348 research outputs found

    Modelos em geografia física: conceitos e aplicações na previsão de escorregamentos

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    The different types of models have a direct relationship with the degree of abstraction of reality, occurring from simple, concrete and specific ways in which reality is turned only in scale level, until the development of conceptual models by applying mathematical formulations. Among those, the physically based models describe the physical processes through equations disregard any subjectivity and have been adopted, for example, on studies of mass movement. Thus, this paper aims to discuss briefly the concepts of models used in Physical Geography, highlighting two models applied in studies related to landslides that have demonstrated positive results in their tests. First it is discussed the classical model of correlation between rainfall and the occurrence of landslides. The second one, it is the physically based model Shalstab, which assesses the susceptibility of occurrence of shallow landslides. Finally, are presented examples of results of these models applied in Brazil.Os diferentes tipos de modelos têm uma relação direta com o grau de abstração da realidade, ocorrendo desde formas mais simples, concretas e específicas, em que a realidade é transformada apenas em nível de escala até a elaboração de modelos conceituais pela aplicação de formulações matemáticos. Dentre esses, os de base física, que descrevem fisicamente os processos por meio de equações, desconsiderando a subjetividade, têm sido adotados, por exemplo, em estudos de movimento de massa. Assim, esse trabalho objetiva discutir brevemente a fundamentação dos conceitos de modelos utilizados na Geografia Física, destacando dois modelos aplicados em estudos relacionados a escorregamentos e que demostraram resultados positivos em seus testes. Primeiramente foi discutido o modelo clássico de correlação entre a pluviosidade e a ocorrência de escorregamentos. Já o segundo modelo apresentado, o modelo matemático em base física, SHALSTAB, avalia a suscetibilidade de ocorrência de escorregamentos rasos. Por fim são apresentados exemplos de resultados desses modelos aplicados no Brasil

    Principal component analysis on recurrent venous thromboembolism

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    The rates of recurrent venous thromboembolism (RVTE) vary widely, and its causes still need to be elucidated. Statistical multivariate methods can be used to determine disease predictors and improve current methods for risk calculation. The objective of this study was to apply principal component analysis to a set of data containing clinical records of patients with previous venous thromboembolism and extract the main factors that predict recurrent thrombosis. Records of 39 factors including blood and lipid parameters, hereditary thrombophilia, antiphospholipid syndrome, clinical data regarding previous thrombosis and treatment, and Doppler ultrasound results were collected from 235 patients. The results showed that 13 principal components were associated with RVTE and that 18 of 39 factors are the important for the analysis. These factors include red blood cell, white blood cell, hematocrit, red cell distribution width, glucose, lipids, natural anticoagulant, creatinine, age, as well as first deep vein thrombosis data (distal/proximal, d-dimer, and time of anticoagulation). The results demonstrated that simple clinical parameters easy to be collected can be used to predict rates of recurrence and to develop new clinical decision support systems to predict the rates of RVTE25FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2016/14172-6The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Funded by Fundac¸a˜o de Amparo `a Pesquisa do Estado de Sa˜o Paulo (FAPESP). Process number: 2016/14172-

    MODELA DBT: Model-driven elaboration language applied to dynamic binary translation

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    Industrial solutions design is a highly complex topic due to the challenge of integrating multiple technologies into a single solution, the inherent complexity of the problems to be solved and also because the proposed solutions often require a great level of interoperability among their components and also the outside world. Dynamic Binary Translation has been used as a tool to deal with such interoperability issues, e.g., legacy support, virtualization and secure execution, among others. However its integration in the industry as an end-product is hampered by the intricate variability management required in this subject. To address these issues and in an attempt to power DBT utilization as an interoperability-providing tool, we propose a model-driven DSL modeling language for DBT architectures. The developed DSL proved to be efficient to model an in-house DBT engine, and MODELA DBT, a framework for ready-to-use DBT solutions was obtained. MODELA DBT provides design validation, easy configuration of customizable DBT parameters and components, as well as code generation features.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-Ol-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e figuration granularity, code generation efficiency and design verification. Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013. F. Salgado is supported by FCT (grant SFRH/BD/81681/2011)

    Comparative analysis of Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) power transfer configurations without additional power converters

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    This paper presents a comparative analysis of power transfer configurations towards vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) battery charging operation without using additional power converters, i.e., using just the on-board battery chargers of two electric vehicles (EVs). Three access interfaces were considered, namely the ac power grid interface, the dc-link interface and the dc battery interface, which allow the establishment of eight V2V configurations. The defined configurations are described and verified through computational simulations. A comparison is performed based on quantitative data, i.e., power transfer efficiency for a given output power range, and qualitative data, i.e., flexibility and safety. According to the obtained results, it can be concluded that each V2V configuration has its pros and cons regarding efficiency, number of possible quadrant operation and need for additional equipment.This work has been supported by FCT –Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologiawith-in the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019. This work has been supported by the FCT Project DAIPESEV PTDC/EEI-EEE/30382/2017, and by FCTProject new-ERA4GRIDs PTDC/EEI-EEE/30283/2017. Mr. Tiago J. C. Sousa is supported by the doctoral scholarship SFRH/BD/134353/2017 granted by the Portuguese FCT agency

    Reversible imine crosslinking in waterborne self-healing polymer coatings

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    Waterborne polymer coatings have the potential to address the environmental concerns associated with solvent based systems. To improve their performance without using volatile organic compounds, we propose a new approach based on reconfigurable covalent crosslinking that provides mechanical resistance and self-healing properties. The new waterborne polymer coatings are based on mixtures of aldehyde- and amine-functionalized polymer nanoparticles (PNPs) that take advantage of the reversibility of imine bonds in the presence of water. Different degrees of functional monomer incorporation (10 % to 40 %) allowed us to balance crosslinking and interdiffusion during film formation, to obtain mechanically robust and solvent resistant films. A clear structure-properties relation was assessed by following the formation of water resulting from amine-aldehyde condensation crosslinking, measured by differential scanning calorimetry. The resulting polymer coatings further show self-healing properties at room temperature, triggered with residual amounts of water and featuring high recovery rates of the mechanical properties. Our mechanically robust waterborne polymer coatings based in imine reversible crosslinking, featuring self-healing in mild conditions, offer excellent prospects for application in smart coating materials.publishe

    Influence de la représentation numérique de relief dans la modélisation de l’instabilité de versants

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    The mathematical models physically based are important tools to indicate potentially unstable areas using geotechnical and topographic information. Therefore, a digital elevation model is essential, since it is the base to obtain information as contribution area and slope angle, considered fundamental in its application. This work aimed to evaluate the response of the mathematical model physically based SHALSTAB with different size cell (resolution) on the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) derived from conventional topographic data (contour lines) in a watershed with shallow landslide record. The results indicate that there was no significant improvement in the definition of unstable areas when the DTM grid resolution changes (10, 5 and 1m).Les modèles mathématiques basé physiquement sont des outils importants pour indiquer les zones potentiellement instables supporté par des informations géotechniques et topographiques. Par conséquent, un modèle numérique d’élévation est essentiel, car c’est la base pour obtenir des informations en tant que l’aire de contribution et angle de pente, considérés comme fondamentaux dans son application. Ce travail visait à évaluer la réponse du modèle mathématique basé physiquement SHALSTAB avec différentes tailles de cellules (résolution) sur le modèle numérique de terrain (MNT) dérivé de données topographiques classiques (courbes de niveau) dans un bassin versant avec enregistrement du glissement de terrain peu profond. Les résultats indiquent qu'il n'y a pas eu d'amélioration significative de la définition des zones instables lorsque la résolution de la grille DTM change (10, 5 et 1 m).Os modelos matemáticos em bases físicas são importantes ferramentas para identificação de áreas potencialmente instáveis considerando aspectos geotécnicos e topográficos. Portanto, um modelo digital de representação do relevo é essencial, pois a partir destas representações é possível extrair as informações fundamentais, como a área de contribuição à montante e o ângulo de inclinação das vertentes. Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma avaliação na resposta do modelo SHALSTAB quando alterado a resolução da célula (grid) que compõe um Modelo Digital de Terreno (MDT), elaborado a partir de dados topográficos convencionais (curvas-de-nível), em uma bacia hidrográfica com registros de escorregamentos rasos. Os resultados apontaram que não houve significativa melhora na definição de áreas potencialmente instáveis, quando das alterações da resolução do grid entre 10, 5 e 1 metro.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modelling soil water dynamics of full and deficit drip irrigated maize cultivated under a rain shelter

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    Research PaperThe model HYDRUS-1D was used to simulate soil water dynamics of full and deficit irrigated maize grown under a rainout shelter during two crop seasons. Four irrigation treatments were established based on the amount of water applied to fulfil crop water requirements. Treatment D1 was irrigated to fully satisfy crop water requirements, while treatments D2 (mild deficit), D3 (moderate deficit), and D4 (severe deficit) were for increased controlled water stress conditions. The computation and partitioning of evapotranspiration data into soil evaporation and crop transpiration was carried out with the SIMDualKc model, and then used with HYDRUS-1D. The soil hydraulic properties were determined from numerical inversion of field water content data. The compensated root water uptake mechanism was used to describe water removal by plants. TheHYDRUS-1D model successfully simulated the temporal variability of soil water dynamics in treatments irrigated with full and deficit irrigation, producing RMSE values that varied between 0.014 and 0.025 cm3 cm 3 when comparing model simulations with field measurements. Actual transpiration varied between 224 and 483 mm. Potential transpiration reductions varied from 0.4 to 48.8% due to water stress, but plants were able to compensate for the water deficits in the surface layers by removing more water from the deeper, less stressed layers. HYDRUS-1D water balance estimates were also comparable with the corresponding ones determined with the SIMDualKc water balance model. Both modelling approaches should contribute to improve the webbased IRRIGA system, used to support farm irrigation scheduling in Brazilinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mapeamento de processos erosivos e deposicionais utilizando modelagem matemática: simulações na Bacia do Córrego Alto Espraiado (SP)

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    Os modelos matemáticos possuem potencial para estimar e constatar áreas suscetíveis a processos erosivos. O SIMWE (Simulated Water Erosion) considera as propriedades hidrológicas e do solo, simula a erosão, o transporte e a deposição pelo fluxo superficial. O objetivo principal deste artigo foi avaliar a dinâmica das taxas de erosão e deposição a partir da aplicação do modelo SIMWE na bacia do Alto Espraiado, São Pedro (SP), que apresenta expressivas feições erosivas laminares e lineares. Foram analisados a influência dos parâmetros utilizados na geração de quatro cenários, o mapeamento das feições erosivas numa perspectiva histórica e a validação com o Índice Potencial de Erosão. O produto apresentou maior área associada à deposição, entre 65% e 77%, e à erosão, entre 23% e 36%. O registro de parte significativa das feições erosivas é expresso espacialmente por "caminhos ou rotas" dos fluxos superficiais. O SIMWE demonstrou resultados satisfatórios para identificar setores erosivos e deposicionais, sendo uma importante ferramenta para o diagnóstico e prognóstico de áreas complexas, marcadas pela dinâmica desses processos.Mathematical models have the potential to estimate and identify prone areas to erosional processes. SIMWE (Simulated Water Erosion) model considers hydrological and soil properties, simulates erosion, transport, and deposition by surface flow. This research aimed to evaluate the dynamics of erosion and deposition rates through the application of the SIMWE in the Alto Espraiado basin, São Pedro (SP), which presents significant laminar and linear erosional features. The influence of the parameters applied in the generation of four scenarios, as well the mapping of erosion features from a historical perspective and the validation with the Erosion Potential Index were analyzed. The results presented a greater area associated with deposition, between 65% and 77%, and erosion between 23% and 36%. The record of a significant part of the erosion features is spatially represented by "paths or routes" of surface flows. SIMWE demonstrated satisfactory results for identifying erosive and depositional sectors, being an important tool for the diagnosis and prognosis of complex areas, where such process is recurrent

    Avaliação da suscetibilidade a escorregamentos rasos com base na aplicação de estatística bivariada: resultados preliminares

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    O objetivo deste artigo foi definir a suscetibilidadea escorregamentos rasos do munícipio de Caraguatatuba apartir da análise estatística de parâmetros morfológicos. Paraa confecção dos mapas morfológicos de curvatura, aspecto,elevação e ângulo de encosta foi utilizado o SRTM de 30 m.A partir disso, foi realizada uma análise estatística bivariada,baseada no valor informativo. Tal índice é responsável porrelacionar classes morfológicas e cicatrizes deescorregamentos de eventos passados. Os resultadosmostraram que determinadas classes morfológicas tendem aser mais suscetíveis do que outras a ocorrência do processo,de maneira que se obteve uma taxa de acerto de 78% domapa final de suscetibilidade. Desta maneira, foi possívelverificar preliminarmente as classes preferenciais paraocorrência de escorregamentos na área, tornando importantea continuação dos estudos sobre o tema por meio daincorporação de outros parâmetros condicionantes deescorregamentos, como por exemplo a geologia.The aim of this paper was to define the shallowlandslides susceptibility on Caraguatatuba county, based onstatistical analysis of morphological parameters. Theproduction of morphological maps of curvature, aspect,hypsometry and slope were based on SRTM 30 m. From this,it was made a bivariate statistical analysis based oninformative value. Such index it is responsible to relatemorphological classes and shallow landslides from pastevents. The results showed that certain morphological classestend to be more susceptible to occurrence of the process. So,that a success rate of 78% of the final susceptibility map wasobtained. Thus, it was possible verify preliminary preferredclasses to landslide occurrence in the area, such resultdemonstrate the importance of future studies about landslidesand incorporation of other conditioning factors, such forexample geology

    Escorregamentos rasos em São Luiz do Paraitinga (SP, Brasil) (2009-2010)

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    Escorregamentos e inundações estão entre as tipologias de desastres que geram os maiores danos no Brasil. No verão de 2009-2010 algumas cidades no Planalto de Paraitinga-Paraibuna (SP), dentre elas São Luiz do Paraitinga, foram atingidas por precipitações intensas que deflagraram centenas de escorregamentos e uma grande inundação. O objetivo deste artigo foi caracterizar as áreas afetadas por escorregamentos considerando aspectos geológicos, geomorfológicos e de uso da terra, tendo como área de estudo três bacias hidrográficas em São Luiz do Paraitinga com grande quantidade de registros de escorregamentos rasos. Os resultados mostraram um predomínio de vertentes embasadas por granitoides, com ângulos até 23º, com curvatura côncava e cobertas por pastos com terracetes de pisoteio. Os escorregamentos rasos de 2009-2010 ocorreram, sobretudo, em vertentes embasadas por rochas granitoides e migmatíticas, com ângulos entre 25º e 37º. Estudos futuros podem avaliar a relação entre o uso da terra e os escorregamentos de 2009-2010 no Planalto de Paraitinga-Paraibuna, além de avaliações mais detalhadas sobre as propriedades dos solos e os fatores deflagradores dos escorregamentos.Regarding disasters, landslides and floods are the two types that causes the most damage and losses in Brazil. Some municipalities located on the Paraitinga-Paraibuna plateau were hit by intense rainfall in the 2009-2010 summer, triggering hundreds of landslides and a major flood. This article aimed to characterize the areas affected by landslides regarding geology, geomorphology and land use, having as study area three basins in São Luiz do Paraitinga with a large number of shallow landslides scars. Results show a predominance of granitoids in the area, slopes up to 23º, with concave curvature and covered by pastures and cattle stomping terraces. Landslides from the 2009-2010 event occurred predominantly on migmatites and granitoids areas and on slopes with angles between 25º and 37º. Future studies can focus on the relationship between land use and the 2009-2010 landslides in the Paraitinga-Paraibuna plateau, in addition to more detailed studies of soil properties and the landslides triggering factors