89 research outputs found

    «Parlem dels nostres infants» Grups de famílies Acompanyament i orientació per a mares i pares

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    Dentist's attitude and criteria in the diagnosis and treatment of caries lesions: survey about a clinical case

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    Background: The diagnosis of caries, the stage of the disease and the indication of treatment are among the most controversial issues in dentistry. Studies comparing the diagnosis and treatment indication of different professionals show the lack of a unifying criterion in the diagnosis and treatment plan of the disease. The Objectives of this research is to evaluate the attitude of a group of odontostomatologists to a clinical case with lesions compatible with caries, evaluating whether their criteria and attitude in diagnosis and treatment depend on their academic level, years of professional practice, the application of minimal intervention dentistry criteria and the usual practice in conservative restorative treatments. Material and Methods: A survey was applied to dentists registered at the Illustrious Official College of Dentists of the Balearic Islands. The questionnaire was developed by the researchers from a real clinical case. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed of all the generated data and, to evaluate the association between the survey responses and the variables of interest, the ?^2 of independence test was performed. In addition, tests comparing the corresponding proportions were conducted using Fisher's exact test. Results: Regarding pit and fissure significant differences were found in the diagnosis in 46 in terms of dentists' qualifications and in the treatment between the application of minimal intervention dentistry criteria and the usual practice in conservative restorative treatments. No significant differences were found in the other variables analyzed. As regards caries lesions on proximal surfaces, no significant differences were found in the diagnosis or treatment in any of the variables analyzed. Conclusions: That there is no change in the professional attitude towards the diagnosis and treatment of caries lesions in this group of professionals, having very interventionist criteria and attitudes in all variables analyzed

    Archaeometric analysis for provenance and content of Roman amphorae from the site of Sa Mesquida (Mallorca, Spain)

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    This paper presents the results of an inorganic and organic approach to Roman amphorae found at the rural Roman site of Sa Mesquida (Mallorca). A set of amphorae were discovered in some rooms of the earlier phases of the villa. These amphorae were assigned to a general Tarraconensian and Italic provenance on a macroscopic level. In order to verify this and to accurately determine the provenance an archaeometric characterization was carried out on twelve amphorae. The analytical approach combined wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WD-XRF) for the chemical analysis, as well as powder x-ray diffraction (XRD) and optical microscopy by thin-section analysis (OM) for the mineralogical and petrographic characterization. In addition, organic residue analysis by gas-chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was applied to investigate the content of some of the amphorae for which wine was suggested on an archaeological basis. The results have allowed for a better provenance determination identifying some amphorae from specific workshops or micro-regions within ancient Tarraconensis, as well as a better definition of the Italic materials. The organic analysis has confirmed the presence of wine in the analysed samples

    Geophysical survey of two rural sites in Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain): unveiling Roman villae

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    Two rural sites on the island of Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain) have been investigated with geophysical methods. A previous archaeological field survey provided surface ceramics that allowed for a first classification of the sites as possible Roman rural settlements, possibly villae. The objective of the investigation was to work towards the identification of architectural remains to better understand the nature of the sites. Using the 7-probe fluxgate gradiometer array LEA MAX, magnetic measurements were executed on a large area on each site. GPR measurements were subsequently carried out to examine selected areas of interest in detail by means of the IDS GPR system based on the Fast-Wave module. The investigated areas demonstrated excellent surface conditions with a negligible number of sources of disturbance, permitting a detailed interpretation of the geophysical data. The results helped to reveal the presence of architectural remains beneath the soil at both sites

    ¿Miramos el mundo a través de la grieta? Análisis del tratamiento editorial de la cumbre intercoreana desde Argentina

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    On April 27th 2018, the first summit in eleven years was held between North Korean and South Korean chief executives. This paper addresses Argentinian newspapers Clarín and Página 12  editorial approaches pertaining to that summit. The purpose is to analyze whether there is a difference in the frequency of the media coverage and the editorial approach of both newspapers. This paper tries to explain these phenomena through Framing, Agenda-setting and Intermedia Agenda-setting theories, based upon authors such as Kiousis (2004), Zunino (2016), Martini, Luchessi (2004), Amadeo (2008), Amadeo and Aruguete (2013) and Aruguete (2015). Given that the summit is not considered to be controversial in Argentina, the hypothesis assumes that these newspapers, although divergent within the national arena, will have a similar coverage in this case. Following this aim, a mixed gathering “of successive stages” was done (first, a quantitative one, and then, a qualitative one) of media coverage on both newspapers. This was then processed and codified in order to build a measurement model utilizing different data matrices. The analysis of the index results show that the relevance given by both newspapers was medium level, with the presence of cover and back cover articles. When it comes to the editorial approach, both papers focused on concepts such as de-nuclearization and analysis of geopolitical consequences therein. However, Clarín adopts a bias position favoring the South Korean stand, together with rhetorical resources criticizing North Korean leadership and government. Thus, for this reason, the hypothesis has only a partial corroboration.El 27 de abril del 2018 se realizó la primera reunión en once años entre los mandatarios de Corea del Norte y Corea del Sur. Este trabajo aborda el tratamiento editorial de los periódicos argentinos Clarín y Página 12 sobre dicha cumbre. El objetivo es observar si hay diferencias en la frecuencia de cobertura y el tratamiento editorial que estos medios le profieren. Se intentó explicar esto a través de las teorías del Framing, Agenda-setting e Intermedia Agenda-setting, con base en autores como Kiousis (2004), Zunino (2016), Martini y Luchessi (2004), Amadeo (2008), Aruguete y Amadeo (2013) y Aruguete (2015). Dado que dicha cumbre no es controversial en la Argentina, la hipótesis refirió a que estos periódicos, si bien divergentes en la arena nacional, tuvieron una cobertura similar en este caso. A tal fin, se realizó un relevamiento de carácter mixto “de etapas sucesivas” (cuantitativo y posteriormente cualitativo), de la cobertura de ambos medios el cual se procesó, codificó y construyó un modelo de medición mediante diversas matrices de datos. El análisis de los resultados del índice indica que la relevancia dada por ambos diarios fue media, con la aparición de notas de tapa y contratapa. En cuanto al tratamiento editorial, ambos periódicos se enfocaron en conceptos como la desnuclearización y el análisis de las consecuencias geopolíticas. Sin embargo, Clarín lo hizo con inclinaciones en favor de la posición de Corea del Sur, sumado a la presencia de recursos retóricos de crítica hacia el líder y gobierno de Corea del Norte. Por este motivo, la hipótesis se cumple sólo parcialmente

    Modern sedimentation patterns and human impacts on the Barcelona continental shelf (NE Spain)

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    Seafloor sediments were collected from the Barcelona continental shelf, NE Spain, to determine the textural characteristics and sedimentary processes related to different depositional systems and human pressures. The Barcelona continental shelf is principally influenced by the discharge of the Llobregat and Besòs rivers, and also by anthropogenic modifications Duch as the diversion of the Llobregat River or the enlargement of the Port of Barcelona. Sedimentological, physical and biogeochemical properties of 14 sediment cores and grabs indicate the presence of three distinct depositional environments linked to river-influenced, marine-influenced and mixed sedimentation. Sedimentological results have been used to groundtruth available backscatter data. The river-influenced environment, mainly associated to the Llobregat River input, does not reach the shelf edge as the prevailing oceanographic currents deflect sediments south-westward. Riverine sediments are fine-grained, with abundant plant debris, micas and relatively high organic carbon content. The associated sedimentary features are the Holocene prodelta and two modern mud patches. The marine-influenced environment extends north-easterly over the middle and outer shelf and on the upper continental slope. The sediments are coarser grained with abundant bioclasts and lower organic carbon content. Mixed sedimentation is present between the river- and marine-influenced areas. In addition, 210Pb, 226Ra and 137Cs radiometric analyses were used to estimate accumulation rates as well as to identify sites with disturbed sedimentation. Relatively high sediment accumulation rates (up to 0.70-1.03 g•cm-2•yr-1 equivalent to 6.4-10 mm•yr-1) are estimated on the Llobregat prodelta while moderate rates 0.21-0.46 g•cm-2•yr-1 or 1.6-3.6 mm•yr-1) are found between the Besòs and the Llobregat outlets. Two sediment cores show a sharp change from river-influenced to marine-dominated conditions that occurred in the mid- 1960s. This is interpreted as a significant regression (~2.5 km in 40 years) of the river-influenced domain that may be associated to the extension of the Port of Barcelona and the canalization of the Besòs River, amongst other reasons. Other important human impacts observed in the Barcelona continental shelf are (i) sediment mixing by dredging, ship anchoring and trawling; and (ii) possible organic pollution associated to river and sewage discharges

    Early Risk Factors for Obesity in the First 1000 Days-Relationship with Body Fat and BMI at 2 Years

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    Background: Obesity is defined as an excessive accumulation of body fat. Several early developmental factors have been identified which are associated with an increased risk of childhood obesity and increased adiposity in childhood. The primary objective of the present study is to analyse the effect of various early risk factors on Body Mass Index (BMI) and body fat percentage at 2 years of age. (2) Methods: A prospective cohort study design was used, with the sample consisting of 109 mother-child pairs from whom data were collected between early pregnancy and 2 years old. Adiposity was determined based on skinfold measurements using the Brooks and Siri formulae. Mean comparison tests (Student's t-test and ANOVAs) and multiple linear regression models were used to analyse the relationship between early programming factors and dependent variables. (3) Results: Maternal excess weight during early pregnancy (beta = 0.203, p = 0.026), gestational smoking (beta = 0.192, p = 0.036), and accelerated weight gain in the first 2 years (beta = - 0.269, p = 0.004) were significantly associated with high body fat percentage. Pre-pregnancy BMI and accelerated weight gain in the first 2 years were associated with high BMI z-score (beta = 0.174, p = 0.047 and beta = 0.417, p = 0.000 respectively). The cumulative effect of these variables resulted in high values compared to the baseline zero-factor group, with significant differences in BMI z-score (F = 8.640, p = 0.000) and body fat percentage (F = 5.402, p = 0.002) when three factors were present. (4) Conclusions: The presence of several early risk factors related to obesity in infancy was significantly associated with higher BMI z-score and body fat percentage at 2 years of age. The presence of more than one of these variables was also associated with higher adiposity at 2 years of age. Early prevention strategies should address as many of these factors as possible.This study was supported by public funds, the ITI call (integrated territorial investment), developed by the Health Department of the Andalusian Government. The project has been 80% co-financed by funds from the FEDER operational program of Andalusia 2014-2020. Documen

    Una nueva tessera lusoria procedente de Pollentia (Alcúdia, Mallorca)

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    In 2018, a new tessera lusoria was recovered from the forum of Pollentia, complementing another one found during the early excavations in the Roman city. The game token bears an inscription on only one of its two faces, thus belonging to a rare type among this series of instrumenta. The presence of these two elements in the site and their parallels outline these tokens as markers of Italian military or civilian agents in the Late Republican settlements on the eastern coast of Spain. Likewise, this type of material, exceptional in Hispania, may help to elucidate the evasive early stages of Pollentia in a wider provincial context.En 2018 se recuperó una nueva tessera lusoria procedente del foro de Pollentia, sumándose a otro ejemplar hallado durante las excavaciones antiguas de la ciudad romana. Esta ficha de juego en hueso presenta inscripción en tan solo una de las dos caras, un tipo anómalo entre este conjunto de instrumenta. Su presencia en el asentamiento y sus paralelos permiten definir estos elementos de juego como un marcador de personal itálico en los asentamientos republicanos de finales de siglo II a inicios de siglo I a. C. Asimismo, este tipo de material, excepcional en Hispania, permite definir las escurridizas etapas iniciales de Pollentia en un contexto hispano más amplio

    La capacidad prospectiva y de visualización del escáner láser 3D aplicado al plan de conservación preventiva del conjunto cerámico, piedra y hierro de Antoni Gaudí y Josep María Jujol en la catedral gótica de Mallorca

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    [ES] En este trabajo se presenta la eficiencia prospectiva y de visualización del escáner láser 3D como herramienta aplicada a la elaboración de un plan de conservación preventiva sobre la obra cerámica de Antoni Gaudí y Josep María Jujol en la catedral gótica de Mallorca. El uso de esta técnica ha posibilitado su investigación en relación al almacenamiento digital y metrológico de toda la superficie y elementos plásticos integrados. De esta manera se determina la creación de una base de datos multidisciplinar e interactiva con contenidos documentales, técnico-materiales y prescriptivos a fin de elaborar el correspondiente plan de conservación preventiva.[EN] In this work it is presented the prospective and visualization efficiency of the 3D laser scanner as a tool applied to the elaboration of a preventive conservation plan of the ceramic done by Antoni Gaudí and Josep Maria Jujol in the gothic cathedral of Mallorca .The usage of this technique has enabled its investigation regarding digital information storage and metrology of the whole surface and plastic elements in it. This ways it is determined the creation of a multidisciplinary and interactive database with documental, technical and prescriptive content in order to compose the preventive conservation plan.HAR2009-09929. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación., Diagnosis por imagen e interpretación histórico-artística en los procesos de recuperación de la decoración mural. Islas Baleares. AAEE 0091/09.Conselleria de Innovació, Interior y Justicia del Govern de les Illes Balears., Documentación del proceso de restauración de la obra de Gaudí y Jujol en el conjunto absidal intergrado por el mural cerámico, cátedra de piedra y hierros de la capilla Real en la Catedral de Mallorca. AAEE123/09. Conselleria de Innovació, Interior y Justicia del Govern de les Illes Balear., Utilización del láser en el proceso de restauración de la obra de Gaudí en la Catedral de Mallorca. AECID (D/027824/09, D/031964/10).Ruiz, JA.; Garcés, S.; Gambús, M.; Mas, C.; Perales, F.; Ponseti, X. (2012). La capacidad prospectiva y de visualización del escáner láser 3D aplicado al plan de conservación preventiva del conjunto cerámico, piedra y hierro de Antoni Gaudí y Josep María Jujol en la catedral gótica de Mallorca. Virtual Archaeology Review. 3(5):77-80. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2012.4528OJS778035GONZÁLEZ MUÑOZ, Manuel J. et al (2010): "Uso de sistemas basados en escáner 3D para digitalización y estudio del patrimonio arqueológico" en Virtual Archaeology Review, pp. 99-102, [online] http://www.arqueologiavirtual.com/var/num1/23.pdf [Consulta: 10-02-2011]MARAMBÍO, A y GARCIA, P.(2006): "Escáner laser: modelo 3D y ortimagenes arquitectónicas de la iglesia de Santa Maria del Mar en Barcelona", ACE: architecture, city and evironment, nº2, pp. 178-187.RUBIO GIL, Daniel et al (2010): "Nuevos métodos para viejas tecnologías: Análisis y documentación de los materiales arqueológicos mediante la aplicaciación de sistemas láser-scanner 3D", en Virtual Archaeology Review, pp. 169-173, [online] http://www.arqueologiavirtual.com/var/num1/5.pdf [Consulta: 20-02-2011]TEJADO SEBASTIAN, Jose M. (2005): "Escaneado en 3D y prototipado de piezas arquelógicas: Las nuevas tecnologías en el registro , conservación y difusión del patrimonio arqueológico", en Iberia: Revista de la Antigüedad, nº 8, pp. 135-160

    Sediment transport to the deep canyons and open-slope of the western Gulf of Lions during the 2006 intense cascading and open-sea convection period

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    An array of mooring lines deployed between 300 and 1900 m depth along the Lacaze-Duthiers and Cap de Creus canyons and in the adjacent southern open slope was used to study the water and sediment transport on the western Gulf of Lions margin during the 2006 intense cascading period. Deep-reaching cascading pulses occurred in early January, in late January and from early March to mid-April. Dense water and sediment transport to the deep environments occurred not only through submarine canyons, but also along the southern open slope. During the deep cascading pulses, temporary upper and mid-canyon and open slope deposits were an important source of sediment to the deep margin. Significant sediment transport events at the canyon head only occurred in early January because of higher sediment availability on the shelf after the stratified and calm season, and in late February because of the interaction of dense shelf water cascading with a strong E-SE storm. During the January deep cascading pulses, increases in suspended sediment concentration within the canyon were greater and earlier at 1000 m depth than at 300 m depth, whereas during the March-April deep cascading pulses sediment concentration only increased below 300 m depth, indicating resuspension and redistribution of sediments previously deposited at upper and mid-canyon depths. Deeper than 1000 m depth, net fluxes show that most of the suspended sediment left the canyon and flowed along the southern open slope towards the Catalan margin, whereas a small part flowed down-canyon and was exported basinward. Additionally, on the mid- and lower-continental slope there was an increase in the near-bottom currents induced by deep open-sea convection processes and the propagation of eddies. This, combined with the arrival of deep cascading pulses, also generated moderate suspended sediment transport events in the deeper slope regions