116 research outputs found

    Atlas and Informative System of the Lagoon of Venice: updated tools for a higher management efficiency in Natura 2000 sites

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    La laguna di Venezia è un ecosistema complesso per comprendere il quale è necessario integrare dati ed informazioni provenienti da discipline diverse raccolti da differenti Enti ed Istituti di ricerca. L’Osservatorio Naturalistico della Laguna, del Comune di Venezia, nasce fondamentalmente per raccogliere queste informazioni ed organizzarle affinché possano essere fruibili sia dai vari Servizi e Direzioni dell’Amministrazione Comunale, sia dalle istituzioni scientifiche e dai cittadini. Per questo motivo è stato prodotto l’Atlante della Laguna, una raccolta di 103 mappe tematiche, ciascuna delle quali è corredata da una scheda esplicativa, suddivise in 5 sezioni: Geosfera, Biosfera, Antroposfera, Ambiti di Tutela e Analisi Integrate. L’Atlante rappresenta solo un primo passo verso la diffusione e la validazione dei dati ambientali. Attualmente si sta realizzando un Sistema Informativo della Laguna (SIL) che metterà a disposizione di vari utenti le informazioni, le elaborazioni ed i materiali raccolti dall’Osservatorio durante le sue attività (in parte già sintetizzati nell’Atlante). Il passo successivo sarà la raccolta e la diffusione delle informazioni e dei dati che altri soggetti proprietari vorranno inserire nel SIL, attraverso appositi protocolli di scambio. I vantaggi di un Sistema Informativo rispetto ad un volume cartaceo sono molteplici e noti, e vanno dall’aggiornabilità del dato alla possibilità di elaborarlo secondo necessità contingenti. L’utilizzo di questi strumenti per la gestione delle aree umide è esemplificato attraverso un caso studio: la Valutazione di Incidenza dell’area utilizzata per il tiro al piattello localizzata a Campalto (Venezia), attività dismessa ormai da diversi anni.The lagoon of Venice is a complex ecosystem that can be understood only by the integration of data and information with a multidisciplinary approach. The ‘Osservatorio Naturalistico della Laguna’ of Venice Municipality has been created with the aim of gathering and organizing all kinds of information, so that it can be used by administrators, scientific institutions and citizens. For this reason, the Lagoon Atlas was produced. The Atlas is composed by 103 tematic maps, each accompanied by an explicatory schedule, subdivided into 5 sections: Geosphere, Biosphere, Anthroposphere, Protection and Integrated Analysis. The Atlas represents a first step towards the distribution and validation of environmental data. An Informative System of the Lagoon (SIL) is currently under construction, and this will allow to obtain all kind of information, elaboration and materials gathered by the Osservatorio during its activities (already partially summarized in the Atlas). The next step will be to gather and distribute information and data that other subjects will include in the SIL, through specific protocols of exchange. The advantages of using an Informative System rather than paper materials are obvious, spanning from the possibility to update data to the possibility of elaborating them according to the needs. The use of these tools for wetland management is exemplified by a case study: the assessment of projects in the area of Campalto (Venice), that in the past was used for shooting

    Gene Methylation Affects Salivary Levels of the Taste Buds' Trophic Factor, Gustin Protein

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    The salivary protein, Gustin/carbonic anhydrase VI, has been described as a trophic factor responsible for the growth of taste buds. We found, in a genetically homogeneous population, that the polymorphism rs2274333 (A/G) of the Gustin gene is crucial for the full functionality of the protein and is associated with taste sensitivity. However, other studies have failed to find this evidence. Here, we verified if Gustin gene methylation can affect the salivary levels of the protein, also concerning the polymorphism rs2274333 and PROP bitter responsiveness. The Gustin gene methylation profiling and the quantification of the Gustin salivary levels were determined in sixty-six volunteers genotyped for the polymorphism rs2274333 (A/G) (Ser90Gly in the protein sequence). The fungiform papillae density was also determined. The results confirm our earlier observations by showing that AA genotypes had a greater density of fungiform taste papillae, whereas the GG genotypes showed a lower density. We also found variations in the protein levels in the three genotype groups and an inverse relationship between Gustin gene methylation and the salivary levels of the protein, mostly evident in AA and ST volunteers, i.e., in volunteers who would be carriers of the functional isoform of the protein. These findings could justify the conflicting data in the literature

    The gustin (CA6) gene polymorphism, rs2274333 (A/G), is associated with fungiform papilla density, whereas PROP bitterness is mostly due to TAS2R38 in an ethnically-mixed population

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    PROP responsiveness is associated with TAS2R38 haplotypes and fungiform papilla density. Recently, we showed that a polymorphism in the gene coding for the salivary trophic factor, gustin (CA6), affects PROP sensitivity by acting on cell growth and fungiform papillae maintenance, in a genetically homogeneous cohort. Since population homogeneity can lead to over estimation of gene effects, the primary aim of the present work was to confirm gustin’s role in PROP bitterness intensity and fungiform papillae density in a genetically diverse population. Eighty subjects were genotyped for both genes by PCR techniques. PROP responsiveness was assessed by filter paper method and fungiform papilla density was determined in each subject. As expected, PROP bitterness ratings were lower in individuals with the AVI/AVI diplotype of TAS2R38 than in individuals with PAV/PAV and PAV/AVI diplotype. However, no differences in PROP bitterness among genotypes of the gustin gene, and no differences in the density of fungiform papillae related to TAS2R38 diplotype were found. In contrast, the density of fungiform papillae decreased as the number of minor (G) alleles at the gustin locus increased. In addition, the distribution of TAS2R38 genotypes within each gustin genotype group showed that the occurrence of recessive alleles at both loci was infrequent in the present sample compared to other populations. These findings confirm that papillae density is associated with gustin gene polymorphism, rs2274333 (A/G), in an ancestrally heterogeneous population, and suggest that variations in the frequency of allele combinations for these two genes could provide a salient explanation for discrepant findings for gustin gene effects across population

    Paleoenvironmental changes related to the variations of the sea-ice cover during the Late Holocene in an Antarctic fjord (Edisto Inlet, Ross Sea) inferred by foraminiferal association

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    TR17-08, a marine sedimentary core (14.6 m), was collected during 2017 from the Edisto Inlet (Ross Sea, Antarctica), a small fjord near Cape Hallett. The core is characterized by expanded laminated sedimentary sequences making it suitable for studying submillennial processes during the Early Holocene. By studying different well-known foraminifera species (Globocassidulina biora, G. subglobosa, Trifarina angulosa, Nonionella iridea, Epistominella exigua, Stainforthia feylingi, Miliammina arenacea, Paratrochammina bartrami and Portatrochammina antarctica), we were able to identify five different foraminiferal assemblages over the last 2000 years BP. Comparison with diatom assemblages and other geochemical proxies retrieved from nearby sediment cores in the Edisto Inlet (BAY05-20 and HLF17-1) made it possible to distinguish three different phases characterized by different environmental settings: (1) a seasonal phase (from 2012 to 1486 years BP) characterized by the dominance of calcareous species, indicating a seasonal opening of the inlet by more frequent events of melting of the sea-ice cover during the austral summer and, in general, a higher-productivity, more open and energetic environment; (2) a transitional phase (from 1486 to 696 years BP) during which the fjord experienced less extensive sea-ice melting, enhanced oxygen-poor conditions and carbonate dissolution conditions, indicated by the shifts from calcareous-dominated association to agglutinated-dominated association probably due to a freshwater input from the retreat of three local glaciers at the start of this period; and (3) a cooler phase (from 696 years BP to present) during which the sedimentation rate decreased and few to no foraminiferal specimens were present, indicating ephemeral openings or a more prolonged cover of the sea ice during the austral summer, affecting the nutrient supply and the sedimentation regime

    Viral expression and molecular profiling in liver tissue versus microdissected hepatocytes in hepatitis B virus - associated hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Abstract Background The molecular mechanisms whereby hepatitis B virus (HBV) induces hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remain elusive. We used genomic and molecular techniques to investigate host-virus interactions by studying multiple areas of the same liver from patients with HCC. Methods We compared the gene signature of whole liver tissue (WLT) versus laser capture-microdissected (LCM) hepatocytes along with the intrahepatic expression of HBV. Gene expression profiling was performed on up to 17 WLT specimens obtained at various distances from the tumor center from individual livers of 11 patients with HCC and on selected LCM samples. HBV markers in liver and serum were determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and confocal immunofluorescence. Results Analysis of 5 areas of the liver showed a sharp change in gene expression between the immediate perilesional area and tumor periphery that correlated with a significant decrease in the intrahepatic expression of HB surface antigen (HBsAg). The tumor was characterized by a large preponderance of down-regulated genes, mostly involved in the metabolism of lipids and fatty acids, glucose, amino acids and drugs, with down-regulation of pathways involved in the activation of PXR/RXR and PPARα/RXRα nuclear receptors, comprising PGC-1α and FOXO1, two key regulators critically involved not only in the metabolic functions of the liver but also in the life cycle of HBV, acting as essential transcription factors for viral gene expression. These findings were confirmed by gene expression of microdissected hepatocytes. Moreover, LCM of malignant hepatocytes also revealed up-regulation of unique genes associated with cancer and signaling pathways, including two novel HCC-associated cancer testis antigen genes, NUF2 and TTK. Conclusions Integrated gene expression profiling of whole liver tissue with that of microdissected hepatocytes demonstrated that HBV-associated HCC is characterized by a metabolism switch-off and by a significant reduction in HBsAg. LCM proved to be a critical tool to validate gene signatures associated with HCC and to identify genes that may play a role in hepatocarcinogenesis, opening new perspectives for the discovery of novel diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets

    Genetic loci linked to Type 1 Diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis families in Sardinia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Mediterranean island of Sardinia has a strikingly high incidence of the autoimmune disorders Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Furthermore, the two diseases tend to be co-inherited in the same individuals and in the same families. These observations suggest that some unknown autoimmunity variant with relevant effect size could be fairly common in this founder population and could be detected using linkage analysis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To search for T1D and MS loci as well as any that predispose to both diseases, we performed a whole genome linkage scan, sequentially genotyping 593 microsatellite marker loci in 954 individuals distributed in 175 Sardinian families. In total, 413 patients were studied; 285 with T1D, 116 with MS and 12 with both disorders. Model-free linkage analysis was performed on the genotyped samples using the Kong and Cox logarithm of odds (LOD) score statistic.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In T1D, aside from the HLA locus, we found four regions showing a lod-score ≥1; 1p31.1, 6q26, 10q21.2 and 22q11.22. In MS we found three regions showing a lod-score ≥1; 1q42.2, 18p11.21 and 20p12.3. In the combined T1D-MS scan for shared autoimmunity loci, four regions showed a LOD >1, including 6q26, 10q21.2, 20p12.3 and 22q11.22. When we typed more markers in these intervals we obtained suggestive evidence of linkage in the T1D scan at 10q21.2 (LOD = 2.1), in the MS scan at 1q42.2 (LOD = 2.5) and at 18p11.22 (LOD = 2.6). When all T1D and MS families were analysed jointly we obtained suggestive evidence in two regions: at 10q21.1 (LOD score = 2.3) and at 20p12.3 (LOD score = 2.5).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This suggestive evidence of linkage with T1D, MS and both diseases indicates critical chromosome intervals to be followed up in downstream association studies.</p

    Variants within the immunoregulatory CBLB gene are associated with multiple sclerosis

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    A genome wide association scan of ~6.6 million genotyped or imputed variants in 882 Sardinian Multiple Sclerosis (MS) cases and 872 controls suggested association of CBLB gene variants with disease, which was confirmed in 1,775 cases and 2,005 controls (overall P =1.60 × 10-10). CBLB encodes a negative regulator of adaptive immune responses and mice lacking the orthologue are prone to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, the animal model of MS

    Genome-wide Analyses Identify KIF5A as a Novel ALS Gene

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    To identify novel genes associated with ALS, we undertook two lines of investigation. We carried out a genome-wide association study comparing 20,806 ALS cases and 59,804 controls. Independently, we performed a rare variant burden analysis comparing 1,138 index familial ALS cases and 19,494 controls. Through both approaches, we identified kinesin family member 5A (KIF5A) as a novel gene associated with ALS. Interestingly, mutations predominantly in the N-terminal motor domain of KIF5A are causative for two neurodegenerative diseases: hereditary spastic paraplegia (SPG10) and Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2 (CMT2). In contrast, ALS-associated mutations are primarily located at the C-terminal cargo-binding tail domain and patients harboring loss-of-function mutations displayed an extended survival relative to typical ALS cases. Taken together, these results broaden the phenotype spectrum resulting from mutations in KIF5A and strengthen the role of cytoskeletal defects in the pathogenesis of ALS.Peer reviewe

    La rilevanza femminile per il jihadismo contemporaneo: una prospettiva storica su donne e terrorismo

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    Il discorso che strumentalizza il messaggio religioso in funzione jihadista non regge se non è inserito in un contesto di disagio esistenziale e se non viene accompagnato da tecniche persuasive molto perfezionate, che con la “conversione” all’Islam – inteso come religione e cultura millenaria, plurale, flessibile, diffusa in tutto il mondo e sostanzialmente pacifica come lo sono tutti i messaggi religiosi – hanno ben poco a che vedere. Ciò non toglie nulla alla pericolosità di una ideologia aberrante che si è andata diffondendo con sorprendente successo anche in contesti apparentemente del tutto refrattari al discorso jihadista e, conseguentemente, alla necessità di vigilare e combattere il diffondersi di questo fenomeno, a partire dalle sue reali motivazioni e dinamiche, evitando di addurre all’Islam tout court la colpa di tanta efferatezza

    The purchasing decision-making process in scholastic educational travel

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    In the tourism market, the educational segment has experienced significant growth, and a continued increase is expected in the future. Field research was carried out on this important phenomenon in which tourism and education collide. This study investigates the demand side of educational travel, particularly the purchasing decision-making process in Sardinian schools. The model of “buying centre”, theorised by Webster and Wind (1972) for the industry sector, is considered suitable for this research. This study examines schools as buying centres, and the individuals intervening in the decision-making process and their roles in Sardinian schools are tested using questionnaires and two focus group discussions. This analysis is important for the selection of educational products suitable for the school actors that intervene in the decision-making process, and it provides a model that may be applied in other school environments around the world