398 research outputs found

    A honvéd-egészségügyi alapellátó rendelők működési mutatói a 2015. évi betegforgalmi adatainak elemzése alapján The operational indicators of the military primary health care providers based on an analysis of patient traffic data for 2015

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    A szerzők tanulmányunkban elemzik honvéd-egészségügyi alapellátó (csapat-egészségügyi) rendelők alapfeladataként meghatározott gyógyító-megelőző alapellátásának, a 2015. évi adatait. A 82 519 orvos-beteg találkozás a legtöbb esetben valamilyen akut ellátási igény, fertőzés és légúti megbetegedés miatt történt. Az állománykategóriák közötti elemzések differenciáltabb képet mutatnak a megbetegedésekről. Míg a legfiatalabb, tanintézeti hallgatói állomány átlagosan 5 napot, addig a polgári állomány a háromszorosát, átlag 15 napot van távol a munkahelyétől, betegség miatt. A polgári beosztásúak körében a krónikus, főként szív, és érrendszeri megbetegedések ellátása áll az első helyen, amely a kiesett munkanapok számával párhuzamot mutat. A kórházban eltöltött napok száma a hivatásos állomány körében a legmagasabb, átlagosan 6 nap, a legkevesebb a tanintézeti hallgató csoportban, átlagosan 3 nap. A Magyar Honvédség személyi állományának magasabb szintű szakellátásában a polgári egészségügyi intézmények is részt vesznek, az összes szakorvosi ellátás 51%-a, míg az összes fekvőbeteg ellátás 64%-a, a honvéd-egészségügyi szakellátó rendszeren kívül valósul meg. A csapat-egészségügyi szolgálatok személyi infrastruktúrája évek óta igen kedvezőtlen képet mutat. 2015-ben a Magyar Honvédség 13 alakulatánál nem volt a katonaorvosi státusz betöltve, ami az előző évek pályaelhagyási tendenciáját erősíti. Az átlagosan egy orvosra jutó 1965 eset ellátása, illetve emellett a további csapat-egészségügyi alapfeladataik végrehajtása az ellátók teherbíró-képességének a határát jelzik. In this article the indicators of the military unit medical centre are being presented from the year 2015, mainly focusing on the primary health care which had been defined by their primary duty. Most of the cases from the total 82519 derived from acute medical attention, including infections and respiratory diseases. The analysis on the personnel categories shows a more differentiated picture on illnesses. Among civilian personnel lingering illnesses, especially vascular lesion are of frequent occurrence that comes together with the increasing time of absence from work. Compared to the youngest, military students who are absent from their workplaces 5 days a year on average, the civilian miss 15 days due to illness. The hospital treatment days also corresponds to this data. In favour of the higher level of specialist care provided for the personal ranks of the Hungarian Defence Forces the civil health care facilities also take part. 36% of all professional medical provision and 64% of in-patient care is taking place out of the Hungarian Defence Forces Health Centre’s system. The personal infrastructure of the unit medical centres has been showing an unfavourable image for years. In 2015 seven corps of the Hungarian Defence Forces were lacking a troop physician. For a troop physician who needs to take care of 1965 cases on average, besides living up to his or her other basic duties can end up in reaching the end of their bearing capacity

    SESAME (SEquence Sorter & AMplicon Explorer): genotyping based on high-throughput multiplex amplicon sequencing

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    Summary: Characterizing genetic diversity through genotyping short amplicons is central to evolutionary biology. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies changed the scale at which these type of data are acquired. SESAME is a web application package that assists genotyping of multiplexed individuals for several markers based on NGS amplicon sequencing. It automatically assigns reads to loci and individuals, corrects reads if standard samples are available and provides an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) for allele validation based on the sequences and associated decision-making tools. The aim of SESAME is to help allele identification among a large number of sequences

    Development of 55 novel polymorphic microsatellite loci for the critically endangered L. (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Percidae) and cross-species amplification in five other percids

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    International audienceBy combining biotin-enrichment protocol and next generation pyrosequencing, through 454 GS-FLX Titanium technology, 55 polymorphic microsatellites loci with perfect motif were isolated from the Rhone streber (), a critically endangered European fish species. Eight multiplex PCR kits were optimised in order to genotype a total of 58 polymorphic loci, including three previously published loci. The level of genetic diversity was assessed for 68 , 30 , 33 and four individuals. Amplification success was also assessed on and using single individuals. These markers will be useful to investigate the population structure of the highly fragmented Rhone streber. They represent a powerful tool for conservation issues and evolutionary approaches of this endemic species. Moreover, part of our markers demonstrated applicability to other percid species, allowing for potential applications to fisheries and aquaculture management

    Dataset S1: Revised dataset

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    Microsatellite sequences were isolated from enriched genomic libraries of the spotted spiny lobster, Panulirus guttatus using 454 pyrosequencing. Twenty-nine previously developed polymerase chain reaction primer pairs of Panulirus argus microsatellite loci were also tested for cross-species amplification in Panulirus guttatus. In total, eight consistently amplifying, and polymorphic loci were characterized for 57 individuals collected in the Florida Keys and Bermuda. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 8 to 20 and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.409 to 0.958. Significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were found in one locus from Florida and three loci from Bermuda. Quality control testing indicated that all loci were easy to score, highly polymorphic and showed no evidence of linkage disequilibrium. Null alleles were detected in three loci with moderate frequencies ranging from (20% to 22%). These eight microsatellites provide novel molecular markers for future conservation genetics research of P. guttatus

    Representativeness of microsatellite distributions in genomes, as revealed by 454 GS-FLX Titanium pyrosequencing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Microsatellites are markers of choice in population genetics and genomics, as they provide useful insight into patterns and processes as diverse as genome evolutionary dynamics and demographic processes. The acquisition of microsatellites through multiplex-enriched libraries and 454 GS-FLX Titanium pyrosequencing is a promising new tool for the isolation of new markers in unknown genomes. This approach can also be used to evaluate the extent to which microsatellite-enriched libraries are representative of the genome from which they were isolated. In this study, we deciphered potential discrepancies in microsatellite content recovery for two reference genomes (<it>Apis mellifera </it>and <it>Danio rerio</it>), selected on the basis of their extreme heterogeneity in terms of the proportions and distributions of microsatellites on chromosomes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The <it>A. mellifera </it>genome, in particular, was found to be highly heterogeneous, due to extremely high rates of recombination, with hotspots, but the only bias consistently introduced into pyrosequenced multiplex-enriched libraries concerned sequence length, with the overrepresentation of sequences 160 to 320 bp in length. Other deviations from expected proportions or distributions of motifs on chromosomes were observed, but the significance and intensity of these deviations was mostly limited. Furthermore, no consistent adverse competition between multiplexed probes was observed during the motif enrichment phase.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This approach therefore appears to be a promising strategy for improving the development of microsatellites, as it introduces no major bias in terms of the proportions and distribution of microsatellites.</p

    Cross-species amplification of 41 microsatellites in European cyprinids: A tool for evolutionary, population genetics and hybridization studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cyprinids display the most abundant and widespread species among the European freshwater Teleostei and are known to hybridize quite commonly. Nevertheless, a limited number of markers for conducting comparative differentiation, evolutionary and hybridization dynamics studies are available to date.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Five multiplex PCR sets were optimized in order to assay 41 cyprinid-specific polymorphic microsatellite loci (including 10 novel loci isolated from <it>Chondrostoma nasus nasus, Chondrostoma toxostoma toxostoma </it>and <it>Leuciscus leuciscus</it>) for 503 individuals (440 purebred specimens and 63 hybrids) from 15 European cyprinid species. The level of genetic diversity was assessed in <it>Alburnus alburnus, Alburnoides bipunctatus, C. genei, C. n. nasus, C. soetta, C. t. toxostoma, L. idus, L. leuciscus, Pachychilon pictum, Rutilus rutilus, Squalius cephalus </it>and <it>Telestes souffia</it>. The applicability of the markers was also tested on <it>Abramis brama, Blicca bjoerkna </it>and <it>Scardinius erythrophtalmus </it>specimens. Overall, between 24 and 37 of these markers revealed polymorphic for the investigated species and 23 markers amplified for all the 15 European cyprinid species.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The developed set of markers demonstrated its performance in discriminating European cyprinid species. Furthermore, it allowed detecting and characterizing hybrid individuals. These microsatellites will therefore be useful to perform comparative evolutionary and population genetics studies dealing with European cyprinids, what is of particular interest in conservation issues and constitutes a tool of choice to conduct hybridization studies.</p

    Microsatellite discovery in an insular amphibian (Grandisonia alternans) with comments on cross-species utility and the accuracy of locus identification from unassembled Illumina data

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    The Seychelles archipelago is unique among isolated oceanic islands because it features an endemic radiation of caecilian amphibians (Gymnophiona). In order to develop population genetics resources for this system, we identified microsatellite loci using unassembled Illumina MiSeq data generated from a genomic library of Grandisonia alternans, a species that occurs on multiple islands in the archipelago. Applying a recently described method (PALFINDER) we identified 8001 microsatellite loci that were potentially informative for population genetics analyses. Of these markers, we screened 60 loci using five individuals, directly sequenced several amplicons to confirm their identity, and then used eight loci to score allele sizes in 64 G. alternans individuals originating from five islands. A number of these individuals were sampled using non-lethal methods, demonstrating the efficacy of non-destructive molecular sampling in amphibian research. Although two loci satisfied our criteria as diploid, neutrally evolving loci with the statistical power to detect population structure, our success in identifying reliable loci was very low. Additionally, we discovered some issues with primer redundancy and differences between Illumina and Sanger sequences that suggest some Illumina-inferred loci are invalid. We investigated cross-species utility for eight loci and found most could be successfully amplified, sequenced and aligned across other species and genera of caecilians from the Seychelles. Thus, our study in part supported the validity of using PALFINDER with unassembled reads for microsatellite discovery within and across species, but importantly identified major limitations to applying this approach to small datasets (ca. 1 million reads) and loci with small tandem repeat sizes

    Accuracy and quality assessment of 454 GS-FLX Titanium pyrosequencing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The rapid evolution of 454 GS-FLX sequencing technology has not been accompanied by a reassessment of the quality and accuracy of the sequences obtained. Current strategies for decision-making and error-correction are based on an initial analysis by Huse <it>et al. </it>in 2007, for the older GS20 system based on experimental sequences. We analyze here the quality of 454 sequencing data and identify factors playing a role in sequencing error, through the use of an extensive dataset for Roche control DNA fragments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We obtained a mean error rate for 454 sequences of 1.07%. More importantly, the error rate is not randomly distributed; it occasionally rose to more than 50% in certain positions, and its distribution was linked to several experimental variables. The main factors related to error are the presence of homopolymers, position in the sequence, size of the sequence and spatial localization in PT plates for insertion and deletion errors. These factors can be described by considering seven variables. No single variable can account for the error rate distribution, but most of the variation is explained by the combination of all seven variables.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The pattern identified here calls for the use of internal controls and error-correcting base callers, to correct for errors, when available (e.g. when sequencing amplicons). For shotgun libraries, the use of both sequencing primers and deep coverage, combined with the use of random sequencing primer sites should partly compensate for even high error rates, although it may prove more difficult than previous thought to distinguish between low-frequency alleles and errors.</p

    A novel class of miniature inverted repeat transposable elements (MITEs) that contain hitchhiking (GTCY)n microsatellites

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    The movement of miniature inverted repeat transposable elements (MITEs) modifies genome structure and function. We describe the microsatellite-associated interspersed nuclear element 2 (MINE-2), that integrates at consensus WTTTT target sites, creates dinucleotide TT target site duplications (TSDs), and forms predicted MITE-like secondary structures; a 5\u27 subterminal inverted repeat (SIR; AGGGTTCCGTAG) that is partially complementary to a 5\u27 inverted repeat (IR; ACGAAGCCCT) and 3\u27-SIRs (TTACGGAACCCT). A (GTCY)(n) microsatellite is hitchhiking downstream of conserved 5\u27MINE-2 secondary structures, causing flanking sequence similarity amongst mobile microsatellite loci. Transfection of insect cell lines indicates that MITE-like secondary structures are sufficient to mediate genome integration, and provides insight into the transposition mechanism used by MINE-2s