Anglisticum - Journal of the Association for Anglo-American Studies, Macedonia
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    The article presents selected Slovenian and foreign definitions of the picturebook, its classification and theories. It presents the literary-historical and theoretical development of the  picturebook in Slovenia, drawing on foreign (M. Nikolajeva, S. Beckett, B. Ktimmerling-Meibauer) and Slovenian (M. Kobe, D. Haramija and J. Batic) scholars. We try to present the  picturebook as an object of study and therefore examine the development of the integration of  picturebooks into the Slovenian school system through the curriculum. Keywords: picturebook, illustrations, fairy tales, curriculum, crossover


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    “Two Albanian heroines” were named by Hester Donaldson, the sisters Sevasti and Parashqevi Qiriazi. They stood out among the first Albanian women in the foreign world and were considered unusual in their eyes. The success achieved by the Qiriazi sisters in the college of Constantinople was first of all a continuation of a family inspiration, but also of preparation in the American school. This is what Sevastia herself says: "The foundations of my education were laid at the American Mission School in Manastir". The Qiriazi sisters, without a doubt, occupy one of the places of honor for their struggle and commitment, both in education and even more so in diplomacy, distinguishing their attitude in the fact that they devoted their whole lives to the issue of the homeland. They make known, in front of the foreign opinion, the goal and the just fight that the Albanian people fought for freedom and independence, for education and their national language. The Qiriazi sisters, in addition to opening a school for girls, also founded a society called Yll'i Mêngjezit with Parashqevi Qiriazi as president. According to the statute, the goals of the Association were efforts to educate women and improve their position in the family and society. This activity influenced the strengthening of the national feeling among the women of Korça and its surroundings.Keywords: Qiriazi Sisters, Hester Donaldson, Sevasti, Parashqevi, school diplomacy, Manastir, Korça, Gjerasim


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    This lesson plan is a way of guidance for teachers who may find it difficult to start. For teachers, there should be a guide of the main points that should be considered besides pedagogical knowledge of the material in question. As a teacher, one should have an idea of what is going to take place: objectives, a suitable text, and an appropriate environment to succeed. A teacher should prepare the right material for his/her class in advance for there are a lot of challenges that face individuals in charge including the method to be adopted, the level of students involved, and their numbers. In this short essay, those points will be addressed, taking into consideration that what is presented here is a sample that might be remodeled according to the case a teacher finds him/herself in. In addition, this topic might attract the attention of researchers who are interested in teaching and learning to pursue this type of research.Keywords: plan, objective, text, lesson, teacher


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    In the constellation of outstanding novelists of the Victorian period, George Eliot stands out with distinctive intellectualism and bold handling of the feminist theme. She stands out with the courage to defend the dignity of women and their rightful place in Victorian society, defying the prejudice of time. Philosophical ideas that play an important role in the literary creativity of George Eliot do not belong to any authentic philosophical system, but are a kind of eclectic synthesis without permanent principles in the spirit of utilitarian materialism. In 1872 George Eliot published her masterpiece novel "Middlemarch," which Virginia Woolf called it "a magnificent book." The fictional title of the novel "Middlemarch" is quite struck because it includes the panorama of provincial life that connects several parallel events of the subject as a whole. In this novel, the events of several novels are woven and interwoven by the characters. The events of the novel take place on the threshold of the parliamentary reform of the year 1832. The events of this work speak about the situation and mood of different social layers during the electoral campaign. All the characters have a certain attitude towards the political and social events. All the characters in the book have certain positions in society, while men also have their professions.Keywords: Women, rights, feminism, education, society, Victorian society


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    Translation demands a deep understanding of both grammar and culture. Translators need to know the rules of a language as well as the habits of the people who speak it. Translation problems can appear in many forms: lexico-semantic, grammatical, syntactic, rhetorical, pragmatic or cultural. The challenges of translation in the Republic of North Macedonia are many. For this study, we have received statements from many translators from several institutions but also outside the institutions who have told about the challenges of translation in our country.Keywords: Challenge, translation, translators


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    This study summarizes a research period of the important moments of the era of functioning of the city of Peja during the period 1990-1997, in the social, political, economic, cultural and educational fields. In an analytical and systematic way, the contribution of Pejans during this period of time is presented here. The main incentive for writing this text was the experience gained in the course Methodology of history and theories of the XIX-XX centuries, which was taught by prof. Jahja Drançolli whereupon we gained a modest experience in oral history as a new discipline in world historiography. For the contribution made in this discipline, young researchers such as Agon Rrezja should be mentioned with his master’s thesis “Llapusha sipas historisë gojore dhe dokumentare” (“Llapusha according to oral and documentary history”) defended in 2012 in the Department of History, using oral and documentary sources for the Llapusha region. Our main aim stems from the fact that oral history is a new discipline and not addressed in Albanian historiography. No researcher has dealt with Peja from the point of view of oral sources during this period of time and even earlier. Finally, we find that this study can modestly serve any history enthusiast to delve into this issue in other, more detailed ways.Keywords:  Peja, Kosova, Politics, Economy, Culture, Education, etc


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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the use and meaning of German prefixes, as well as their impact on word formation in English. German prefixes are grammatical features that are added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning or function. The prefixes will be examined in terms of their etymology, frequency of use, and common word formation patterns. They can also indicate a verb's location, tense, aspect, or modality. Prefixes are essential to the German language, and mastering them requires a solid understanding of them. The research will also look into how these prefixes affect the overall structure and meaning of German words. The research will be conducted using a combination of primary and secondary sources, such as German language dictionaries and texts, and linguistic studies on prefixation in German. The study's findings will shed light on the rich and complex nature of German word formation and its underlying grammar rules. The study also delves into the etymology of the prefixes and how they have evolved over time. The study's goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of German prefixes and their usage for both German language learners and native speakers.Keywords: German prefixes, bound morphemes, lexemes, word-formation, words, etymology, etc


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    The study sheds light on serious crimes of genocide level that the military, paramilitary armed forces and police of the FRY and Serbia have committed in Kosovo, with special emphasis the village of Izbicë in the municipality of Skenderaj. Archival documents, scientific literature as well as interviews in the field, which I have analyzed, treated and carried out during the scientific researches, have clearly proven that the scale of crimes against the civilian population increased in 1999, specifically from the month of March, when the OSCE observers began to withdraw from the field. Released from the pressure of international observers, numerous Serbian military, police and paramilitary forces began actions against the Albanian civilian population throughout Kosova, but the greatest intensity was in Drenica where all age groups and both sexes were not spared, showing strong evidence that Serbia as a state has committed crimes against the civilian population, respectively against children, women and the elderly, such was the massacre in the village of Izbicë where Serbian forces killed, executed, massacred in in a few days 147 Albanian civilians.Keywords: Drenica, Izbica, Albanian civilians, Serbian military, police and paramilitary forces


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    This article describes the anthropocentric study of urbanonyms in Uzbek linguistics and their relationship with the name and society, the types of urbanonyms and the motivations for the formation of names belonging to separate semantic groups. Collecting urban names of the city of Urgench and their scientific description, determining the place of urban names in the onomastic system of the Uzbek language, summarizing the information related to the linguistic status of urban names, determining the linguistic and cultural characteristics and sociolinguistic features of urban names, the linguistic status of urban names, other toponyms It is based on the fact that the conclusions and interpretations made as a result of the study of the place, formation features, sociolinguistic and linguocultural features of the species, provide important and necessary scientific information for the current Uzbek onomastics, in particular, urbanonymics, and the scientific views in the analysis serve to develop the approaches in the analysis process. The theoretical conclusions of the research can serve as a scientific and methodological basis for specialists who research sociolinguistic and linguocultural characteristics. Keywords:  onomastics, urbanonym, oronym, phytonym, hydronym, anthroponym, oykonym, microtoponym, necronym, linguistic factor, semantic analysis


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    The collection of twenty-two Macedonian folktales translated into Slovenian was a part of a student project in 2006 under a meaningful title The Sun’s Sister. The collection includes the following tales (in alphabetical order): About sons and money, Goodness for goodness, Logger who understood the language of animals, Mara the Cinderella, Shepherd and three fairies, Sun’s sister, The apple and two wives, The lost empress, The mole is a priest’s son, The three commandments that the father gave to his son, Three sisters, Three weavers, Tower of human heads, Three Fates and a child, Emperor and three sons, Emperor with three sons and three apples, Emperors daughter and drum, The Emperor’s daughter who refused to marry, The snake that was ungrateful to the shepherd and the shepherd who was ungrateful to the fox, Wisdom and happiness, Young man who wanted to learn about woman cunning, and The wolf. The collection represents an important contribution to the reception of Macedonian literature in Slovenia.Keywords: The Sun’s Sister, ATU 311, Hans Jorg er, Max Lüthi, Jack Zipes, interculturality


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