516 research outputs found

    Rapid and comprehensive evaluation of (poly)phenolic compounds in pomegranate (punica granatum L.) juice by UHPLC-MSn

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    The comprehensive identification of phenolic compounds in food and beverages is a crucial starting point for assessing their biological, nutritional, and technological properties. Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) has been described as a rich source of (poly)phenolic components, with a broad array of different structures (phenolic acids, flavonoids, and hydrolyzable tannins) and a quick, high throughput, and accurate screening of its complete profile is still lacking. In the present work, a method for UHPLC separation and linear ion trap mass spectrometric (MSn) characterization of pomegranate juice phenolic fraction was optimized by comparing several different analytical conditions. The best solutions for phenolic acids, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and ellagitannins have been delineated and more than 70 compounds have been identified and fully characterized in less than one hour total analysis time. Twenty-one compounds were tentatively detected for the first time in pomegranate juice. The proposed fingerprinting approach could be easily translated to other plant derived food extracts and beverages containing a wide array of phytochemical compounds

    Law and Ethics in Clinical Research

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    La investigación clínica se desarrolla sobre una serie de hipótesis, a partir de las cuales empezamos a trabajar en pacientes (o en animales de laboratorio), que pueden sufrir riesgos o repercusiones graves. A veces, incluso se experimentó de manera grave con efectos nefastos para la humanidad, sobre todo, durante guerras y conflictos sociales. La fecha más importante en éste aspecto fue la II guerra mundial, desde la cual, se desarrollo el código de Nuremberg, y a partir de entonces, se han establecido controles y leyes, declaraciones y comisiones, para reducir al máximo los riesgos de todas las personas o animales que participan en un proyecto científico.Clinical research is built on a series of hypotheses, from which we started working on patients (or animals), who may face serious risks or impacts. There was human research causing severe adverse effects for humanity, especially during wars and social conflicts. The most important date in this regard was the World War II, from which one could develop the Nuremberg Code, and thereafter, there are controls and laws, declarations and commissions, to minimize the risks of all people or animals involved in a scientific project

    The Hispanic Terra Sigillata Terracottas. Remarks from a New Figure Found in Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Badajoz, Spain)

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    En este trabajo abordamos el estudio en clave iconográfca, funcional y cronológica de un ejemplar de terracota elaborado en Terra Sigillata Hispánica (TSH). Éste apareció en un contexto funerario en Augusta Emerita. Se trata de una fgura de bulto redondo mutilada y que presenta la peculiaridad de estar pintada, algo no muy frecuente en el repertorio de la TSH. Aprovechamos además la ocasión para plantear una nueva hipótesis interpretativa sobre este hallazgo como representación de una deidad oriental y analizamos otros ejemplares similares producidos en las otras fglinae peninsularesIn this paper we study iconographically, functionally and chronologically a terracotta made in Hispanic Terra Sigillata. It was found in a funerary context in Augusta Emerita. This is a fgure in round that appears mutilated and which has the peculiarity of being painted, something uncommon in the ceramic repertoire at that time in the Iberian Peninsula. Also we took the opportunity to raise a new interpretative hypothesis on this fnding as an oriental deity and to analyze similar examples produced in the other fglinae in the Iberian Peninsul

    Terracotas en Terra Sigillata Hispánica. Reflexión a partir de un nuevo ejemplar en Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Badajoz)

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    En el presente trabajo se da a conocer un nuevo ejemplar de terracota con decoración pintada y manufacturado en TSH. El interés del estudio radica en ser una de las únicas piezas de este tipo halladas en la Península Ibérica, el aparecer en una excavación de reciente realización y en presentar un acabado pictórico.El análisis de la pieza se realizará en clave iconográfica, funcional, técnica y cronológica.In this paper we study iconographically, functionally and chronologically a terracotta made in Hispanic Terra Sigillata. It was found in a funerary context in Augusta Emerita. This is a figure in round that appears mutilated and which has the peculiarity of being painted, something uncommon in the ceramic repertoire at that time in the Iberian Peninsula. Also we took the opportunity to raise a new interpretative hypothesis on this finding as an oriental deity and to analyze similar examples produced in the other figlinae in the Iberian Peninsula

    Las creencias de autoeficacia del profesorado Universitario. Un Estudio comparado España-Italia

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    Actualmente, la Educación Superior está sufriendo continuos cambios desde la implementación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), por lo que se hace necesario que el profesorado se adapte a dichos cambios y reflexione sobre su rol como docentes. Dicha reflexión se ve directamente relacionada con la autoeficacia, entendida ésta como la creencia sobre las capacidades personales para hacer algo. Por consiguiente, la presente investigación se propone comparar los niveles de autoeficacia percibida del contexto español e italiano, tomando como referencia las creencias sobre sus capacidades y su práctica pedagógica. Para ello, se aplicó el cuestionario Autoeficacia docente del profesorado universitario de Prieto (2005) a 80 docentes de la Universidad de Valladolid y de la Universidad del Salento, Italia. Con el propósito de describir las creencias de autoeficacia que tiene el profesorado universitario en el contexto italiano y español, así como la relación existente entre sus creencias de autoeficacia y la percepción de su práctica pedagógica.Departamento de PsicologíaMáster en Investigación Aplicada a la Educació

    La adopción de la criatura por nacer en Ecuador. Un estudio del interés superior del niño y su derecho a la familia

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    The objective of this research is to identify doctrinal and legal parameters for the regulation of the adoption of the unborn child in Ecuador, putting on discussion the problematic about the parents who wish to voluntarily give the unborn child to others as a result of an adverse life situation according to legal parameters. Therefore, the other people or the state would take care of him or she in accordance with the Principle of the Superior Interest of the child. The Ecuadorian state rejects this form of adoption, taking as a regional reference to Chile that has this legal status in order to prevent the violation of the children rights at birth and be institutionalized in a long wait for a family based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and more international instruments for the protection of rights, which recognize as a human right being part of a family. Through an exploratory approach and analyzing specialized literature, national and international legal regulations it is very clear that the adoption in Ecuador as a legal institution needs a profound revision. Therefore, is intended to strengthen the rights of the unborn child through the proposed.La presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar parámetros doctrinarios y jurídicos para la regulación de la adopción de la criatura por nacer en Ecuador, visibilizando la problemática de progenitores que por diversas circunstancias desean entregar voluntariamente al que está por nacer, por encontrarse en situaciones de vida adversas de acuerdo a parámetros legales para que otras personas o el estado cuiden de él en apego al Principio del Interés Superior del niño. El estado ecuatoriano prohíbe esta modalidad de adopción, se toma como referente regional a Chile que posee esta figura jurídica para evitar que los derechos de la infancia sean vulnerados al nacer y ser institucionalizados en larga espera de una familia con fundamento basado en la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos y más instrumentos internacionales de protección de derechos, que reconocen el formar parte de una familia como derecho humano. Mediante un enfoque exploratorio a través de revisión de literatura especializada, normativas legales nacionales e internacionales, se justifica que la adopción en Ecuador como institución jurídica necesita una revisión profunda, por lo tanto, se pretende fortalecer los derechos del que está por nacer a través de lo propuesto.The objective of this research is to identify doctrinal and legal parameters for the regulation of the adoption of the unborn child in Ecuador, putting on discussion the problematic about the parents who wish to voluntarily give the unborn child to others as a result of an adverse life situation according to legal parameters. Therefore, the other people or the state would take care of him or she in accordance with the Principle of the Superior Interest of the child. The Ecuadorian state rejects this form of adoption, taking as a regional reference to Chile that has this legal status in order to prevent the violation of the children rights at birth and be institutionalized in a long wait for a family based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and more international instruments for the protection of rights, which recognize as a human right being part of a family. Through an exploratory approach and analyzing specialized literature, national and international legal regulations it is very clear that the adoption in Ecuador as a legal institution needs a profound revision. Therefore, is intended to strengthen the rights of the unborn child through the proposed

    Topographical Organization of the Pedunculopontine Nucleus

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    Neurons in the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) exhibit a wide heterogeneity in terms of their neurochemical nature, their discharge properties, and their connectivity. Such characteristics are reflected in their functional properties and the behaviors in which they are involved, ranging from motor to cognitive functions, and the regulation of brain states. A clue to understand this functional versatility arises from the internal organization of the PPN. Thus, two main areas of the PPN have been described, the rostral and the caudal, which display remarkable differences in terms of the distribution of neurons with similar phenotype and the projections that originate from them. Here we review these differences with the premise that in order to understand the function of the PPN it is necessary to understand its intricate connectivity. We support the case that the PPN should not be considered as a homogeneous structure and conclude that the differences between rostral and caudal PPN, along with their intrinsic connectivity, may underlie the basis of its complexity

    Differences in picture naming between children with cochlear implants and children with typical hearing

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    Increase in the auditory abilities of children with cochlear implants (CIs) has led to an improvement in naming tasks, although divergent results are still being reported; this strongly suggests that further studies are needed. The study aims to compare the responses in a picture-naming activity between the complete population of children aged 5 to 7 with cochlear implants in Catalonia -Spain- (N = 31), without developmental problems, and a matched sample of 31 children with typical hearing. A picture-naming task was used to assess their lexical naming abilities. The results show that children with CIs provide more non-responses, they produce fewer words correctly, they require a longer reaction time and they commit more picture-naming errors than children with typical hearing. The auditory age does significantly affect the results, but not the type of implant. In spite of the hearing gain achieved with the cochlear implant and the listening experience progressively achieved in distinct contexts, further explicit work on lexical naming in speech-therapy intervention is clearly required. Picture naming, Cochlear implant, Childhood, Educatio

    Sistema integral de costos para la valorización de los recursos productivos del servicio de las entidades privadas de salud

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    Diseña un sistema de costos específicamente para las clínicas; el diseño relaciona la estructura organizativa de la empresa, la naturaleza de sus operaciones y la información contable. La metodología sugerida parte de la configuración de los aspectos generales o de soporte y luego aspectos específicos o contables del sistema. Los aspectos generales o de soporte trabajados son: Concepto de servicio de la entidad, la estructura orgánica y funcional de la empresa, Indicadores de gestión, estándares referidos a los productos o servicios ofrecidos, capacidad normal de producción, sistema de información contable de la entidad. Una vez definido los aspectos de soporte siguen los aspectos específicos como son: Objetivo del sistema de costo, objetos de costos, usuarios de la información de costos, centros de responsabilidad, centros de costos, criterios de asignación de costos, Indicadores de gestión de costos, costos unitarios y sus unidades de medida, procesamiento de la información y finalmente los reportes. Este diseño se trabajó y contó con la activa participación de la clínica de mayor envergadura del departamento de Piura por tanto pretende ser útil para toda entidad similar tanto para la gestión de sus principales áreas asistenciales como para la gestión contable presentando para ello todos los costos asistenciales y operativos que son necesarios para brindar los principales servicios que ofrecen este tipo de empresas. Se concluye que el diseño es idóneo para la gestión asistencial y contable de las entidades privadas de salud pues es imperativo mejorar sus niveles de competitividad.Tesi