342 research outputs found

    Tropical Ocean forcing of the Euro-Atlantic atmosphere

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    Doutoramento em FísicaUm grande ensemble de simulações AMIP (Model Intercomparison Project) II geradas pelo MUGCM (Melbourne University General Circulation Model) são usadas para estudar o forçamento da pressão média ao nível das águas do mar (MSLP, mean sea level pressure) na região Euro-Atlântica (EA) pelas anomalias da temperatura superficial do oceano (SST, sea level temperature). Uma Análise de Variância (ANOVA) mostra que a variabilidade de médias sazonais de MSLP na região EA, e o seu maior modo de variabilidade - a Oscilação do Atlântico Norte (NAO, North Atlantic Oscillation) – são significativamente forçadas pelas SSTs no Inverno e na Primavera. Os dois primeiros modos de variabilidade forçada das anomalias sazonais de MSLP na região EA são estimados usando uma Análise de Componentes Principais de Detecção Optimizada. Análises de regressão e correlação usando anomalias sazonais de SST e as séries temporais associadas aos padrões forçados fornecem evidência estatística de que: (i) uma fase positiva/negativa do El Niño - Oscilação Austral (ENSO) induz uma fase negativa/positiva da NÃO no Inverno e na Primavera; (ii) uma fase positiva/negativa do Gradiente Inter-hemisférico de SST no Atântico induz uma fase negativa/positiva da NAO. A sensibilidade da NAO à polaridade e intensidade do ENSO é também analisada. Os resultados revelam sinais das fases do ENSO quer na intensidade média da NAO, quer na sua variabilidade interna. Durante a fase fria do ENSO, a Função de Densidade de Probabilidade (PDF) do índice da NAO evidencia um pequeno mas positivo valor médio, enquanto que este é negativo na fase quente do ENSO. Além disso, a variabilidade da NAO tem um comportamento diferente para cada fase do ENSO: durante a fase quente, a PDF apresenta maior variância e sugere uma bimodalidade, enquanto que na fase fria nenhuma bimodalidade é sugerida.A large Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project II ensemble of the Melbourne University General Circulation Model is used to asses sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly forcing of mean sea level pressure (MSLP) seasonal mean anomalies over the Euro-Atlantic (EA) region. Tropical SST forcing is focused. An Analysis of Variance shows that seasonal mean MSLP variability in the EA region, and its major mode of variability (the North Atlantic Oscillation, NAO), are significantly SST-forced in winter and spring. The two leading SST-forced variability modes of MSLP seasonal mean anomalies in the EA region are estimated, using Optimal Detection Principal Component Analysis. Regression and correlation analysis using SST anomalies and the time series associated to the forced patterns, give statistical evidence that: (i) a warm (cold) phase of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) induces a negative (positive) phase of the NAO in winter and spring; and (ii) a positive (negative) phase of the Atlantic Inter-hemispheric SST Gradient induces a negative (positive) phase of the NAO in spring. The sensitivity of the NAO to ENSO polarity and strength is also analysed. The results show signals of the ENSO phases in both the mean strength of the NAO as well as in its internal variability. During the cold ENSO phase, the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the NAO index presents a small but positive mean value, whereas it is negative during the warm ENSO phase. Also, the NAO variability associated with each ENSO phase shows a different behaviour: during the warm phase, the PDF presents a larger variance and suggests bimodality, whereas no bimodality is suggested in the cold ENSO phase

    A ventilação forçada na protecção contra a geada de fruteiras caducifólias

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    A geada em Portugal e particularmente nas regiões do interior norte e centro provoca, frequentemente, danos em fruteiras caducifólias importantes como a macieira, cerejeira e amendoeira. O rendimento dos agricultores é severamente afectado e a não estabilização das produções tem igualmente consequências ao nível das empresas e cooperativas do sector. Além da redução da produção, a geada provoca deformações e outros defeitos nos frutos, diminuindo consequentemente o seu valor comercial. A minimização de potenciais prejuízos pode fazer-se através da implementação de medidas preventivas (protecção passiva) e actuando imediatamente antes ou durante a noite de geada (protecção activa) (Snyder & de Melo-Abreu, 2005). Nos métodos indirectos ou passivos – de carácter preventivo – podem-se destacar entre outros a selecção e melhoramento da cultura, selecção do local de cultura, utilização da espécie/variedade adequada ao local, modificação da paisagem com o fim de actuar sobre o microclima, modificação dos sistemas de condução, e actuação sobre o solo e sua cobertura (p. ex., supressão de infestantes). Os métodos directos ou activos – de carácter protector – e de implementação temporária, assentam na previsão da ocorrência de geada. Podem-se destacar os seguintes métodos: utilização de coberturas sobre as culturas; utilização de nevoeiros artificiais; aquecimento directo do ar; ventilação forçada; e métodos que se baseiam na libertação do calor latente de fusão de água (rega por aspersão)

    una aproximación al contexto portugués

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    UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020In recent years, various newspapers around the world have used algorithms and artificial intelligence in news produc-tion. In Portugal, the examples of news production using these technologies are rare, as are the studies on the subject. The incipient work that relates artificial intelligence and algorithms to journalism in Portugal is detectable in the Con-gresses of Sopcom. Among the 18 communications presented in the last decade (2011-2021), only one deals with the technological implications in journalistic routines, and none include the perceptions of journalists about the phenome-non, which justifies the importance of this work. In this article, based on the methodology that combines the theoreti-cal review and the application of a pre-test questionnaire to journalists (N=17) of the four national daily newspapers with the largest circulation: Correio da Manhã, Diário de Notícias, Jornal de Notícias and Público, we highlight three aspects: the lack of knowledge of journalistic content that uses artificial intelligence; openness to the use of artificial in-telligence and the need for training of journalists on the subject. This research has an exploratory scope and intends to extend it in the future, with the distribution of the survey to a larger number of journalists.publishersversionpublishe

    Slipped clip: report of two cases

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    Aneurysm rest occurs in 1 to 10% of operated patients and of these, 21.8% are due to slipped clips. D´Angelo and coworker (1998) found 1 to 10% of residual aneurysms. They suggest that if the residual aneurysm has less than 2 mm, angiographic control must be performed after 3-5 years of the surgical procedure; if between 2 and 4 mm, the angiographic control must be done in the first 6 months after surgery and then, anually. If it has more than 4mm a direct surgical approach is advised. We present the cases of two female patients submitted to microsurgical treatment of intracranial aneurysm, without any intra-operative abnormal event. The angiographic study further made showed displacement of the clip from its original position and aneurysm again. A review of the literature is also presented.A incidência de clipagem de aneurismas em que permanecem restos da dilatação varia, nas séries estudadas, de 1-10%. Deste percentual, 21,8% é devido à migração do clipe.D´Angelo e seus colaboradores (1998), encontraram 1 a 10% de aneurismas residuais. Sugerem que quando o resíduo for menor que 2 mm seja realizado estudo angiográfico entre 3-5 anos após o procedimento cirúrgico; se entre 2 e 4 mm, este estudo deve ser mais precoce, dentro dos primeiros 6 meses e depois anualmente; e, quando maior que 4 mm, a reabordagem. Apresentamos os casos de duas pacientes submetidas a tratamento cirúrgico de aneurismas intracranianos, com intra-operatório sem intercorrências e que, em exames ulteriores, evidenciaram migração do clipe de sua posição original. É apresentada, ainda, revisão da literatura.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Disciplina de NeurocirurgiaUNIFESP, EPM, Disciplina de NeurocirurgiaSciEL

    Hematoma cervical epidural com fratura de clivus: relato de caso

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    Clivus fractures are rare and severe entities, usually associated with vascular or cranial nerve lesions and frequently diagnosed postmortem. Cervical epidural haematomas can be traumatic or spontaneous, manifested in acute or chronic form, and are treated surgically in the majority of cases, although the conservative treatment also can be indicated to patients with incomplete and non-progressive deficits. The authors report the case of a female patient, 8 years old, victim of trampling in public way by a high velocity motorized vehicle, admitted in Glasgow 7, anisocoric pupils (left pupil midriatic), whose radiological investigation showed a transverse fracture of the clivus, cervical epidural haematoma and diffuse axonal injury. The patient was submitted to intracranial pressure monitorization, sedation and conservative treatment with dexamethasone, with good outcome. The authors also present a literature review.As fraturas de clivus são entidades raras e graves, usualmente associadas a lesões vasculares ou de nervos cranianos, sendo freqüentemente diagnosticadas postmortem. Hematomas epidurais cervicais podem ser traumáticos ou espontâneos, manifestos de forma aguda ou crônica, requerendo tratamento cirúrgico na maior parte das vezes, embora o tratamento conservador possa ser indicado a pacientes com déficits incompletos ou não progressivos. Os autores relatam o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 8 anos, vítima de atropelamento em via pública por veículo automotor em alta velocidade, que foi admitida em glasgow 7, com anisocoria (pupila esquerda midriática). A investigação radiológica evidenciou fratura transversa de clivus, hematoma epidural cervical e lesão axonal difusa. A paciente foi submetida a monitorização da pressão intracraniana, sedação e tratamento conservador com corticoesteróides, com boa evolução. Os autores apresentam também uma revisão da literatura pertinente.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Neurosurgery DepartmentUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPM, Neurosurgery DepartmentUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus harboring the TR34/L98H mutation : first report in Portugal in environmental samples

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    Copyright: © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).The frequency in detection of azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus isolates has increased since 2010. In Portugal, the section Fumigati is one of the most frequent, and resistant strains to have been found in clinical and environmental contexts. Although several cryptic species within the Fumigati section show intrinsic resistance to azoles, one factor driving (acquired) resistance is selective pressure deriving from the extensive use of azoles. This is particularly problematic in occupational environments where high fungal loads are expected, and where there is an increased risk of human exposure and infection, with impact on treatment success and disease outcome. The mechanisms of resistance are diverse, but mainly associated with mutations in the cyp51A gene. Despite TR34/L98H being the most frequent mutation described, it has only been detected in clinical specimens in Portugal. Methods: We analyzed 99 A. fumigatus isolates from indoor environments (healthcare facilities, spas, one dairy and one waste sorting unit) collected from January 2018 to February 2019 in different regions of Portugal. Isolates were screened for resistance to itraconazole, voriconazole and posaconazole by culture, and resistance was confirmed by broth microdilution. Sequencing of the cyp51A gene and its promoter was performed to detect mutations associated with resistance. Results: Overall, 8.1% of isolates were able to grow in the presence of at least one azole, and 3% (isolated from the air in a dairy and from filtering respiratory protective devices in a waste sorting industry) were pan-azole-resistant, bearing the TR34/L98H mutation. Conclusion: For the first time in Portugal, we report environmental isolates bearing the TR34/L98H mutation, isolated from occupational environments. Environmental surveillance of the emergence of azole-resistant A. fumigatus sensu stricto strains is needed, to ensure proper and timely implementation of control policies that may have a positive impact on public and occupational health.H&TRC authors gratefully acknowledge the FCT/MCTES national supportthrough the UIDB/05608/2020 and UIDP/05608/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Environmental Risk Assessment Based on High-Resolution Spatial Maps of Potentially Toxic Elements Sampled on Stream Sediments of Santiago, Cape Verde

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    Geochemical mapping is the base knowledge to identify the regions of the planet with critical contents of potentially toxic elements from either natural or anthropogenic sources. Sediments, soils and waters are the vehicles which link the inorganic environment to life through the supply of essential macro and micro nutrients. The chemical composition of surface geological materials may cause metabolic changes which may favor the occurrence of endemic diseases in humans. In order to better understand the relationships between environmental geochemistry and public health, we present environmental risk maps of some harmful elements (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn) in the stream sediments of Santiago, Cape Verde, identifying the potentially harmful areas in this island. The Estimated Background Values (EBV) of Cd, Co, Cr, Ni and V were found to be above the Canadian guidelines for any type of use of stream sediments and also above the target values of the Dutch and United States guidelines. The Probably Effect Concentrations (PEC), above which harmful effects are likely in sediment dwelling organisms, were found for Cr and Ni. Some associations between the geological formations of the island and the composition of stream sediments were identified and confirmed by descriptive statistics and by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The EBV spatial distribution of the metals and the results of PCA allowed us to establish relationships between the EBV maps and the geological formations. The first two PCA modes indicate that heavy metals in Santiago stream sediments are mainly originated from weathering of underlying bedrocks. The first metal association (Co, V, Cr, and Mn; first PCA mode) consists of elements enriched in basic rocks and compatible elements. The second association of variables (Zn and Cd as opposed to Ni; second PCA mode) appears to be strongly controlled by the composition of alkaline volcanic rocks and pyroclastic rocks. So, the second PCA mode is also considered as a natural lithogenic mode. The third association (Cu and Pb; third PCA mode) consists of elements of anthropogenic origin

    Controle e autorregulação da aprendizagem na teoria de P. Ya. Galperin

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    During the last decades, self-regulation of learning has been a relevant concern in educational research and considered a personality aspect related to the mechanisms of voluntary attention that the subjects devote to their actions. In the case of learning, self-regulation concerns the activity performed in order to learn. Thus, this article discusses the process of content internalization as a form of attention and mechanism of self-regulation in the school setting, based on the Theory of Planned Formation of Mental Actions and Concepts by P. Ya. Galperin, in the context of Developmental Didactics.Durante las últimas décadas, la autorregulación del aprendizaje, considerara un aspecto de la personalidade relacionada a los mecanismos de la atención voluntária que el sujeto realiza sobre sus acciones, há sido considerada una preocupación relavante en la investigación educacional. En el caso del aprendizaje, la autorregulación dice respecto a la actividad para aprender. Siendo así, en este articulo se realiza una discusión sobre el processo de formación del control interno como forma de atención y mecanismo de la autorregulación del aprendizaje por parte de los estudiantes en la educación escolar, fundamentada en la Teoria de Formación Planificada de las Acciones Mentales y de los Conceptos de P. Ya. Galperin, en el contexto de la Didáctica Desarrolladora.Au cours des dernières décennies, l’autorégulation de l’apprentissage fait l’objet d’une importante réflexion dans la recherche en éducation, considérée comme un aspect de la personnalité lié aux mécanismes d’attention volontaire que le sujet effectue sur ses actions. Dans le cas de l'apprentissage, l'autorégulation concerne l'activité à apprendre. Ainsi, dans cet article, nous présentons une discussion sur le processus de formation du contrôle interne en tant que forme d’attention et de mécanisme d’autorégulation de l’apprenant* dans l’enseignement scolaire, basée sur la Théorie de la Formation Planifiée des Actions Mentales et des Concepts de P. Ya. Galperin, dans le contexte de la Didactique du Développement.Durante as últimas décadas, a autorregulação da aprendizagem considerada um aspecto da personalidade relacionado aos mecanismos da atenção voluntária que o sujeito realiza sobre suas ações, tem sido uma preocupação relevante na investigação educacional. No caso da aprendizagem, a autorregulação diz respeito à atividade para aprender. Sendo assim, neste artigo, realiza-se uma discussão sobre o processo de formação do controle interno como forma de atenção e mecanismo da autorregulação da aprendizagem por parte dos estudantes, na educação escolar, com base na Teoria de Formação Planejada das Ações Mentais e dos Conceitos de P. Ya. Galperin, no contexto da Didática Desenvolvimentista