204 research outputs found

    El hipereroticismo como fuente de agentividad espiritual y material en Trilogía sucia de La Habana

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    In Trilogía sucia de La Habana, Pedro Juan Gutiérrez has defied traditional representations of the sexual body in Latin American literature by depicting eroticism as an agent of meditation and multiplication within an environment of deprivation. The author explores the diverse ways in which eroticism is a means by which to deconstruct subjectivity and provide a political critique against social oppression. The narrative is situated within a socialist Cuban context of surveillance during the Special Period and depicts the many acts of survival its citizens engage in on a daily basis amidst an economic crisis where basic products are scarce. With the absence of material goods, as well as certain political freedoms, the characters in the novel manifest their continuous desires by engaging in a hyper-production of eroticism as a source of power. While recounting personal stories of love and sex, the characters meditate on their social condition in addition to their own private desires. Ultimately, in accord with eroticism as a weapon of social change and critique, Pedro Juan Gutiérrez acknowledges the body traditionally dismissed in dominant Western thought and inscribes new representations where it can be beautiful while being impoverished, artistically tormented and imperfect. Subsequently, this paper analyzes hyper-eroticism as a source of reflection and material agency, leading to new inscriptions of erotic potential as a source for social change.En Trilogía sucia de La Habana, Pedro Juan Gutiérrez ha desafiado representaciones tradicionales del cuerpo sexualizado en la literatura de América Latina al representar el erotismo como un agente de mediación y multiplicación dentro de un ambiente de privacidad. El escritor explora las diversas formas en las cuales el erotismo es un medio por el cual se deconstruye la subjetividad y provee una crítica política contra la opresión social. La narrativa se sitúa dentro de un contexto socialista cubano de vigilancia durante el Periodo Especial y describe los diversos actos de supervivencia que sus ciudadanos llevan a cabo diariamente al estar dentro de una crisis económica en la que los productos básicos son escasos. Con la ausencia de bienes materiales, al igual que de ciertas libertades políticas, los personajes de la novela manifiestan su continuo deseo al participar en una hiperproducción del erotismo como fuente de poder. Al contar historias personales de amor y sexo, los personajes meditan en su condición social, al igual que en sus propios deseos. De acuerdo con el erotismo como arma de crítica y cambio social, Pedro Juan Gutiérrez reconoce el cuerpo, que tradicionalmente ha sido ignorado en el pensamiento occidental dominante, y le inscribe nuevas representaciones donde puede ser bello al mismo tiempo que empobrecido, artísticamente atormentado e imperfecto. Subsecuentemente, este ensayo analiza el hipererotismo como fuente de reflexión y agencia material, que conlleva a nuevas inscripciones del potencial erótico tal como cambio social

    Hyper-Eroticism as a Source of Spiritual and Material Agency in Trilogía sucia de La Habana

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    In Trilogía sucia de La Habana, Pedro Juan Gutiérrez has defied traditional representations of the sexual body in Latin American literature by depicting the erotic as an agent of meditation and multiplication within an environment of deprivation. The author explores the diverse ways in which the erotic is a means by which to deconstruct subjectivity and provide a political critique against social oppression. The narration is situated within a socialist Cuban context of surveillance during the special period, and depicts the many acts of survival its citizens engage in on a daily basis amidst an economic crisis where basic products are scarce. With the absence of material goods, as well as certain political freedoms, the characters in the novel manifest their continuous desires by engaging in a hyper-production of the erotic as a source of power. While recounting personal stories of love and sex, the characters meditate on their social condition in addition to their own private desires. Ultimately, in accord with eroticism as a weapon of social change and critique, Pedro Juan Gutiérrez acknowledges the body traditionally dismissed in dominant Western thought and inscribes new representations where it can be beautiful while being impoverished, artistically tormented and imperfect. Subsequently, this paper analyses hyper-eroticism as a source of reflection and material agency, leading to new inscriptions of erotic potential as a source for social change

    Desarrollo a Escala Humana, Planificación productiva, familiar, comunitaria y Escuelas de Campo desde la Unión de Campesinos Organizados en la Cuenca Sur de San Dionisio (UCOSD), en las comunidades de Samulalí y El Jícaro, durante el año 2016

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    El presente Seminario de Graduación tiene como tema, Desarrollo a Escala Humana, Planificación productiva, familiar, comunitaria y Escuelas de Campo desde la Unión de Campesinos Organizados en la Cuenca Sur de San Dionisio (UCOSD), en las comunidades de Samulalí y El Jícaro, durante el año 2016, con el propósito de identificar las transformaciones en el desarrollo a escala humana en comparación con lo registrado por la generación 2014 de Economía general, por otra parte, se dio seguimiento a la construcción de una herramienta de Planificación productiva, familiar y comunitaria en la comunidad de Samulalí, tomando como antecedente el trabajo realizado por la generación 2015 de Economía Agrícola, también, aborda la implementación de técnicas agroecológicas en la finca El Cobano perteneciente a la UCOSD, para el mejoramiento de los rendimientos productivos por medio de la restauración de suelos. Esta investigación se realizó con el propósito de darle continuidad al proceso organizativo de la UCOSD dentro del marco de la alianza UNAN-UCOSD. Las principales conclusiones de este trabajo son las siguientes; se identificaron las potencialidades sinérgicas entre el periodo 2014-2016, para ambas comunidades la organización, siendo sus carencias la comunicación y problemas económicos-ambientales, se logró acompañar de manera exitosa la creación de una herramienta de planificación productiva, familiar y comunitaria en la comunidad de Samulalí, para integrar los socios en las decisiones de la organización a través de la descentralización del poder comunitario y se facilitó la primer escuela de campo en la finca El Cobano, donde se logró crear un espacio de aprendizaje amigable y respetuoso para la implementación de técnicas agroecologías, para el mejoramiento de los rendimientos productivos. Palabras Claves: Desarrollo a Escala Humana, Planificación, ECA

    Geographic Variation in Larval Metabolic Rate Between Northern and Southern Populations of the Invasive Gypsy Moth

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    Thermal regimes can diverge considerably across the geographic range of a species, and accordingly, populations can vary in their response to changing environmental conditions. Both local adaptation and acclimatization are important mechanisms for ectotherms to maintain homeostasis as environments become thermally stressful, which organisms often experience at their geographic range limits. The spatial spread of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) after introduction to North America provides an exemplary system for studying population variation in physiological traits given the gradient of climates encompassed by its current invasive range. This study quantifies differences in resting metabolic rate (RMR) across temperature for four populations of gypsy moth, two from the northern and two from southern regions of their introduced range in North America. Gypsy moth larvae were reared at high and low thermal regimes, and then metabolic activity was monitored at four temperatures using stop-flow respirometry to test for an acclimation response. For all populations, there was a significant increase in RMR as respirometry test temperature increased. Contrary to our expectations, we did not find evidence for metabolic adaptation to colder environments based on our comparisons between northern and southern populations. We also found no evidence for an acclimation response of RMR to rearing temperature for three of the four pairwise comparisons examined. Understanding the thermal sensitivity of metabolic rate in gypsy moth, and understanding the potential for changes in physiology at range extremes, is critical for estimating continued spatial spread of this invasive species both under current and potential future climatic constraints

    Nine Strategies to Guide Efforts to Reduce Youth Gun Violence

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    Gun violence, including that perpetrated by young people, is a pernicious problem for many communities, particularly those facing historically high levels of concentrated disadvantage and disinvestment. To effectively address youth gun violence and establish and maintain peace, communities need stable safety infrastructures and effective interventions.We developed a research-based practice guide to help local governments, law enforcement agencies, and antiviolence organizations determine how to shape their approaches to reducing gun violence perpetrated by young people ages 10 to 25 in gangs or groups. Here, we summarize the guide's recommendations on how to develop effective interventions and build a broader safety infrastructure that supports the success of different partners working to protect young people and communities from gun violence

    A Research-Based Practice Guide to Reduce Youth Gun and Gang/Group Violence

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    While extensive research exists, the field lacks a current and translational synthesis of what works to reduce youth group and gun violence. In response, the Urban Institute developed a research-based practice guide to inform local government, law enforcement, and community-violence-intervention stakeholders as they implement new antiviolence interventions and refine existing ones. To inform the development of the guide, Urban researchers conducted a comprehensive literature synthesis of research on violence reduction interventions and conducted a scan of interventions representing well-known antiviolence models and other innovative strategies. Drawing on the findings from the literature synthesis and scan of practice, the practice guide presents recommendations around nine practice areas related to building an infrastructure to support a multi-faceted antiviolence strategy and implementing effective violence reduction programs

    El manual de inducción y bienvenida como parte de la cultura organizacional

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    In the era of the Talentismo, it is necessary as managers of human talent, have appropriate skills and tools to be able to attract, motivate, retain and empower human talent within organizations, a way to do this, it is generating a first "good impression" on the new contributor when he joined to form part of the team in an organization.  A key aspect for the afore-mentioned is, highlight the fundamental aspects of the corporate culture of the Organization, generating new collaborator: a high sense of belonging, identification with the values, alignment to the strategic plan, Mission, Vision and Goals of the institution and ultimately engagement through the creation and implementation of a tool of induction and welcome, which allows to orient it to the new working environment is facing (company and job) and promote a rapid adaptation that allows them to be efficient, productive and concrete outcomes for which he was hired. (Santillan 2017)En la era del Talentismo, es necesario como gestores humanos, contar con las herramientas y competencias adecuadas para poder atraer, motivar, retener y potencializar el talento humano dentro de las organizaciones, una forma de realizar esto, es generando una primera “buena impresión” en el nuevo colaborador cuando ingresa a formar parte del equipo de trabajo en una Organización. Un aspecto clave para realizar lo antes mencionado es, resaltar los aspectos fundamentales de la cultura organizacional, generando en el nuevo colaborador: un alto sentido de pertenencia, identificación con los valores, alineación al plan estratégico, misión, visión y los objetivos de la institución y finalmente, compromiso mediante la creación e implementación de una herramienta de inducción y bienvenida, que permita orientarlo al nuevo entorno laboral al que se enfrenta (empresa y puesto de trabajo) y fomentar una rápida adaptación que le permita ser eficiente, productivo y concretar los resultados para lo cual fue contratado. (Santillán 2017

    Dynamic proteomic profiling of extra-embryonic endoderm differentiation in mouse embryonic stem cells

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    During mammalian pre-implantation development, the cells of the blastocyst’s inner cell mass differentiate into the epiblast and primitive endoderm lineages, which give rise to the fetus and extra-embryonic tissues, respectively. Extra-embryonic endoderm differentiation can be modeled in vitro by induced expression of GATA transcription factors in mouse embryonic stem cells. Here we use this GATA-inducible system to quantitatively monitor the dynamics of global proteomic changes during the early stages of this differentiation event and also investigate the fully differentiated phenotype, as represented by embryo-derived extra-embryonic endoderm (XEN) cells. Using mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomic profiling with multivariate data analysis tools, we reproducibly quantified 2,336 proteins across three biological replicates and have identified clusters of proteins characterized by distinct, dynamic temporal abundance profiles. We first used this approach to highlight novel marker candidates of the pluripotent state and extra-embryonic endoderm differentiation. Through functional annotation enrichment analysis, we have shown that the downregulation of chromatin-modifying enzymes, the re-organization of membrane trafficking machinery and the breakdown of cell-cell adhesion are successive steps of the extra-embryonic differentiation process. Thus, applying a range of sophisticated clustering approaches to a time-resolved proteomic dataset has allowed the elucidation of complex biological processes which characterize stem cell differentiation and could establish a general paradigm for the investigation of these processes.This work was supported by the European Union 7th Framework Program (PRIME-XS project grant number 262067 to K.S.L., L.G and C.M.M), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC grant number BB/L002817/1 to K.S.L and L.G.), as well as a HFSP grant (RGP0029/2010) and a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Investigator grant to A.M.A.. C.S was supported by an EMBO long term fellowship and a Marie Curie IEF. L.T.Y.C. and K.K.N. were supported by the Medical Research Council (MRC, UK, MC_UP_1202/9) and the March of Dimes Foundation (FY11-436). We also thank Professor Steve Oliver and Dr. A.K.Hadjantonakis for helpful discussions and advice.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/stem.206

    Dynamic Proteomic Profiling of Extra-Embryonic Endoderm Differentiation in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells.

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    During mammalian preimplantation development, the cells of the blastocyst's inner cell mass differentiate into the epiblast and primitive endoderm lineages, which give rise to the fetus and extra-embryonic tissues, respectively. Extra-embryonic endoderm (XEN) differentiation can be modeled in vitro by induced expression of GATA transcription factors in mouse embryonic stem cells. Here, we use this GATA-inducible system to quantitatively monitor the dynamics of global proteomic changes during the early stages of this differentiation event and also investigate the fully differentiated phenotype, as represented by embryo-derived XEN cells. Using mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomic profiling with multivariate data analysis tools, we reproducibly quantified 2,336 proteins across three biological replicates and have identified clusters of proteins characterized by distinct, dynamic temporal abundance profiles. We first used this approach to highlight novel marker candidates of the pluripotent state and XEN differentiation. Through functional annotation enrichment analysis, we have shown that the downregulation of chromatin-modifying enzymes, the reorganization of membrane trafficking machinery, and the breakdown of cell-cell adhesion are successive steps of the extra-embryonic differentiation process. Thus, applying a range of sophisticated clustering approaches to a time-resolved proteomic dataset has allowed the elucidation of complex biological processes which characterize stem cell differentiation and could establish a general paradigm for the investigation of these processes.This work was supported by the European Union 7th Framework Program (PRIME-XS project grant number 262067 to K.S.L., L.G and C.M.M), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC grant number BB/L002817/1 to K.S.L and L.G.), as well as a HFSP grant (RGP0029/2010) and a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Investigator grant to A.M.A.. C.S was supported by an EMBO long term fellowship and a Marie Curie IEF. L.T.Y.C. and K.K.N. were supported by the Medical Research Council (MRC, UK, MC_UP_1202/9) and the March of Dimes Foundation (FY11-436). We also thank Professor Steve Oliver and Dr. A.K.Hadjantonakis for helpful discussions and advice.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/stem.206