14 research outputs found

    Comparison of single- and multi-trait approaches to identify best wild candidates for aquaculture shows that the simple way fails

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    International audiencein agriculture, diversifying production implies picking up, in the wild biodiversity, species or populations that can be domesticated and fruitfully produced. two alternative approaches are available to highlight wild candidate(s) with high suitability for aquaculture: the single-trait (i.e. considering a single phenotypic trait and, thus, a single biological function) and multi-trait (i.e. considering multiple phenotypic traits involved in several biological functions) approaches. Although the former is the traditional and the simplest method, the latter could be theoretically more efficient. However, an explicit comparison of advantages and pitfalls between these approaches is lacking to date in aquaculture. Here, we compared the two approaches to identify best candidate(s) between four wild allopatric populations of Perca fluviatilis in standardised aquaculture conditions. our results showed that the single-trait approach can (1) miss key divergences between populations and (2) highlight different best candidate(s) depending on the trait considered. In contrast, the multi-trait approach allowed identifying the population with the highest domestication potential thanks to several congruent lines of evidence. nevertheless, such an integrative assessment is achieved with a far more time-consuming and expensive study. therefore, improvements and rationalisations will be needed to make the multi-trait approach a promising way in the aquaculture development

    Social recapitulation: moulting can restore social tolerance in aggressive spiderlings

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    In many taxa, the subsocial route is considered the main pathway to permanent sociality, but the relative contribution of offspring interactions and parental care to the maintenance of cohesion and tolerance at advanced developmental stages remains poorly studied. Spiders are relevant models for this question because they all show a transient gregarious phase before dispersal, and the transition to permanent sociality, which concerns approximately 20 of the ∌50,000 species, is assumed to rely on the subsocial route. Using spiderlings of the solitary species Agelena labyrinthica, we manipulated the social context to demonstrate that tolerance in aggressive juveniles can be restored when exposed to siblings after moulting. We propose that moulting can reopen closed critical periods and renew the imprinting to social cues and thus lead to the reacquisition of tolerance. Our study highlights the critical role of contacts between juveniles in the expression of tolerance, which opens novel avenues for understanding social transitions

    Ontogenetic change in social context as a cue for a behavioural switch in spiderlings

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    International audienceIn many taxa, variations in the early social context are well known to influence the expression of a suite of behaviours later in life. For species living temporarily in groups, relatively few studies have examined how the ontogenetic change in the social context experienced by individuals during their transition from social to solitary influences their responses to environmental variation. It can be hypothesized that the presence of conspecifics during the gregarious phase may constrain the expression of any behavioural changes in response to external variations that would be detrimental to group cohesion and reduce the benefits associated with social life. In this study, we investigated the interplay between early social experience, satiation and ontogeny in the development of aggressive behaviours in juveniles of the solitary spider Agelena labyrinthica. First, we exposed spiderlings to a period of social isolation of similar duration at different ages, while others were continuously reared socially. Second, we examined how feeding influences the onset of agonistic interactions in spiderlings reared in isolation or socially. When spiders were socially deprived, we found that aggressive behaviour towards siblings increased both when they experienced isolation at a later developmental stage and when they were fed. This was in contrast to spiders maintained in groups, which, regardless of their age and whether they were fed or not, remained tolerant. Overall, our study suggests that changes in the social environment during ontogeny set the context for the expression of behavioural plasticity that prepares individuals for living alone

    Pratiques funéraires en Alsace du Ve au Ier siÚcle avant J.-C

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    Cette Ă©tude propose de faire le point sur les pratiques funĂ©raires en Alsace du Hallstatt D3 à la fin de La TĂšne D. Peu de donnĂ©es nouvelles ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©coltĂ©es par manque de fouilles prĂ©ventives et programmĂ©es d’ensembles funĂ©raires de cette pĂ©riode. Les anciennes donnĂ©es reprises Ă  la lumiĂšre des nouvelles chronologies et des Ă©tudes de mobiliers permettent aujourd’hui de prĂ©ciser certains aspects. La TĂšne C et D, sans ĂȘtre mĂ©connues, restent encore plus avares en sites et les recherches en sont Ă  leurs balbutiements. A contrario, les sites d’ensilages et les habitats de la fin du premier Âge du fer et du second Âge du fer sont aujourd’hui mieux connus et ont livrĂ© un nombre important d’inhumations humaines et animales qui permettent de donner un Ă©clairage nouveau sur ces pratiques funĂ©raires particuliĂšres.This study focuses on the burial practices in Alsace from Hallstatt D3 to the end of La Tene D. Few new data have been collected owing to the lack of rescue and research excavations of funerary monuments of this period. Data collected earlier have however been revisited, with the application of new chronologies now helping to clarify certain aspects. The La Tene C and D periods, without being entirely unknown, have still only been identified from a few sites; research on them is still at an early stage. Contrastingly, the settlement sites and those for storing green fodder of the end of the first Iron Age and the second Iron Age are now better known and have produced a significant number of human and animal burials that shed some new light on these special burial practices

    Des sursauts radio discrets et dérivants de Jupiter révÚlent les processus d'accélération liés à GanymÚde et à l'ovale auroral principal

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    International audienceRadio detection at high time-frequency resolutions is a powerful means of remotely studying electron acceleration processes. Radio bursts have characteristics (polarization, drift, periodicity) making them easier to detect than slowly variable emissions. They are not uncommon in solar system planetary magnetospheres, the powerful Jovian "short bursts (S-bursts)" induced by the Io-Jupiter interaction being especially well-documented. Here we present a detection method of drifting radio bursts in terabytes of high resolution timefrequency data, applied to one month of ground-based Jupiter observations. Beyond the expected Io-Jupiter S-bursts, we find decameter S-bursts related to the Ganymede-Jupiter interaction and the main Jovian aurora, revealing ubiquitous Alfvénic electron acceleration in Jupiter's high-latitude regions. Our observations show accelerated electron energies are distributed in two populations, kilo-electron-Volts and hundreds of electron-Volts. This detection technique may help characterizing inaccessible astrophysical sources such as exoplanets. 1234567890():,; 1234567890():,;La détection radio à haute résolution temps-fréquence est un moyen puissant d'étudier à distance les processus d'accélération des électrons. Les sursauts radio ont des caractéristiques (polarisation, dérive, périodicité) qui les rendent plus faciles à détecter que les émissions lentement variables. Ils ne sont pas rares dans les magnétosphÚres des planÚtes du systÚme solaire, les puissants "sursauts courts (sursauts S)" joviens induits par l'interaction Io-Jupiter étant particuliÚrement bien documentés. Au-delà des sursauts S attendus de l'interaction Io-Jupiter, nous trouvons des sursauts S décamétriques liés à l'interaction GanymÚde-Jupiter et à l'aurore principale jovienne, révélant une accélération électronique Alfvénique omniprésente dans les régions de haute latitude de Jupiter. L'observation montre que l'énergie des électrons accélérés est répartie en deux populations, les kilo-électrons-volts et les centaines d'électrons-volts. Cette technique de détection peut aider à caractériser des sources astrophysiques inaccessibles telles que les exoplanÚtes

    Development of extracellular vesicle-based medicinal products: A position paper of the group “Extracellular Vesicle translatiOn to clinicaL perspectiVEs – EVOLVE France”

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    International audienceExtracellular vesicles (EV) are emergent therapeutic effectors that have reached clinical trial investigation. To translate EV-based therapeutic to clinic, the challenge is to demonstrate quality, safety, and efficacy, as required for any medicinal product. EV research translation into medicinal products is an exciting and challenging perspective. Recent papers, provide important guidance on regulatory aspects of pharmaceutical development, defining EVs for therapeutic applications and critical considerations for the development of potency tests. In addition, the ISEV Task Force on Regulatory Affairs and Clinical Use of EV-based Therapeutics as well as the Exosomes Committee from the ISCT are expected to contribute in an active way to the development of EV-based medicinal products by providing update on the scientific progress in EVs field, information to patients and expert resource network for regulatory bodies. The contribution of our work group "Extracellular Vesicle translatiOn to clinicaL perspectiVEs - EVOLVE France", created in 2020, can be positioned in complement to all these important initiatives. Based on complementary scientific, technical, and medical expertise, we provide EV-specific recommendations for manufacturing, quality control, analytics, non-clinical development, and clinical trials, according to current European legislation. We especially focus on early phase clinical trials concerning immediate needs in the field. The main contents of the investigational medicinal product dossier, marketing authorization applications, and critical guideline information are outlined for the transition from research to clinical development and ultimate market authorization