2,816 research outputs found

    Exact solution of the ion-laser interaction in all regimes

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    We show that in the trapped ion-laser interaction all the regimes may be considered analytically. We may solve not only for different laser intensities, but also away from resonance and from the Lamb-Dicke regime. It is found a dispersive Hamiltonian for the high intensity regime, that, being diagonal, its evolution operator may be easily calculated

    Molecular evolution of aphids and their primary ( Buchnera sp.) and secondary endosymbionts: implications for the role of symbiosis in insect evolution.

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    Aphids maintain an obligate, endosymbiotic association with Buchnera sp., a bacterium closely related to Escherichia coli. Bacteria are housed in specialized cells of organ-like structures called bacteriomes in the hemocoel of the aphid and are maternally transmitted. Phylogenetic studies have shown that the association had a single origin, dated about 200-250 million years ago, and that host and endosymbiont lineages have evolved in parallel since then. However, the pattern of deepest branching within the aphid family remains unsolved, which thereby hampers tin appraisal of, for example, the role played by horizontal gene transfer in the early evolution of Buchnera. The main role of Buchnera in this association is the biosynthesis and provisioning of essential amino acids to its aphid host. Physiological and metabolic studies have recently substantiated such nutritional role. In addition, genetic studies of Buchnera from several aphids have shown additional modifications, such as strong genome reduction, high A+T content compared to free-living bacteria, differential evolutionary rates, a relative increase in the number of non-synonymous substitutions, and gene amplification mediated by plasmids. Symbiosis is an active process in insect evolution cis revealed by the intermediate values of the previous characteristics showed by secondary symbionts compared to free-living bacteria and Buchnera

    A(e⃗,e′p⃗)(\vec{e},e'\vec{p})B responses: from bare nucleons to complex nuclei

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    We study the occurrence of factorization in polarized and unpolarized observables in coincidence quasi-elastic electron scattering. Starting with the relativistic distorted wave impulse approximation, we reformulate the effective momentum approximation and show that the latter leads to observables which factorize under some specific conditions. Within this framework, the role played by final state interactions and, in particular, by the spin-orbit term is explored. Connection with the nonrelativistic formalism is studied in depth. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the analytical derivations and to quantify the differences between factorized and unfactorized approaches.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures. Improved and extended version. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    The efficacy of a formative intervention about therapeutic communication in pediatric emergency department

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaIntroducción Establecer una comunicación terapéutica eficaz con el niño y su familia es un requisito imprescindible para garantizar una atención óptima en la unidad de urgencias pediátrica. Para ello, los profesionales enfermeros deben poseer unos conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes que les permitan establecer este tipo de relación. Dado que pueden ser desarrollados mediante entrenamiento, se propone una intervención formativa orientada a tal fin. El principal objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar la eficacia de la intervención formativa propuesta de comunicación terapéutica en los enfermeros/as del servicio de urgencias pediátricas de los hospitales La Paz y Niño Jesús. Material y métodos Se realiza un estudio cuasiexperiemental con medida pre y post intervención en un sólo grupo. La población diana está formada por todos los profesionales enfermeros de urgencias pediátricas de ambos hospitales, un total de 50 (NT). Mediante muestreo aleatorio estratificado se seleccionan 20 (nT) participantes, con un listado de números aleatorios. Los datos se recogerán en el transcurso de la intervención, evaluando con cuestionarios los conocimientos y actitudes. Las habilidades se evalúan en un Rolplaying, observando si cumplen unos indicadores determinados. Se propone analizar los datos obtenidos con el programa estadístico SPSS, utilizando el contraste de hipótesis T-Student en variables cuantitativas, y Chi2 en las cualitativas. Conclusiones Ante la necesidad de formación en comunicación terapéutica de los enfermeros/as en urgencias pediátricas, se considera importante integrar un programa para mejorar conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes en comunicación. Las estrategias propuestas promueven beneficios a nivel profesional y personal.Introduction Establishing an effective therapeutic communication with the child and his family is essential in order to ensure an optimal care in the pediatric emergency department. That's why nursing professionals must have the knowledge, skills and attitudes that allow them to establish the relationship required. Since they could be developed through training, it is proposed a formative intervention oriented to that purpose. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the formative intervention of therapeutic communication proposed in the pediatric emergency department's nurses at La Paz and Niño Jesús hospitals. Material and methods It´s performed a quasi-experimental study with pre and post measure intervention in a single group. The target population is formed by all emergency nurses of both hospitals, a total of 50 (NT). Is selected 20 (nT) participants by using stratified random sample, through a list of random numbers. Data will be collected during the intervention, evaluating the knowledge and attitudes with questionnaires. Skills are evaluated in a role-playing activity, observing if the participants meet certain indicators. Its propose to analyze the data collected with the SPSS statistical program, using the T-Student hypothesis contrast in quantitative variables, and Chi2 for the qualitative ones. Conclusions Given the nurses need of training in therapeutic communication at pediatric emergencies department, is important to incorporate a program to improve the knowledge, attitudes and skills in communication. The strategies proposed promote professional and personal benefits

    Validity of a four-factor modelunderlying the physical fitness in adults with intellectual disabilities a confirmatory factor analysis

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    Purpose: To use confirmatory factor analysis to test whether a four factor might explain the clustering of the components of the physical fitness in adults with intellectual disabilities (FID). Relevance: Individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) are significantly weaker than individuals without ID at all stages of life. These subjects might be particularly susceptible to loss of basic function because of poor physical fitness. Participants: We studied 267 adults with intellectual disability of the Spanish Special Olympics Games. Methods: The four-factor model included: the flexibility, the strength, the balance and the cardiorespiratory endurance with 9 variables of the fitness assessment. Analysis: The construct validity of the model was assessed through the factor loadings, interpreted as the correlation between the variables in the model and their underlying factor, which is the FID construct. Results: Factor loading were 0,55 for the passive knee extension, o,52 for Functional shoulder rotation, −0.71 for the timed-stand test, 0.58 for the grip test, 0.75 the single leg stance with eyes open, 0.69 single leg stance with eyes closed, 0.72 for the resting heart rate, 0.56 for the two-minute step test (2MST) 0,97 for 2 minutes after finish 2MST. The four-factor model also showed a good fit to the data, as indicated by a high comparative fit index (CFI=0,93) and a low standardized root mean square residual (SRMR=0,072) Conclusions: A four underlying factor has shown acceptable validity to represent FID Implications: The new model of FID can offer understanding better these construct in this special populationUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Proteomic and metabolomic analysis of the carotenogenic yeast Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous using different carbon sources

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    Martinez-Moya P, Niehaus K, Alcaino J, Baeza M, Cifuentes V. Proteomic and metabolomic analysis of the carotenogenic yeast Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous using different carbon sources. BMC Genomics. 2015;16(1): 289.Background: Astaxanthin is a potent antioxidant with increasing biotechnological interest. In Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous, a natural source of this pigment, carotenogenesis is a complex process regulated through several mechanisms, including the carbon source. X. dendrorhous produces more astaxanthin when grown on a non-fermentable carbon source, while decreased astaxanthin production is observed in the presence of high glucose concentrations. In the present study, we used a comparative proteomic and metabolomic analysis to characterize the yeast response when cultured in minimal medium supplemented with glucose (fermentable) or succinate (non-fermentable). Results: A total of 329 proteins were identified from the proteomic profiles, and most of these proteins were associated with carotenogenesis, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and redox and stress responses. The metabolite profiles revealed 92 metabolites primarily associated with glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, amino acids, organic acids, sugars and phosphates. We determined the abundance of proteins and metabolites of the central pathways of yeast metabolism and examined the influence of these molecules on carotenogenesis. Similar to previous proteomic-stress response studies, we observed modulation of abundance from several redox, stress response, carbohydrate and lipid enzymes. Additionally, the accumulation of trehalose, absence of key ROS response enzymes, an increased abundance of the metabolites of the pentose phosphate pathway and tricarboxylic acid cycle suggested an association between the accumulation of astaxanthin and oxidative stress in the yeast. Moreover, we observed the increased abundance of late carotenogenesis enzymes during astaxanthin accumulation under succinate growth conditions. Conclusions: The use of succinate as a carbon source in X. dendrorhous cultures increases the availability of acetyl-CoA for the astaxanthin production compared with glucose, likely reflecting the positive regulation of metabolic enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid and glyoxylate cycles. The high metabolite level generated in this pathway could increase the cellular respiration rate, producing reactive oxygen species, which induces carotenogenesis

    Aspergiloma primário e aspergilose invasiva subaguda em dois pacientes com AIDS

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    Although uncommon, invasive aspergillosis in the setting of AIDS is important because of its peculiar clinical presentation and high lethality. This report examines two AIDS patients with a history of severe cellular immunosuppression and previous neutropenia, who developed subacute invasive aspergillosis. One female patient developed primary lung aspergilloma, with dissemination to the mediastinum, vertebrae, and spine, which was fatal despite antifungal treatment. The second patient, who had multiple cavitary brain lesions, and eye and lung involvement, recovered following voriconazole and itraconazole, and drugs for increasing neutrophil and CD4+ lymphocyte levels. These cases demonstrate the importance of Aspergillus infections following neutropenia in AIDS patients, and emphasize the need for early and effective antifungal therapy.A aspergilose invasiva em pacientes com aids, embora incomum, é relevante pela apresentação clínica peculiar e alta letalidade. Este relato descreve os casos de dois pacientes com aids com grave imunossupressão celular e neutropenia prévia, os quais tiveram aspergiloma pulmonar primário, com disseminação para mediastino, vértebras e medula espinhal, evoluindo para óbito apesar do tratamento antifúngico. O segundo paciente, que tinha lesões cavitárias múltiplas no cérebro e infecção ocular e pulmonar, recuperou-se após tratamento com voricanazol, itraconazol e com drogas para aumentar o número de neutrófilos e de linfócitos CD4+. Estes casos demonstram o risco de infecção por Aspergillus após episódios de neutropenia em pacientes com aids e alertam para o início precoce de terapia antifúngica eficaz

    Dehumanization of socioeconomically disadvantaged groups decreases support for welfare policies via perceived wastefulness

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    Low-socioeconomic status (SES) groups are sometimes depicted as money wasters who live on welfare. Previous research has also found that low-SES groups are also animalized. We expand previous findings (Sainz et al., 2019) by examining the consequences that animalization has on support for social welfare policies (e.g., unemployment, housing) and governmental control of low-SES groups’ spending. We explored the mediating role of perceived wastefulness (i.e., the perception that low-SES people lack the ability to properly administer their budget) in the relationships between animalization and support for welfare policies and governmental control measures. In three correlation studies, 1a to 1c, we examined the relationships between these variables in three countries: The United Kingdom, the United States, and Spain. From our results, animalizing low-SES groups seem to negatively predict support for public policies and positively predict support for governmental control via the perception that low-SES people are unable to manage their finances. Finally, in two experimental studies, 2a and 2b, we directly manipulated the humanness of a low-SES group (animalized vs. humanized) and measured its effects on perceptions of the group’s wastefulness, support for social welfare policies, and support for governmental control over the group’s expenses. Results indicated that animalizing low-SES groups reduced support for social welfare by activating the impression that low-SES people are poor financial managers (Study 2a), but also that animalizing low-SES groups increased support for governmental control via perceived wastefulness (Studies 2a–b). We discuss the role of animalization in denying aid to those in need."Programa de movilidad para jovenes doctorandos CEI-BIOTIC" (University of Granada CEI-BIOTIC

    Neurosciences and education: an integral and interdisciplinary learning

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    A bibliographic analysis was carried out, which aims to present the contributions of neurosciences to education and their relevance in the teaching-learning process. The method used was the inductive-deductive in which an analytical-descriptive methodology is applied with a non-experimental approach based on the contents of several specialized bibliographic sources. It was determined that the study of neurosciences can contribute to the integral development of the student, demonstrating on the one hand the importance of emotions as an enhancer of the teaching-learning process, as well as providing guides to detect learning problems in time to treat them by the hand of techniques and methods provided by pedagogy and teaching experience
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