancer: a case-controlled feasibility study

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    Background Preliminary evidence suggests cancer- and chemotherapy-related autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysfunction may contribute to the increased cardiovascular (CV) morbidity- and mortality-risks in cancer survivors. However, the reliability of these findings may have been jeopardized by inconsistent participant screening and assessment methods. Therefore, good laboratory practices must be established before the presence and nature of cancer-related autonomic dysfunction can be characterized. The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of conducting concurrent ANS and cardiovascular evaluations in young adult cancer patients, according to the following criteria: i) identifying methodological pitfalls and proposing good laboratory practice criteria for ANS testing in cancer, and ii) providing initial physiologic evidence of autonomic perturbations in cancer patients using the composite autonomic scoring scale (CASS). Methods Thirteen patients (mixed diagnoses) were assessed immediately before and after 4 cycles of chemotherapy. Their results were compared to 12 sex- and age-matched controls. ANS function was assessed using standardized tests of resting CV (tilt-table, respiratory sinus arrhythmia and Valsalva maneuver) and sudomotor (quantitative sudomotor axon reflex test) reactivity. Cardiovascular reactivity during exercise was assessed using a modified Astrand-Ryhming cycle ergometer protocol. Our feasibility criteria addressed: i) recruitment potential, ii) retention rates, iii) pre-chemotherapy assessment potential, iv) test performance/tolerability, and v) identification and minimizing the influence of potentially confounding medication. T-tests and repeated measures ANOVAs were used to assess between- and within-group differences at baseline and follow-up. Results The overall success rate in achieving our feasibility criteria was 98.4 %. According to the CASS, there was evidence of ANS impairment at baseline in 30.8 % of patients, which persisted in 18.2 % of patients at follow-up, compared to 0 % of controls at baseline or follow-up. Conclusions Results from our feasibility assessment suggest that the investigation of ANS function in young adult cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy is possible. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to report CASS-based evidence of ANS impairment and sudomotor dysfunction in any cancer population. Moreover, we provide evidence of cancer- and chemotherapy-related parasympathetic dysfunction – as a possible contributor to the pathogenesis of CV disease in cancer survivors

    A haemagglutination test for rapid detection of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2

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    Serological detection of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 is essential for establishing rates of seroconversion in populations, and for seeking evidence for a level of antibody that may be protective against COVID-19 disease. Several high-performance commercial tests have been described, but these require centralised laboratory facilities that are comparatively expensive, and therefore not available universally. Red cell agglutination tests do not require special equipment, are read by eye, have short development times, low cost and can be applied at the Point of Care. Here we describe a quantitative Haemagglutination test (HAT) for the detection of antibodies to the receptor binding domain of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. The HAT has a sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 99% for detection of antibodies after a PCR diagnosed infection. We will supply aliquots of the test reagent sufficient for ten thousand test wells free of charge to qualified research groups anywhere in the world

    Combined point of care nucleic acid and antibody testing for SARS-CoV-2 following emergence of D614G Spike Variant

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    Rapid COVID-19 diagnosis in hospital is essential, though complicated by 30-50% of nose/throat swabs being negative by SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT). Furthermore, the D614G spike mutant now dominates the pandemic and it is unclear how serological tests designed to detect anti-Spike antibodies perform against this variant. We assess the diagnostic accuracy of combined rapid antibody point of care (POC) and nucleic acid assays for suspected COVID-19 disease due to either wild type or the D614G spike mutant SARS-CoV-2. The overall detection rate for COVID-19 is 79.2% (95CI 57.8-92.9%) by rapid NAAT alone. Combined point of care antibody test and rapid NAAT is not impacted by D614G and results in very high sensitivity for COVID-19 diagnosis with very high specificity

    Identification of 12 new susceptibility loci for different histotypes of epithelial ovarian cancer.

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    To identify common alleles associated with different histotypes of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC), we pooled data from multiple genome-wide genotyping projects totaling 25,509 EOC cases and 40,941 controls. We identified nine new susceptibility loci for different EOC histotypes: six for serous EOC histotypes (3q28, 4q32.3, 8q21.11, 10q24.33, 18q11.2 and 22q12.1), two for mucinous EOC (3q22.3 and 9q31.1) and one for endometrioid EOC (5q12.3). We then performed meta-analysis on the results for high-grade serous ovarian cancer with the results from analysis of 31,448 BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers, including 3,887 mutation carriers with EOC. This identified three additional susceptibility loci at 2q13, 8q24.1 and 12q24.31. Integrated analyses of genes and regulatory biofeatures at each locus predicted candidate susceptibility genes, including OBFC1, a new candidate susceptibility gene for low-grade and borderline serous EOC