97 research outputs found
This paper examines and presents some heretofore familiar, as well as new suppositions: one being the influence of the French art between the mid-19th and early 20th centuries on two films by Vincente Minnelli directed in the 1950s – An American in Paris (1951) and Gigi (1958). Following a brief discussion on some biographical details that may have been the reason for Minnelli’s affection for such art, and the development of his career, what follows is an overview of the production of both films, and more importantly an analysis of the references to art that shaped their visual component, while simultaneously attempting to disclose possible reasons for their appearance.Keywords: film musical, art, France, Vincente Minnelli, Arthur Freed
Utjecaji europske umjetnosti na dugometražne animirane filmove Walta Disneyja
This paper gives a thorough insight into the production of three significant Walt
Disney’s animated features, and examines the influences of European art on their visual
design. All of these three films – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Sleeping Beauty, and
Beauty and the Beast, apart from being classic fairy tales, show their unbreakable links to the
European artistic legacy. After the Snow White’s classic Golden age design, based on the
nineteenth century graphic books, the visual part of the Sleeping Beauty, influenced by
medieval artworks, offered something unique which allowed the further development of the
Disney style in animation especially visible in the opulent Academy Award-winning Beauty
and the Beast. Although the following chapters analyze some of the most important visual
elements of these films, like backgrounds and character designs, they are also only the
beginning of an even more thorough research of an insufficiently explored field in the history
of animation.Ovaj rad daje temeljit uvid u produkciju triju važnih dugometražnih animiranih
filmova Walta Disneyja, te istražuje utjecaje europske umjetnosti na njihov vizualni dizajn.
Svaki od ova tri filma – Snjeguljica i sedam patuljaka, Uspavana ljepotica, i Ljepotica i
zvijer, osim što su klasične bajke, pokazuje i svoje neraskidive veze s europskim umjetničkim
nasljeđem. Nakon Snjeguljičinog klasičnog dizajna zlatnog doba, temeljenog na grafikama
devetnaestog stoljeća, vizualni dio Uspavane ljepotice, nadahnut srednjovjekovnim
umjetničkim djelima, ponudio je nešto jedinstveno što je omogućilo daljnji razvoj
Disneyjevog stila u animaciji čija je raskoš uočljiva u Ljepotici i zvijeri, filmu ovjenčanom
Oskarom. Premda rad analizira neke od najvažnijih vizualnih elemenata ovih filmova, poput
dizajna pozadina i likova, on je ujedno samo početak još podrobnijeg istraživanja ovog
nedovoljno iscrpljenog područja povijesti animacije
Construction of the Dubrovnik Cathedral in the Context of the Baroque Reconstruction of The City
Barokna katedrala Gospe Velike u Dubrovniku (1671.-1713.) arhitektonski je sklop koji objedinjuje utjecaje barokne arhitekture Apeninskog poluotoka i lokalnu tradiciju te je jedinstven primjer u nacionalnoj arhitekturi baroka. Ovaj je rad, osim kratkog uvida u pojavu baroknih oblika u Dalmaciji i Dubrovniku, svojim najvećim dijelom usmjeren na četrdeset godina dugu izgradnju barokne katedrale, tijekom kojih se izmijenilo više značajnih majstora koji su pridonijeli njenom konačnom izgledu. Osim opata Stjepana Gradića, koji je zajedno s Andreom Buffalinijem osmislio projekt po uzoru na rimska barokna rješenja, valja izdvojiti i Tommasa Mariju Napolija, kao i Iliju Katičića. Na koncu, prilikom arhitektonske analize kompleksa istaknute su i poveznice sa srodnim rješenjima talijanske barokne arhitekture kako bi se stekao što bolji uvid u važnost samog projekta u kontekstu hrvatske, ali talijanske barokne umjetnosti.The Baroque Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Dubrovnik (1671-1713) is a unique phenomenon in Croatian Baroque architecture which combines the influences of the Baroque architecture of the Apennine Peninsula, and local tradition. Apart from a brief insight on the introduction of the Baroque forms in Dalmatia and Dubrovnik, this final paper mostly concentrates on the construction of the Baroque cathedral over the course of forty years, and architects who contributed to its final design. Besides Abbot Stjepan Gradić, who conceived the project together with Andrea Buffalini, Tommaso Maria Napoli and Ilija Katičić's contribution should not be forgotten. Finally, the paper points out the links with similar buildings of the Italian Baroque architecture throughout the architectural analysis of the complex in order to realize the importance of this very project in the context of both Croatian and Italian Baroque
Examination of the factors that contribute to establishing the attitudes toward cosmetic surgery
Porast broja estetskih intervencija u svetu, doprinep je velikom interesovanju autora za stavove ljudi o estetskoj hirurgiji...The increase in the number of cosmetic procedures around the world contributed to a greater interest of researchers about attitudes toward cosmetic surgery..
A Review of Blockchain Technology Implementation in Shipping Industry
This article presents a comprehensive review of the current and rising trends of blockchain technology usage in shipping industry. The definition and features of blockchain technology are provided, as well as the potential usage of blockchain technology in various areas (financial services, Internet of Things, medicine, government, etc.), in order to better understand its complexity and application. Furthermore, the major challenges of blockchain technology are shown, and the most prominent examples of blockchain applications in shipping industry are provided. The application and advantages of blockchain technology in seaports are demonstrated through several examples
Selenium (Se) is essential micronutrient involved in several physiological processes. In many regions around the world, a suboptimal intake of Se has been reported in several health conditions, also in pediatric age. Studies on association between Se level and diseases in children reported contrasting results. We took an aim to perform a systematic review of literature and provide evidence-based conclusion on the magnitude of Se deficit in endocrine diseases in children. PubMed, ISI WoS, and Scopus databases were searched to identify eligible studies, published until July 25, 2019. Methodological quality was assessed using Newcastle–Ottawa Scale. After careful selection, 13 eligible studies were included. Majority were conducted in Turkey (n=5) and Iran (n=5), and sample size varied from 61 to 628 children, with a mean (±SD) age of cases from 5.1±1.6 months up to 13.8±4.5 years. Eleven studies focused on different thyroid diseases, and two on children with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). In goitrous patients, Se level ranged from mean (±SD), 25.71±20.68 μg/L to 114.9±34.1 μg/L, while in patients with T1DM was 20.9±12.9 μg/mL and mean (95% CI)=58.4 μg/L (55.0–63.09). We may conclude that goiter and thyroid dysfunction are prominent signs of Se deficiency in children. Although deficiency of iodine and selenium are usually combined in some area, our systematic review showed that Se deficiency is important goitrogenic factor in school children. Further randomized controlled trials are needed to adequately explore the role of Se in endocrine disorders in children, across different populations and regions
The Single Window Concept in International Trade, Transport and Seaports
This paper presents a review of electronic data exchange and Single Window concept in international trade, transport and seaports. The theoretic framework of international trade, trade facilitation, Single Window, transport sector, maritime transport and seaports is provided, as well as the definition of electronic data exchange and standards for data exchange. The time and cost (excluding tariffs) associated with documentary compliance procedure (exporting and importing a shipment of goods) are shown in order to better understand the complexity and the importance of simplifying administrative processes. The importance of stakeholder connectivity in the transport sector (with special emphasis on seaports) is demonstrated, and factors which affect the successful electronic data exchange in seaports are shown. The advantages of smoother electronic data exchange are provided through the analysis of several Single Window examples, which present regional best practices
Harmonization and synchronization model of interrupted traffic flows on motorways
The research in this paper focuses on harmonization and synchronization of traffic flows in the period of application of zonal temporary traffic regulation. The specific case scenario addressed in this research implicates that on both carriageways no vehicles were allowed to reside in the work zones for a significant time interval in the same time periods on both sections. In order to solve this problem, the model for harmonization of the traffic flows on dual carriageway motorways with synchronization of opposing traffic flows on both carriageways in special traffic conditions is presented. Actual traffic situation that occurred is presented in order to demonstrate the model, where intensive traffic flows were interrupted on both carriageways during extensive road works on two nearby sections. The model described in this paper has several stages. The first stage implies detailed analysis of traffic flows with computation of expected number of vehicles in the queue. The next stage in the modelling process is to calculate the queue discharge time for both directions and propose measures to optimise operating speed in order to maximize capacity. Then, a graphical method by means of two-way coordination diagram is used to synchronise stop signal timings on all closed sections. This paper shows results of a new model that was developed and implemented in real situations in most complex conditions that can occur on motorways. The research findings have shown the suitability of the proposed model.
First published online 24 October 201
Numerical computation and prediction of electricity consumption in tobacco industry
Electricity is a key energy source in each country and an important condition for economic development. It is necessary to use modern methods and tools to predict energy consumption for different types of systems and weather conditions. In every industrial plant, electricity consumption presents one of the greatest operating costs. Monitoring and forecasting of this parameter provide the opportunity to rationalize the use of electricity and thus significantly reduce the costs. The paper proposes the prediction of energy consumption by a new time-series model. This involves time series models using a set of previously collected data to predict the future load. The most commonly used linear time series models are the AR (Autoregressive Model), MA (Moving Average) and ARMA (Autoregressive Moving Average Model). The AR model is used in this paper. Using the AR (Autoregressive Model) model, the Monte Carlo simulation method is utilized for predicting and analyzing the energy consumption change in the considered tobacco industrial plant. One of the main parts of the AR model is a seasonal pattern that takes into account the climatic conditions for a given geographical area. This part of the model was delineated by the Fourier transform and was used with the aim of avoiding the model complexity. As an example, the numerical results were performed for tobacco production in one industrial plant. A probabilistic range of input values is used to determine the future probabilistic level of energy consumption
Characterization of PDMS membranes fabricated by bulkmicromachining on silicon wafers
In this paper we proposed microfabrication scheme for PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane) thin membrane fabrication on Si micromachined cavities with square cross section. PDMS network samples for this research were synthesized with the same composition, which are Sylgard 184 (Dow Corning, USA) silicone elastomer base and silicone elastomer curing agent, volume ratio 10:1. Mechanical testing of PDMS elastic properties and bond strength between membranes and oxidized Si wafers, were investigated applying pressurized bulge testing In this paper experimentally determined dependence of the PDMS membrane deflection on pressure load for different membrane thicknesses and sizes of square cavities in Si wafers are given. Also, the influence of different types of Si wafer structuring by anisotropic wet chemical etching on membrane bonding strength were considered
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