128 research outputs found

    The Sum of a Linear and a Linear Fractional Function: Pseudoconvexity on the Nonnegative Orthant and Solution Methods

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    The aim of the paper is to present sequential methods for a pseudoconvex optimization problem whose objective function is the sum of a linear and a linear fractional function and the feasible region is a polyhedron, not necessarily compact. Since the sum of a linear and a linear fractional function is not in general pseudoconvex, we first derive conditions characterizing its pseudoconvexity on the nonnegative orthant. We prove that the sum of a linear and a linear fractional function is pseudoconvex if and only if it assumes particular canonical forms. Then, theoretical properties regarding the existence of a minimum point and its location are established, together with necessary and sufficient conditions for the infimum to be finite. The obtained results allow us to suggest simplex- like sequential methods for solving optimization problems having as objective function the proposed canonical forms

    Ecotourism Site Suitability Using GIS and AHP: A Case Study of Ngargoyoso District in Karanganyar Regency

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    The purpose of the Karanganyar Regency Regional Tourism Development Master Plan (RIPP) is to implement Sustainable Tourism Development (STD). Of the many concepts that are appropriate for achieving this goal, the concept of ecotourism is one of them. The growth of tourism activities in the Ngargoyoso district has accelerated. Local governments need to have instruments to help achieve STD goals in their areas. Studies related to the selection of suitable areas using GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) based on ecotourism activities have been widely studied and applied in various regions of the world. This study aims to identify areas suitable for ecotourism as a basis for decision making for regional tourism development. The research approach is carried out by assessing expert opinion on the basis for determining policy using the AHP method. Then integrated with GIS techniques to be able to present the results of the assessment in the form of a map of the suitability of the location for ecotourism. The suitability classes in this study are divided into S1 (Very Suitable), S2 (Fairly Sufficient), S3 (Slightly Suited), and N (Not Sufficient) for the suitability of general ecotourism and S1 (Very Sufficient), S2 (Partially Sufficient) and N (Not suitable) for special ecotourism suitability. Also, this study conducted a clustering of special ecotourism (locally), namely Hiking, Tubing, and Camping. Cluster analysis is used to get a complete picture of the condition of the region to support making preliminary policy appropriately and quickly

    Generating the efficient frontier of a class of bicriteria generalized fractional programming

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    In this paper, a particular class of bicriteria maximization problems over a compact polyhedron is considered. The first component of the objective function is the ratio of powers of affine functions and the second one is linear. Several theoretical properties are provided, such as the pseudoconcavity of the first criterium of the objective function, the connectedness and compactness of both the efficient frontier and the set of efficient points. The obtained results allow us to propose a new simplex-like solution method for generating the whole efficient frontier; to better clarify the use of the suggested algorithm, several examples are described and the results of a computational test are presented

    The Role of Working Memory in a Double Span Task

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    Copyright 1999 Psychologica Belgica. Author version of the paper reproduced here with permission from the publisher.This paper introduces a double span task to activate all three components of A. D. Baddeley and G. J. Hitch's (1974) working memory model simultaneously. 40 Ss were presented with sequences of words or pictures which appeared one by one at a different, randomly chosen location on a 4 × 4 grid. Subsequently they were asked for the serial recall of content, location or both. A dual task paradigm was used to investigate the effects of articulatory suppression, visuo-spatial tapping and a central executive suppression task on the three types of recall. In addition to classical interference effects of verbal and visuo-spatial suppression on recall of content and location respectively, a triple dissociation between all three working memory subsystems was found. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved

    Simplex-like sequential methods for a class of generalized fractional programs

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    A sequential method for a class of generalized fractional programming problems is proposed. The considered objective function is the ratio of powers of affine functions and the feasible region is a polyhedron, not necessarily bounded. Theoretical properties of the optimization problem are first established and the maximal domains of pseudoconcavity are characterized. When the objective function is pseudoconcave in the feasible region, the proposed algorithm takes advantage of the nice optimization properties of pseudoconcave functions; the particular structure of the objective function allows to provide a simplex-like algorithm even when the objective function is not pseudoconcave. Computational results validate the nice performance of the proposed algorithm

    Combination Machine Analysis and Design

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    针对大型焊接结构件的焊后加工问题,本文主要探讨双面镗车组合机床的设计问题。从工艺分析入手,对956Ⅱ装载机大型结构件后车架进行加工工艺分析,为确保焊后加工质量与各组件间的形位精度要求,对结构件各部件分清主次,使焊接、加工的基准统一,设计合理的工艺方案,并通过经济可行性分析,确定通过设计组合机床来完成加工任务。 本文重点阐述了工艺方案设计、组合机床设计、工装设计、刀具设计、液压系统设计、PLC控制设计等6个方面,经过分析论证,提出用闲置的两个镗孔车端面动力头与两个机械滑台来完成后车架铰接孔与四个端面的加工,工件用副车架支承架的孔定位,设计可平移微调的工装来确保4个端面的加工余量及相互间的位置尺...According to the problem of large structural part machining after welding, this article mainly discusses how to design two-end boring and turning combination machine tool. Starting with process analysis, this article carrys out machining process analysis for rear frame of Wheel loader Model 956Ⅱ. In order to guarantee machining quality after welding and the geometric precision among different asse...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院自动化系_控制工程学号:X20043103

    Spekulatif Arah Politik Hukum Kepariwisataan Di Indonesia Dari Pengembangan Community Base Tourism

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    Pariwisata merupakan sektor non migas dengan potensi pengembangan yang cukup tinggi bahkan sektor Pariwisata memberikan kontribusi yang besar dalam PDB dan PDRB. Menurut  Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomer 10 tahun 2009 tentang Kepariwisataan dan Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 33 Tahun 2009 tentang Pedoman Pengembangan Ekowisata di Daerah disebutkan pentingnya keikutsertaan masyarakat dalam pengembangan wisata. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka kajian ini bertujuan untuk; 1). Mengkaji arah politik hukum kepariwisataan di Indonesia, 2). Memetakan lingkungan internal dan external pengembangan Community Base Tourism (CBT), dan 3). Menyusun hipotesis spekulatif terkait strategi pengembangan CBT. Kajian ini bersumber dari data skunder yang berasal dari buku dan publikasi terkait Politik Hukum Kepariwisataan dan Pengembangan CBT. Analisis yang digunakan adalah matrik Manajemen Strategi; EFAS/IFAS dan Garnd Matriks. Hasil kajian diharapkan padat menjadi payung bagi penelitian terkait pengembangan CBT dalam perspektif Politik Hukum

    Dissecting structural and nucleotide genome-wide variation in inbred Iberian pigs

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    In contrast to international pig breeds, the Iberian breed has not been admixed with Asian germplasm. This makes it an important model to study both domestication and relevance of Asian genes in the pig. Besides, Iberian pigs exhibit high meat quality as well as appetite and propensity to obesity. Here we provide a genome wide analysis of nucleotide and structural diversity in a reduced representation library from a pool (n=9 sows) and shotgun genomic sequence from a single sow of the highly inbred Guadyerbas strain. In the pool, we applied newly developed tools to account for the peculiarities of these data. A total of 254,106 SNPs in the pool (79.6 Mb covered) and 643,783 in the Guadyerbas sow (1.47 Gb covered) were called. The nucleotide diversity (1.31x10 -3 per bp in autosomes) is very similar to that reported in wild boar. A much lower than expected diversity in the X chromosome was confirmed (1.79x10 -4 per bp in the individual and 5.83x10 -4 per bp in the pool). A strong (0.70) correlation between recombination and variability was observed, but not with gene density or GC content. Multicopy regions affected about 4% of annotated pig genes in their entirety, and 2% of the genes partially. Genes within the lowest variability windows comprised interferon genes and, in chromosome X, genes involved in behavior like HTR2C or MCEP2. A modified Hudson-Kreitman-Aguadé test for pools also indicated an accelerated evolution in genes involved in behavior, as well as in spermatogenesis and in lipid metabolism. This work illustrates the strength of current sequencing technologies to picture a comprehensive landscape of variability in livestock species, and to pinpoint regions containing genes potentially under selection. Among those genes, we report genes involved in behavior, including feeding behavior, and lipid metabolism. The pig X chromosome is an outlier in terms of nucleotide diversity, which suggests selective constraints. Our data further confirm the importance of structural variation in the species, including Iberian pigs, and allowed us to identify new paralogs for known gene families