20 research outputs found

    Propuesta de mejora educativa en la Unidad Didáctica de los ecosistemas en el primer ciclo de Educación Secundaria

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster tiene como objetivo principal el diseño curricular de una Unidad Didáctica mejorada sobre la actuación docente desarrollada con los distintos grupos del primer ciclo en el IES La Caleta, de Cádiz. Durante el periodo práctico se ha impartido la unidad referente a los ecosistemas, que corresponde a la especialidad de Biología y Geología. Con la siguiente propuesta se busca perfeccionar las dificultades observadas y encontradas durante dicho periodo. Las líneas de innovación irán enfocadas a la evaluación, a la adaptación en el uso de las TIC en casa y a la introducción del elemento lúdico en clase con fines didácticos. Los criterios pedagógicos en los que se basan el presente trabajo son los siguientes: proporcionar al alumnado un rol activo en su proceso de aprendizaje, fomentar el trabajo en equipo, motivar al alumnado y perfeccionar el uso de tecnologías con fines académicos

    Potencialidad del cultivo multitrófico en la salina "La Atravesada"

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    La acuicultura multitrófica integrada es un modelo productivo de cultivo, el cual aprovecha los diferentes niveles tróficos de distintas especies en un cultivo escalonado, de forma que el agua va siendo filtrada y se consigue una diversificación de especies en la producción. Concretamente, los desechos de los peces junto con el resto de pienso en forma de materia orgánica particulada y disuelta, sirve como alimento a organismos moluscos bivalvos como pueden ser mejillones, ostiones o almejas. En segundo lugar, el agua que proviene de los moluscos rica en materia inorgánica disuelta, se utiliza para el cultivo de macroalgas que captan el exceso de nitrógeno y fósforo disuelto. De esta forma se obtiene un efluente final de más calidad, biodepurado del exceso de materia orgánica y los nutrientes inorgánicos, y además se aprovecha esta biofiltración para generar una diversidad del producto

    Estudio de caso clínico: diagnóstico dual

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    El objetivo concreto de nuestro estudio era observar la evolución de los hábitos tóxicos de una paciente con patología dual y, el patrón de consumo en función de su patología mental (trastorno ciclotímico) y de estresores psicosociales. Así mismo esclarecimos los estadios en los que se encontraba y el proceso de cambio que estaba utilizando. También evaluamos su personalidad y su nivel de funcionamiento actual. Todo ello, con el objetivo principal de comprender mejor la comorbilidad entre los trastornos bipolares y los trastornos relacionados con sustancias. La paciente estudiada estaba en seguimiento en la UCA (Unidad de Conductas Adictivas) de Ciudad Real. Para dicho estudio utilizamos las entrevistas, cuestionarios, analíticas y pruebas complementarias y, controles toxicológicos. En nuestros resultados obtuvimos que la paciente alternaba periodos de abstinencia y consumo en lo referente al Alcohol y al Cannabis. Encontrándose abstinente de alcohol desde hace un año aproximadamente y, consumiendo cannabis actualmente. A los 35 años inició un abuso esporádico de cocaína y así se mantenía. La paciente observamos que consumía en estados hipomaniacos o en situaciones de estrés, y se mantenía abstinente en estados depresivos o eutímicos. La paciente se encontraba entre los estadios de preparación para la acción y la acción y, utilizaba la autoliberación. El perfil de personalidad que mostraba era: pasivo-agresivo o histriónico. Su nivel de funcionamiento actual se encontraba en un nivel medio-alto. Dada la evolución de la paciente observada en este estudio podemos concluir que este caso podría explicarse a partir de la Hipótesis de la Automedicación. La elevada prevalencia de casos de Patología Dual (P.D.) nos demuestra su relevancia clínica sanitaria. Los pacientes que sufren dicha patología necesitan un abordaje terapéutico de forma conjunta. No obstante, debido a las limitaciones que presenta un estudio de caso único, no podemos generalizar las conclusiones obtenidas, aunque sí podemos considerarlas respecto a sus implicaciones

    The age again in the eye of the COVID-19 storm: evidence-based decision making

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    Background: One hundred fifty million contagions, more than 3 million deaths and little more than 1 year of COVID-19 have changed our lives and our health management systems forever. Ageing is known to be one of the significant determinants for COVID-19 severity. Two main reasons underlie this: immunosenescence and age correlation with main COVID-19 comorbidities such as hypertension or dyslipidaemia. This study has two aims. The first is to obtain cut-off points for laboratory parameters that can help us in clinical decision-making. The second one is to analyse the effect of pandemic lockdown on epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory parameters concerning the severity of the COVID-19. For these purposes, 257 of SARSCoV2 inpatients during pandemic confinement were included in this study. Moreover, 584 case records from a previously analysed series, were compared with the present study data. Results: Concerning the characteristics of lockdown series, mild cases accounted for 14.4, 54.1% were moderate and 31.5%, severe. There were 32.5% of home contagions, 26.3% community transmissions, 22.5% nursing home contagions, and 8.8% corresponding to frontline worker contagions regarding epidemiological features. Age > 60 and male sex are hereby confirmed as severity determinants. Equally, higher severity was significantly associated with higher IL6, CRP, ferritin, LDH, and leukocyte counts, and a lower percentage of lymphocyte, CD4 and CD8 count. Comparing this cohort with a previous 584-cases series, mild cases were less than those analysed in the first moment of the pandemic and dyslipidaemia became more frequent than before. IL-6, CRP and LDH values above 69 pg/mL, 97 mg/L and 328 U/L respectively, as well as a CD4 T-cell count below 535 cells/?L, were the best cut-offs predicting severity since these parameters offered reliable areas under the curve. Conclusion: Age and sex together with selected laboratory parameters on admission can help us predict COVID-19 severity and, therefore, make clinical and resource management decisions. Demographic features associated with lockdown might affect the homogeneity of the data and the robustness of the results

    COVID-19 : Age, Interleukin-6, C-reactive protein, and lymphocytes as key clues from a multicentre retrospective study

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    Background: The SARS-CoV-2 infection has widely spread to become the greatest public health challenge to date, the COVID-19 pandemic. Different fatality rates among countries are probably due to non-standardized records being carried out by local health authorities. The Spanish case-fatality rate is 11.22%, far higher than those reported in Asia or by other European countries. A multicentre retrospective study of demographic, clinical, laboratory and immunological features of 584 Spanish COVID-19 hospitalized patients and their outcomes was performed. The use of renin-angiotensin system blockers was also analysed as a risk factor. Results: In this study, 27.4% of cases presented a mild course, 42.1% a moderate one and for 30.5% of cases, the course was severe. Ages ranged from 18 to 98 (average 63). Almost 60 % (59.8%) of patients were male. Interleukin 6 was higher as severity increased. On the other hand, CD8 lymphocyte count was significantly lower as severity grew and subpopulations CD4, CD8, CD19, and NK showed concordant lowering trends. Severity-related natural killer percent descents were evidenced just within aged cases. A significant severity-related decrease of CD4 lymphocytes was found in males. The use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors was associated with a better prognosis. The angiotensin II receptor blocker use was associated with a more severe course. Conclusions: Age and age-related comorbidities, such as dyslipidaemia, hypertension or diabetes, determined more frequent severe forms of the disease in this study than in previous literature cohorts. Our cases are older than those so far reported and the clinical course of the disease is found to be impaired by age. Immunosenescence might be therefore a suitable explanation for the hampering of immune system effectors. The adaptive immunity would become exhausted and a strong but ineffective and almost deleterious innate response would account for COVID-19 severity. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors used by hypertensive patients have a protective effect in regards to COVID-19 severity in our series. Conversely, patients on angiotensin II receptor blockers showed a severer disease

    Primary and Secondary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Oncohaematology: Warning Signs, Diagnosis, and Management

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    Background: Immunodeficiencies (ID), in particular primary immunodeficiencies (PID), are often associated with haematological manifestations, such as peripheral cytopenias or lymphoproliferative syndromes. Early diagnosis and management have significant prognostic implications. Secondary immunodeficiencies (SID) may also be induced by oncohaematological diseases and their treatments. Haematologists and oncologists must therefore be aware of the association between blood disorders and cancer and ID, and be prepared to offer their patients appropriate treatment without delay. Our aim was to define the warning signs of primary and secondary IDs in paediatric and adult patients with oncohaematological manifestations.Methods: A multidisciplinary group of six experts (2 haematologists, 2 immunologists, and 2 paediatricians specializing in ID) conducted a literature review and prepared a document based on agreements reached an in-person meeting. An external group of 44 IDs specialists from all over Spain assessed the document and were consulted regarding their level of agreement.Results: This document identifies the haematological and extra-haematological diseases that should prompt a suspicion of PIDs in adults and children, in both primary care and haematology and oncology departments. Cytopenia and certain lymphoproliferative disorders are key diagnostic pointers. The diagnosis must be based on a detailed clinical history, physical exploration, complete blood count and standard laboratory tests. The immunological and haematological tests included in the diagnostic process will depend on the care level. Patients who are candidates for immunoglobulin replacement therapy must be carefully selected, and treatment should be offered as soon as possible to avoid the development of complications. Finally, this document recommends procedures for monitoring these patients.Conclusions: This document combines scientific evidence with the opinion of a broad panel of experts, and emphasizes the importance of an early diagnosis and treatment to avoid complications. The resulting document is a useful tool for primary care physicians and specialists who see both adult and paediatric patients with oncohaematological diseases

    Ceramide Composition in Exosomes for Characterization of Glioblastoma Stem-Like Cell Phenotypes.

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is one of the most malignant central nervous system tumor types. Comparative analysis of GBM tissues has rendered four major molecular subtypes. From them, two molecular subtypes are mainly found in their glioblastoma cancer stem-like cells (GSCs) derived in vitro: proneural (PN) and mesenchymal (MES) with nodular (MES-N) and semi-nodular (MES-SN) disseminations, which exhibit different metabolic, growth, and malignancy properties. Many studies suggest that cancer cells communicate between them, and the surrounding microenvironment, via exosomes. Identifying molecular markers that allow the specific isolation of GSC-derived exosomes is key in the development of new therapies. However, the differential exosome composition produced by main GSCs remains unknown. The aim of this study was to determine ceramide (Cer) composition, one of the critical lipids in both cells and their cell-derived exosomes, from the main three GSC phenotypes using mass spectrometry-based lipidomics. GSCs from human tissue samples and their cell-derived exosomes were measured using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC/Q-TOF-MS) in an untargeted analysis. Complete characterization of the ceramide profile, in both cells and cell-derived exosomes from GSC phenotypes, showed differential distributions among them. Results indicate that such differences of ceramide are chain-length dependent. Significant changes for the C16 Cer and C24:1 Cer and their ratio were observed among GSC phenotypes, being different for cells and their cell-derived exosomes.post-print4713 K

    Aspectos metodológicos en artículos de Educación Matemática: análisis de dos revistas españolas

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    In all research it is necessary to follow a series of guidelines and methodological techniques that give a seal of rigor, validity and reliability to the results. For this reason, it is necessary that in the methodology or methods section of any scientific article they are described with sufficient clarity. We present a pilot study on methodological aspects described in mathematics education articles published in two Spanish journals indexed in the Scopus database. We used mixed methods, both quantitative methods from bibliometrics and qualitative methods from case studies. It was found that qualitative studies oriented to university topics predominated. Methodological information was also found to be lacking or ambiguous. It was also found that the sample sizes are too small and mostly less than 9 subjects.En toda investigación es necesario seguir una serie de pautas y técnicas metodológicas que otorgan un sello de rigor, validez y fiabilidad a los resultados. Por ello es necesario que en el apartado de metodología o métodos de todo artículo científico se describan con suficiente claridad. Se presenta un estudio piloto sobre aspectos metodológicos descritos en los artículos de Educación Matemática publicados en dos revistas españolas indexadas en la base de datos Scopus. Se utilizan métodos mixtos propios tanto cuantitativos de la bibliometría y cualitativos del estudio de caso. Se halló que predominan los estudios cualitativos orientados a temática universitarias. También se halló falta de información metodológica o esta es confusa ambigua. Así mismo, se evidenció que los tamaños muestrales son demasiado pequeños y mayoritariamente inferiores a 9 sujeto

    Methodological aspects in Mathematics Education articles: analysis of two Spanish journals

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    En toda investigación es necesario seguir una serie de pautas y técnicas metodológicas que otorgan un sello de rigor, validez y fiabilidad a los resultados. Por ello es necesario que en el apartado de metodología o métodos de todo artículo científico se describan con suficiente claridad. Se presenta un estudio piloto sobre aspectos metodológicos descritos en los artículos de Educación Matemática publicados en dos revistas españolas indexadas en la base de datos Scopus. Se utilizan métodos mixtos propios tanto cuantitativos de la bibliometría y cualitativos del estudio de caso.Se halló que predominan los estudios cualitativos orientados a temática universitarias. También se halló falta de información metodológica o esta es confusa ambigua. Así mismo, se evidenció que los tamaños muestrales son demasiado pequeños y mayoritariamente inferiores a 9 sujetos.In all research it is necessary to follow a series of guidelines and methodological techniques that give a seal of rigor, validity and reliability to the results. For this reason, it is necessary that in the methodology or methods section of any scientificarticle they are described with sufficient clarity. We present a pilot study on methodological aspects described in mathematics education articles published in two Spanish journals indexed in the Scopus database. We used mixed methods, both quantitative methods from bibliometrics and qualitative methods from case studies.It was found that qualitative studies oriented to university topics predominated. Methodological information was also found to be lacking or ambiguous. It was also found that the sample sizes are too small and mostly less than 9 subjects