77 research outputs found

    Characterization and anaerobic digestion of waters from washing of virgin olive oil

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    Se ha efectuado la caracterización y un estudio cinético del proceso de digestión anaerobia de las aguas residuales obtenidas en el lavado del aceite de oliva virgen. El equipo experimental consta de un biorreactor de mezcla completa de 1 litro de volumen y opera a 35 °C con una concentración de biomasa de 10.8 g SSV/L inmovilizada sobre sepiolita. El biorrector opera de modo satisfactorio en un rango de 5.0 a 1.1 días de tiempo de retención hidráulico, eliminando en todos los casos más del 92% de la DQO inicial. Se comprueba el modelo cinético propuesto por Guiot y con el auxilio del mismo se determinan los parámetros macroenergéticos de este sistema: Y = 0.006 (g SSV/g DQO), coeficientes de rendimiento verdadero para la biomasa y m = 0.072 (g DQO/g SSV • día), velocidad específica de consumo de sustrato para el mantenimiento celular. Los datos experimentales obtenidos indican que la velocidad de consumo de sustrato Rs (g DQO/día • g SSV) se correlaciona con la concentración de sustrato biodegradable, Sb (g DQO/L), mediante una ecuación tipo Michaelis-Menten.A characterization and kinetic study of the anaerobic digestion of waters from washing of virgin olive oil were carried out. The experimental setup used consisted of a 1 -litre thorough mixing bioreactor that was operated at 35 °C and loaded with sepiolite-immobilized biomass at a concentration of 10.8 g VSS/L. The bioreactor worked satisfactorily for a hydraulic retention time of 1.1 to 5.0 days and eliminated more than 92% of the initial COD in all instances. Guiot's kinetic model was used to determine the macroenergetic parameters of the system, which was found to have a true yield coefficient for the biomass Y = 0.006 g VSS/g COD and a specific rate of substrate uptake for cell maintenance m = 0.072 g COD/g VSS • day. According to the experimental results obtained, the rate of substrate uptake, Rs (g COD/g VSS • day), was correlated with the concentration of biodegradable substrate, Sb (g COD/L), through an equation of the Michaelis- Menten type

    High-Resolution Optical Thickness Measurement Based on Electro-Optic Dual-Optical Frequency Comb Sources

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    We propose an optical thickness measurement device based on electro-optic dual-optical frequency combs (dual-OFCs). Optical frequency combs (OFCs) are light sources that provide an optical signal consisting of many equidistant monochromatic tones. In this paper, we present an agile dual-OFC architecture with adjustable frequency separation of the comb modes and total frequency span, allowing high-resolution measurements of the thickness of transparent thick samples. This architecture is based on a single continuous-wave laser diode and external electro-optic devices to implement the dual-comb sensor, allowing easy control of the optical spectrum of the interrogation source (dual-OFC). As it is characteristic of dual-OFC systems, the optical transmittance function of the sample (etalon) is directly translated to the radiofrequency domain, where detection, demodulation, and processing of signals are performed. The shift in the complexity of implementation from the optical to the electronic domain yields many advantages, as acquisition and signal processing are made independently on the optical characteristics of the sample (thickness).This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the RTC-2015-4205-4 Salicar and TEC-2014-52147-R Mossi grants

    Spatial distribution of economic activities in heritage cities: The case of the historic city of Toledo, Spain

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    [EN] This paper presents the initial results of an ongoing research on the spatial distribution of economic activities in Spanish heritage cities. The study investigate the influence of spatial accessibility and proximity to monuments on the location of businesses in the historic city of Toledo. The research includes two surveys of the entrnaces to monuments and ground florr businesses within the old town, and uses space syntax techniques and tools to determine spatial accessibility. Then, a GIS model of the street segments of the city registers this monuments have a significant impact on the distribution of business in the old town and investigates further to understand and quantify this effect. however, it does not find strong correlations between the considered variables nor a suitable model to explain the differences in business intensity across the street segments within the historic city of Toeldo.This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the project Tejidos históricos, paisaje urbanos y movilidad. Análisis y propuestas de regeneración de áreas de borde, espacios públicos y ejes viarios (CSO2015-63815-R).Ruiz-Apilánez, B.; Solís, E.; García-Camacha, I.; Romero De Ávila, V.; Alía, C.; Martín, R. (2018). Spatial distribution of economic activities in heritage cities: The case of the historic city of Toledo, Spain. En 24th ISUF International Conference. Book of Papers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 221-230. https://doi.org/10.4995/ISUF2017.2017.5164OCS22123

    Caracterización y digestión anaerobia de las aguas de lavado del aceite de oliva virgen

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    A characterization and kinetic study of the anaerobic digestion of waters from washing of virgin olive oil were carried out. The experimental setup used consisted of a 1;litre thorough mixing bioreactor that was operated at 35 °C and loaded with sepiolite-immobilized biomass at a concentration of 10.8 g VSS/L. The bioreactor worked satisfactorily for a hydraulic retention time of 1.1 to 5.0 days and eliminated more than 92% of the initial COD in all instances. Guiot's kinetic model was used to determine the macroenergetic parameters of the system, which was found to have a true yield coefficient for the biomass Y = 0.006 g VSS/g COD and a specific rate of substrate uptake for cell maintenance m = 0.072 g COD/g VSS ∙ day. According to the experimental results obtained, the rate of substrate uptake, Rs (g COD/g VSS ∙ day), was correlated with the concentration of biodegradable substrate, Sb (g COD/L), through an equation of the Michaelis-Menten type.Se ha efectuado la caracterización y un estudio cinético del proceso de digestión anaerobia de las aguas residuales obtenidas en el lavado del aceite de oliva virgen. El equipo experimental consta de un biorreactor de mezcla completa de 1 litro de volumen y opera a 35 °C con una concentración de biomasa de 10.8 g SSV/L inmovilizada sobre sepiolita. El biorreactor opera de modo satisfactorio en un rango de 5.0 a 1.1 días de tiempo de retención hidráulico, eliminando en todos los casos más del 92% de la DQO inicial. Se comprueba el modelo cinético propuesto por Guiot y con el auxilio del mismo se determinan los parámetros macroenergéticos de este sistema: Y = 0.006 (g SSV/g DQO), coeficientes de rendimiento verdadero para la biomasa y m = 0.072 (g DQO/g SSV ∙ día), velocidad específica de consumo de sustrato para el mantenimiento celular. Los datos experimentales obtenidos indican que la velocidad de consumo de sustrato Rs (g DQO/día ∙ g SSV) se correlaciona con la concentración de sustrato biodegradable, Sb (g DQO/L), mediante una ecuación tipo Michaelis-Menten

    Potential use of pruning-residues from avocado trees as energy input in rural communities

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    The global need to transition to renewable and decentralized systems entails agricultural systems as producers of residual biomass. Avocado trees (Persea americana Mill.) are one of the main woody crops cultivated in Mexico, with over 150,000 hectares grown in the country. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the use of avocado pruning residues as an energy input, focusing on the revalorization of biomass and the generation of economic benefits for small producers in the region. For that purpose, we developed allometric equations to calculate biomass availability from pruning residues, evaluated their thermochemical properties, and proposed technological alternatives for their energy use. Two allometric equations for pruning residues as a function of tree height and crown diameter were obtained: one for light and minor maintenance pruning (R2 = 0.63) and one for rejuvenation pruning (R2 = 0.86). From these equations, we estimate the mean amount of biomass generated from light and rejuvenation pruning to be 42.7 and 25.1 kg per tree and year, respectively, which amounts to 1324 and 780 kg ha−1 DM (dry matter), with an energy potential of 26.2 and 15.4 GJ ha−1. The thermochemical analysis shows that a higher proportion of leaves generates a higher ash content, which reduces the quality of the residues as a fuel. Avocado pruning residues have high potential for energy use and could be implemented in the industrial and residential sectors, generating a complementary source of income for producers.Fil: Tauro, Raúl. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Velázquez Martí, Borja. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia; EspañaFil: Manrique, Silvina Magdalena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Investigaciones en Energía no Convencional. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Física. Instituto de Investigaciones en Energía no Convencional; ArgentinaFil: Ricker, Martín. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Facultad de Ciencias; MéxicoFil: Martínez Bravo, René. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Ruiz García, Víctor. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Ramos Vargas, Saraí. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Masera, Omar Raul. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Soria González, José A.. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Facultad de Ingeniería en Tecnología de la Madera; MéxicoFil: Armendariz, Cynthia. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Méxic

    Impact of the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on the outcome of neurosurgical patients: A nationwide study in Spain

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    Objective To assess the effect of the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on the outcome of neurosurgical patients in Spain. Settings The initial flood of COVID-19 patients overwhelmed an unprepared healthcare system. Different measures were taken to deal with this overburden. The effect of these measures on neurosurgical patients, as well as the effect of COVID-19 itself, has not been thoroughly studied. Participants This was a multicentre, nationwide, observational retrospective study of patients who underwent any neurosurgical operation from March to July 2020. Interventions An exploratory factorial analysis was performed to select the most relevant variables of the sample. Primary and secondary outcome measures Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify independent predictors of mortality and postoperative SARS-CoV-2 infection. Results Sixteen hospitals registered 1677 operated patients. The overall mortality was 6.4%, and 2.9% (44 patients) suffered a perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection. Of those infections, 24 were diagnosed postoperatively. Age (OR 1.05), perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection (OR 4.7), community COVID-19 incidence (cases/10 5 people/week) (OR 1.006), postoperative neurological worsening (OR 5.9), postoperative need for airway support (OR 5.38), ASA grade =3 (OR 2.5) and preoperative GCS 3-8 (OR 2.82) were independently associated with mortality. For SARS-CoV-2 postoperative infection, screening swab test <72 hours preoperatively (OR 0.76), community COVID-19 incidence (cases/10 5 people/week) (OR 1.011), preoperative cognitive impairment (OR 2.784), postoperative sepsis (OR 3.807) and an absence of postoperative complications (OR 0.188) were independently associated. Conclusions Perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection in neurosurgical patients was associated with an increase in mortality by almost fivefold. Community COVID-19 incidence (cases/10 5 people/week) was a statistically independent predictor of mortality. Trial registration number CEIM 20/217

    Myocardial Edema After Ischemia/Reperfusion Is Not Stable and Follows a Bimodal Pattern Imaging and Histological Tissue Characterization

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    Background: It is widely accepted that edema occurs early in the ischemic zone and persists in stable form for at least 1 week after myocardial ischemia/reperfusion. However, there are no longitudinal studies covering from very early (minutes) to late (1 week) reperfusion stages confirming this phenomenon. Objectives: This study sought to perform a comprehensive longitudinal imaging and histological characterization of the edematous reaction after experimental myocardial ischemia/reperfusion. Methods: The study population consisted of 25 instrumented Large-White pigs (30 kg to 40 kg). Closed-chest 40-min ischemia/reperfusion was performed in 20 pigs, which were sacrificed at 120 min (n = 5), 24 h (n = 5), 4 days (n = 5), and 7 days (n = 5) after reperfusion and processed for histological quantification of myocardial water content. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) scans with T2-weighted short-tau inversion recovery and T2-mapping sequences were performed at every follow-up stage until sacrifice. Five additional pigs sacrificed after baseline CMR served as controls. Results: In all pigs, reperfusion was associated with a significant increase in T2 relaxation times in the ischemic region. On 24-h CMR, ischemic myocardium T2 times returned to normal values (similar to those seen pre-infarction). Thereafter, ischemic myocardium-T2 times in CMR performed on days 4 and 7 after reperfusion progressively and systematically increased. On day 7 CMR, T2 relaxation times were as high as those observed at reperfusion. Myocardial water content analysis in the ischemic region showed a parallel bimodal pattern: 2 high water content peaks at reperfusion and at day 7, and a significant decrease at 24 h. Conclusions: Contrary to the accepted view, myocardial edema during the first week after ischemia/reperfusion follows a bimodal pattern. The initial wave appears abruptly upon reperfusion and dissipates at 24 h. Conversely, the deferred wave of edema appears progressively days after ischemia/reperfusion and is maximal around day 7 after reperfusion

    Relationship between IGF-1 and body weight in inflammatory bowel diseases: Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), represented by ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn''s disease (CD), are characterized by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, what leads to diarrhea, malnutrition, and weight loss. Depression of the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor-1 axis (GH-IGF-1 axis) could be responsible of these symptoms. We demonstrate that long-term treatment (54 weeks) of adult CD patients with adalimumab (ADA) results in a decrease in serum IGF-1 without changes in serum IGF-1 binding protein (IGF1BP4). These results prompted us to conduct a preclinical study to test the efficiency of IGF-1 in the medication for experimental colitis. IGF-1 treatment of rats with DSS-induced colitis has a beneficial effect on the following circulating biochemical parameters: glucose, albumin, and total protein levels. In this experimental group we also observed healthy maintenance of colon size, body weight, and lean mass in comparison with the DSS-only group. Histological analysis revealed restoration of the mucosal barrier with the IGF-1 treatment, which was characterized by healthy quantities of mucin production, structural maintenance of adherers junctions (AJs), recuperation of E-cadherin and ß-catenin levels and decrease in infiltrating immune cells and in metalloproteinase-2 levels. The experimentally induced colitis caused activation of apoptosis markers, including cleaved caspase 3, caspase 8, and PARP and decreases cell-cycle checkpoint activators including phosphorylated Rb, cyclin E, and E2F1. The IGF-1 treatment inhibited cyclin E depletion and partially protects PARP levels. The beneficial effects of IGF-1 in experimental colitis could be explained by a re-sensitization of the IGF-1/IRS-1/AKT cascade to exogenous IGF-1. Given these results, we postulate that IGF-1 treatment of IBD patients could prove to be successful in reducing disease pathology. © 2021 The Author

    Emprende Educación (EMED)

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    El proyecto se centra en el desarrollo de la Competencia Transversal del Grado de Educación Social (CT5): Valorar la importancia del liderazgo, el espíritu emprendedor, la creatividad y la innovación en el desempeño profesional. Se enmarca, por tanto, en la línea ocho de la convocatoria de Innova – Docencia: Fomento de la Inserción laboral y el emprendimiento entre los estudiantes. El proyecto se vertebra a partir de dos objetivos: 1) Transversalizar en la docencia del Grado de Educación Social un enfoque centrado en el desarrollo de la Competencia Emprendedora para poder vincular los diversos contenidos de las asignaturas con el desarrollo futuro de proyectos de Emprendimiento Social. 2) Despertar en los alumnos la iniciativa emprendedora como una oportunidad laboral real en el ámbito de la Educación Social para la mejora de su empleabilidad. Pretende fortalecer las metodologías participativas y colaborativas en el diseño, la aplicación y el desarrollo de la competencia emprendedora ligada al contenido de las diversas asignaturas del Grado Educación Social

    Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Case-Control Study

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    BACKGROUND: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been associated with upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. Given their worldwide use, even small risks account for a large number of cases. This study has been conducted with carefully collected information to further investigate the relationship between SSRIs and upper GI bleeding. METHODS: We conducted a case-control study in hospitals in Spain and in Italy. Cases were patients aged ≥18 years with a primary diagnosis of acute upper GI bleeding diagnosed by endoscopy; three controls were matched by sex, age, date of admission (within 3 months) and hospital among patients who were admitted for elective surgery for non-painful disorders. Exposures to SSRIs, other antidepressants and other drugs were defined as any use of these drugs in the 7 days before the day on which upper gastrointestinal bleeding started (index day). RESULTS: 581 cases of upper GI bleeding and 1358 controls were considered eligible for the study; no differences in age or sex distribution were observed between cases and controls after matching. Overall, 4.0% of the cases and 3.3% of controls used an SSRI antidepressant in the week before the index day. No significant risk of upper GI bleeding was encountered for SSRI antidepressants (adjusted odds ratio, 1.06, 95% CI, 0.57-1.96) or for whichever other grouping of antidepressants. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this case-control study showed no significant increase in upper GI bleeding with SSRIs and provide good evidence that the magnitude of any increase in risk is not greater than 2