104 research outputs found

    El aporte de los influencers en la promoción del turismo nacional post - pandemia, 2022

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    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo Analizar el aporte de los influencers en la promoción del turismo Nacional post pandemia, 2022. La metodología utilizada fue de enfoque cualitativo, tipo básica y diseño fenomenológico, donde los participantes estuvieron conformados por 15 influencers, así mismo el instrumento utilizado fue la guía de entrevista que estuvo conformada por 16 preguntas, las cuales fueron procesadas por el programa Atlas Ti. Los resultados indican que los influencers utilizan la publicidad a través de sus plataformas digitales está siendo mostrada de diversas maneras, por otro lado, no utilizan una marca turística debido a que no tienen conocimiento si el destino maneja su propia marca, referente a las relaciones publicas participan en eventos con la finalidad de poder tener contacto con otros creadores de contenido y poder impulsar el turismo. Se concluye que los influencers si aportan para la promoción turística logrando incentivar a muchos de sus seguidores para que visiten diversos destino


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    Introducción.La pandemia por COVID-19 ha supuesto un reto para el sistema sanitario. El diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento precoz de los pacientes que han sufrido un ictus se ha podido ver afectado por la sobrecarga asistencial producida por el COVID-19 y los retrasos en la atención a pacientes con otras patologías.Objetivos.Evaluación del acceso al tratamiento rehabilitador en pacientes diagnosticados de accidente cerebrovascular agudo y su posible repercusión funcional en situación de pandemia por SARS-Cov-2.Material y Método.Estudio observacional que comparó pacientes ingresados por ACVA del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2019 (N= 217), periodo pre-COVID, y del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2021 (N=349), periodo post-COVID.En el estudio se incluyó todo paciente mayor de 18 años diagnosticado de ACVA en dichos periodos.Variables principales analizadas: Escala mRS (Escala Rankin modificada), Escala NIHSS (National Institutes of HealthStroke Scale), días de hospitalización, tipo de tratamiento Rehabilitador y destino al alta.Resultados.La edad media fue 73.8 años (54.7% varones, 45.3% mujeres). Comparando las variables principales entre ambos periodos, se observó un aumento del tiempo medio para el traslado a otro hospital (5.73 días pre-COVID vs. 7.47 días post-COVID, p=0.048).Durante ambos periodos, aquellos pacientes que recibieron tratamiento rehabilitador presentaron un menor NIHSS al alta hospitalaria (4.43 vs. 5.95,p=0.008), mayor recuperación del NIHSS (3.59 vs 2.60, p=0.019) y más días de hospitalización (12.2 vs 8.53, pConclusiones.A pesar de la pandemia, no se han visto diferencias significativas entre periodos respecto al acceso a tratamiento rehabilitador, tiempo de ingreso nipronóstico. Es necesario continuar con una valoración y tratamiento precoz de pacientes afectos de ACVA para minimizar déficits funcionales.<br /

    Study of forge slags from the Roman site of Forua (Bizkaia)

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    The archaeological site of Forua (Bizkaia) corresponds to an iron production centre of the Roman period (1st–3rd centuries AD). The distribution of the workshops joint to the type of slags indicates that correspond to a set of forging furnaces. The micro-textural and mineralogical features of the studied materials allow us to differentiate three groups, two of them correspond to forge slags, while the other group represents the ore mineral. These two types of slag indicate different stages in the production of iron from ferriferous spongeEl yacimiento arqueológico de Forua (Bizkaia) corresponde a un centro de producción de hierro en época romana (s. I–III). La distribución de los talleres junto con el tipo de restos encontrados indican que se trata de un conjunto de hornos de forja. Las características mineralógicas y microtexturales de los materiales ferruginosos estudiados permiten diferenciar tres grupos, dos de ellos corresponden a escorias de forja, mientras que el otro representa la mena de hierro. Los dos tipos de escorias indican estadios diferentes en la obtención del hierro a partir de la esponja ferrífer

    Improved RA classification among early arthritis patients with the concordant presence of three RA autoantibodies: Analysis in two early arthritis clinics

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    Background: The patients with RA benefit from early identification soon after the first clinical symptoms appear. The 2010 ACR/EULAR classification criteria were developed to fulfill this need and their application has been demonstrated to be effective. However, there is still room for improvement. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the potential of the concordant presence of RF, anti-CCP and anti-carbamylated protein antibodies to improve current RA classification among early arthritis (EA) patients. Methods: Data from the first visit of 1057 patients in two EA prospective cohorts were used. The serological scores from the 2010 ACR/EULAR criteria and the concordant presence of the three RA autoantibodies were assessed relative to a gold standard consisting of the RA classification with the 1987 ACR criteria at the 2 years of follow-up. Results: The concordant presence of three antibodies showed predictive characteristics allowing for direct classification as RA (positive predictive value = 96.1% and OR = 80.9). They were significantly better than the corresponding to the high antibody titers defined as in the 2010 classification criteria (PPV = 88.8%, OR = 26.1). In addition, the concordant presence of two antibodies was also very informative (PPV = 82.3%, OR = 15.1). These results allowed devising a scoring system based only on antibody concordance that displayed similar overall performance as the serological scoring system of the 2010 criteria. However, the best classification was obtained combining the concordance and 2010 serological systems, a combination with a significant contribution from each of the two systems. Discussion: The concordant presence of RA autoantibodies showed an independent contribution to the classification of EA patients that permitted increased discrimination and precision.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain) through grants [PI17/01606 and RD16/0012/0014 to AG; RD16/0012/0011 to IG-A and RD16/0012/0012 to AB]. These grants are partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the EU (FEDER). CR was supported by Ministerio de Educacion Cultura y Deporte (Spain) through a FPU pre-doctoral fellowship [FPU15/03434]. LR-M was supported by a Xunta de Galicia predoctoral contract

    Consumo de SPA en adolescentes judicializados bajo el sistema de responsabilidad penal entre 2009-2010 en Calarcá–Quindío

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    Objetivo: caracterizar el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en adolescentes judicializados bajo el Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal entre 2009 y 2010 pertenecientes a una fundación de rehabilitación de Calarcá, Quindío. Métodos: se sistematizaron las historias psicosociales de los 66 adolescentes institucionalizados y posteriormente se llevó a cabo un análisis descriptivo de las variables. Resultados: se encontró mayor prevalencia del género masculino con un 97%, la edad promedio de inicio de consumo de SPA fue 12,8 años, el 30% ingresaron por fabricación, tráfico o porte de estupefacientes, el 21% pertenece a una familia extensa, el 18% iniciaron el consumo con marihuana. Conclusiones: teniendo en cuenta que se ha encontrado que el consumo de SPA y las conductas delictivas suelen darse a edades muy tempranas y la importancia de algunas dinámicas familiares que actúan como factor de riesgo. Se evidencia la necesidad de crear programas de apoyo en el que tanto adolescentes como familias se vean involucrados

    Innovación y sustentabilidad empresarial en turismo. Una revisión sistemática de literatura

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    Artículo de revisión de literaturaLas empresas se enfrentan al desafío de innovar, ya que el entorno competitivo se caracteriza por constantes y repentinos cambios. Objetivo. Analizar el estado de la cuestión sobre la innovación y la sustentabilidad empresarial, con la finalidad de que revele su relación y los patrones interpretables de investigación. Metodología. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de artículos científicos localizados en la base de datos Scopus entre 2016-2021, identificando 59 documentos relevantes. Resultados. El análisis temático expone que las contribuciones se concentran en cinco grandes líneas de investigación, a saber: capacidad de innovación empresarial; innovación para modelos de negocio sustentables; innovación orientada a la sustentabilidad; innovación y sustentabilidad empresarial orientada al turismo e innovación y sustentabilidad en tiempos de pandemia. Conclusiones. La mayoría de los artículos atienden a las dos primeras líneas de investigación; además conciben a la sustentabilidad desde las esferas social, ambiental y económica. Asimismo, se identifica que los estudios en el contexto turístico son escasos.CONACY

    Mineralogical Characterization of Slags from the Oiola Site (Biscay, Spain) to Assess the Development in Bloomery Iron Smelting Technology from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages

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    The Oiola archeological site, located in the mining complex of La Arboleda (Biscay, North Spain)was an important iron smelting center from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages and even in more current times (19th–20th centuries). Tap-slags and some plano-convex slags were identified as smelting slags. Samples were analyzed by optical microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy coupled with electron-dispersive spectroscopy and Raman microspectroscopy to perform a mineralogical and textural characterization. Additionally, thermogravimetric and thermodiffraction analyses were carried out to determine furnace operating temperatures. The mineral assemblage reflects furnace temperatures and cooling rates and the addition of quartz as the main flux to decrease the melting temperature of the iron ore. The comparison of slags from the Roman Period and the Middle Age reveals changes in the pyrometallurgical process through time.H.P.-B. would like to thank the PRE-2019-2-0138 PhD research grant of the Basque Country Government and the SGIker service at the University of the Basque Countr

    The Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Clinical Application of Evidence-Based Practice in Health Science Professionals

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    (1) Background: Evidence-based practice (EBP) informs daily clinical interventions with the purpose of seeking changes to traditional practice through scientific evidence that justifies the reasons for our actions. The objectives were to describe the barriers, beliefs, and attitudes in the application of EBP among university health professionals (not doctors) and to evaluate the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic among them. (2) Methods: This prospective study is both descriptive and observational. The individuals under study were university health professionals (not doctors) from various autonomous regions within Spain, in both public and private spheres. Sociodemographic and labor-related variables linked to the research and its completion were studied. Likewise, the survey instrument Health Sciences Evidence-Based Practice questionnaire (HS-EBP) was administered to evaluate the barriers to, beliefs in, and attitudes towards evidence-based practice. (3) Results: A total of 716 responses were gathered, of which 387 were collected during the period of confinement, and 343 in the COVID-19 post-confinement period. Possible associations that might help respond to the objectives were explored through a correlational study between the sociodemographic variables and each sub-scale of the HS-EBP 30 questionnaire (n = 716). (4) Conclusions: Barriers to, beliefs in, and attitudes towards evidence-based practice are described. There is a leadership gap where line management provides insufficient motivation to follow work routines. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused immense stress among health professionals. The post-confinement group showed a significant change in the variables "beliefs and attitudes", and likewise in the "evaluation" block, justified by the need to update knowledge and to apply evidence.This project has been financed with the help of IDIVAL, Project number NVAL 19/04 through the Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute, IDIVAL, Spain

    Satisfaction Level of Engineering Students in Face-to-Face and Online Modalities under COVID-19—Case: School of Engineering of the University of León, Spain

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    [EN] University education in times of COVID-19 was forced to seek alternative teaching/learning methods to the traditional ones, having to abruptly migrate to the online modality, changes that have repercussions on student satisfaction. That is why this study aims to compare the level of student satisfaction in face-to-face and “forced” online modalities under COVID-19. A quantitative, cross-sectional methodology was applied to two groups of students: Under a face-to-face modality (n = 116) and under an online modality (n = 120), to which a questionnaire was applied under a Likert scale, with four dimensions: Course design structure, content, resources, and instructor. Non-parametric statistics, specifically the Mann–Whitney U-test, were used to compare the groups. The results showed that there are significant differences in the level of satisfaction of students in the face-to-face and online “forced” modalities (p = 0.01984 < 0.05), and the dimensions of the level of satisfaction that presented significant differences were course design structure (p = 0.04523 < 0.05) and content (p = 0.00841 < 0.05). The research shows that students in the face-to-face modality express a higher level of satisfaction, which is reflected in the dimension design structure of the course, specifically in its workload indicator, as well as in the dimension content, in its indicators, overlapping with other courses and materials.S

    Design of 3D Scaffolds for Hard Tissue Engineering: From Apatites to Silicon Mesoporous Materials

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    Advanced bioceramics for bone regeneration constitutes one of the pivotal interest in the multidisciplinar and far-sighted scientific trajectory of Prof. Vallet Regí. The different pathologies that affect osseous tissue substitution are considered to be one of the most important challenges from the health, social and economic point of view. 3D scaffolds based on bioceramics that mimic the composition, environment, microstructure and pore architecture of hard tissues is a consoli16 dated response to such concerns. This review describes not only the different types of materials utilized: from apatites-type to silicon mesoporous materials, but also the fabrication techniques employed to design and adequate microstructure, a hierarchical porosity (from nano to macro scale), a cell-friendly surface; the inclusion of different type of biomolecules, drugs or cells