1,270 research outputs found

    Puesta en valor de la ínsula I del Molinete (Barrio del Foro Romano): objetivos, criterios y resultados

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    En las siguientes páginas se expone la última fase del proyecto museológico desarrollado en la insula I del Molinete (Cartagena, Murcia) desde que se iniciaron las excavaciones arqueológicas en 2008. Esta intervención ha supuesto la apertura al público del centro de interpretación denominado Barrio del Foro Romano , donde se integran dos edificios alusivos a la vida cotidiana del siglo I, con un singular estado de conservación

    Sociotropy, Autonomy and Emotional Symptoms in Patients with Major Depression or Generalized Anxiety: The Mediating Role of Rumination and Immature Defenses

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    The relationships between dimensions of personality (sociotropy and autonomy), coping strategies (rumination: brooding and reflection subtypes, and immature defenses) and symptoms of depression and anxiety were explored in patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). A total of 279 patients completed questionnaires including measures of personality dimensions, rumination, immature defenses, depression and anxiety. Our findings suggested that sociotropy and autonomy may be associated with both depressive and anxious symptoms in patients with MDD and with GAD. Multiple mediation analyses indicated that brooding always acted as a mediating link between personality vulnerabilities (sociotropy and autonomy) and depressive and anxiety symptoms, independently of the patient group. In addition, in patients with MDD and those with GAD, brooding and immature defenses functioned together by linking sociotropy and autonomy, respectively, with depressive symptoms. Our results also showed that, in patients with GAD, both types of rumination explained the relationship between sociotropy and autonomy and anxiety symptoms. Overall, our findings provided evidence of the transdiagnostic role of the brooding, linking the vulnerability of personality dimensions and emotional symptoms. They also indicated that reflection and immature defenses can operate in conjunction with brooding, depending on the type of vulnerability and emotional contextS

    A story under construction: Cartagena's defences in Antiquity. Recent news-novelties about the Roman Republican city wall

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    Las excavaciones arqueológicas acometidas entre 2010 y 2011 en la cima del cerro del Molinete, en Cartagena (Murcia, España) (Carthago Nova, Hispania Citerior), han permitido conocer parte de una estructura de arquitectónica longitudinal integrada por dos lienzos paralelos con compartimentos internos construidos con muros dispuestos transversalmente a modo de tirantes. Desde la óptica arquitectónica, corresponde a una muralla de cajones o de casamatas, que tipológicamente remite a modelos de tradición fenicio-púnica bien constatados en ámbito grecohelenístico y en la península Ibérica desde el siglo VIII a.C. Los contextos cerámicos asociados a la estructura permiten fecharla en la primera mitad o mediados del siglo del II a.C. Debe tratarse, así pues, de parte de la muralla que, destinada a defender la ciudad y su acrópolis por su flanco norte, fue construida en el contexto de su primera fase de monumentalización urbanística y arquitectónica.The archaeological excavations carried out on the summit of cerro del Molinete, Cartagena (Carthago Nova, Hispania Citerior), between 2010 and 2011, have partially uncovered a lengthy structure formed by two parallel, longitudinal walls; these are linked by a number of transversal walls, which form several internal spaces between them. From an architectural point of view, this ‘casemate wall’ is typologically related to a Phoenician tradition well known in the Greek-Hellenistic world and present in the Iberian Peninsula from the 8th century BC. The pottery associated with the structure suggests a date in the first half of or in the mid-2nd century BC. This new structure must therefore be the wall built to defend city and acropolis from the north during the earliest urban and architectonic monumentalisation process to be carried out in the city

    Nurses' sleep quality, work environment and quality of care in the Spanish National Health System: observational study among different shifts

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    OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the characteristics of nurses' work environments in hospitals in the Spanish National Health System (SNHS) with nurse reported quality of care, and how care was provided by using different shifts schemes. The study also examined the relationship between job satisfaction, burnout, sleep quality and daytime drowsiness of nurses and shift work. METHODS: This was a multicentre, observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study, centred on a self-administered questionnaire. The study was conducted in seven SNHS hospitals of different sizes. We recruited 635 registered nurses who worked on day, night and rotational shifts on surgical, medical and critical care units. Their average age was 41.1 years, their average work experience was 16.4 years and 90% worked full time. A descriptive and bivariate analysis was carried out to study the relationship between work environment, quality and safety care, and sleep quality of nurses working different shift patterns. RESULTS: 65.4% (410) of nurses worked on a rotating shift. The Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index classification ranked 20% (95) as favourable, showing differences in nurse manager ability, leadership and support between shifts (p=0.003). 46.6% (286) were sure that patients could manage their self-care after discharge, but there were differences between shifts (p=0.035). 33.1% (201) agreed with information being lost in the shift change, showing differences between shifts (p=0.002). The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index reflected an average of 6.8 (SD 3.39), with differences between shifts (p=0.017). CONCLUSIONS: Nursing requires shift work, and the results showed that the rotating shift was the most common. Rotating shift nurses reported worse perception in organisational and work environmental factors. Rotating and night shift nurses were less confident about patients' competence of self-care after discharge. The most common nursing care omissions reported were related to nursing care plans. For the Global Sleep Quality score, difference were found between day and night shift workers.This study was carried out as part of a project entitled ‘Functioning of the circadian system, working environment, and the organisation of nursing care of hospitals of the National Health System’, financed by the Spanish Health Research Fund (PI 11/00646, Health Ministry), the Ministry of Science and Innovation (SAF2013-49132-C2-1-R) and the Institute of Health Carlos III (RETICEF, RD12/0043/0011, RD12/0043/0006). The project was approved by the Spanish Health Research Fund (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias PI11/00646).S

    Methods and restrictions to increase the volume of resonant rectangular-section haloscopes for detecting dark matter axions

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    Haloscopes are resonant cavities that serve as detectors of dark matter axions when they are immersed in a strong static magnetic field. In order to increase the volume and improve space compatibility with dipole or solenoid magnets for axion searches, various haloscope design techniques for rectangular geometries are discussed in this study. The volume limits of two types of haloscopes are explored: those based on single cavities and those based on multicavities. In both cases, possibilities for increasing the volume of long and/or tall structures are presented. For multicavities, 1D geometries are explored to optimise the space in the magnets. Also, 2D and 3D geometries are introduced as a first step in laying the foundations for the development of these kinds of topologies. The results prove the usefulness of the developed methods, evidencing the ample room for improvement in rectangular haloscope designs nowadays. A factor of three orders of magnitude improvement in volume compared with a single cavity based on the WR-90 standard waveguide is obtained with the design of a long and tall single cavity. Similar procedures have been applied for long and tall multicavities. Experimental measurements are shown for prototypes based on tall multicavities and 2D structures, demonstrating the feasibility of using these types of geometries to increase the volume of real haloscopes.This work was performed within the RADES group. We thank our colleagues for their support. In addition, this work has been funded by the grant PID2019-108122GB-C33, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. JMGB thanks the grant FPI BES-2017-079787, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your future”. Also, this project has received partial funding through the European Research Council under grant ERC-2018-StG-802836 (AxScale)

    Cervical artrosis: effectiveness of a conventional physiotherapic treatment

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    El objetivo de este estudio consiste en valorar la efectividad de un tratamiento de fisioterapia convencional para la cervicoartrosis (microondas, tracción cervical, movilización activa, masaje e higiene postural). Para su realización, se han seleccionado 32 pacientes (26 mujeres y 6 hombres) diagnosticados de cervicoartrosis. Se han valorado factores como el dolor y el balance articular. Tras analizar los resultados, concluimos que el tratamiento planteado es efectivo en la patología de artrosis cervical.Terapia y Rehabilitació

    Chronodisruption and Ambulatory Circadian Monitoring in Cancer Patients: Beyond the Body Clock

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    Purpose of Review: Circadian rhythms impose daily rhythms a remarkable variety of metabolic and physiological functions, such as cell proliferation, inflammation, and DNA damage response. Accumulating epidemiological and genetic evidence indicates that circadian rhythms’ disruption may be linked to cancer. The integration of circadian biology into cancer research may offer new options for increasing cancer treatment effectiveness and would encompass the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of this disease. Recent Findings: In recent years, there has been a significant development and use of multi-modal sensors to monitor physical activity, sleep, and circadian rhythms, allowing, for the very first time, scaling accurate sleep monitoring to epidemiological research linking sleep patterns to disease, and wellness applications providing new potential applications. Summary: This review highlights the role of circadian clock in tumorigenesis, cancer hallmarks and introduces the state-of-the-art in sleep-monitoring technologies, discussing the eventual application of insights in clinical settings and cancer research.publishersversionpublishe

    Educational laws of music in primary schools in Spain in 19th century

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    The revolutions in the Spain of the 19th century affected, as it could not be otherwise, to the educational world. 19th legislative and normative regulations show us that, although the musical education was a thoughtful and matter with legal references about its inclusion in primary or elementary school, failed to materialize, in practice, until a century later. Educational past offered to music an important role in its organization of subjects to impart but as we advance in history, it retracts the presence of musical education, until the nonexistence. This way, all the educational analyses were ignored, from Greek philosophy, they had been granted to music an important power in the formative process of the person. The analysis of the whole documentation and legal educational normative of the XIX century, referring to the elementary school, it does not support any discussion in this respect: Seldom, music was included in the official study plans and, even less, it became a reality, so its practice in the classroom was left to the discretion of the musical knowledge of the teachers and their willing to bring it closer to the scholars. Being faithful to the duality of the romantic spirit, this situation took place during the century that granted more value to the music.Las revoluciones vividas en la España del siglo XIX afectaron, como no podía ser de otra manera, al mundo educativo. La reglamentación y normativa legislativas decimonónicas nos muestran que, aunque la enseñanza musical fue una materia sopesada y con referencias legales acerca de su inclusión en la escuela primaria o elemental, no llegó a materializarse, en la práctica, hasta un siglo después. El pasado educativo ofreció a la música un importante protagonismo en su organización de materias a impartir, pero, según avanzamos en la historia, se repliega la presencia de la enseñanza musical hasta la inexistencia. Así, se ignoraron todos los análisis educativos que, desde la filosofía griega, habían otorgado a la música un importante poder en el proceso formativo de la persona. El análisis de toda la documentación y normativa legal educativa del siglo XIX, referida a la escuela elemental, no admite discusión alguna al respecto: en pocas ocasiones se incluyó la música en los planes de estudio oficiales y, aún menos, se hizo realidad ya que su práctica en las aulas quedó al arbitrio de los conocimientos musicales del maestro y de su voluntad por acercarla a los escolares. Siendo fiel a la dualidad del espíritu romántico, esta situación se produjo durante el siglo que más valor concedió a la música

    Chronodisruption and Ambulatory Circadian Monitoring in Cancer Patients: Beyond the Body Clock.

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    Purpose of Review Circadian rhythms impose daily rhythms a remarkable variety of metabolic and physiological functions, such as cell proliferation, infammation, and DNA damage response. Accumulating epidemiological and genetic evidence indicates that circadian rhythms’ disruption may be linked to cancer. The integration of circadian biology into cancer research may ofer new options for increasing cancer treatment efectiveness and would encompass the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of this disease. Recent Findings In recent years, there has been a signifcant development and use of multi-modal sensors to monitor physical activity, sleep, and circadian rhythms, allowing, for the very frst time, scaling accurate sleep monitoring to epidemiological research linking sleep patterns to disease, and wellness applications providing new potential applications. Summary This review highlights the role of circadian clock in tumorigenesis, cancer hallmarks and introduces the stateof-the-art in sleep-monitoring technologies, discussing the eventual application of insights in clinical settings and cancer research.post-print1077 K

    Educational laws of music in primary schools in Spain in 19th century

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    The revolutions in the Spain of the 19th century affected, as it could not be otherwise, to the educational world. 19th legislative and normative regulations show us that, although the musical education was a thoughtful and matter with legal references about its inclusion in primary or elementary school, failed to materialize, in practice, until a century later. Educational past offered to music an important role in its organization of subjects to impart but as we advance in history, it retracts the presence of musical education, until the nonexistence. This way, all the educational analyses were ignored, from Greek philosophy, they had been granted to music an important power in the formative process of the person. The analysis of the whole documentation and legal educational normative of the XIX century, referring to the elementary school, it does not support any discussion in this respect: Seldom, music was included in the official study plans and, even less, it became a reality, so its practice in the classroom was left to the discretion of the musical knowledge of the teachers and their willing to bring it closer to the scholars. Being faithful to the duality of the romantic spirit, this situation took place during the century that granted more value to the music.Las revoluciones vividas en la España del siglo XIX afectaron, como no podía ser de otra manera, al mundo educativo. La reglamentación y normativa legislativas decimonónicas nos muestran que, aunque la enseñanza musical fue una materia sopesada y con referencias legales acerca de su inclusión en la escuela primaria o elemental, no llegó a materializarse, en la práctica, hasta un siglo después. El pasado educativo ofreció a la música un importante protagonismo en su organización de materias a impartir, pero, según avanzamos en la historia, se repliega la presencia de la enseñanza musical hasta la inexistencia. Así, se ignoraron todos los análisis educativos que, desde la filosofía griega, habían otorgado a la música un importante poder en el proceso formativo de la persona. El análisis de toda la documentación y normativa legal educativa del siglo XIX, referida a la escuela elemental, no admite discusión alguna al respecto: en pocas ocasiones se incluyó la música en los planes de estudio oficiales y, aún menos, se hizo realidad ya que su práctica en las aulas quedó al arbitrio de los conocimientos musicales del maestro y de su voluntad por acercarla a los escolares. Siendo fiel a la dualidad del espíritu romántico, esta situación se produjo durante el siglo que más valor concedió a la música