686 research outputs found

    Ab initio determination of the bulk properties of Mgo 1 APRIL 1994-I

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    Ab initio periodic Hartree-Fock (HF) theory was used to determine the elastic constants and selected phonon frequencies of bulk MgO; the accuracy of a posteriori correlation corrections to the periodic Hartree-Fock calculations is also discussed. Inc)usion of difFuse atomic orbitals in the MgO basis was necessary to accurately describe elastic distortions and phonon vibrations of the solid. The computed HF lattice constant (4.195 A) agrees with experiment (4.19 A) and the elastic constants are within + 15% of the observed values. Correlation corrections to these energetics shorten the lattice parameter to 4.09 A and further stiffen the elastic constants. The HF phonon frequencies at the (I, X, and L) points in the Brillouin zone were within 15% of experiment and the correlation corrections softened the modes irnproving agreement with experiment. These data will be used to parametrize electrostatic shell models of MgO

    Osteoprotegerin-Mediated Homeostasis of Rank+ Thymic Epithelial Cells Does Not Limit Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cell Development

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    In the thymus, medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTEC) regulate T cell tolerance via negative selection and Foxp3(+) regulatory T cell (Treg) development, and alterations in the mTEC compartment can lead to tolerance breakdown and autoimmunity. Both the receptor activator for NF-ÎșB (RANK)/RANK ligand (RANKL)/osteoprotegerin (OPG) axis and expression of the transcriptional regulator Aire are involved in the regulation of thymus medullary microenvironments. However, their impact on the mechanisms controlling mTEC homeostasis is poorly understood, as are the processes that enable the thymus medulla to support the balanced production of mTEC-dependent Foxp3(+) Treg. In this study, we have investigated the control of mTEC homeostasis and examined how this process impacts the efficacy of Foxp3(+) Treg development. Using newly generated RANK Venus reporter mice, we identify distinct RANK(+) subsets that reside within both the mTEC(hi) and mTEC(lo) compartments and that represent direct targets of OPG-mediated control. Moreover, by mapping OPG expression to a subset of Aire(+) mTEC, our data show how cis- and trans-acting mechanisms are able to control the thymus medulla by operating on multiple mTEC targets. Finally, we show that whereas the increase in mTEC availability in OPG-deficient (Tnfrsf11b(−/−)) mice impacts the intrathymic Foxp3(+) Treg pool by enhancing peripheral Treg recirculation back to the thymus, it does not alter the number of de novo Rag2pGFP(+)Foxp3(+) Treg that are generated. Collectively, our study defines patterns of RANK expression within the thymus medulla, and it shows that mTEC homeostasis is not a rate-limiting step in intrathymic Foxp3(+) Treg production

    H-alpha Spectral diversity of type II supernovae

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    We present a spectroscopic analysis of the H-alpha profiles of hydrogen-rich type II supernovae. A total of 52 type II supernovae having well sampled optical light curves and spectral sequences were analyzed. Concentrating on the H-alpha P-Cygni profile we measure its velocity from the FWHM of emission and the ratio of absorption to emission (a/e) at a common epoch at the start of the recombination phase, and search for correlations between these spectral parameters and photometric properties of the V-band light curves. Testing the strength of various correlations we find that a/e appears to be the dominant spectral parameter in terms of describing the diversity in our measured supernova properties. It is found that supernovae with smaller a/e have higher H-alpha velocities, more rapidly declining light curves from maximum, during the plateau and radioactive tail phase, are brighter at maximum light and have shorter optically thick phase durations. We discuss possible explanations of these results in terms of physical properties of type II supernovae, speculating that the most likely parameters which influence the morphologies of H-alpha profiles are the mass and density profile of the hydrogen envelope, together with additional emission components due to circumstellar interaction.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ letters. 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Natural Th17 cells are critically regulated by functional medullary thymic microenvironments

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    AbstractThe thymic medulla is critical for the enforcement of central tolerance. In addition to deletion of auto-reactive T-cells, the thymic medulla supports the maturation of heterogeneous natural αÎČT-cells linked to tolerance mechanisms. Natural IL-17-secreting CD4+αÎČT-cells (nTh17) represent recently described natural αÎČT-cells that mature and undergo functional priming intrathymically. Despite a proposed potential to impact upon either protective or pathological inflammatory responses, the intrathymic mechanisms regulating the balance of nTh17 development are unclear. Here we compare the development of distinct natural αÎČT-cells in the thymus. We reveal that thymic stromal MHC class II expression and RelB-dependent medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTEC), including Aire+ mTEC, are an essential requirement for nTh17 development. nTh17 demonstrate a partial, non-redundant requirement for both ICOS-ligand and CD80/86 costimulation, with a dispensable role for CD80/86 expression by thymic epithelial cells. Although mTEC constitutively expressed inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), a critical negative regulator of conventional Th17 differentiation, iNOS was not essential to constrain thymic nTh17. These findings highlight the critical role of the thymic medulla in the differential regulation of novel natural αÎČT-cell subsets, and reveal additional layers of thymic medullary regulation of T-cell driven autoimmunity and inflammation

    UBVRIz Light Curves of 51 Type II Supernovae

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    We present a compilation of UBV RIz light curves of 51 type II supernovae discovered during the course of four different surveys during 1986 to 2003: the Cerro Tololo Supernova Survey, the Calan/Tololo Supernova Program (C&T), the Supernova Optical and Infrared Survey (SOIRS), and the Carnegie Type II Supernova Survey (CATS). The photometry is based on template-subtracted images to eliminate any potential host galaxy light contamination, and calibrated from foreground stars. This work presents these photometric data, studies the color evolution using different bands, and explores the relation between the magnitude at maximum brightness and the brightness decline parameter (s) from maximum light through the end of the recombination phase. This parameter is found to be shallower for redder bands and appears to have the best correlation in the B band. In addition, it also correlates with the plateau duration, being thus shorter (longer) for larger (smaller) s values.Comment: 110 pages, 9 Figures, 6 Tables, accepted in A

    Multiethnic Genetic Association Studies Improve Power for Locus Discovery

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    To date, genome-wide association studies have focused almost exclusively on populations of European ancestry. These studies continue with the advent of next-generation sequencing, designed to systematically catalog and test low-frequency variation for a role in disease. A complementary approach would be to focus further efforts on cohorts of multiple ethnicities. This leverages the idea that population genetic drift may have elevated some variants to higher allele frequency in different populations, boosting statistical power to detect an association. Based on empirical allele frequency distributions from eleven populations represented in HapMap Phase 3 and the 1000 Genomes Project, we simulate a range of genetic models to quantify the power of association studies in multiple ethnicities relative to studies that exclusively focus on samples of European ancestry. In each of these simulations, a first phase of GWAS in exclusively European samples is followed by a second GWAS phase in any of the other populations (including a multiethnic design). We find that nontrivial power gains can be achieved by conducting future whole-genome studies in worldwide populations, where, in particular, African populations contribute the largest relative power gains for low-frequency alleles (<5%) of moderate effect that suffer from low power in samples of European descent. Our results emphasize the importance of broadening genetic studies to worldwide populations to ensure efficient discovery of genetic loci contributing to phenotypic trait variability, especially for those traits for which large numbers of samples of European ancestry have already been collected and tested

    The Eighth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Data from SDSS-III

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    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) started a new phase in August 2008, with new instrumentation and new surveys focused on Galactic structure and chemical evolution, measurements of the baryon oscillation feature in the clustering of galaxies and the quasar Ly alpha forest, and a radial velocity search for planets around ~8000 stars. This paper describes the first data release of SDSS-III (and the eighth counting from the beginning of the SDSS). The release includes five-band imaging of roughly 5200 deg^2 in the Southern Galactic Cap, bringing the total footprint of the SDSS imaging to 14,555 deg^2, or over a third of the Celestial Sphere. All the imaging data have been reprocessed with an improved sky-subtraction algorithm and a final, self-consistent photometric recalibration and flat-field determination. This release also includes all data from the second phase of the Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Evolution (SEGUE-2), consisting of spectroscopy of approximately 118,000 stars at both high and low Galactic latitudes. All the more than half a million stellar spectra obtained with the SDSS spectrograph have been reprocessed through an improved stellar parameters pipeline, which has better determination of metallicity for high metallicity stars.Comment: Astrophysical Journal Supplements, in press (minor updates from submitted version
