69 research outputs found

    The coupling between internal waves and shear-induced turbulence in stellar radiation zones: the critical layer

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    Internal gravity waves (hereafter IGWs) are known as one of the candidates for explaining the angular velocity profile in the Sun and in solar-type main-sequence and evolved stars, due to their role in the transport of angular momentum. Our bringing concerns critical layers, a process poorly explored in stellar physics, defined as the location where the local relative frequency of a given wave to the rotational frequency of the fluid tends to zero (i.e that corresponds to co-rotation resonances). IGW propagate through stably-stratified radiative regions, where they extract or deposit angular momentum through two processes: radiative and viscous dampings and critical layers. Our goal is to obtain a complete picture of the effects of this latters. First, we expose a mathematical resolution of the equation of propagation for IGWs in adiabatic and non-adiabatic cases near critical layers. Then, the use of a dynamical stellar evolution code, which treats the secular transport of angular momentum, allows us to apply these results to the case of a solar-like star.The analysis reveals two cases depending on the value of the Richardson number at critical layers: a stable one, where IGWs are attenuated as they pass through a critical level, and an unstable turbulent case where they can be reflected/transmitted by the critical level with a coefficient larger than one. Such over-reflection/transmission can have strong implications on our vision of angular momentum transport in stellar interiors. This paper highlights the existence of two regimes defining the interaction between an IGW and a critical layer. An application exposes the effect of the first regime, showing a strengthening of the damping of the wave. Moreover, this work opens new ways concerning the coupling between IGWs and shear instabilities in stellar interiors.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Tidal dynamics of extended bodies in planetary systems and multiple stars

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    With the discovery during the past decade of a large number of extrasolar planets orbiting their parent stars at a distance lower than 0.1 astronomical unit (and the launch and the preparation of dedicated space missions such as CoRoT and KEPLER), with the position of inner natural satellites around giant planets in our Solar System and with the existence of very closed but separated binary stars, tidal interaction has to be carefully studied. In particular, a question arises about the validity of usual approximations used in the modelling of this interaction. The purpose of this paper is to examine the step beyond the ponctual approximation for the tidal perturber. To achieve this aim, the gravitational interaction between two extended bodies and more precisely the interaction between mass multipole moments of their gravitational fields and the associated tidal phenomena are studied. Use of Cartesian Symmetric Trace Free (STF) tensors, of their relation with spherical harmonics and of the Kaula's transform enables to derive analytically the tidal and mutual interaction potentials as well as the associated disturbing functions in extended bodies systems. The tidal and mutual interaction potentials of two extended bodies are derived. Next, the external gravitational potential of such tidally disturbed extended body is obtained, using the Love's number theory, as well as the associated disturbing function. Finally, the dynamical evolution equations for such systems are given in their more general form without any linearization. The dynamical equations for the gravitational and tidal interactions between extended bodies and associated dynamics are derived in a form where they could be directly implemented to perform coherent numerical simulations of planetary systems or multiple stars tidal evolution.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Angular Momentum Transport in Stellar Interiors

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    Stars lose a significant amount of angular momentum between birth and death, implying that efficient processes transporting it from the core to the surface are active. Space asteroseismology delivered the interior rotation rates of more than a thousand low- and intermediate-mass stars, revealing that: 1) single stars rotate nearly uniformly during the core hydrogen and core helium burning phases; 2) stellar cores spin up to a factor 10 faster than the envelope during the red giant phase; 3) the angular momentum of the helium-burning core of stars is in agreement with the angular momentum of white dwarfs. Observations reveal a strong decrease of core angular momentum when stars have a convective core. Current theory of angular momentum transport fails to explain this. We propose improving the theory with a data-driven approach, whereby angular momentum prescriptions derived from multi-dimensional (magneto)hydrodynamical simulations and theoretical considerations are continously tested against modern observations. The TESS and PLATO space missions have the potential to derive the interior rotation of large samples of stars, including high-mass and metal-poor stars in binaries and clusters. This will provide the powerful observational constraints needed to improve theory and simulations.Comment: Manuscript submitted to Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics for Volume 57. This is the authors' submitted version. Revisions and the final version will only become available from https://www.annualreviews.org/journal/astr

    Sub-Inertial Gravity Modes in the B8V Star KIC 7760680 Reveal Moderate Core Overshooting and Low Vertical Diffusive Mixing

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    KIC 7760680 is so far the richest slowly pulsating B star, by exhibiting 36 consecutive dipole (=1\ell=1) gravity (g-) modes. The monotonically decreasing period spacing of the series, in addition to the local dips in the pattern confirm that KIC 7760680 is a moderate rotator, with clear mode trapping in chemically inhomogeneous layers. We employ the traditional approximation of rotation to incorporate rotational effects on g-mode frequencies. Our detailed forward asteroseismic modelling of this g-mode series reveals that KIC 7760680 is a moderately rotating B star with mass 3.25\sim3.25 M_\odot. By simultaneously matching the slope of the period spacing, and the number of modes in the observed frequency range, we deduce that the equatorial rotation frequency of KIC 7760680 is 0.4805 day1^{-1}, which is 26\% of its Roche break up frequency. The relative deviation of the model frequencies and those observed is less than one percent. We succeed to tightly constrain the exponentially-decaying convective core overshooting parameter to fov0.024±0.001f_{\rm ov}\approx0.024\pm0.001. This means that convective core overshooting can coexist with moderate rotation. Moreover, models with exponentially-decaying overshoot from the core outperform those with the classical step-function overshoot. The best value for extra diffusive mixing in the radiatively stable envelope is confined to logDext0.75±0.25\log D_{\rm ext}\approx0.75\pm0.25 (with DextD_{\rm ext} in cm2^2 sec1^{-1}), which is notably smaller than theoretical predictions.Comment: 12 Figures, 2 Tables, all data publicly available for download; accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Extracting Star Formation Histories from Medium-resolution Galaxy Spectra

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    We adapt an existing data compression algorithm, MOPED, to the extraction of median-likelihood star formation (SF) histories from medium-resolution galaxy spectra. By focusing on the high-pass components of galaxy spectra, we minimize potential uncertainties arising from the spectro-photometric calibration and intrinsic attenuation by dust. We validate our approach using model high-pass spectra of galaxies with different SF histories covering the wavelength range 3650-8500 A at a resolving power of about 2000. We show that the method can recover the full SF histories of these models, without prior knowledge of the metallicity, to within an accuracy that depends sensitively on signal-to-noise ratio. The investigation of the sensitivity of the flux at each wavelength to the mass fraction of stars of different ages allows us to identify new age-sensitive features in galaxy spectra. We also highlight a fundamental limitation in the recovery of the SF histories of galaxies for which the optical signatures of intermediate-age stars are masked by those of younger and older stars. We apply this method to derive average SF histories from the highest-quality spectra of morphologically identified early- and late-type galaxies in the SDSS EDR [...]. We also investigate the constraints set by the high-pass signal in the stacked spectra of a magnitude-limited sample of SDSS-EDR galaxies on the global SF history of the Universe. We confirm that the stellar populations in the most massive galaxies today appear to have formed on average earlier than those in the least massive ones. Our results do not support the recent suggestion of a statistically significant peak in the SF activity of the Universe at redshifts below unity, although such a peak is not ruled out [abridged].Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, to appear in MNRAS; version with full resolution figures available at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~charlot/SFH

    Spin alignment of stars in old open clusters

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    Stellar clusters form by gravitational collapse of turbulent molecular clouds, with up to several thousand stars per cluster. They are thought to be the birthplace of most stars and therefore play an important role in our understanding of star formation, a fundamental problem in astrophysics. The initial conditions of the molecular cloud establish its dynamical history until the stellar cluster is born. However, the evolution of the cloud's angular momentum during cluster formation is not well understood. Current observations have suggested that turbulence scrambles the angular momentum of the cluster-forming cloud, preventing spin alignment amongst stars within a cluster. Here we use asteroseismology to measure the inclination angles of spin axes in 48 stars from the two old open clusters NGC~6791 and NGC~6819. The stars within each cluster show strong alignment. Three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of proto-cluster formation show that at least 50 % of the initial proto-cluster kinetic energy has to be rotational in order to obtain strong stellar-spin alignment within a cluster. Our result indicates that the global angular momentum of the cluster-forming clouds was efficiently transferred to each star and that its imprint has survived after several gigayears since the clusters formed.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Published in Nature Astronom

    137,138,139^{137,138,139}La(nn, γ\gamma) cross sections constrained with statistical decay properties of 138,139,140^{138,139,140}La nuclei

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    The nuclear level densities and γ\gamma-ray strength functions of 138,139,140^{138,139,140}La were measured using the 139^{139}La(3^{3}He, α\alpha), 139^{139}La(3^{3}He, 3^{3}He^\prime) and 139^{139}La(d, p) reactions. The particle-γ\gamma coincidences were recorded with the silicon particle telescope (SiRi) and NaI(Tl) (CACTUS) arrays. In the context of these experimental results, the low-energy enhancement in the A\sim140 region is discussed. The 137,138,139^{137,138,139}La(n,γ)n, \gamma) cross sections were calculated at ss- and pp-process temperatures using the experimentally measured nuclear level densities and γ\gamma-ray strength functions. Good agreement is found between 139^{139}La(n,γ)n, \gamma) calculated cross sections and previous measurements

    The star formation histories of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We present the results of a MOPED analysis of ~3 x 10^5 galaxy spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Three (SDSS DR3), with a number of improvements in data, modelling and analysis compared with our previous analysis of DR1. The improvements include: modelling the galaxies with theoretical models at a higher spectral resolution of 3\AA; better calibrated data; an extended list of excluded emission lines, and a wider range of dust models. We present new estimates of the cosmic star formation rate, the evolution of stellar mass density and the stellar mass function from the fossil record. In contrast to our earlier work the results show no conclusive peak in the star formation rate out to a redshift around 2 but continue to show conclusive evidence for `downsizing' in the SDSS fossil record. The star formation history is now in good agreement with more traditional instantaneous measures. The galaxy stellar mass function is determined over five decades of mass, and an updated estimate of the current stellar mass density is presented. We also investigate the systematic effects of changes in the stellar population modelling, the spectral resolution, dust modelling, sky lines, spectral resolution and the change of data set. We find that the main changes in the results are due to the improvements in the calibration of the SDSS data, changes in the initial mass function and the theoretical models used.Comment: replaced to match accepted version in MNRA