7,602 research outputs found

    The Spontaneous Video and its Impact on the Digital Press

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    Most of us now have instant access mobile phones with integrated cameras so we are able to record an unplanned video at any time and place within a matter of seconds. Modern technology has provided us with the ability to create spontaneous videos. Spontaneous videos are a new way of portraying our society and communicating events and, by means of the internet and web 2.0 applications, they have the potential to reach every corner of the globe, form an integral part of mass media news reports, and influence public opinion. This study establishes the basis for identifying and understanding the spontaneous video, analysing its application in video activism and citizen journalism, and investigating its impact on the digital press. To this end, we have analysed spontaneous videos created and shared online by IES Lluís Vives students in Valencia on the 15th of February, 2012. Students held a protest on this date against education cuts carried out by the Valencian Community government in Spain. The resulting spontaneous videos had a great impact on the media and were reported by Spanish digital newspapers including El País, El Mundo, La Razón, ABC and Público.El hecho de transportar continuamente un teléfono móvil con cámara de vídeo integrada ofrece la posibilidad de grabar en vídeo de forma espontánea, en pocos segundos, sin planificación previa, en todo momento y lugar, cualquier acontecimiento. El vídeo espontáneo se muestra como una nueva forma de retratar nuestra sociedad y comunicar un suceso que, a través de Internet y la Web 2.0, se puede distribuir por cualquier rincón del planeta, puede llegar a formar parte de una noticia de medios de comunicación convencionales e influir en la opinión pública. Este trabajo establece las bases para identificar y comprender el vídeo espontáneo, trata su aplicación en el videoactivismo y el periodismo ciudadano, y estudia su impacto en la prensa digital. Para ello, se analizaron los vídeos espontáneos creados y difundidos en Internet por estudiantes del IES Lluís Vives de Valencia, el 15 de febrero de 2012, que se manifestaron en contra de los recortes en educación realizados por el gobierno de la Comunidad Valenciana (España). Los vídeos espontáneos resultantes generaron un importante impacto mediático y algunos de ellos formaron parte de noticias digitales de periódicos españoles como El País, El Mundo, La Razón, ABC y Público

    Creeping and structural effects in Faradaic artificial muscles

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    Reliable polymeric motors are required for the construction of rising accurate robots for surgeon assistance. Artificial muscles based on the electrochemistry of conducting polymers fulfil most of the required characteristics, except the presence of creeping effects during actuation. To avoid it, or to control it, a deeper knowledge of its physicochemical origin is required. With this aim here bending bilayer tape/PPy-DBSH (Polypyrrole-dodecylbenzylsulphonic acid) full polymeric artificial muscles were cycled between −2.5 and 1 V in aqueous solutions with parallel video recording of the described angular movement. Coulo-voltammetric (charge-potential, QE), dynamo-voltammetric (angle-potential, αE), and coulo-dynamic (charge-angle, Qα) muscular responses corroborate that 10 % of the charge is consumed by irreversible reactions overlapping the polymer reduction at the most cathodic potentials. In parallel, the range of the bending angular movement (145°) shifts by 15° per cycle (creeping effect) pointing to the irreversible charge as possible origin of the irreversible swelling of the PPy-DBS film. Different slopes in the closed loop part of the QE identify the different reaction driven structural processes in the film: oxidation-shrinking, oxidation compaction, reduction-relaxation, reduction-swelling, and reduction-vesicle’s formation. Despite the irreversible charge fraction, the muscle motor keeps a Faradaic behaviour: described angles are linear functions of the consumed charge in the full potential range

    Corales tabulados del Ordovícico (Caradoc) de la Precordillera Argentina.

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    En este estudio se describen por primera vez dos corales tabulados del Ordovícico de la Precordillera Argentina. Se trata de un ejemplar asignado a aff. Paleofavosites sp., procedente de la formación Las Aguaditas y otro clasificado como ?Billingsaria sp., procedente de la Formación Las Plantas, ambos del Caradoc. La escasez del material y detalles problemáticos de su microestructura en el primero de los casos y la mala preservación en el segundo impiden llegar a determinaciones taxonómicas más precisas. [ABSTRACT] This study deals with the description of two Ordovician tabulate corals from Argentine Precordillera. This is the first description of Ordovician tabulate corals in Argentina. They are one specimen of aff. Paleofavosites sp., from the Las Aguaditas Formation and another specimen of ?Billingsaria sp., from the Las Plantas Formation, both Caradoc in age. The scarcity of the material and problematic microstructural details in the first case and the bad preservation of the specimen in the second case impede more precise identifications

    Structural Electrochemistry from Freestanding Polypyrrole Films: Full Hydrogen Inhibition from Aqueous Solutions

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    Free-standing polypyrrole films, being the metal–polymer contact located several millimeters outside the electrolyte, give stationary closed coulovoltammetric (charge/potential) loop responses to consecutive potential sweeps from –2.50 V to 0.65 V in aqueous solutions. The continuous and closed charge evolution corroborates the presence of reversible film reactions (electroactivity), together high electronic and ionic conductivities in the full potential range. The closed charge loop demonstrates that the irreversible hydrogen evolution is fully inhibited from aqueous solutions of different salts up to –2.5 V vs Ag/AgCl. The morphology of the closed charge loops shows abrupt slope changes corresponding to the four basic components of the structural electrochemistry for a 3D electroactive gel: reduction-shrinking, reduction-compaction, oxidation-relaxation, and oxidation-swelling. Freestanding films of conducting polymers behave as 3D gel electrodes (reactors) at the chain level, where reversible electrochemical reactions drive structural conformational and macroscopic (volume variation) changes. Very slow hydrogen evolution is revealed by coulovoltammetric responses at more cathodic potentials than –1.1 V from strong acid solutions, or in neutral salts self-supported blend films of polypyrrole with large organic acids. Conducting polymers overcome graphite, mercury, lead, diamond, or carbon electrodes as hydrogen inhibitors, and can compete with them for some electro-analytical and electrochemical applications in aqueous solutions

    Granito de O Corqueizo, arido triturado para hormigones

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    [Resumen] Hoy el hormigón es un material imprescindible en la construcción de viviendas y obras públicas. Los áridos representan aproximadamente el 80% de su masa. Habrán de ser resistentes, estables y duraderos. No reaccionar con el agua intersticia saturada en iones calcio y fuertemente concentrada en iones potasio y sodio disuelto durante la hidratación del cemento y que permanece ocluida en los poros del hormigón. Resistir a la acción agresiva de los agentes externos (eventuales aguas con sulfatos y cloruros, heladas, oxidación y carbonatación). Por razones de economía conviene extraerlos en la proximidad del lugar en que se apliquen. D. Isidro Parga, ya en su "Mapa Petrográfico Estructural de Galicia", año 1.963, en las cercanías de Lugo -ocupando aproximadamente el 20% de las cuadrículas 73 y 98 (unos 200 Km2.)- describe una gran formación de roca granítica que clasifica como granitos de biotita. Siguiendo metodos establecidos por las normas españolas y ASTM, hemos estudiado los áridos obtenidos al triturar a escala industrial en la cantera de O Carqueixo, el granito de biotita de esta procedencia y determinamos sus principales propiedades. Describimos las operaciones de extracción y reducción de tamaño. Resumimos las realizaciones práctiyas en 17 años de aplicación. En la proximidad de Lucus Augusti, se dispone de material de calidad para realizar obras duraderas.[Résumé] Actuellement le béton est un matériel indispensable pour la construction de longements et pour les traveaux publiques. Les agrégats représententenviron le 80% de sa masse. lIs devront etre resistants,stIDles et durables; me pas réagir avec l'eau interstitielle saturée d'ions de calcium et fortement concentrée d'ions de potassium et solium disouts pendat l'hidratation du ciment et qui reste occluse dans les pores du béton. lIs devront etre résistants a l'action ~sive des agents extérieurs (éventuellement de l'eau contenant des sulfates et des chlorures, des gelées, l'oxydation et la carbonatation). Pour des raisons ~'économie, il convient de les extraire a proximité de l'endroit ou l'on veut les employer. En 1963, M. Isidro Parga décrivait déja dans sa "Carte Pétrographique Structurale de la Galice", une grande formations de roches granitiques, qu'il clasifie comme des granites a biotite, située a proximité de Lugo et cruvrant a peu prés le 20% des quadrillages 73 et 98 (quelques 200 Km2.). Employant des méthodes établies dans les normes espaynoles et ASTM, nous avons étudié les agrégats obtenus en triturant a échelle industrielle, dans les carieres du Carqueixo, le granite de biotite, dontnous venons de parler, et nous déterminons leurs prmciplles propriétés. Nous décrivons le processus d'extraction et de réduction de taille. Nous résumons les realisations pratiques de 17 ans d'application. Pas loin de Lucus Augusti on dispose du matériel de qualité nécessaire a la réalisation d'ouvrages durables

    Occurrence and speciation of copper in slags obtained during the pyrometallurgical processing of chalcopyrite concentrates at the Huelva smelter (Spain)

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    Slags involved in smelting-converting-refining operations to produce blister copper at the Atlantic Copper smelter, in Huelva (Spain), have been investigated by quantitative electron microprobe analysis, X-ray diffraction and digital imaging techniques. The results showed that mechanically entrapped matte particles are the dominant copper losses in the slags. The largest proportion of Cubearing particles (2.0-3.5 vol %) is present in the magnetite-rich converter slags, due to the negative effect of viscosity on coalescence and precipitation of copper matte during conversion. They consist of high-grade matte particles with a core of copper metal rimmed by a copper sulfide phase (Cu2S). The mechanical entrainment of copper matte by slags from both the flash and electric furnaces resulted in copper losses accounting for less than 1.5 vol %, mostly occurring as tiny particles with a stoichiometric composition close to that of bornite (Cu5FeS4). Copper was not found to be enriched in fayalite and magnetite as solid solution

    Utility of Masson’s Trichrome Stain in the Quantification of Mean Vascular Density in Normal Oral Mucosa, Epithelial Dysplasia and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo.El objetivo de este estudio fue valuar la utilidad del uso de la tinción de Tricrómico de Masson (TM) en la cuantificación de la densidad media vascular (DMV) en Mucosa Oral Normal (MON), Displasia Epitelial Oral (DEO) y Carcinoma Oral de Células Escamosas (COCE). Estudio descriptivo de serie de casos. Se analizaron 17 muestras de MON, 15 muestras de DEO y 16 de COCE, teñidas con TM. Para determinar su utilidad, se compararon con las mismas muestras analizadas con técnica de inmunohistoquímica contra CD31. La cuantificación de la DMV se realizó en las 3 áreas de mayor vascularización de cada muestra. Se determinó la DMV según diagnóstico mediante la tinción TM e inmunohistoquímica contra CD31, y se calculó la correlación entre ambos. La DMV cuantificada con TM y contra CD31 difiere según el diagnóstico, observándose un aumento de la DMV al malignizarse el diagnóstico. No se encontraron diferencias al comparar la DMV cuantificada con TM y contra CD31. La correlación de la DMV analizado por TM y contra CD31 es significativa y moderada. La cuantificación de vasos sanguíneos es posible mediante la tinción de TM en muestras de MON, DEO y COCE, con una correlación moderada con la inmunohistoquímica contra CD31.The objective of this study was to evaluate the utility of Masson's Trichrome (TM) staining in the quantification of the mean vascular density (DMV) in samples of normal oral mucosa (MON), oral epithelial dysplasia (ODE) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (COCE). The design - a descriptive study of case series. We analyzed 17 samples of MON, 15 samples of DEO and 16 samples of COCE, stained with TM. To determine usefulness, we compared and analyzed the same samples, either stained with TM or with immunohistochemical technique against CD31. Quantification of the DMV was performed in the 3 areas of greatest vascularization in each sample. DMV was determined according to diagnosis by TM staining and immunohistochemistry against CD31, and the correlation between the two was then calculated. DMV quantified with TM and against CD31 differs according to the diagnosis, with an increase in DMV upon malignant diagnosis. No differences were found when comparing DMV quantified with TM and against CD31. The correlation of the DMV analyzed by TM and against CD31 is significant and moderate. Quantification of blood vessels is possible by TM staining in samples of MON, DEO and COCE. TM staining is moderately correlated with immunohistochemistry against CD31.https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-95022017000401576&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=e

    Self-aware trader: a new approach to safer trading

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    Traders are required to work in the financial market with highly complex information and to perform efficiently under high levels of psychological pressure. Multiple disciplines, from programs with artificial intelligence to complex mathematical functions, are used to help traders in their effort to maximize profits. However, an essential problem not yet considered in this rapidly evolving environment is that traders are not supported to adequately manage how stress influences their decisions. This paper takes into consideration the negative influences of stress on individuals and proposes a system designed to support traders by providing them with information that can reduce the likelihood of poor decision-making. The system has been designed considering both technical and physiological aspects to make information available in a suitable way. Biometric sensors are used to collect data associated with stress, a software platform then analyses this information and displays it to the trader. The resulting system is capable of making individual traders, as well as teams of traders, self-aware of their levels of stress. The system has been tested in real environments and the results provide evidence that self-aware traders benefit from the system by reducing risky decision-making