71 research outputs found

    Negative effect of clay fillers on the polyvinyl alcohol biodegradation: technical note

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    This work focuses on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) biodegradation in the presence of mineral clays in an aqueous aerobic environment. PVA with a degree of hydrolysis of 88% and 72% was used for the experiments. The selected group of mineral clays (nanofillers for polymers) of montmorillonite (MMT) Cloisite (R) Na+; organo-modified montmorillonite (OMMT) Cloisite (R) 20A, Cloisite (R) 30B; waste kaolin; kaolin; and zeolites were prepared by synthesis of the aforementioned kaolins. The level of biodegradation was measured using a respirometer, Micro-Oxymax, and evaluated according to CO2 production. Results of this test indicate a negative effect on PVA biodegradability in the presence of MMT Cloisite (R) Na+ and Cloisite (R) 30B. It has been found that PVA biodegradability in the presence of no adapted inoculum was adversely affected by the biocidal effects of the organic modifier of Cloisite (R) 30B. In this case, PVA 88-8 biodegradation decreased by 71% and PVA 72-10 biodegradation dropped by 58%. Furthermore, the sorption of PVA on the Cloisite (R) Na+ in the range of 40%-45% was demonstrated in the following research.Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/FT/2018/009]; Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic [LO1504

    The Study of Production's Operation Management

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    Ve své závěrečné práci se zabývám optimalizací operativního řízení výroby se zaměřením na změnu organizační struktury a organizace práce na předvýrobním oddělení výroby termoplastů společnosti Automotive Lighting, s. r. o., která vyrábí automobilovou světelnou techniku. Úvodní část je zaměřena na obecnou charakteristiku celé společnosti. Analýza současného stavu vychází z výrobního systému a organizační struktury zejména předvýrobního oddělení termoplastů. Na základě analýzy je zpracován návrh nové organizační struktury a organizace práce se zaměřením na uspokojení zákazníka v požadované kvalitě a čase. V závěrečné části jsou uvedeny přínosy a podmínky realizovatelnosti tohoto návrhu, včetně hodnocení celé závěrečné práce.In my diploma thesis I have focused on the optimization of ‘Production Operational Management’ in terms of change management and work organization in the department of thermo case and pre-production within the company Automotive Lighting, s.r.o. which is a producer of automobile light technique. The intention of the first part is to produce general characteristics of the company. The analysis of the current stage results from the production system and the organizational structure particularly in the pre-production department of thermo cases. Based on this analysis I have designed the proposal so that it consists of a new organizational structure and a new work organization with a view to customer satisfaction within a demanding product while taking into consideration quality and time. In the final part of this thesis I have looked at the contribution and feasibility conditions of the output proposal.

    Computer Modeling and Measurement of Extended Technical Magnetic Field

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    A personal computer was used for both themeasurement and modeling of technical magnetic fields indifferent areas. The field modeling uses basic physical lawsfrom magnetism in the integral form and is performed bythe numeric integration in MATLAB. The apparatus is ableto measure a relatively low magnetic field. Important resultsare presented for the measurement of the DC field in theelectromagnetic flow meter and AC field in the distributionpoint. Only simple models were applied, nevertheless theagreement with the experiment is good. Deviations are dueto inaccuracies both in the production and experiment,predominantly. Their sources are not simple models.Therefore, the models are applicable for reliable design oranalysis of devices using magnetic field

    Revised conodont stratigraphy of the Cellon section (Silurian, Carnic Alps)

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    The Cellon section, located in the Carnic Alps, is a reference section for the Silurian of the world. The conodont association of the section is revised according to the most recent taxonomy and the biostratigraphy updated in the basis of the recently published zonation schemes. Seventy taxa (species and subspecies) belonging to 23 genera have been identified, allowing the discrimination of fifteen biozones from the upper Llandovery to the end of the Pridoli. However, some of the uppermost Llandovery and Wenlock biozones, corresponding to black shale intervals, have not been documented

    Produktivní kultura vyučování a učení v didaktických kazuistikách

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    Title in English: Productive culture of teaching and learning in didactic case studies The book introduces the issue of productive culture of teaching and learning in broader didactical context. In the first part of the book, three areas of productive culture of teaching and learning are as theoretical framework presented: 1. clarity, structure, coherence, 2. cognitive activation, instrumentalization, semantization, 3. Supportive learning environment. The second part of the book presents 17 didactic case studies that have been developed by teams that consisted of researchers and teachers from schools. The aim of didactic case studies is to highlight key areas of productive culture of teaching and learning

    Philosophical Expression of Cathedrals

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    Philosophical Expression of Cathedrals by Bc. Martin Slavík The dissertation is devoted to the topic of the sacral gothic architecture, namely the construction of medieval cathedrals, in which architecture seeks the deeper philosophical and theological context of the period spirituality, cosmology and the perception of correspondences of man and the world. The research dives in sacred geometry and architecture of the golden number that corresponds to the Pythagorean mysticism of numbers. The work is based on a broad theoretical base, which includes philosophy, theology, psychology ( especially Jung and by him affected the current archetypal psychology, further daseinpsychology and psychological sphere influenced by philosophical reference of Martin Heidegger ). The work is multidisciplinary, although its centerpiece are always cathedrals in the context of the medieval world. The work also mentions specific status of the cathedral in a broad spectrum of sacral architecture and on this basis reveals the spiritual interconnection of medieval and ancient world. Contents: Cathedral in the context of medieval society Formation of the cathedrals St. Vitus Cathedral Saints in the context of St. Vitus cathedral Medieval man in the context of his world and thinking Pilgrimages and pilgrimage in the medieval Word..

    Permeability of natural surfaces of Hruba Skala sandstone in rock cities for water vapour and intensity of evaporation

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    Cílem diplomové práce bylo charakterizovat transport kapilární vody a vodní páry v přípovrchové zóně hruboskalského pískovce v Českém ráji. Pomocí metody "wet cup" jsem kvantifikoval propustnost hruboskalských pískovců pro vodní páru. Dále jsem určil rychlost saturace vrtných jader pískovce vodou vlivem kapilárního nasákávání, zjistil jsem míru výparu z několika výchozů hruboskalského pískovce za skutečného mikroklimatu a pravidla, kterými se výpar řídí. Také jsem se pokusil rozhodnout, zda a popřípadě jakou roli hraje přítomnost krusty u zkoumaných parametrů. Z velkého množství zpracovaných vzorků vyplývá, že propustnost různých typů hruboskalských pískovců pro vodní páru nevykazuje významné odlišnosti, na rychlost difúze vodních par navíc nemá vliv, zda je na výparné ploše krusta či ne. Na rychlost saturace pískovců vlivem kapilárního nasákávání má vliv přítomnost krusty, která saturaci zpomaluje. Zkoumané pískovce se řadí mezi materiály se střední až vysokou absorpcí. Prokázal jsem, že výpar z porézního prostředí lze poměrně přesně aproximovat jednoduchou exponenciální funkcí. Rychlost výparu z pískovcového prostředí je v přirozených podmínkách silně ovlivněna klimatickými poměry, zejména relativní vlhkostí. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Aim of this study was to describe capillary water and vapor transport in shallow subsurface of Hrubá Skála sandstone in the Bohemian Paradise. I have quantified permeability of Hrubá Skála sandstone for water vapor using "wet cup" method and also capillary water absorption of sandstone drill cores. I have found out general rules of evaporation and rate of evaporation from several sandstone outcrops in real microclimate. Important part of my work was to determine whether surface crust plays some role in studied parameters. Based on my results, permeability of different types of sandstones for water vapor does not vary significantly and surface crust has no effect on rate of water vapor diffusion. Rate of capillary water absorption is reduced by surface crust. Hrubá Skála sandstone is classified as medium or highly absorbing material. I have proved that evaporation from porous medium can be approximated by exponential function. Rate of evaporation is strongly controlled by climatic conditions, especially by relative humidity. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Institute of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied GeophysicsÚstav hydrogeologie, inž. geologie a užité geofyzikyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Organized crime and extremism on internet

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    Bakalářská práce poukazuje na existenci organizovaného zločinu nejen ve světě, ale i v České republice, na jeho historii a postupný vývoj. Dále na existenci extremistických organizací a podobných seskupení, včetně jejich prezentací na internetu. Dále je práce zaměřena na instituce určené pro boj s organizovaným zločinem a extremismem a také na zákonné vymezení extremismu.Ústav systémového inženýrství a informatikyDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo