133 research outputs found

    Characterisation of serum IgG(T) responses to potential diagnostic antigens for equine cyathostominosis

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    Cyathostomins are ubiquitous parasitic nematodes of horses. These worms spend substantial periods as intestinal wall stage encysted larvae, which can comprise up to 90% of the total burden. Several million larvae have been reported in individuals. Emergence of these larvae from the gut wall can lead to life-threatening colitis. Faecal egg count tests, increasingly used by horse owners to inform anthelmintic treatments, do not correlate with the intra-host burden of cyathostomins; this represents a key gap in the diagnostic toolbox. Previously, a cyathostomin Gut Associated Larval Antigen was identified as a promising marker for the intra-host stages of infection. Here, cyathostomin Gut Associated Larval Antigen and an additional protein, Cyathostomin Immuno-diagnostic antigen, were investigated to examine their value in providing information on cyathostomin burden. ELISA analyses examined serum IgG(T) responses to recombinant proteins derived from individual cyathostomin species. Receiver Operator Characteristic curve analysis was performed on the ELISA data; proteins with the highest Area Under the Curve values were selected to test protein combinations to investigate which were the most informative in identifying the infection status of individuals. Three cocktail combinations were tested, comprising: (a) Cy-GALA proteins from two species and a Cy-CID protein from a third species (CT3), (b) Cy-GALA proteins from five species (CT5), and (c) all CT5 components, plus a Cy-CID protein from an additional species (CT6). The best predictive values for infection were obtained using CT3 and CT6, with similar values achieved for both. Proteins in CT3 are derived from the most commonly reported species, Cyathostomum catinatum, Cylicocyclus nassatus and Cylicostephanus longibursatus. This combination was selected for future development since it represents a more commercially viable format for a diagnostic test

    Short-form measures of diabetes-related emotional distress: The Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale (PAID)-5 and PAID-1

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    Aims/hypothesis: We wanted to identify a five-item short form of the Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale and a single-item measure for rapid screening of diabetes-related emotional distress. Methods: Using an existing database of 1,153 patients with diabetes, we conducted a principal-components analysis to identify a set of five items and then conducted a reliability analysis and validity checks. From those five items, we identified the item with the strongest psychometric properties as a one-item screening tool. Results: We identified a reliable and valid short version of the Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale (PAID) comprising five of the emotional-distress questions of the full PAID items (PAID-5, with items 3, 6, 12, 16, 19). The PAID-5 has satisfactory sensitivity (94%) and specificity (89%) for recognition of diabetes-related emotional distress. We also identified a one-item screening tool, the PAID-1 (Question 12: Worrying about the future and the possibility of serious complications), which has concurrent sensitivity and specificity of about 80% for the recognition of diabetes-related emotional distress. Conclusions/ interpretation: The PAID-5 and PAID-1 appear to be psychometrically robust short-form measures of diabetes-related emotional distress.Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicad

    Charge-Symmetry Violation in Pion Scattering from Three-Body Nuclei

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    We discuss the experimental and theoretical status of charge-symmetry violation (CSV) in the elastic scattering of pi+ and pi- on 3H and 3He. Analysis of the experimental data for the ratios r1, r2, and R at Tpi = 142, 180, 220, and 256 MeV provides evidence for the presence of CSV. We describe pion scattering from the three-nucleon system in terms of single- and double-scattering amplitudes. External and internal Coulomb interactions as well as the Delta-mass splitting are taken into account as sources of CSV. Reasonable agreement between our theoretical calculations and the experimental data is obtained for Tpi = 180, 220, and 256 MeV. For these energies, it is found that the Delta-mass splitting and the internal Coulomb interaction are the most important contributions for CSV in the three-nucleon system. The CSV effects are rather sensitive to the choice of pion-nuclear scattering mechanisms, but at the same time, our theoretical predictions are much less sensitive to the choice of the nuclear wave function. It is found, however, that data for r2 and R at Tpi = 142 MeV do not agree with the predictions of our model, which may indicate that there are additional mechanisms for CSV which are important only at lower energies.Comment: 26 pages of RevTeX, 16 postscript figure

    Short-form measures of diabetes-related emotional distress: The Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale (PAID)-5 and PAID-1

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    Aims/hypothesis: We wanted to identify a five-item short form of the Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale and a single-item measure for rapid screening of diabetes-related emotional distress. Methods: Using an existing database of 1,153 patients with diabetes, we conducted a principal-components analysis to identify a set of five items and then conducted a reliability analysis and validity checks. From those five items, we identified the item with the strongest psychometric properties as a one-item screening tool. Results: We identified a reliable and valid short version of the Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale (PAID) comprising five of the emotional-distress questions of the full PAID items (PAID-5, with items 3, 6, 12, 16, 19). The PAID-5 has satisfactory sensitivity (94%) and specificity (89%) for recognition of diabetes-related emotional distress. We also identified a one-item screening tool, the PAID-1 (Question 12: Worrying about the future and the possibility of serious complications), which has concurrent sensitivity and specificity of about 80% for the recognition of diabetes-related emotional distress. Conclusions/ interpretation: The PAID-5 and PAID-1 appear to be psychometrically robust short-form measures of diabetes-related emotional distress.Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicad

    The relation between the column density structures and the magnetic field orientation in the Vela C molecular complex

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    We statistically evaluated the relative orientation between gas column density structures, inferred from Herschel submillimetre observations, and the magnetic field projected on the plane of sky, inferred from polarized thermal emission of Galactic dust observed by the Balloon-borne Large-Aperture Submillimetre Telescope for Polarimetry (BLASTPol) at 250, 350, and 500 μm, towards the Vela C molecular complex. First, we find very good agreement between the polarization orientations in the three wavelength-bands, suggesting that, at the considered common angular resolution of 3.0 that corresponds to a physical scale of approximately 0.61 pc, the inferred magnetic field orientation is not significantly affected by temperature or dust grain alignment effects. Second, we find that the relative orientation between gas column density structures and the magnetic field changes progressively with increasing gas column density, from mostly parallel or having no preferred orientation at low column densities to mostly perpendicular at the highest column densities. This observation is in agreement with previous studies by the Planck collaboration towards more nearby molecular clouds. Finally, we find a correspondence between (a) the trends in relative orientation between the column density structures and the projected magnetic field; and (b) the shape of the column density probability distribution functions (PDFs). In the sub-regions of Vela C dominated by one clear filamentary structure, or "ridges", where the high-column density tails of the PDFs are flatter, we find a sharp transition from preferentially parallel or having no preferred relative orientation at low column densities to preferentially perpendicular at highest column densities. In the sub-regions of Vela C dominated by several filamentary structures with multiple orientations, or "nests", where the maximum values of the column density are smaller than in the ridge-like sub-regions and the high-column density tails of the PDFs are steeper, such a transition is also present, but it is clearly less sharp than in the ridge-like sub-regions. Both of these results suggest that the magnetic field is dynamically important for the formation of density structures in this region

    'Motivate': the effect of a Football in the Community delivered weight loss programme on over 35-year old men and women's cardiovascular risk factors

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    The purpose of this study was to examine whether an innovative, inclusive and integrated 12-week exercise, behaviour change and nutrition advice-based weight management programme could significantly improve the cardiovascular risk factors of overweight and obese men and women over the age of 35. One hundred and ninety-four men and 98 women (mean age = 52.28 ± 9.74 and 51.19 ± 9.04) attending a community-based intervention delivered by Notts County Football in the Community over one year, took part in the study. Height (m), weight (kg), fitness (meters covered during a 6 min walk) and waist circumference (cm) were measured at weeks 1 and 12 as part of the intervention. Changes in body weight, waist circumference and fitness for men and women were measured by a 2-way repeated measures ANOVA, with significance set to p < 0.05.Weight, waist circumference and fitness significantly improved over time in both men (4.96 kg, 6.29 cm, 70.22 m; p < 0.05) and women (4.26 kg, 5.90 cm, 35.29 m; p < 0.05). The results demonstrated that the FITC lead weight loss intervention was successful in significantly improving cardiovascular risk factors in both men and women. In particular, the weight loss reductions achieved were comparable to those seen in similar, more costly men-only programmes. This is the first study to demonstrate the efficacy of such an intervention in an inclusive, mixed gender programme and more specifically, in women

    Young and Intermediate-age Distance Indicators

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    Distance measurements beyond geometrical and semi-geometrical methods, rely mainly on standard candles. As the name suggests, these objects have known luminosities by virtue of their intrinsic proprieties and play a major role in our understanding of modern cosmology. The main caveats associated with standard candles are their absolute calibration, contamination of the sample from other sources and systematic uncertainties. The absolute calibration mainly depends on their chemical composition and age. To understand the impact of these effects on the distance scale, it is essential to develop methods based on different sample of standard candles. Here we review the fundamental properties of young and intermediate-age distance indicators such as Cepheids, Mira variables and Red Clump stars and the recent developments in their application as distance indicators.Comment: Review article, 63 pages (28 figures), Accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews (Chapter 3 of a special collection resulting from the May 2016 ISSI-BJ workshop on Astronomical Distance Determination in the Space Age

    An Observational Overview of Solar Flares

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    We present an overview of solar flares and associated phenomena, drawing upon a wide range of observational data primarily from the RHESSI era. Following an introductory discussion and overview of the status of observational capabilities, the article is split into topical sections which deal with different areas of flare phenomena (footpoints and ribbons, coronal sources, relationship to coronal mass ejections) and their interconnections. We also discuss flare soft X-ray spectroscopy and the energetics of the process. The emphasis is to describe the observations from multiple points of view, while bearing in mind the models that link them to each other and to theory. The present theoretical and observational understanding of solar flares is far from complete, so we conclude with a brief discussion of models, and a list of missing but important observations.Comment: This is an article for a monograph on the physics of solar flares, inspired by RHESSI observations. The individual articles are to appear in Space Science Reviews (2011

    Global Properties of Solar Flares

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    Genomic signatures of human and animal disease in the zoonotic pathogen Streptococcus suis

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    Streptococcus suis causes disease in pigs worldwide and is increasingly implicated in zoonotic disease in East and South-East Asia. To understand the genetic basis of disease in S. suis, we study the genomes of 375 isolates with detailed clinical phenotypes from pigs and humans from the United Kingdom and Vietnam. Here, we show that isolates associated with disease contain substantially fewer genes than non-clinical isolates, but are more likely to encode virulence factors. Human disease isolates are limited to a single-virulent population, originating in the 1920 s when pig production was intensified, but no consistent genomic differences between pig and human isolates are observed. There is little geographical clustering of different S. suis subpopulations, and the bacterium undergoes high rates of recombination, implying that an increase in virulence anywhere in the world could have a global impact over a short timescale.Peer reviewe