509 research outputs found

    On the corotation torque in a radiatively inefficient disk

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    We consider the angular momentum exchange at the corotation resonance between a two-dimensional gaseous disk and a uniformly rotating external potential, assuming that the disk flow is adiabatic. We first consider the linear case for an isolated resonance, for which we give an expression of the corotation torque that involves the pressure perturbation, and which reduces to the usual dependence on the vortensity gradient in the limit of a cold disk. Although this expression requires the solution of the hydrodynamic equations, it provides some insight into the dynamics of the corotation region. In the general case, we find an additional dependence on the entropy gradient at corotation. This dependence is associated to the advection of entropy perturbations. These are not associated to pressure perturbations. They remain confined to the corotation region, where they yield a singular contribution to the corotation torque. In a second part, we check our torque expression by means of customized two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations. In a third part, we contemplate the case of a planet embedded in a Keplerian disk, assumed to be adiabatic. We find an excess of corotation torque that scales with the entropy gradient, and we check that the contribution of the entropy perturbation to the torque is in agreement with the expression obtained from the linear analysis. We finally discuss some implications of the corotation torque expression for the migration of low mass planets in the regions of protoplanetary disks where the flow is radiatively inefficient on the timescale of the horseshoe U-turns.Comment: 36 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    On type-I migration near opacity transitions. A generalized Lindblad torque formula for planetary population synthesis

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    We give an expression for the Lindblad torque acting on a low-mass planet embedded in a protoplanetary disk that is valid even at locations where the surface density or temperature profile cannot be approximated by a power law, such as an opacity transition. At such locations, the Lindblad torque is known to suffer strong deviation from its standard value, with potentially important implications for type I migration, but the full treatment of the tidal interaction is cumbersome and not well suited to models of planetary population synthesis. The expression that we propose retains the simplicity of the standard Lindblad torque formula and gives results that accurately reproduce those of numerical simulations, even at locations where the disk temperature undergoes abrupt changes. Our study is conducted by means of customized numerical simulations in the low-mass regime, in locally isothermal disks, and compared to linear torque estimates obtained by summing fully analytic torque estimates at each Lindblad resonance. The functional dependence of our modified Lindblad torque expression is suggested by an estimate of the shift of the Lindblad resonances that mostly contribute to the torque, in a disk with sharp gradients of temperature or surface density, while the numerical coefficients of the new terms are adjusted to seek agreement with numerics. As side results, we find that the vortensity related corotation torque undergoes a boost at an opacity transition that can counteract migration, and we find evidence from numerical simulations that the linear corotation torque has a non-negligible dependency upon the temperature gradient, in a locally isothermal disk.Comment: Appeared in special issue of "Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy" on Extrasolar Planetary System

    A torque formula for non-isothermal Type I planetary migration - II. Effects of diffusion

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    We study the effects of diffusion on the non-linear corotation torque, or horseshoe drag, in the two-dimensional limit, focusing on low-mass planets for which the width of the horseshoe region is much smaller than the scale height of the disc. In the absence of diffusion, the non-linear corotation torque saturates, leaving only the Lindblad torque. Diffusion of heat and momentum can act to sustain the corotation torque. In the limit of very strong diffusion, the linear corotation torque is recovered. For the case of thermal diffusion, this limit corresponds to having a locally isothermal equation of state. We present some simple models that are able to capture the dependence of the torque on diffusive processes to within 20% of the numerical simulations.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Effects of Turbulence, Eccentricity Damping, and Migration Rate on the Capture of Planets into Mean Motion Resonance

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    Pairs of migrating extrasolar planets often lock into mean motion resonance as they drift inward. This paper studies the convergent migration of giant planets (driven by a circumstellar disk) and determines the probability that they are captured into mean motion resonance. The probability that such planets enter resonance depends on the type of resonance, the migration rate, the eccentricity damping rate, and the amplitude of the turbulent fluctuations. This problem is studied both through direct integrations of the full 3-body problem, and via semi-analytic model equations. In general, the probability of resonance decreases with increasing migration rate, and with increasing levels of turbulence, but increases with eccentricity damping. Previous work has shown that the distributions of orbital elements (eccentricity and semimajor axis) for observed extrasolar planets can be reproduced by migration models with multiple planets. However, these results depend on resonance locking, and this study shows that entry into -- and maintenance of -- mean motion resonance depends sensitively on migration rate, eccentricity damping, and turbulence.Comment: 43 pages including 14 figures; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The Dynamical Origin of the Multi-Planetary System HD45364

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    The recently discovered planetary system HD45364 which consists of a Jupiter and Saturn mass planet is very likely in a 3:2 mean motion resonance. The standard scenario to form planetary commensurabilities is convergent migration of two planets embedded in a protoplanetary disc. When the planets are initially separated by a period ratio larger than two, convergent migration will most likely lead to a very stable 2:1 resonance for moderate migration rates. To avoid this fate, formation of the planets close enough to prevent this resonance may be proposed. However, such a simultaneous formation of the planets within a small annulus, seems to be very unlikely. Rapid type III migration of the outer planet crossing the 2:1 resonance is one possible way around this problem. In this paper, we investigate this idea in detail. We present an estimate for the required convergent migration rate and confirm this with N-body and hydrodynamical simulations. If the dynamical history of the planetary system had a phase of rapid inward migration that forms a resonant configuration, we predict that the orbital parameters of the two planets are always very similar and hence should show evidence of that. We use the orbital parameters from our simulation to calculate a radial velocity curve and compare it to observations. Our model can explain the observational data as good as the previously reported fit. The eccentricities of both planets are considerably smaller and the libration pattern is different. Within a few years, it will be possible to observe the planet-planet interaction directly and thus distinguish between these different dynamical states.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures - accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The mass-period distribution of close-in exoplanets

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    The lower limit to the distribution of orbital periods P for the current population of close-in exoplanets shows a distinctive discontinuity located at approximately one Jovian mass. Most smaller planets have orbital periods longer than P~2.5 days, while higher masses are found down to P~1 day. We analyze whether this observed mass-period distribution could be explained in terms of the combined effects of stellar tides and the interactions of planets with an inner cavity in the gaseous disk. We performed a series of hydrodynamical simulations of the evolution of single-planet systems in a gaseous disk with an inner cavity mimicking the inner boundary of the disk. The subsequent tidal evolution is analyzed assuming that orbital eccentricities are small and stellar tides are dominant. We find that most of the close-in exoplanet population is consistent with an inner edge of the protoplanetary disk being located at approximately P>2 days for solar-type stars, in addition to orbital decay having been caused by stellar tides with a specific tidal parameter on the order of Q'*=10^7. The data is broadly consistent with planets more massive than one Jupiter mass undergoing type II migration, crossing the gap, and finally halting at the interior 2/1 mean-motion resonance with the disk edge. Smaller planets do not open a gap in the disk and remain trapped in the cavity edge. CoRoT-7b appears detached from the remaining exoplanet population, apparently requiring additional evolutionary effects to explain its current mass and semimajor axis.Comment: 8 Pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Origin and Detectability of coorbital planets from radial velocity data

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    We analyze the possibilities of detection of hypothetical exoplanets in coorbital motion from synthetic radial velocity (RV) signals, taking into account different types of stable planar configurations, orbital eccentricities and mass ratios. For each nominal solution corresponding to small-amplitude oscillations around the periodic solution, we generate a series of synthetic RV curves mimicking the stellar motion around the barycenter of the system. We then fit the data sets obtained assuming three possible different orbital architectures: (a) two planets in coorbital motion, (b) two planets in a 2/1 mean-motion resonance, and (c) a single planet. We compare the resulting residuals and the estimated orbital parameters. For synthetic data sets covering only a few orbital periods, we find that the discrete radial velocity signal generated by a coorbital configuration could be easily confused with other configurations/systems, and in many cases the best orbital fit corresponds to either a single planet or two bodies in a 2/1 resonance. However, most of the incorrect identifications are associated to dynamically unstable solutions. We also compare the orbital parameters obtained with two different fitting strategies: a simultaneous fit of two planets and a nested multi-Keplerian model. We find that the nested models can yield incorrect orbital configurations (sometimes close to fictitious mean-motion resonances) that are nevertheless dynamically stable and with orbital eccentricities lower than the correct nominal solutions. Finally, we discuss plausible mechanisms for the formation of coorbital configurations, by the interaction between two giant planets and an inner cavity in the gas disk. For equal mass planets, both Lagrangian and anti-Lagrangian configurations can be obtained from same initial condition depending on final time of integration.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures.2012. MNRAS, 421, 35

    The Migration and Growth of Protoplanets in Protostellar Discs

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    We investigate the gravitational interaction of a Jovian mass protoplanet with a gaseous disc with aspect ratio and kinematic viscosity expected for the protoplanetary disc from which it formed. Different disc surface density distributions have been investigated. We focus on the tidal interaction with the disc with the consequent gap formation and orbital migration of the protoplanet. Nonlinear hydrodynamic simulations are employed using three independent numerical codes. A principal result is that the direction of the orbital migration is always inwards and such that the protoplanet reaches the central star in a near circular orbit after a characteristic viscous time scale of approximately 10,000 initial orbital periods. This was found to be independent of whether the protoplanet was allowed to accrete mass or not. Inward migration is helped through the disappearance of the inner disc, and therefore the positive torque it would exert, because of accretion onto the central star.Our results indicate that a realistic upper limit for the masses of closely orbiting giant planets is approximately 5 Jupiter masses, because of the reduced accretion rates obtained for planets of increasing mass. Assuming some process such as termination of the inner disc through a magnetospheric cavity stops the migration, the range of masses estimated for a number of close orbiting giant planets (Marcy, Cochran, & Mayor 1999; Marcy & Butler 1998) as well as their inward orbital migration can be accounted for by consideration of disc--protoplanet interactions during the late stages of giant planet formation. Maximally accreting protoplanets reached about four Jovian masses on reaching the neighbourhood of the central star.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures, submitted to MNRAS. A version of this paper that includes high resolution figures may be obtained from http://www.maths.qmw.ac.uk/~rpn/preprint.htm

    The dynamical role of the circumplanetary disc in planetary migration

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    Numerical simulations of planets embedded in protoplanetary gaseous discs are a precious tool for studying the planetary migration ; however, some approximations have to be made. Most often, the selfgravity of the gas is neglected. In that case, it is not clear in the literature how the material inside the Roche lobe of the planet should be taken into account. Here, we want to address this issue by studying the influence of various methods so far used by different authors on the migration rate. We performed high-resolution numerical simulations of giant planets embedded in discs. We compared the migration rates with and without gas selfgravity, testing various ways of taking the circum-planetary disc (CPD) into account. Different methods lead to significantly different migration rates. Adding the mass of the CPD to the perturbing mass of the planet accelerates the migration. Excluding a part of the Hill sphere is a very touchy parameter that may lead to an artificial suppression of the type III, runaway migration. In fact, the CPD is smaller than the Hill sphere. We recommend excluding no more than a 0.6 Hill radius and using a smooth filter. Alternatively, the CPD can be given the acceleration felt by the planet from the rest of the protoplanetary disc. The gas inside the Roche lobe of the planet should be very carefully taken into account in numerical simulations without any selfgravity of the gas. The entire Hill sphere should not be excluded. The method used should be explicitly given. However, no method is equivalent to computing the full selfgravity of the gas.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figures (most in color), in press in Astronomy and Astrophysic
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