1,799 research outputs found

    Observational indicators of the transition from fully convective stars to stars with radiative cores

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    We present a discussion of the similarities and key differences between the transition onto (at the turn-on) and away from (at the turn-off) the main sequence, the latter termed the Hertzsprung gap. Using a set of model isochrones and adopting an initial mass function leads us to predict a dearth of G-type stars for any star forming region. This is caused by the (relatively) constant spectral type at which the transition from a fully convective star to a star with a radiative core begins. We also present analysis of the details of this transition in the ONC. In particular we show that a gap in the photometric and spectral type distributions is centred on, and a change in the fractional X-ray luminosity and rotation rate distribution occurs approximately at, the position of a peak in radiative core size as a function of mass. Whilst photometric signatures of this transition are lost at ages over ~20 Myrs, we show that changes in fractional X-ray luminosity and magnetic field configuration persist to older ages. Analysis of literature data show that the mass at which the change in fractional X-ray luminosity is observed decreases with age.Comment: 9 pages and 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    No evidence for intense, cold accretion onto YSOs from measurements of Li in T-Tauri stars

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    We have used medium resolution spectra to search for evidence that proto-stellar objects accrete at high rates during their early 'assembly phase'. Models predict that depleted lithium and reduced luminosity in T-Tauri stars are key signatures of 'cold' high-rate accretion occurring early in a star's evolution. We found no evidence in 168 stars in NGC 2264 and the Orion Nebula Cluster for strong lithium depletion through analysis of veiling corrected 6708 angstrom lithium spectral line strengths. This suggests that 'cold' accretion at high rates (M_dot > 5 x 10-4 M_sol yr-1) occurs in the assembly phase of fewer than 0.5 per cent of 0.3 < M < 1.9 M_sol stars. We also find that the dispersion in the strength of the 6708 angstrom lithium line might imply an age spread that is similar in magnitude to the apparent age spread implied by the luminosity dispersion seen in colour magnitude diagrams. Evidence for weak lithium depletion (< 10 per cent in equivalent width) that is correlated with luminosity is also apparent, but we are unable to determine whether age spreads or accretion at rates less than 5 x 10-4 M_sol yr-1 are responsible.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures; Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013 June 0

    Pre-main-sequence isochrones -- II. Revising star and planet formation timescales

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    We have derived ages for 13 young (<30 Myr) star-forming regions and find they are up to a factor two older than the ages typically adopted in the literature. This result has wide-ranging implications, including that circumstellar discs survive longer (~10-12 Myr) and that the average Class I lifetime is greater (~1 Myr) than currently believed. For each star-forming region we derived two ages from colour-magnitude diagrams. First we fitted models of the evolution between the zero-age main-sequence and terminal-age main-sequence to derive a homogeneous set of main-sequence ages, distances and reddenings with statistically meaningful uncertainties. Our second age for each star-forming region was derived by fitting pre-main-sequence stars to new semi-empirical model isochrones. For the first time (for a set of clusters younger than 50 Myr) we find broad agreement between these two ages, and since these are derived from two distinct mass regimes that rely on different aspects of stellar physics, it gives us confidence in the new age scale. This agreement is largely due to our adoption of empirical colour-Teff relations and bolometric corrections for pre-main-sequence stars cooler than 4000 K. The revised ages for the star-forming regions in our sample are: ~2 Myr for NGC 6611 (Eagle Nebula; M 16), IC 5146 (Cocoon Nebula), NGC 6530 (Lagoon Nebula; M 8), and NGC 2244 (Rosette Nebula); ~6 Myr for {\sigma} Ori, Cep OB3b, and IC 348; ~10 Myr for {\lambda} Ori (Collinder 69); ~11 Myr for NGC 2169; ~12 Myr for NGC 2362; ~13 Myr for NGC 7160; ~14 Myr for {\chi} Per (NGC 884); and ~20 Myr for NGC 1960 (M 36).Comment: 28 pages, 18 figures, 34 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS. All photometric catalogues presented in this paper are available online at the Cluster Collaboration homepage http://www.astro.ex.ac.uk/people/timn/Catalogues

    A lithium depletion boundary age of 22 Myr for NGC 1960

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    We present a deep Cousins RI photometric survey of the open cluster NGC 1960, complete to R_C \simeq 22, I_C \simeq 21, that is used to select a sample of very low-mass cluster candidates. Gemini spectroscopy of a subset of these is used to confirm membership and locate the age-dependent "lithium depletion boundary" (LDB) --the luminosity at which lithium remains unburned in its low-mass stars. The LDB implies a cluster age of 22 +/-4 Myr and is quite insensitive to choice of evolutionary model. NGC 1960 is the youngest cluster for which a LDB age has been estimated and possesses a well populated upper main sequence and a rich low-mass pre-main sequence. The LDB age determined here agrees well with precise age estimates made for the same cluster based on isochrone fits to its high- and low-mass populations. The concordance between these three age estimation techniques, that rely on different facets of stellar astrophysics at very different masses, is an important step towards calibrating the absolute ages of young open clusters and lends confidence to ages determined using any one of them.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Using the UM dynamical cores to reproduce idealised 3D flows

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    We demonstrate that both the current (New Dynamics), and next generation (ENDGame) dynamical cores of the UK Met Office global circulation model, the UM, reproduce consistently, the long-term, large-scale flows found in several published idealised tests. The cases presented are the Held-Suarez test, a simplified model of Earth (including a stratosphere), and a hypothetical tidally locked Earth. Furthermore, we show that using simplifications to the dynamical equations, which are expected to be justified for the physical domains and flow regimes we have studied, and which are supported by the ENDGame dynamical core, also produces matching long-term, large-scale flows. Finally, we present evidence for differences in the detail of the planetary flows and circulations resulting from improvements in the ENDGame formulation over New Dynamics.Comment: 34 Pages, 23 Figures. Accepted for publication in Geoscientific Model Development (pre-proof version

    Eigenvectors, Circulation and Linear Instabilities for Planetary Science in 3 Dimensions (ECLIPS3D)

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from EDP Sciences via the DOI in this recordContext. The study of linear waves and instabilities is necessary to understand the physical evolution of an atmosphere, and can provide physical interpretation of the complex flows found in simulations performed using Global Circulation Models (GCM). In particular, the acceleration of superrotating flow at the equator of hot Jupiters has mostly been studied under several simplifying assumptions, the relaxing of which may impact final results. Aims. We develop and benchmark a publicly available algorithm to identify the eigenmodes of an atmosphere around any initial steady state. We also solve for linear steady states. Methods. We linearise the hydrodynamical equations of a planetary atmosphere in a steady state with arbitrary velocities and thermal profile. We then discretise the linearised equations on an appropriate staggered grid, and solve for eigenvectors and linear steady solutions with the use of a parallel library for linear algebra: ScaLAPACK. We also implement a posteriori calculation of an energy equation in order to obtain more information on the underlying physics of the mode. Results. Our code is benchmarked against classical wave and instability test cases in multiple geometries. The steady linear circulation calculations also reproduce expected results for the atmosphere of hot Jupiters. We finally show the robustness of our energy equation, and its power to obtain physical insight into the modes. Conclusions. We have developed and benchmarked a code for the study of linear processes in planetary atmospheres, with an arbitrary steady state. The calculation of an a posteriori energy equation provides both increased robustness and physical meaning to the obtained eigenmodes. This code can be applied to various problems, and notably to further study the initial spin up of superrotation of GCM simulations of hot Jupiter.European Union Horizon 2020Leverhulme TrustScience and Technology Facilities Council (STFC

    Results from a set of three-dimensional numerical experiments of a hot Jupiter atmosphere

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    We present highlights from a large set of simulations of a hot Jupiter atmosphere, nominally based on HD 209458b, aimed at exploring both the evolution of the deep atmosphere, and the acceleration of the zonal flow or jet. We find the occurrence of a super-rotating equatorial jet is robust to changes in various parameters, and over long timescales, even in the absence of strong inner or bottom boundary drag. This jet is diminished in one simulation only, where we strongly force the deep atmosphere equator-to-pole temperature gradient over long timescales. Finally, although the eddy momentum fluxes in our atmosphere show similarities with the proposed mechanism for accelerating jets on tidally-locked planets, the picture appears more complex. We present tentative evidence for a jet driven by a combination of eddy momentum transport and mean flow.Comment: 26 pages, 22 Figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Bayesian fitting of Taurus brown dwarf spectral energy distributions

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    We present derived stellar and disc parameters for a sample of Taurus brown dwarfs both with and without evidence of an associated disc. These parameters have been derived using an online fitting tool (http://bd-server.astro.ex.ac.uk/), which includes a statistically robust derivation of uncertainties, an indication of pa- rameter degeneracies, and a complete treatment of the input photometric and spectroscopic observations. The observations of the Taurus members with indications of disc presence have been fitted using a grid of theoretical models including detailed treatments of physical processes accepted for higher mass stars, such as dust sublimation, and a simple treatment of the accretion flux. This grid of models has been designed to test the validity of the adopted physical mechanisms, but we have also constructed models using parameterisation, for example semi-empirical dust sublimation radii, for users solely interested in parameter derivation and the quality of the fit. The parameters derived for the naked and disc brown dwarf systems are largely consistent with literature observations. However, our inner disc edge locations are consistently closer to the star than previous results and we also derive elevated accretion rates over non-SED based accretion rate derivations. For inner edge locations we attribute these differences to the detailed modelling we have performed of the disc structure, particularly at the crucial inner edge where departures in geometry from the often adopted vertical wall due to dust sublimation (and therefore accretion flux) can compensate for temperature (and therefore distance) changes to the inner edge of the dust disc. In the case of the elevated derived accretion rates, in some cases, this may be caused by the intrinsic stellar luminosities of the targets exceeding that predicted by the isochrones we have adopted.Comment: The paper contains 35 pages with 15 figures and 17 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA
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