2,630 research outputs found

    A representação literária do jornal no universo romanesco barretiano

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Teoria Literária e Literaturas, 2007.O presente trabalho pretende estudar a representação literária da imprensa nos romances de Lima Barreto. A partir das obras Recordações do Escrivão Isaías Caminha, Triste Fim de Policarpo Quaresma, Numa e a Ninfa, Vida e Morte de M. J.Gonzaga de Sá e Clara dos Anjos, selecionam-se aspectos jornalísticos e literários presentes para descrever e analisar as relações entre jornalismo e literatura nestes romances, a fim de questionar esta confluência e apontar a articulação textual destas relações no texto barretiano. No capítulo inicial, o autor situa a trajetória de repórter e cronista e o trabalho literário de Lima Barreto na história da imprensa brasileira. Na seqüência, aborda a influência da militância no jornalismo sobre o estilo e projeto literário deste escritor. No capítulo seguinte, examina o posicionamento de Lima Barreto sobre a imprensa de sua época e as contradições apontadas por ele nesta instituição. Nos capítulos quatro e cinco, o autor analisa, respectivamente, a galeria de personagens jornalistas e o papel da imprensa nos enredos do universo romanesco barretiano

    A obra de arte na época da sua reprodução mecanizada

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    Tradução portuguesa da primeira versão de "A Obra de Arte na Era da sua Reprodutibilidade Técnica" (1935-1936), redigida em francês por Walter Benjamin e Pierre Klossowski

    Optimization of bricks production by earth hypercompaction prior to firing

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    This paper presents an innovative method for the production of masonry bricks, which combines earth compaction and quick firing at low temperatures. Earth bricks were manufactured according to three different methods, i.e. extrusion, standard Proctor compaction and hypercompaction to 100 MPa. All bricks were fired inside an electrical furnace by rising the temperature at a quick rate of about 9 °C per minute to 280, 455, 640, 825 and 1000 °C, after which the furnace was turned off and left to cool to the atmosphere with the brick inside it. These firing temperatures and times are significantly lower than those employed for the manufacture of commercial bricks, which are typically exposed to a maximum of 1100 °C for at least 10 hours (Brick Industry Association, 2006). A testing campaign was performed to investigate the effect of quick firing on the porosity, strength, water durability and moisture buffering capacity of the different bricks. Quick firing of hypercompacted bricks at moderate temperatures, between 455 and 640 °C, is enough to attain very high levels of compressive strength, between 29 and 34 MPa, with a good to excellent moisture buffering capacity. These properties are better than those of commercially available bricks. The strength of hypercompacted bricks further increases to 53 MPa, a value similar to that of high-strength concrete, after quick firing at 825 °C. Earth densification prior to thermal treatment therefore improves material performance while enabling a significant reduction of firing temperatures and times compared to current bricks production methods

    Adequação de um instrumento de monitoramento de higienização das mãos de um hospital do Rio de Janeiro

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    Background and Objective: Despite the presence of mandatory indicators in the hand hygiene protocols present in Brazil's National Patient Safety Program, monitoring instruments were not recommended, with indicators that evaluate the structural, process and outcome components that allow periodic analysis and construction of improvement actions in the prevention of control of infections related to health care. The objective was to adapt aninstrument to monitor health professionals hands hygiene in a high complexity hospital of Rio de Janeiro. Methods: a questionnaire was applied to auditors who evaluate the performance of the hospital's quality policy to verify the suitability of an instrument to verify the practice of hand hygiene. The findings of this questionnaire and the survey data in the literature - on patient safety, health care related infections and monitoring instruments - enabled the creation of a new instrument, which was submitted to the judgment of specialists, using the Delphi consensus technique. Results: in only two rounds, a consensus of experts was obtained, allowing the construction of a new hand hygiene monitoring instrument. Issues that did not reach 75% agreement were modified. Conclusion: The new instrument validated by specialists allows the evaluation and monitoring of the implementation of the protocol of hand hygiene, comparison between systems and advances in methodologies and work processes, allowing them to be increasingly safe.Justificación and Objectivo: Apesar de la presencia de indicadores obligatorios em los protocolos de higiene de las manos, presentes en el Programa Nacional de Seguridad del Paciente de Brasil, no fueron recomendados instrumentos de monitoreo, con indicadores que evalúen los componentes estructurales, de proceso y resultado que permitan análisis periódico y construcción de acciones de mejora en el ámbito de la prevención de control de las infecciones relacionadas com la asistencia a la salud. El objetivo fue adecuar un instrumento de monitoreo de la higienización de las manos de los profesionales de salud de un hospital de Río de Janeiro. Metodología: un cuestionario fue aplicado a los auditores que evalúan el desempeño de la política de calidad del hospital para verificar la adecuación de un instrumento de verificación de la práctica de higienización de las manos. Los hallazgos de este cuestionario y los datos del levantamiento em la literatura - sobre la seguridad del paciente, infecciones relacionadas com la asistencia a la salud e instrumentos de monitoreo – posibilitar la creación de un nuevo instrumento, que fue sometido al juicio de especialistas, usando la técnica de consenso Delphi. Resultados: en apenas dos rondas se obtuvo un consenso de los expertos. Las cuestiones que no alcanzaron el 75% de concordancia se modificaron. Conclusion: evidencias científicas y regulaciones ya han demostrado no ser suficiente para reducir las infecciones hospitalarias si no hay preocupación con la evaluación de la práctica asistencial. El nuevo instrumento validado por especialistas permite la evaluación y monitoreo de implantación del protocolo de higienización de las manos, comparación entre sistemas y avances en las metodologías y procesos de trabajo, permitiendo que sean cada vez más seguros.Justificativa e Objetivo: Apesar da presença de indicadores obrigatórios nos protocolos de higiene das mãos, presentes no Programa Nacional de Segurança do Paciente do Brasil, não foram recomendados instrumentos de monitoramento, com indicadores que avaliem os componentes estruturais, de processo e resultado que permitam análise periódica e construção de ações de melhoria no âmbito da prevenção de controle das infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde. O objetivo foi adequar um instrumento de monitoramento da higienização das mãos dos profissionais de saúde de um hospital do Rio de Janeiro. Métodos: um questionário foi aplicado aos auditores que avaliam o desempenho da política de qualidade do hospital para verificar a adequação de um instrumento de verificação da prática de higienização das mãos. Os achados deste questionário e os dados do levantamento na literatura - sobre a segurança do paciente, infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde e instrumentos de monitoramento - possibilitaram a criação de um novo instrumento, que foi submetido ao julgamento de especialistas, usando a técnica de consenso Delphi. Resultados: em duas rodadas foi obtido um consenso dos especialistas. As questões que não atingiram 75% de concordância foram modificadas. Conclusão: O novo instrumento validado por especialistas permite a avaliação e monitoramento de implantação do protocolo de higienização das mãos, comparação entre sistemas e avanços nas metodologias e processos de trabalho, permitindo que sejam cada vez mais seguros

    Hydromechanical behaviour of two unsaturated silts: laboratory data and model predictions

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    This paper presents the results from a campaign of unsaturated and saturated isotropic tests performed on two compacted silts of different coarseness, namely a clayey silt and a sandy silt, inside triaxial cells. Some tests involved an increase or a decrease of mean net stress at constant suction or an increase or a decrease of suction at constant mean net stress. Other tests involved an increase of mean net stress at constant water content with measurement of suction. During all tests, the void ratio and degree of saturation were measured to investigate the mechanical and retention behaviour of the soil. The experimental results were then simulated by the bounding surface hydromechanical model of A.W. Bruno and D. Gallipoli (2019. Computers and Geotechnics, 110: 287–295. doi:10.1016/j.compgeo.2019.02.025), which was originally formulated to describe the behaviour of clays and clayey silts. Model parameters were calibrated against unsaturated tests including isotropic loading stages at constant water content with measurement of varying suction. Loading at constant water content is relatively fast and allows the simultaneous exploration of large ranges of mean net stress and suction, thus reducing the need of multiple experiments at distinct suction levels. Predicted data match well the observed behaviour of both soils, including the occurrence of progressive yielding and hysteresis, which extends the validation of this hydromechanical model to coarser soils. Specific features of the unsaturated soil behaviour, such as wetting-induced collapse, are also well reproduced

    An electro-responsive hydrogel for intravascular applications: an in vitro and in vivo evaluation

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    There is a growing interest in using hydrogels for biomedical applications, because of more favourable characteristics. Some of these hydrogels can be activated by using particular stimuli, for example electrical fields. These stimuli can change the hydrogel shape in a predefined way. It could make them capable of adaptation to patient-specific anatomy even post-implantation. This is the first paper aiming to describe in vivo studies of an electro-responsive, Pluronic F127 based hydrogel, for intravascular applications. Pluronic methacrylic acid hydrogel (PF127/MANa) was in vitro tested for its haemolytic and cytotoxic effects. Minimal invasive implantation in the carotid artery of sheep was used to evaluate its medium-term biological effects, through biochemical, macroscopic, radiographic, and microscopic evaluation. Indirect and direct testing of the material gave no indication of the haemolytic effects of the material. Determination of fibroblast viability after 24 h of incubation in an extract of the hydrogel showed no cytotoxic effects. Occlusion was obtained within 1 h following in vivo implantation. Evaluation at time of autopsy showed a persistent occlusion with no systemic effects, no signs of embolization and mild effects on the arterial wall. An important proof-of-concept was obtained showing biocompatibility and effectiveness of a pluronic based electro-responsive hydrogel for obtaining an arterial occlusion with limited biological impact. So the selected pluronic-methacrylic acid based hydrogel can be used as an endovascular occlusion device. More importantly it is the first step in further development of electro-active hydrogels for a broad range of intra-vascular applications (e.g. system to prevent endoleakage in aortic aneurysm treatment, intra-vascular drug delivery)

    The financial relevance of adverse events in hospitals in Brazil

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    RESUMO - Objetivo: Estimar o volume de recursos financeiros gastos com pacientes com Eventos Adversos em hospitais no Brasil, utilizando informações financeiras disponíveis no Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do Sistema Único de Saúde (SIH-SUS). Metodologia: Estudo descritivo e exploratório sobre a magnitude financeira associada à ocorrência de EAs em hospitais no Brasil. As fontes de dados empregadas foram: informações coletadas no estudo de incidência de EA em hospitais no Brasil (estudo de base) e informações registradas no SIH-SUS. Essas fontes de dados foram encadeadas (linkage). O universo de estudo foram os pacientes internados em dois hospitais públicos de ensino do estado do Rio de Janeiro em 2003. Selecionou-se uma amostra aleatória simples de 622 prontuários de pacientes. Para estimar os custos dos eventos adversos, foram analisados os dias adicionais decorrentes dos EAs avaliados pelos médicos revisores, o tempo de permanência e as informações financeiras do SIH-SUS. Resultados: Nos prontuários de pacientes analisados, 583 pacientes não sofreram EA e 39 (6,3 %) sofreram algum EA. Do total de casos com EA, 25 foram considerados evitáveis (64,1 %). O valor médio pago (R3.195,42)peloatendimentoaospacientescomEAfoi200,5pacientescomEAevitaˊvel(R 3.195,42) pelo atendimento aos pacientes com EA foi 200,5 % superior ao valor pago aos pacientes sem EA, enquanto o valor médio pago aos pacientes com EA evitável (R1.270,47) foi apenas 19,5 % superior ao valor médio pago aos pacientes sem EA. Já o observado para os pacientes com EA não evitável (R6.632,84)foi523,8tempomeˊdiodepermane^ncianohospital28,3diassuperioraoobservadonospacientessemEA.Extrapoladosparaototaldeinternac\co~esnosdoishospitais,oseventosadversosimplicaramnogastodeR 6.632,84) foi 523,8 % maior que o valor médio dos pacientes sem EA. Os pacientes com EA apresentaram tempo médio de permanência no hospital 28,3 dias superior ao observado nos pacientes sem EA. Extrapolados para o total de internações nos dois hospitais, os eventos adversos implicaram no gasto de R 1.212.363,30, que representou 2,7 % do reembolso total. Conclusão: O estudo mostrou que os danos ao paciente decorrentes do cuidado à saúde têm expressivo impacto nos gastos hospitalares e apontou várias razões para supor que os resultados apresentados estejam subestimados. Apesar de ser um estudo exploratório, mostrou que a importância financeira da ocorrência de eventos adversos, que, em parte, implicam em dispêndio de recursos desnecessários que poderiam ser utilizados para financiar outras necessidades de saúde da população.ABSTRACT - Aim: To estimate how much is spent on patients suffering Adverse Events (AEs) in hospitals in Brazil, using financial information available in the National Health Service Hospital Information System (SIH-SUS). Methodology: Exploratory descriptive study of total expenditure associated with occurrence of AEs in hospitals in Brazil. The data sources used were information collected in incidence studies of AEs in hospitals (baseline study) and information recorded in the SIH-SUS. These sources were then linked. The study population was inpatients at public teaching hospitals in Rio de Janeiro State in 2003. A simple random sample of 622 patient records was selected. The costs associated with adverse events were estimated from the additional days stay resulting from AEs established by medical review, length of hospital stay and financial data from the SIH-SUS. Results: The patient records showed that 583 patients had not suffered and 39 (6.3 %) had suffered an AE. Of the total number of cases of AE, 25 (64.1 %) were considered to have been avoidable. The mean amount paid (R3,195.42)forcaretopatientswithAEwas200.5higherthantheamountpaidforpatientswithnoAE,whilethemeanamountpaidtopatientswithavoidableAE(R 3,195.42) for care to patients with AE was 200.5 % higher than the amount paid for patients with no AE, while the mean amount paid to patients with avoidable AE (R1,270.47) was only 19.5 % higher than the mean amount paid to patients with no AE. Meanwhile the amount paid to patients with an unavoidable AE (R6,632.84)was523.8hospitalstayamongpatientswithanAEwas28.3dayslongerthanamongpatientswithnoAE.Whenextrapolatedtototaladmissionsatthetwohospitals,AEsentailedexpenditureofR 6,632.84) was 523.8 % higher than the mean amount paid to patients with no AE. Mean hospital stay among patients with an AE was 28.3 days longer than among patients with no AE. When extrapolated to total admissions at the two hospitals, AEs entailed expenditure of R 1,212,363.30, representing 2.7 % of total reimbursements. Conclusion: The study showed that health care-related patient harm has substantial impact on hospital expenditures and pointed to various reasons for believing the results to be understated. Although this was an exploratory study, it showed the financial significance of the occurrence of adverse events, which in part entail unnecessary expenditure of funds that could be used to finance other health needs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    7th International Conference on Ethics Education: Conference Proceedings

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