164 research outputs found

    Planning for ecological restoration : an analysis of the Swedish Environmental Protection Aqency's guidelines on regional action plans for green infrastructure

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    I mars 2019 förklarade FN:s generalförsamling det kommande decenniet som The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration med ambitionen att skala upp restaureringen av skadade ekosystem pÄ en global nivÄ. Detta understryker vikten av fungerande ekosystem och tydliggör behovet av att ÄtgÀrder vidtas för att ÄterstÀlla skadade ekosystem vÀrlden över. För svensk del och dÀrmed pÄ nationell nivÄ, initierades arbetet med ekologisk restaurering 2014 dÄ Sveriges Riksdag beslutade att anta regeringens proposition En svensk strategi för biologisk mÄngfald och ekosystemtjÀnster. DÀrefter har NaturvÄrdsverket, som en följd av den antagna propositionen, publicerat regionala handlingsplaner och vÀgledande dokument som behandlar implementeringen av ekologisk restaurering i Sverige. Denna uppsats framhÄller de vetenskapliga utgÄngspunkterna för ekologisk restaurering utifrÄn tre huvudomrÄden, nÀmligen 1) ekologisk restaurering som en form av klimatanpassning, 2) sociala aspekter av ekologisk restaurering, och 3) mÄlkonflikter och problematik i förhÄllande till ekologisk restaurering. Genom en kvalitativ dokumentanalys redogör denna uppsats för vilken grad av hÀnsyn NaturvÄrdsverkets regionala handlingsplaner och vÀgledande dokument tagit i förhÄllande till de vetenskapliga utgÄngspunkterna för ekologisk restaurering. Uppsatsens slutsats Àr att NaturvÄrdsverkets riktlinjer inte ger ekologisk restaurering tillrÀckligt med utrymme, dock bidrar NaturvÄrdsverkets kommande arbete att se över ekologiska system till en bild av att de synergieffekterna som denna uppsats redogör för kommer att uppmÀrksammas mer i NaturvÄrdsverkets arbete framöver.In March 2019, the UN General Assembly declared the coming decade as The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration with the purpose to increase the restoration of damaged ecosystems at a global level. This highlights the importance of functioning ecosystems and points out the need for measures to restore damaged ecosystems worldwide. From a Swedish perspective and thus at the local level, the work on ecological restoration was initiated in 2014 when the Swedish Parliament resolved to adopt the government bill A Swedish strategy for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Subsequently, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency - as a result of the adopted government bill - has published regional action plans and guidance documents covering the implementation of ecological restoration in Sweden. This thesis set out the scientific basis for ecological restoration in relation to three main areas, namely 1) ecological restoration as a form of climate change adaptation, 2) social aspects of ecological restoration, and 3) conflicts in relation to ecological restoration. By way of a qualitative document analysis, this thesis establishes the extent to which the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's regional action plans and guiding documents have taken in relation to the scientific principles for ecological restoration. The thesis concludes that the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's guidelines do not provide enough guidance on ecological restoration. However, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's upcoming work of reviewing ecological systems for the purpose of increasing synergy effects, as described herein, will be published in the near future

    Wirkung zweier neu synthetisierter diarylierter Imidazolderivate (PGU 105 HCl und PGU 175 HCl) auf isolierte Organe von Meerschweinchen

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    Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit wurde die Wirkung von zwei, am Department fĂŒr medizinische/pharmazeutische Chemie der UniversitĂ€t Wien, neu synthetisierten Resveratrol-Derivaten, PGU 105 und PGU 175, an isolierten Meerschweinchenorganen getestet. Hauptaugenmerkt war dabei das Erreichen einer EC50, jener Konzentration bei der die HĂ€lfte des Kontrollwertes erreicht wurde. Untersucht wurden sowohl potentielle Effekte auf die glatte Muskulatur anhand von Aorta-, DĂŒnndarm- und Lungenarterien-PrĂ€paraten, als auch die Wirkung der Testsubstanzen auf die quergestreifte Muskulatur von Vorhof und Papillarmuskel. Anhand von isometrischen Kontraktionsmessungen konnten spasmolytische AktivitĂ€ten und EinflĂŒsse auf Inotropie und Chronotropie ermittelt werden. Anschließend wurden die beiden Testsubstanzen sowohl untereinander, als auch mit ihrer Leitsubstanz Resveratrol in Hinsicht auf deren Wirkungen und die chemische Struktur verglichen. Es stellte sich heraus, dass das Fehlen der Reste in den Positionen 3 und 5 und die EinfĂŒhrung des Thiomethyl-Rest in Position 4` mit einer VerstĂ€rkung der dilatierenden Wirkung auf Aorta und Arteria pulmonalis einherging. Weiters konnte ein erhöhter negativ chronotroper Effekt, durch Reduzieren der Anzahl der Reste, auf den rechten Vorhof festgestellt werden. Der Austausch der Ethylengruppe durch einen Imidazolring, sowie die Methylierung des Restes in Position 3 schien Ursache fĂŒr den verstĂ€rkten spasmolytischen Einfluss auf das terminale Ileum im Vergleich zu Resveratrol zu sein, da dies bei beiden Testsubstanzen beobachtet werden konnte. Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass im Vergleich zu Resveratrol durch PGU 175 eine verstĂ€rkte dilatierende Wirkung bei allen PrĂ€paraten mit glatter Muskulatur hervorgerufen wurde und auch ein erhöhter negativ chronotroper Effekt am rechten Vorhof beobachtet werden konnte. PGU 105 fĂŒhrte ebenfalls zu einer verstĂ€rkten spasmolytischen Wirkung am terminalen Ileum, der Effekt auf den rechten Vorhof fiel jedoch geringer aus als bei Resveratrol. Der Einfluss der beiden Testsubstanzen auf die quergestreifte Muskulatur des Papillarmuskels war ebenfalls stĂ€rker, jedoch konnte keine EC50 erreicht werden.

    Loop : a design proposal for a part of Östra kyrkogĂ„rden in Malmö

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    Arbetet syftar till att visa hur en del av Östra kyrkogĂ„rden kan omgestaltas med hĂ€nsyn bĂ„de till befintliga kulturhistoriska och arkitektoniska vĂ€rden, men ocksĂ„ som en modern och framtida plats för sorg och kontemplation. Arbetets ram har satts av en Ă„rlig idĂ©tĂ€vling för landskapsarkitektstudenter som Ă„r 2021 har namnet Framtidens minnesplats - Östra kyrkogĂ„rden i Malmö och arrangeras av Tankesmedjan Movium vid SLU tillsammans med Sveriges KyrkogĂ„rds- och Krematorieförbund (SKKF), Sveriges Stenindustriförbund samt SLU. TĂ€vlingen utgĂ„r ifrĂ„n hur begravningsplatsen kan bevara och utveckla sin funktion som mötes- och minnesplats för de efterlevande. Östra kyrkogĂ„rden i Malmö stod fĂ€rdig Ă„r 1921 och ritades av arkitekten Sigurd Lewerentz (1885-1975). En ceremoniplats pĂ„ begravningsplatsens norra del gjordes Ă„r 1959 om till en minneslund och blev dĂ„ Sveriges första i sitt slag. Minneslunden ligger centralt placerad i det bestĂ€mda tĂ€vlingsomrĂ„det, vilket ocksĂ„ omfattar minneslundens omgivande ytor. För att i gestaltningen respektera Lewerentz arv tar vi genom en litteraturundersökning, referensobjekt, samt med hjĂ€lp av semistrukturerade intervjuer reda pĂ„ hur Lewerentz förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till arkitektur sĂ„g ut. Litteraturstudie och semistrukturerade intervjuer anvĂ€nds ocksĂ„ för att undersöka hur en samtida begravningsplats kan utformas med fokus pĂ„ trender och tendenser kopplat till begravning. Den teoretiska delen av arbetet varvas med skissarbete i olika former vilket leder fram till ett gestaltningsförslag. Gestaltningsförslaget LOOP Ă€r utformat sĂ„ att platsen ska fungera som en helhet och hjĂ€lpa besökaren i sorgeprocessen. Upplevelsen genom det fysiska; kroppen, och det mentala; perceptionen, Ă€r utgĂ„ngspunkten i förslaget och utgör kĂ€rnan i hur platsens nya element har utformats. Platsen ska ge utrymme för mĂ€nniskor i sorg, dĂ€r ett slut Ă€r kopplat till en början. Platsernas funktioner som utgör helheten och sorgebearbetningen, ett före, ett under och ett efter. Förutom att den befintliga minneslunden varsamt omgestaltas för att möta behov av tillgĂ€nglighet och för att förstĂ€rka Lewerentz ursprungliga design tillförs nya funktioner pĂ„ platsen i form av ett utomhuskapell, en askgravlund samt en smyckningsvĂ€gg, som Ă€ven riktar sig till de som har anhöriga begravda pĂ„ annan plats. Förslaget, som tar hĂ€nsyn bĂ„de till det befintliga kulturarvet men ocksĂ„ tar platsen in i framtiden, kan fungera som ett exempel pĂ„ hur samtida och framtida platser för sorg och kontemplation kan utformas. Resultatet visar ocksĂ„ pĂ„ ett exempel hur befintliga kulturarv kan fungera sida vid sida med nya tidslager och tillĂ€gg.The aim of this thesis is to show how a cemetery can be re-designed with regard both to cultural-historical values but also as a contemporary and future place for grief and contemplation. The frame of the design work has been set by an annual idea competition for landscape architecture students, which this year has the name Future Memorial Place - Östra kyrkogĂ„rden in Malmö. The competition is based on how the cemetery can preserve and develop its function as a meeting and memorial place for the visitors. The Eastern Cemetery in Malmö was completed in 1921 and designed by the swedish architect Sigurd Lewerentz (1885-1975). A ceremony place at the northern part of the cemetery was in 1959 turned into a memorial grove and became Sweden's first of its kind. The memorial grove is centrally located in the defined competition area, which includes the memorial grove and its surrounding areas. In order to respect the heritage of Lewerentz in the redesign we researched Lewerentz's approach to architecture. This research was conducted through a literature study, through reference objects and through semi-structured interviews. Literature studies and semi-structured interviews were also used to investigate how a contemporary cemetery can be designed with focus on trends and tendencies linked to burial ceremonies. The theoretical part of the work alternated with sketching in various forms, which then led to the design proposal. The proposal LOOP is designed so that the site will function as a whole and help the mourner in the process. Focus lies on the experience both through the physical: the body and mental: the perception. All parts of the place represent a before, a during and an after. In addition to carefully redesigning the existing memorial grove to meet the need for accessibility and to reinforce Lewerentz's original design, new features are added to the site in the form of an outdoor chapel, an memorial ash grove and a memorial wall for decoration, also intended for those who have relatives buried elsewhere. The proposal, which takes into account both the existing cultural heritage but also takes the place into the future, can serve as an example of how contemporary and future places for grief and contemplation can be designed. The results also show an example of how existing cultural heritage can work side by side with new time layers and elements

    GNN-VPA: A Variance-Preserving Aggregation Strategy for Graph Neural Networks

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs), and especially message-passing neural networks, excel in various domains such as physics, drug discovery, and molecular modeling. The expressivity of GNNs with respect to their ability to discriminate non-isomorphic graphs critically depends on the functions employed for message aggregation and graph-level readout. By applying signal propagation theory, we propose a variance-preserving aggregation function (VPA) that maintains expressivity, but yields improved forward and backward dynamics. Experiments demonstrate that VPA leads to increased predictive performance for popular GNN architectures as well as improved learning dynamics. Our results could pave the way towards normalizer-free or self-normalizing GNNs.Comment: Accepted at ICLR 2024 (Tiny Papers Track

    Circular Regression Trees and Forests with an Application to Probabilistic Wind Direction Forecasting

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    While circular data occur in a wide range of scientific fields, the methodology for distributional modeling and probabilistic forecasting of circular response variables is rather limited. Most of the existing methods are built on the framework of generalized linear and additive models, which are often challenging to optimize and to interpret. Therefore, we suggest circular regression trees and random forests as an intuitive alternative approach that is relatively easy to fit. Building on previous ideas for trees modeling circular means, we suggest a distributional approach for both trees and forests yielding probabilistic forecasts based on the von Mises distribution. The resulting tree-based models simplify the estimation process by using the available covariates for partitioning the data into sufficiently homogeneous subgroups so that a simple von Mises distribution without further covariates can be fitted to the circular response in each subgroup. These circular regression trees are straightforward to interpret, can capture nonlinear effects and interactions, and automatically select the relevant covariates that are associated with either location and/or scale changes in the von Mises distribution. Combining an ensemble of circular regression trees to a circular regression forest yields a local adaptive likelihood estimator for the von Mises distribution that can regularize and smooth the covariate effects. The new methods are evaluated in a case study on probabilistic wind direction forecasting at two Austrian airports, considering other common approaches as a benchmark

    EGFR is not a major driver for osteosarcoma cell growth in vitro but contributes to starvation and chemotherapy resistance

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    Background Enhanced signalling via the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a hallmark of multiple human carcinomas. However, in recent years data have accumulated that EGFR might also be hyperactivated in human sarcomas. Aim of this study was to investigate the influence of EGFR inhibition on cell viability and its interaction with chemotherapy response in osteosarcoma cell lines. Methods We have investigated a panel of human osteosarcoma cell lines regarding EGFR expression and downstream signalling. To test its potential applicability as therapeutic target, inhibition of EGFR by gefitinib was combined with osteosarcoma chemotherapeutics and cell viability, migration, and cell death assays were performed. Results Osteosarcoma cells expressed distinctly differing levels of functional EGFR reaching in some cases high amounts. Functionality of EGFR in osteosarcoma cells was proven by EGF-mediated activation of both MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathway (determined by phosphorylation of ERK1/2, AKT, S6, and GSK3). The EGFR-specific inhibitor gefitinib blocked EGF-mediated downstream signal activation. At standard in vitro culture conditions, clinically achievable gefitinib doses demonstrated only limited cytotoxic activity, however, significantly reduced long-term colony formation and cell migration. In contrast, under serum-starvation conditions active gefitinib doses were distinctly reduced while EGF promoted starvation survival. Importantly, gefitinib significantly supported the anti-osteosarcoma activities of doxorubicin and methotrexate regarding cell survival and migratory potential. Conclusion Our data suggest that EGFR is not a major driver for osteosarcoma cell growth but contributes to starvation- and chemotherapy-induced stress survival. Consequently, combination approaches including EGFR inhibitors should be evaluated for treatment of high-grade osteosarcoma patients.(VLID)486733

    Magnetic measurement methods to probe nanoparticle–matrix interactions

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    Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are key elements in several biomedical applications, e.g., in cancer therapy. Here, the MNPs are remotely manipulated by magnetic fields from outside the body to deliver drugs or generate heat in tumor tissue. The efficiency and success of these approaches strongly depend on the spatial distribution and quantity of MNPs inside a body and interactions of the particles with the biological matrix. These include dynamic processes of the MNPs in the organism such as binding kinetics, cellular uptake, passage through cell barriers, heat induction and flow. While magnetic measurement methods have been applied so far to resolve the location and quantity of MNPs for therapy monitoring, these methods can be advanced to additionally access these particle–matrix interactions. By this, the MNPs can further be utilized as probes for the physical properties of their molecular environment. In this review, we first investigate the impact of nanoparticle–matrix interactions on magnetic measurements in selected experiments. With these results, we then advanced the imaging modalities magnetorelaxometry imaging and magnetic microsphere tracking to spatially resolve particle–matrix interactions

    Displacement of the Greater Tuberosity in Humeral Head Fractures Does Not only Depend on Rotator Cuff Status

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    It is assumed that dorsocranial displacement of the greater tuberosity in humeral head fractures is caused by rotator cuff traction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between rotator cuff status and displacement characteristics of the greater tuberosity in four-part humeral head fractures. Computed tomography scans of 121 patients with Neer type 4 fractures were analyzed. Fatty infiltration of the supra- and infraspinatus muscles was classified according to Goutallier. Position determination of the greater tuberosity fragment was performed in both coronary and axial planes to assess the extent of dorsocranial displacement. Considering non-varus displaced fractures, the extent of the dorsocranial displacement was significantly higher in patients with mostly inconspicuous posterosuperior rotator cuff status compared to advanced fatty degenerated cuffs (cranial displacement: Goutallier 0–1: 6.4 mm ± 4.6 mm vs. Goutallier 2–4: 4.2 mm ± 3.5 mm, p = 0.020; dorsal displacement: Goutallier 0–1: 28.4° ± 32.3° vs. Goutallier 2–4: 13.1° ± 16.1°, p = 0.010). In varus displaced humeral head fractures, no correlation between the displacement of the greater tuberosity and the condition of the posterosuperior rotator cuff could be detected (p ≄ 0.05). The commonly accepted theory of greater tuberosity displacement in humeral head fractures by rotator cuff traction cannot be applied to all fracture types

    Most Likely Transformations

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    We propose and study properties of maximum likelihood estimators in the class of conditional transformation models. Based on a suitable explicit parameterisation of the unconditional or conditional transformation function, we establish a cascade of increasingly complex transformation models that can be estimated, compared and analysed in the maximum likelihood framework. Models for the unconditional or conditional distribution function of any univariate response variable can be set-up and estimated in the same theoretical and computational framework simply by choosing an appropriate transformation function and parameterisation thereof. The ability to evaluate the distribution function directly allows us to estimate models based on the exact likelihood, especially in the presence of random censoring or truncation. For discrete and continuous responses, we establish the asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators. A reference software implementation of maximum likelihood-based estimation for conditional transformation models allowing the same flexibility as the theory developed here was employed to illustrate the wide range of possible applications.Comment: Accepted for publication by the Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 2017-06-1
