1,120 research outputs found

    Linked open data to represent multilingual poetry collections : A proposal to solve interoperability issues between poetic repertoires

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    This paper describes the creation of a poetic ontology in order to use it as a basis to link different databases and projects working on metrics and poetry. It has been built on the model of the Spanish digital repertoire ReMetCa, but its aim is to be enlarged and improved in order to fit under every poetic system. The conceptual semantic model, written in OWL, includes classes and metadata from standard ontological models related to humanities fields (such as CIDOC or Dublin Core), and adds specific elements and properties to describe poetic phenomena. Its final objective is to interconnect, reuse and locate data disseminated through poetic repertoires, in order to boost interoperability among them.Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET

    Identification by proximity labeling of novel lipidic and proteinaceous potential partners of the dopamine transporter

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    Dopamine (DA) transporters (DATs) are regulated by trafficking and modulatory processes that probably rely on stable and transient interactions with neighboring proteins and lipids. Using proximity-dependent biotin identification (BioID), we found novel potential partners for DAT, including several membrane proteins, such as the transmembrane chaperone 4F2hc, the proteolipid M6a and a potential membrane receptor for progesterone (PGRMC2). We also detected two cytoplasmic proteins: a component of the Cullin1-dependent ubiquitination machinery termed F-box/LRR-repeat protein 2 (FBXL2), and the enzyme inositol 5-phosphatase 2 (SHIP2). Immunoprecipitation (IP) and immunofluorescence studies confirmed either a physical association or a close spatial proximity between these proteins and DAT. M6a, SHIP2 and the Cullin1 system were shown to increase DAT activity in coexpression experiments, suggesting a functional role for their association. Deeper analysis revealed that M6a, which is enriched in neuronal protrusions (filopodia or dendritic spines), colocalized with DAT in these structures. In addition, the product of SHIP2 enzymatic activity (phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate [PI(3,4)P2]) was tightly associated with DAT, as shown by co-IP and by colocalization of mCherry-DAT with a specific biosensor for this phospholipid. PI(3,4)P2 strongly stimulated transport activity in electrophysiological recordings, and conversely, inhibition of SHIP2 reduced DA uptake in several experimental systems including striatal synaptosomes and the dopaminergic cell line SH-SY5Y. In summary, here we report several potential new partners for DAT and a novel regulatory lipid, which may represent new pharmacological targets for DAT, a pivotal protein in dopaminergic function of the brainOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported by grants from the Spanish MINECO (RTI2018-098712-B-100) and the “Fundación Ramón Areces”, the latter also providing an institutional grant to CBMS

    The role of anionic polysaccharides in the preparation of nanomedicines with anticancer applications.

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    Cancer has become one of the main causes of death in developed countries, and it is expected to be declared as the disease with the highest worldwide morbidity and mortality indexes in the coming decades. Nanomedicine aims to overcome some problems related to this prevalent disease, particularly the lack of efficient diagnostic and therapeutic tools. The most recent scientific advances, which have conducted to a more personalized medicine, were focused on the production of nanocarriers involved into the transport and the delivery of drugs to targeted cells. A wide variety of nanocarriers composed by different materials have been designed for their use as drug delivery systems. Polysaccharides have emerged as very useful biopolymers among all raw materials used in the preparation of these nanoplatforms. They are highly stable, non-toxic and biodegradable molecules, and also present some chemical properties which are very difficult to reproduce using artificial polymers. Anionic polymers, such as hyaluronic acid, heparin or alginate, present some structural and chemical characteristics which make them ideal polymers to prepare nanosystems with anticancer applications. This review will focus on the description of some anionic polysaccharides and the possibilities they offer towards the preparation of nanosystems with applications in cancer treatment and diagnostics.pre-print889 K

    Liderazgo del director y desempeño docente en la institución educativa Mercedes Indacochea del distrito de Barranco, 2012

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general, determinar la relación que existe entre el liderazgo del director y el desempeño docente en la institución educativa Mercedes Indacochea del distrito de Barranco, 2012. La población está conformada por 84 docentes. El muestreo es no probabilístico, considerándose el total de la población, en los cuales se han empleado las variables: liderazgo del director y desempeño docente. El método empleado en la investigación fue el hipotético-deductivo. Esta investigación utilizó para su propósito el diseño no experimental de nivel correlacional de corte transversal pues recogió la información en un período específico, que se desarrolló al aplicar los instrumentos. El cuestionario liderazgo del director estuvo constituido por 27 preguntas en la escala de Likert (Nunca, Casi Nunca, A Veces, Casi Siempre, Siempre) y el cuestionario de desempeño docente estuvo compuesto por 28 preguntas en la escala de Likert (Nunca, Casi Nunca, A Veces, Casi Siempre, Siempre); los cuales brindaron información acerca del liderazgo del director y el desempeño docente, a través de la evaluación de sus distintas dimensiones, cuyos resultados se presentan gráfica y textualmente. La investigación concluye en que existe evidencia para afirmar que el liderazgo del director se relaciona significativamente con el desempeño docente según los docentes de la institución educativa Mercedes Indacochea del distrito de Barranco, 2012; siendo el coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman de 0.740, lo cual representó una alta correlación entre la variables

    Improved antitumor effect of paclitaxel administered in vivo as pH and glutathione-sensitive nanohydrogels.

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    Most antitumor drugs usually affect not only rapidly dividing cells, such as those in tumors, but also highly proliferative cells in normal tissues. This nonspecific drawback could be successfully solved by using nanocarriers as controlled drug delivery systems. In this work, pH and redox-responsive nanohydrogels (NG) based on N-isopropylacrilamide (NIPA), N-hydroxyethyl acrylamide (HEEA) 2-acrylamidoethyl carbamate (2AAECM) and N,N′-cystaminebisacrylamide (CBA) as crosslinker were evaluated as bioreducible paclitaxel (PTX) nanocarriers for improving the accumulation of the drug within the tumor tissue and avoiding its conventional side effects. A single dose of PTX solution, unloaded-NHA 80/15/5CBA NG and PTX-loaded NHA 80/15/5-CBA NG (30 mg/kg PTX equivalent) were subcutaneously injected in female athymic nude mice bearing HeLa human tumor xenografts. PTX-loaded nanohydrogels showed higher antitumor activity than free PTX, as tumor evolution and Ki67 detection demonstrated. Histological tumor images revealed a higher content of defective mitotic figures and apoptotic bodies in PTX- treated tumors than in control or unloaded NG treated tumor samples. Nanohydrogels injection did not change any biochemical blood parameters, which means no liver or kidney damage after NG injection. However, differences in antioxidant defenses in MPS systems (liver, kidney and spleen) were observed among treatments, which may indicate an oxidative stress response after PTX injection.pre-print2904 K

    Formal support of process chain networks using model-driven engineering and Petri nets

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    © Owner/Author | ACM 2019. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in SAC: Symposium on Applied Computing, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3297280.3299752Poster presentado en 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing celebrado en 2019 en Limassol,CyprusBusiness process modelling is an essential activity for competitive enterprises, as it enables documenting, analysing, improving and automating their core processes. Several notations have been proposed, including BPMN, service blueprints or Process Chain Networks (PCNs). These are all graphical, intuitive notations, which are useful for discussion and documentation, but tool support and a formal semantics are required for process analysis. However, tool support is lacking and formal semantics is not available for some commonly used notations among business people, like PCNs. To alleviate this situation, we present a modelling tool for PCNs, and a formal semantics based on Generalized Stochastic Petri nets, which permits analysis. We have realized our approach using Model-driven Engineering, and show its realization within INNoVaServ, a modeling environment for the design of business models and service process operations.Work supported by Spanish MINECO (TIN2014-52129-R) and the region of Madrid (S2013/ICE-3006 and P2018/TCS-4314

    Growth hormone, ghrelin and peptide YY secretion after oral glucose administration in healthy and obese women

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    [Abstract] The mechanism of the altered GH secretion in obesity is unclear. There is evidence that oral glucose (OG) administration initially decreases and subsequently stimulates GH secretion. Ghrelin is a peptide that displays strong growth hormone-releasing activity. Its physiological importance on GH regulation is unclear. Our aim was to study fasting GH concentrations and their response to OG administration in relation with ghrelin secretion in obese and healthy women, in order to elucidate the hypothetical participation of ghrelin on post-oral glucose GH secretion. 36 women were included in the study. After an overnight fast, 75 g of oral glucose was administered; glucose, insulin, ghrelin, and PYY1–36 were obtained at baseline and during 300 min. The area under the curve between 0 and 300 min (AUC) of GH μ/l·min) was lower in obese patients than in controls; 262.5±57.5 vs. 534.9±95.6, p=0.01, for obese and controls respectively. GH peak (μg/l) was lower in obese patients than in controls; 3.7±0.7 vs. 7.1±1.0, p=0.012, for obese and controls, respectively. The AUC of total ghrelin (pg/ml·min) was lower in obese patients than in controls; 233 032±12 641 vs. 333 697±29 877, p=0.004, for the obese patients and controls respectively. PYY1–36 was similar in obese and healthy women after OG. There were significant correlations between the different indices of post-oral glucose GH and ghrelin secretion. These data suggest that ghrelin is a physiological regulator of GH in the post-oral glucose state, and the decreased ghrelin secretion could be one of the mechanisms responsible for the altered GH secretion in obesity.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI051024Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI070413Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI10 / 00088Xunta de Galicia; PS07 / 12Xunta de Galicia; 05PXIC91605PNXunta de Galicia; INCITE08ENA916110E

    Una propuesta de integración del sistema de formularios de bases de datos MYSQL con etiquetado TEI: ReMetCa, Repertorio digital de la métrica medieval castellana

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    ReMetCa, Repertorio Métrico Digital de la Poesía Medieval Castellana (Digital Repertoire on the Metrics of the Medieval Castilian Poetry) is an online, open access metrical repertoire on Medieval Castilian poetry. ReMetCa is a born digital project that gathers poetic testimonies from the 12th century (epics, ballads, cuadernavia, etc.) up to the rich and varied poetic manifestations of the 15th-16th century Castilian Cancioneros. Although metrical studies on Spanish Medieval poetry have been developing fast over the past few years, researchers have not yet created a digital tool to undertake complex searches on the Castilian corpus as it has already been done with other medieval lyrical traditions in Romance languages, such as the Galician-Portuguese (MedDB), French (BedTrouveres, Nouveau Naetebus), Occitan (BedT), or the Medieval poetry in Latin (Pedecerto), just to name a few of them. The project is based on the integration of traditional metrical and poetic studies (rhythm, rhyme patterns, etc.) with Digital Humanities, the tagging systems TEI-XML, and the creation of a database to undertake online simultaneous searches by means of a simple interface created through MySQL. We will explain here our final decision in relation to our database, a hybrid model (relational and XML) that covers our needs when working with our poems. The possibility of adding TEI code (especially its module verse) helped us to work on free complex searches through our schemes (without considering poems or strophes as a whole), and to retrieve the poetic texts related to those metrical or rhymatic schemes.ReMetCa, Repertorio Métrico Digital de la Poesía Medieval Castellana, es el primer repertorio métrico online y de libre acceso para la poesía medieval castellana. ReMetCa es un proyecto métrico born digital que abarca los testimonios poéticos existentes en nuestra lengua desde sus primeras manifestaciones a finales del siglo XII (épica, cuaderna vía, etc.) hasta la riqueza y variedad de formas métricas presentes en la poesía cancioneril de los siglos XV y XVI. A pesar de que los estudios sobre métrica y poesía medieval han merecido cierto interés en los últimas décadas, carecemos de una herramienta de tipo práctico que permita realizar trabajos comparativos, tal y como lo hacen los repertorios métricos digitales de otros corpora poéticos como el gallego-portugués medieval (MedDB2), francés medieval (Nouveau Naetebus), occitano medieval (BedT), o mediolatino (Pedecerto), por nombrar unos pocos. El proyecto está basado en la integración de los conocimientos métricos tradicionales de nuestra poesía (esquemas rítmicos y rimáticos, etc.) con los estándares tecnológicos que se aplican hoy al campo de las Humanidades Digitales: los sistemas de etiquetado TEI-XML combinados con un sistema de formularios MySQL que permiten realizar búsquedas simultáneas online mediante una sencilla interfaz de consulta. Explicaremos la evolución que nos hizo decantarnos por esta opción mixta al no resultar suficiente el sistema de tablas relacionales para cubrir la heterogeneidad formal de nuestro sistema poético. La posibilidad de añadir etiquetado TEI (y especialmente su módulo verse) sobre el texto nos permite, en primer lugar, poder realizar búsquedas mucho más libres a través de los esquemas métricos (sin tener que considerar como unidades cerradas los poemas o las estrofas), así como recuperar los ejemplos textuales vinculados a cada uno de los esquemas métricos o rimáticos, etc

    Building a metrical ontology as a model to link digital poetic repertoires

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    The technology of semantic web seems to be a suitable environment to offer solutions for linking poetic repertoires that belong to different European traditions and literatures (González-Blanco & Sélaf 2013)1. The problem of linking poetic repertoires is not simple, as there are not only technical issues involved, but also conceptual and terminological problems: each repertoire belongs to its own poetical tradition and each tradition has developed its own analytical terminology for years in a different and independent way. The result of this uncoordinated evolution is a bunch of varied terminologies to explain analogous metrical phenomena through the different poetic systems whose correspondences have been hardly studied

    La poesía medieval como objeto de estudio en el siglo XXI: evanescencia y fijación en el medio digital

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    Digital humanities are considered today as an ideal tool to approach Medieval poetry that has been transmitted through different means: orally, in print and through the digital medium. Medieval poetry has consequently occupied a privileged position in academic studies, with new texts to examine such as catalogues, indexes, repositories, databases, etcetera. Also, digitalize-tion enables the use of other tools which are hybrid databases such as the POSDATA project.Las humanidades digitales como una forma de aproximación a la poesía medieval es tema que llama la atención en la actualidad, sobre todo tomando en cuenta que la poesía medieval ha pasado por difusión oral, impresa y digital. La poesía medieval en el medio digital ha ocupado un lugar privilegiado en los estudios académicos, de donde surgen nuevos elementos a estudiar: catálogos, índices, repositorios, bases de datos, etc. Además, la digitalización posibilita el uso de otras herramientas que constituyen bases de datos híbridas que conforman, a su vez, constelaciones. Ejemplo de todo ello es el proyecto POSDATA