177 research outputs found

    Remote Cameras Reveal Experimental Artifact in a Study of Seed Predation in a Semi-Arid Shrubland

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    Granivorous animals may prefer to predate or cache seed of certain plant species over others. Multiple studies have documented preference for larger, non-native seed by granivores. To accomplish this, researchers have traditionally used indirect inference by relating patterns of seed removal to the species composition of the granivorous animal community. To measure seed removal, researchers present seed to granivorous animals in the field using equipment intended to exclude certain animal taxa while permitting access to others. This approach allows researchers to differentiate patterns of seed removal among various taxa (e.g., birds, small mammals, and insects); however, it is unclear whether the animals of interest are freely using the exclusion devices, which may be a hindrance to discovering the seed dishes. We used video observation to perform a study of seed predation using a custom-built, infrared digital camera and recording system. We presented native and non-native seed mixtures in partitioned Petri dishes both within and outside of exclusion cages. The exclusion cages were intended to allow entrance by rodent taxa while preventing entrance by rabbits and birds. We documented all seed removal visits by granivorous animals, which we identified to the genus level. Genera exhibited varying seed removal patterns based on seed type (native vs. non-native) and dish type (open vs. enclosed). We documented avoidance of the enclosed dishes by all but one rodent taxa, even though these dishes were intended to be used freely by rodents. This suggests that preference for non-native seed occurs differentially among granivorous animals in this system; however, interpretation of these nuanced results would be difficult without the benefit of video observation. When feasible, video observation should accompany studies using in situ equipment to ensure incorrect assumptions do not lead to inappropriate interpretation of results

    2018 Fine Art Graduation Exhibition Catalogue

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    MIXTAPE Fanshawe Fine Art Class of 2018 Graduation Exhibition The Arts ProjectApril 4-14Opening Reception - Saturday April 7th, 20187pm-10pm Guest Speaker: Cora Cluetthttps://first.fanshawec.ca/famd_design_fineart_gradcatalogues/1012/thumbnail.jp

    Capturing Multicellular System Designs Using Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL)

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    8 Pág.Synthetic biology aims to develop novel biological systems and increase their reproducibility using engineering principles such as standardization and modularization. It is important that these systems can be represented and shared in a standard way to ensure they can be easily understood, reproduced, and utilized by other researchers. The Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) is a data standard for sharing biological designs and information about their implementation and characterization. Previously, this standard has only been used to represent designs in systems where the same design is implemented in every cell; however, there is also much interest in multicellular systems, in which designs involve a mixture of different types of cells with differing genotype and phenotype. Here, we show how the SBOL standard can be used to represent multicellular systems, and, hence, how researchers can better share designs with the community and reliably document intended system functionality.This work was supported in part by NSF Expeditions in Computing Program Award No. 1522074 as part of the Living Computing Project and by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under Contract No. W911NF-17-2-0098. The views, opinions, and/or findings expressed are of the author(s) and should not be interpreted as representing official views or policies of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. A.G.-M. was supported by the SynBio3D project of the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (No.EP/R019002/1) and the European CSA on biological standardization BIOROBOOST (EU Grant No. 820699)Peer reviewe

    A burden of proof study on alcohol consumption and ischemic heart disease

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    Cohort and case-control data have suggested an association between low to moderate alcohol consumption and decreased risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD), yet results from Mendelian randomization (MR) studies designed to reduce bias have shown either no or a harmful association. Here we conducted an updated systematic review and re-evaluated existing cohort, case-control, and MR data using the burden of proof meta-analytical framework. Cohort and case-control data show low to moderate alcohol consumption is associated with decreased IHD risk – specifically, intake is inversely related to IHD and myocardial infarction morbidity in both sexes and IHD mortality in males – while pooled MR data show no association, confirming that self-reported versus genetically predicted alcohol use data yield conflicting findings about the alcohol-IHD relationship. Our results highlight the need to advance MR methodologies and emulate randomized trials using large observational databases to obtain more definitive answers to this critical public health question

    Blueberry Advisory Committee Research Report

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    The 1984 edition of the Blueberry Progress Reports was prepared for the Maine Blueberry Commission and the University of Maine Blueberry Advisory Committee by researchers with the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station and Maine Cooperative Extension Service at the University of Maine, Orono. Projects in this report include: 1. Control, biology, and ecology of insects affecting lowbush blueberries . 2. Chemical control of mummyberry disease (Monilinia vaccinii-corymbosi) 3. New Fungicides for control of Botrytis blossom blight 4. Nutritional survey of selected lowbush blueberry fields 5. Interaction of fertility and pruning practices on soil characteristics and lowbush blueberry growth and yield 6. Long term effects of N and NPK fertilizer on plant growth and yield 7. The effect of N fertilization on clonal spread 8. Nutritional responses of the lowbush blueberry in new plantings as related to early establishment 9. The effect of several mulches on frost heaving, soil moisture, soil temperature and rhizome development 10. Effectiveness of mulches and planted lowbush blueberry seedlings for stabilizing soils and increasing plant cover 11. Effect of surface mulches on stabilizing lowbush blueberry soil in barren areas 12. Frequency of fertility application for establishment of lowbush blueberry seedlings 13. Slow release vs liquid fertilizer for establishment of lowbush blueberry seedlings 14. Comparison of rooted cuttings and tissue culture propagated lowbush blueberry plants 15. The effect of growth regulator formulations on growth and rhizome production of the lowbush blueberry 16. Unburned, mowed fields 17. Blueberry concentrate 18. Blueberry product development 19. Dehydrated blueberries 20. Low-calorie blueberry jellies 21. Hexazinone and terbacil mixture for weed control 22. Hexazinone and atrazine mixture for weed control 23. Effect of hexazinone and nitrogen or nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer on lowbush blueberry plants 24. Hand-wiper applications of herbicides on birch, maple and willow 25. Glyphosate applied after leaf drop for bunchberry control 26. Napropamide for seedling weed control 27. PP333 plant growth regulator 28. Dichlobenil for bunchberry control 29. Effect of hexazinone on weed and blueberry populations 30. Fluazifop-butyl for grass control 31. Hand-wiping and cutting treatments for dogbane 32. Evaluation of airblast sprayer application of asulam for bracken fern control 33. Evaluation of spot treatment of woody weeds with 2,4-D in oil 34. Steam heat as a control of mummyberry diseas

    Exile Vol. XL No. 1

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    38th Year Title Page by Carrie Horner \u2797 i Epigraph by Ezra Pound ii Table of Contents iii-iv Vertigo by Lisa Stillman \u2795 1 Departing Flight by Morgan Roper \u2794 2 Untitled by Lizzie Loud \u2795 3 Marietta by Craig McDonough \u2794 4 Interlaken by Kira A . Pollack \u2794 5 Why Nature Surprises Us by Josh Endicott \u2796 6-7 Untitled by Colin Mack \u2794 7 My Father by Matt Wanat \u2795 8 Legs In The Dust by Alison Stevens \u2795 9-11 Untitled by Lilly Streett \u2794 12 of cigarettes, saltwater and death... by Tricia B. Swearingen \u2794 13 Serendipity by Lizzie Lout \u2795 14 Untitled by Lilly Streett \u2794 15 Summer by Allison Lemieux \u2795 16 And the Rain Fell by Jeremy Aufrance \u2795 17-18 Main Street by Elise Gargarella \u2795 19 Füssen by Morgan Roper \u2794 20 Lightning on the Snow by Matt Wanat \u2795 21 A discussion of 12 year-old murders, of course by Jeremy Aufrance \u2795 22 Get your hands off my hat by Jamie Oliver \u2794 23 The Hero by Sara Sterling Ely \u2796 24-26 Punker Dave by Trevett Allen \u2795 27 still looking for the perfect line by ryan shafer \u2794 28-29 Untitled by Lizzie Loud \u2795 30 Civil War by Katherine Anne Campo \u2794 31 Disposable belief by ryan shafer \u2794 32-33 Schizophrenic Sylvia by Maria Mohiuddin \u2795 34 Excerpts from Revolutions, a novel by Marcu McLaughlin \u2794 35-36 Untitled by Keith Chapman \u2795 37 The Survivors by Kira A. Pollack \u2794 38 Days of Prophecy by Trey Dunham \u2794 39 Untitled by Carrie Horner \u2797 40 What to do by Christopher Harnish \u2794 41 Familiar Stranger by Lisa Stillman \u2795 42-46 Untitled by John Salter \u2797 47 On Meeting Emma by Allison Lemieux \u2795 48 Nude Figure by James Oliver \u2794 49 Tathagata by Leslie Dana Wells \u2794 50 On Fences and My Dogs by Christopher Harnish \u2794 51 Editorial Board 52 Cover, Kira Pollack \u2794 -iv Editorial decision is shared equally among the Editorial Board. -5

    Inherited CHST11/MIR3922 deletion is associated with a novel recessive syndrome presenting with skeletal malformation and malignant lymphoproliferative disease

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    Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) such as chondroitin are ubiquitous disaccharide carbohydrate chains that contribute to the formation and function of proteoglycans at the cell membrane and in the extracellular matrix. Although GAG-modifying enzymes are required for diverse cellular functions, the role of these proteins in human development and disease is less well understood. Here, we describe two sisters out of seven siblings affected by congenital limb malformation and malignant lymphoproliferative disease. Using Whole-Genome Sequencing (WGS), we identified in the proband deletion of a 55 kb region within chromosome 12q23 that encompasses part of CHST11 (encoding chondroitin-4-sulfotransferase 1) and an embedded microRNA (MIR3922). The deletion was homozygous in the proband but not in each of three unaffected siblings. Genotyping data from the 1000 Genomes Project suggest that deletions inclusive of both CHST11 and MIR3922 are rare events. Given that CHST11 deficiency causes severe chondrodysplasia in mice that is similar to human limb malformation, these results underscore the importance of chondroitin modification in normal skeletal development. Our findings also potentially reveal an unexpected role for CHST11 and/or MIR3922 as tumor suppressors whose disruption may contribute to malignant lymphoproliferative disease

    Respirable crystalline silica and lung cancer in community-based studies: impact of job-exposure matrix specifications on exposure–response relationships

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    Objectives: The quantitative job-exposure matrix SYN-JEM consists of various dimensions: job-specific estimates, region-specific estimates, and prior expert ratings of jobs by the semi-quantitative DOM-JEM. We analyzed the effect of different JEM dimensions on the exposure-response relationships between occupational silica exposure and lung cancer risk to investigate how these variations influence estimates of exposure by a quantitative JEM and associated health endpoints. Methods: Using SYN-JEM, and alternative SYN-JEM specifications with varying dimensions included, cumulative silica exposure estimates were assigned to 16 901 lung cancer cases and 20 965 controls pooled from 14 international community-based case-control studies. Exposure-response relationships based on SYN-JEM and alternative SYN-JEM specifications were analyzed using regression analyses (by quartiles and log-transformed continuous silica exposure) and generalized additive models (GAM), adjusted for age, sex, study, cigarette pack-years, time since quitting smoking, and ever employment in occupations with established lung cancer risk. Results: SYN-JEM and alternative specifications generated overall elevated and similar lung cancer odds ratios ranging from 1.13 (1st quartile) to 1.50 (4th quartile). In the categorical and log-linear analyses SYN-JEM with all dimensions included yielded the best model fit, and exclusion of job-specific estimates from SYN-JEM yielded the poorest model fit. Additionally, GAM showed the poorest model fit when excluding job-specific estimates. Conclusion: The established exposure-response relationship between occupational silica exposure and lung cancer was marginally influenced by varying the dimensions of SYN-JEM. Optimized modelling of exposure-response relationships will be obtained when incorporating all relevant dimensions, namely prior rating, job, time, and region. Quantitative job-specific estimates appeared to be the most prominent dimension for this general population JEM