219 research outputs found

    Hipertensión arterial como factor de riesgo para miomatosis uterina en pacientes de 30 a 50 años en el Servicio de Gineco-Obstetricia en el Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue, 2013 – 2017

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    Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre la Hipertensión Arterial y la Miomatosis Uterina en mujeres de 30 a 50 años en el Servicio de Gineco-Obstetricia del Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue, 2013 - 2017. Materiales y Métodos: El diseño del estudio es tipo observacional, analítico, retrospectivo de tipo casos y controles. El universo de estudio fue de 668 mujeres, divididas en 334 casos y 334 controles, elegidas por muestreo aleatorio. Se revisó historias clínicas del Servicio de Gineco-Obstetricia del Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue entre los años 2013 – 2017. El análisis estadístico para determinar asociación entre las variables fue la estimación de riesgo mediante Odds Ratio, con un intervalo de confianza de 95% y usando el programa estadístico SPSS Statics V 23. Resultados: Se realizó el análisis entre la hipertensión arterial asociado a miomatosis uterina encontrándose diferencia significativa entre dichas variables a través de la prueba del chi2 (p<0.005). Se usó modelos lineales generalizados con familia binomial y función de enlace log, encontrándose un OR=1.667 con un IC (95%)=1.42-1.95 y p<0.05. Por lo tanto, aquellas pacientes con hipertensión arterial tuvieron 1.667 más riesgo para tener miomatosis uterina que aquellas que no tuvieron hipertensión arterial. Se analizaron también otras variables como edad, paridad, etnia y grado de instrucción. Conclusión: Se determinó que la hipertensión arterial está asociada a la miomatosis uterina, siendo un factor de riesgo en mujeres de 30 a 50 años en el Servicio de Gineco-Obstetricia del Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue, 2013 - 2017.Tesi

    An information-theoretic approach to self-organisation: Emergence of complex interdependencies in coupled dynamical systems

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    Self-organisation lies at the core of fundamental but still unresolved scientific questions, and holds the promise of de-centralised paradigms crucial for future technological developments. While self-organising processes have been traditionally explained by the tendency of dynamical systems to evolve towards specific configurations, or attractors, we see self-organisation as a consequence of the interdependencies that those attractors induce. Building on this intuition, in this work we develop a theoretical framework for understanding and quantifying self-organisation based on coupled dynamical systems and multivariate information theory. We propose a metric of global structural strength that identifies when self-organisation appears, and a multi-layered decomposition that explains the emergent structure in terms of redundant and synergistic interdependencies. We illustrate our framework on elementary cellular automata, showing how it can detect and characterise the emergence of complex structures

    Patch Antenna Based on Metamaterials for a RFID Transponder

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    In this paper a self-diplexed antenna is proposed for a RFID transponder application. The development cycle is divided into two stages: antenna design and filters design. The antenna is based on a square microstrip patch filled with metamaterial structures. The inclusion of these structures allows simultaneous operation over several frequencies, which can be arbitrarily chosen. The antenna working frequencies are chosen to be 2.45 GHz (receiver) and 1.45 GHz (transmitter). In addition, the antenna is fed through two orthogonal coupled microstrip lines, what provides higher isolation between both ports. Some filters based on metamaterial particles are coupled or connected to the antenna feeding microstrip lines to avoid undesired interferences. This approach avoids using of an external filter or diplexer, providing larger size reduction and a compact self-diplexed antenna

    Factors Associated with Sarcopenia and 7-Year Mortality in Very Old Patients with Hip Fracture Admitted to Rehabilitation Units: A Pragmatic Study

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    Background: Admitted bedridden older patients are at risk of the development of sarcopenia during hospital stay (incident sarcopenia). The objective of this study was to assess the factors associated with sarcopenia (incident and chronic) and its impact on mortality in older people with hip fracture. Methods: A multicenter, pragmatic, prospective observational study was designed. Older subjects with hip fracture admitted to two rehabilitation units were included. Sarcopenia was assessed at admission and at discharge according to the revised EWGSOP (European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People) consensus definition. The mortality was evaluated after 7 years of follow-up. Results: A total of 187 subjects (73.8% women) age 85.2 ± 6.3 years were included. Risk factors associated to incident and chronic sarcopenia were undernutrition (body mass index-BMI and Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form-MNA-SF), hand-grip strength and skeletal muscle index. During follow-up 114 patients died (60.5% sarcopenic vs. 39.5% non-sarcopenic, p = 0.001). Cox regression analyses showed that factors associated to increased risk of mortality were sarcopenia (HR: 1.67, 95% CI 1.11-2.51) and low hand-grip strength (HR: 1.76, 95% CI 1.08-2.88). Conclusions: Older patients with undernutrition have a higher risk of developing sarcopenia during hospital stay, and sarcopenic patients have almost two times more risk of mortality than non-sarcopenic patients during follow-up after hip fracture

    Strain sensitive conductive polyurethane foam/graphene nanocomposites prepared by impregnation method

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    Se prepararon nanocompuestos de espuma de poliuretano conductores mediante la incorporación de flakes de grafeno. Los flakes de grafeno se obtuvieron a partir de grafito por el método de exfoliación líquida en N metilpirrolidona y se seleccionaron por tamaño mediante centrifugación. Se realizó una caracterización en profundidad de los flakes de grafeno para comprender su rol como nanoentidades en la matriz de espuma de poliuretano. Así, la morfología, con especial énfasis en el número de capas, se analizó mediante espectroscopia Raman, microscopia de fuerza atómica y microscopia electrónica de transmisión. La microscopía de fuerza electrostática se utilizó para verificar la naturaleza conductora de los flakes de grafeno. Esta técnica demostró ser eficaz para evaluar tanto la morfología como las propiedades conductoras de los flakes de grafeno. En cuanto al comportamiento eléctrico de los nanocomposites de espuma, se determinó que la resistencia eléctrica depende tanto del contenido de grafeno como de la deformación por compresión aplicada al material.Poliuretano-aparraren nanokonposatu eroaleak prestatu ziren grafeno xaflak gehituz. Grafeno xaflak grafitotik abiatuta lortu ziren, N-metil pirrolidona bidezko esfoliazio likidoaren aplikatuz, eta tamainaren arabera banatu ziren zentrifugazio bidez. Grafeno xaflen karakterizazio sakona egin zen, poliuretano-aparraren matrizean nanoentitate gisa duten eginkizuna hobeto ulertzeko. Horrela, xaflen morfologia Raman espektroskopia, indar atomikozko mikroskopia eta transmisio elektronikozko mikroskopia bidez aztertu zen, geruza kantitatean arreta berezia jarriz. Indar elektrostatikoko mikroskopia grafeno xaflen izaera eroalea egiaztatzeko erabili zen. Teknika hori eraginkorra izan zen grafeno xaflen morfologia eta propietate eroaleak ebaluatzeko. Apar nanokonposatuen portaera elektrikoari dagokionez, erresistentzia elektrikoa grafeno-edukiaren eta materialari aplikatutako konpresio bidezko deformazioaren araberakoa zela ondorioztatu zen.Gobierno Vasco Grupos Consolidados (IT 776 13) Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (PIFUPV047/2011

    Ratio of the Dead to Wounded (D/W) Indicators and Associated Factors in Major Earthquakes of America from 1960 to 2011

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    Corrigendum to “Ratio of the Dead to Wounded (D/W) Indicators and Associated Factors in Major Earthquakes of America from 1960 to 2011”. Journal of Earthquakes 2015; 436960, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/436960.The paper presented deals with the casualties, mortality, and morbidity occurred during the major earthquakes of America during a period of 51 years. The work provides statistical evidence that the deaths/wounded (D/W) ratio used for many agencies in the planning of the preparation and response activities to earthquakes does not fit the relation 1 : 3. In addition, a model is presented in order to evaluate the possible association between different analysis variables such as the subregion of the American continent affected, population density, HDI, and the time and magnitude of the earthquake and the effects of these on the death toll, the number of the wounded, and the D/W indexes. Although the model generated it is not robust enough for decision making, it could be useful and improvable in order to apply it in the planning and management of these kinds of natural disasters. For these reasons, we think that it would be interesting to do further progress in this line of research by making a more comprehensive study of the variables associated with mortality and morbidity, using a more representative sample of earthquakes that sure will confirm the results presented in this work.This work was funded by the Spanish Field Epidemiology Training Program and was done as part of research activities of Ana Ayuso-Alvárez, M.S., Marcello S. Rossi S., D.S., and Dante Culqui, M.S., in the Spanish Field Epidemiology Training Program.S

    MiRNA profiling of whole trabecular bone: identification of osteoporosis-related changes in MiRNAs in human hip bones

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    Background MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important regulators of gene expression, with documented roles in bone metabolism and osteoporosis, suggesting potential therapeutic targets. Our aim was to identify miRNAs differentially expressed in fractured vs nonfractured bones. Additionally, we performed a miRNA profiling of primary osteoblasts to assess the origin of these differentially expressed miRNAs. Methods Total RNA was extracted from (a) fresh femoral neck trabecular bone from women undergoing hip replacement due to either osteoporotic fracture (OP group, n = 6) or osteoarthritis in the absence of osteoporosis (Control group, n = 6), matching the two groups by age and body mass index, and (b) primary osteoblasts obtained from knee replacement due to osteoarthritis (n = 4). Samples were hybridized to a microRNA array containing more than 1900 miRNAs. Principal component analysis (PCA) plots and heat map hierarchical clustering were performed. For comparison of expression levels, the threshold was set at log fold change > 1.5 and a p-value < 0.05 (corrected for multiple testing). Results Both PCA and heat map analyses showed that the samples clustered according to the presence or absence of fracture. Overall, 790 and 315 different miRNAs were detected in fresh bone samples and in primary osteoblasts, respectively, 293 of which were common to both groups. A subset of 82 miRNAs was differentially expressed (p < 0.05) between osteoporotic and control osteoarthritic samples. The eight miRNAs with the lowest p-values (and for which a validated miRNA qPCR assay was available) were assayed, and two were confirmed: miR-320a and miR-483-5p. Both were over-expressed in the osteoporotic samples and expressed in primary osteoblasts. miR-320a is known to target CTNNB1 and predicted to regulate RUNX2 and LEPR, while miR-483-5p down-regulates IGF2. We observed a reduction trend for this target gene in the osteoporotic bone. Conclusions We identified two osteoblast miRNAs over-expressed in osteoporotic fractures, which opens novel prospects for research and therapy

    Detection of optical linear polarization in the SN2006aj/XRF060218 non-spherical expansion

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    We have performed optical polarimetric observations of the SN2006aj associated to the X-ray flash (XRF) of February 18, 2006, XRF060218 that provide information on its expansion geometry. The data were acquired in the R-band with the 0.7m telescope of Crimea, 2.5m Nordic Optical Telescope and the 2.2m of Calar Alto. We report the detection of linear polarization between 3 and 39 days after the gamma-ray event (t-t_0). This represents the first polarization detection of a Ic supernova (SN) associated to an XRF. Our data exhibit a degree of linear polarization (P) around P~4% at t-t_0 ~ 3-5 days, followed by a constant polarization phase with P~1.4% at 13.7 < t-t_0 < 39 days. Our data suggest a decay in P, and more interestingly, show a position angle (\theta) rotation of ~100 degrees comparing data taken before and after the R-band lightcurve peak. The reported polarization measurements can be explained by the evolution of an asymmetric SN expansion. We discuss on several ingredients that could account for the observed \theta rotation.Comment: Submitted to A&A. Revised version, comments of the referee included. 4 pages, 3 figure

    The biological potential hidden in inclusion bodies

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    Inclusion bodies (IBs) are protein nanoclusters obtained during recombinant protein production processes, and several studies have demonstrated their potential as biomaterials for therapeutic protein delivery. Nevertheless, IBs have been, so far, exclusively sifted by their biological activity in vitro to be considered in further protein-based treatments in vivo. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) protein, which has an important role facilitating the migration of immune cells, was used as model protein. The MMP-9 IBs were compared with their soluble counterpart and with MMP-9 encapsulated in polymeric-based micelles (PM) through ionic and covalent binding. The soluble MMP-9 and the MMP-9-ionic PM showed the highest activity values in vitro. IBs showed the lowest activity values in vitro, but the specific activity evolution in 50% bovine serum at room temperature proved that they were the most stable format. The data obtained with the use of an air-pouch mouse model showed that MMP-9 IBs presented the highest in vivo activity compared to the soluble MMP-9, which was associated only to a low and a transitory peak of activity. These results demonstrated that the in vivo performance is the addition of many parameters that did not always correlate with the in vitro behavior of the protein of interest, becoming especially relevant at evaluating the potential of IBs as a protein-based nanomaterial for therapeutic purposesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio