147 research outputs found

    Exploring Language Use Within a Parent-Mediated Intervention for Children Exhibiting Social Communication Difficulties

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    For infants/toddlers experiencing social communication difficulties, parent-mediated interventions (PMI) are the current field standard to promote development within a natural context. Previous research highlights the importance for parents to scaffold language learning opportunities beyond clinical settings to maximize children’s potential. However, for infants/toddlers exhibiting social communication-based difficulties currently enrolled in a family routines-based PMI, less is known about the individual contributions of communication between child and parent in order to promote optimal language development. The present study expands our understanding of children’s communication by examining whether (1)children exhibit language impairments at enrollment; (2)whether observed mother-child communication during play increases following an eight-session intervention; and (3)associations between children’s language impairments and observed communication. As part of an ongoing PMI, 16 children were assessed with the Mullen Scales of Early Learning (MSEL) at enrollment to index their receptive (RL) and expressive language (EL) skills. Home visit recordings of play-based interactions were rated for child EL use (e.g., single words; two-word phrases) and mothers’ language-learning opportunities (i.e., symbol highlighting). Overall, children on average received MSEL-RL and MSEL-EL scores within the concerns range for their age. A series of repeated measures ANCOVAs to assess communication during play were conducted and revealed a significant increase in child EL use, F(1,15)=5.87,p=.03. To examine associations between children’s MSEL scores and play-based observations, a series of partial correlations were conducted. No significant associations were observed. In sum, these findings highlight the importance of monitoring language development and the modest impact of an 8-week PMI on children’s language use

    The effects of turbulence intensity on the downstream performance of horizontal axis tidal stream turbines

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    This study focuses on a comparison of model results from a blade element momen- tum computational fluid dynamics (BEM-CFD) steady state RANS model, and a BEMT model that accounts for the wake generated from upstream turbines using analytic expressions. Rotor forces are calculated using 3D hydrofoil profile data. Both techniques are validated against ex- isting experimental data, and then used to assess the power extraction of downstream turbines. Turbulent inflow conditions of 3% and 7% are applied, and the results of power extraction as- sessed. Particular attention is paid to the velocity field, with respect to the downstream wake, to assess how the turbulence characteristics effect the recovery rate and downstream power potential. Both models highlight the different recovery rates of the two turbulent conditions

    A comparison of numerical modelling techniques for tidal stream turbine analysis

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    To fully understand the performance of tidal stream turbines for the creation of ocean ren wable energy, a range of computational models is required. We review and compare results from several models at different length scales. Models under review include blade element momentum theory (BEMT), blade element actuation disk RANS-CFD, blade- resolved RANS-CFD and coastal models based on the shallow water equations. Three sets of experimental results are used for model validation

    Traditional turbulence methods and novel visualisation techniques for coastal flow model in order to deploy tidal stream turbines

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    Characteristics of flow in the coastal regions are strongly influenced by the topography of the seabed and understanding of these features is necessary before installation of tidal stream turbines (TST). In this paper, the bathymetry of a potential TST deployment site is surveyed using an echosounder and the resulting data is used in the development of the geometric model. The steady state k-ɛ and transient Large Eddy Simulation (LES) turbulence methods are employed. The stream surface visualisation method employed has important inherent characteristics that can enhance the visual perception of complex flow structures [1]. In this method lighting and shading reinforce the perception of shape and depth, images or textures can be mapped to the surface primitives providing additional visual information, colour and transparency can be used to convey additional data attributes. The results of all cases are compared with the flow data transect gathered by Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP). It has been understood that the k-ɛ method can predict the flow pattern with relatively good accuracy near the main features of the domain and the LES model has the ability to simulate some important flow patterns because of the bathymetry

    La mutación de la biblioteca en los inicios del siglo XXI

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    El papel que las bibliotecas desempeñan en la actualidad ha sido cuestionado en numerosas ocasiones, a causa de la revolución tecnológica a la que se está asistiendo, la cual pondría en amenaza el papel básico que hasta ahora tenían éstas. Pero la realidad es que se observa una tendencia en la que cada vez se construyen más bibliotecas y más complejas. Por lo que se torna harto interesante descubrir hacia dónde camina la arquitectura en este sentido. A este respecto, se advierte un cambio de paradigma respecto al papel que juega la biblioteca en la actualidad, provocando a su vez una respuesta en cuanto a la arquitectura bibliotecaria. Los cambios sociales que se han producido de la mano del desarrollo de la tecnología, se han visto implicados de forma directa e indirecta en este cambio de paradigma, presentando los desafíos a los que se enfrenta la arquitectura actual. Debido a la incertidumbre que se presenta de cara a este nuevo periodo, en base a los constantes cambios que se manifiestan debido a la rápida evolución que sufren las nuevas tecnologías, y de cara a las demandas de esta nueva sociedad, se torna fundamental la aplicación del principio de la flexibilidad en los nuevos espacios bibliotecarios, pero se rehúye de la clásica solución espacial donde el espacio se vuelve uniforme, sin apenas expresión plástica ni variedad. Por otro lado, se presentan los temidos efectos que la globalización tiene sobre el planeta, a cualquier escala, y que parecen llevar todo hacia una tendencia universalista. Por lo que se hace interesante el estudio de la arquitectura bibliotecaria desde diferentes ópticas a nivel cultural, tomando como referencia la cultura occidental, debido a su importante papel de cara al origen de este proceso, así como la cultura oriental, definida prácticamente como la antítesis de ésta. Sobre la base de lo planteado, la presente investigación, a modo de primera toma de contacto, ha pretendido abrir un campo de estudio a través del cual se puedan identificar nuevas formas de aplicar la flexibilidad en los espacios bibliotecarios, de cara a que éstos no se vuelvan caducos en cuanto al diseño que presentan, además de poner el causa los procesos de globalización que pretenden reducir la realidad actual, en base a procesos de homogeneización; por lo que se busca identificar procesos de hibridación en la arquitectura actual, a través de los cuales poder identificar si se producen diferencias entre las distintas culturas, valorando en qué medida se incluyen las cuestiones de carácter local en las obras que representan cada una de estas culturas. A través de la metodología empleada, basada en los estudios de caso individual y en el análisis comparativo de éstos, se han podido evidenciar líneas que muestran esa evolución de la arquitectura actual, en la que se torna evidente la importancia que tiene la flexibilidad en el nuevo escenario, así como la posibilidad de aplicarla de diversa manera, además de reconocerse los mencionados procesos de hibridación, permitiendo establecer diferencias entre las dos culturas, desmontando así la ambiciosa visión de carácter unilateral que se tenía sobre la globalización.Abstract: The role played by libraries nowadays has been frequently questioned in view of the technological revolution currently underway, which would seem to threaten the basic function libraries had up until now. However, what we are actually seeing is a trend in which a growing number of increasingly complex libraries are being built. Therefore, it is of interest to take a look at where architecture in this sector is heading. The truth is, a change can be observed in what is considered to be the model role of libraries today, which in turn leads to a different response in terms of their architecture. The social changes that have taken place as a result of developments in technology have played both a direct and indirect role in such a change of model and represent the challenges facing current architecture. Given the uncertainty that exists these days due to the constant changes occurring as a result of the rapid evolution of new technologies and of society’s new demands, it has become essential to build a flexibility component into all new library design concepts, while shying away from the classic solution of uniform spaces with little plastic variety or expression. On the other hand, the effects of globalisation present at all scales of life on this planet inevitably arise and tend to drive everything towards a common universality. So it is interesting to study the architecture of libraries from different cultural perspectives, firstly in Western culture, given the important role it has played in the origin of this process, and subsequently from the viewpoint of Oriental culture, practically defined as the antithesis of the former. On the basis of the above premises, this paper seeks to stand as the initial contact in a line of research that identifies new ways of applying flexibility into the architecture of libraries so that they do not become obsolete in terms of their design, as well as identifying the globalisation processes that seek to reduce current reality through homogenisation procedures. Therefore, it aims to identify hybridisation processes in current architecture that serve to ascertain whether distinctions occur between different cultures and to assess the extent to which local issues find a place in iconic buildings representing each of those cultures. By means of the methodology used, based on individual case studies and comparative analysis of each, certain traits have been revealed that show an evolution in contemporary architecture, in which greater importance is given in this new scenario to flexibility and the ability to apply it in different ways, as well as acknowledging the aforementioned hybridization processes, enabling differences between the two cultures to be identified and thus any narrow-minded view of globalization as a unilateral phenomenon to be dismantled

    An autoinhibitory control element defines calcium-regulated isoforms of nitric oxide synthase

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    Nitric oxide synthases (NOSs) are classified functionally, based on whether calmodulin binding is Ca2+-dependent (cNOS) or Ca2+-independent (iNOS). This key dichotomy has not been defined at the molecular level. Here we show that cNOS isoforms contain a unique polypeptide insert in their FMN binding domains which is not shared with iNOS or other related flavoproteins. Previously identified autoinhibitory domains in calmodulin-regulated enzymes raise the possibility that the polypeptide insert is the autoinhibitory domain of cNOSs. Consistent with this possibility, three-dimensional molecular modeling suggested that the insert originates from a site immediately adjacent to the calmodulin binding sequence. Synthetic peptides derived from the 45-amino acid insert of endothelial NOS were found to potently inhibit binding of calmodulin and activation of cNOS isoforms. This inhibition was associated with peptide binding to NOS, rather than free calmodulin, and inhibition could be reversed by increasing calmodulin concentration. In contrast, insert-derived peptides did not interfere with the arginine site of cNOS, as assessed from [3H]NG-nitro-L-arginine binding, nor did they potently effect iNOS activity. Limited proteolysis studies showed that calmodulin's ability to gate electron flow through cNOSs is associated with displacement of the insert polypeptide; this is the first specific calmodulin-induced change in NOS conformation to be identified. Together, our findings strongly suggest that the insert is an autoinhibitory control element, docking with a site on cNOSs which impedes calmodulin binding and enzymatic activation. The autoinhibitory control element molecularly defines cNOSs and offers a unique target for developing novel NOS activators and inhibitors

    Secondary electron spectra of semi-crystalline polymers – a novel polymer characterisation tool?

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    The nano-scale dispersion of ordered/disordered phases in semi-crystalline polymers can strongly influence their performance e.g. in terms of mechanical properties and/or electronic properties. However, to reveal the latter in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) often requires invasive sample preparation (etching of amorphous phase), because SEM usually exploits topographical contrast or yield differences between different materials. However, for pure carbon materials the secondary spectra were shown to differ substantially with increased order/disorder. The aims here is to gain an understanding of the shape of secondary electron spectrum (SES) of a widely used semi-crystalline polymer regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl), commonly known as P3HT, and its links to the underlying secondary electron emission mechanisms so SES can be exploited for the mapping the nanomorphology. The comparison of simulated and experimental SES shows an excellent agreement, revealing a peak (at about 0.8eV) followed by a broad shoulder (between 2eV and 4.5eV) with respective relative intensities reflecting order/disorder

    The <i>Castalia</i> mission to Main Belt Comet 133P/Elst-Pizarro

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    We describe Castalia, a proposed mission to rendezvous with a Main Belt Comet (MBC), 133P/Elst-Pizarro. MBCs are a recently discovered population of apparently icy bodies within the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, which may represent the remnants of the population which supplied the early Earth with water. Castalia will perform the first exploration of this population by characterising 133P in detail, solving the puzzle of the MBC’s activity, and making the first in situ measurements of water in the asteroid belt. In many ways a successor to ESA’s highly successful Rosetta mission, Castalia will allow direct comparison between very different classes of comet, including measuring critical isotope ratios, plasma and dust properties. It will also feature the first radar system to visit a minor body, mapping the ice in the interior. Castalia was proposed, in slightly different versions, to the ESA M4 and M5 calls within the Cosmic Vision programme. We describe the science motivation for the mission, the measurements required to achieve the scientific goals, and the proposed instrument payload and spacecraft to achieve these