1,522 research outputs found

    Humanização da assistência em saúde: análise do conceito

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    The concept analysis of Humanization of health assistance presents a theoretical and reflective approach, evidencing the principles and values that give an aggregated value to the health services provided in a changing context. Objective: Analyze the concept of Humanization of health services. Materials and Methods: The proposal of Beth L. Rodgers was applied, which establishes seven steps for concept analysis. The documentary research was made with the databases Springer Plus, Pubmed, EBSCO Host and Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (Virtual Library of Health) and national organizations; in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Results: It was possible to analyze the concept of humanization of health assistance with 33 scientific articles, where ethical, epistemological and methodological attributes are described. Similarly, the assertive and effective communication is emphasized for health assistance, in the context of health-disease, contributing to nursing conceptions about humanization in that framework. Conclusions: Humanization of health assistance allows the development of strategies for the benefit of well-being and the good practice. Although the concept of humanization of assistance can be analyzed from different perspectives, the methodology of concept analysis is a useful perspective to consider the humanization of health assistance as a central concept that orientates policies of improvement and quality of assistance, as well as the promotion of practices that facilitate collaborative work, communication and human development.  El análisis del concepto de Humanización de la atención en salud presenta una aproximación teórica y reflexiva de la humanización, de tal manera que se logra evidenciar los principios y los valores que otorgan un valor agregado a los servicios de salud que se prestan en un contexto cambiante.  Objetivo: Analizar el concepto de Humanización de los servicios de salud. Materiales y métodos:  Se aplicó la propuesta por Beth L Rodgers que establece siete pasos para el análisis del concepto, la investigación documental se realizó con bases de datos Springer Plus, Pubmed, EBSCO Host y Biblioteca Virtual en Salud y página de organismo nacional, en el idioma español, inglés y portugués. Resultados: Con 33 artículos científicos se logra analizar el concepto de humanización de la atención en salud y se presenta atributos éticos, epistemológicos y metodológicos, en el cual se resalta la comunicación asertiva y efectiva en la atención en salud en el contexto de la salud-enfermedad, aportando para enfermería concepciones de la humanización en el marco de la atención de enfermería. Conclusiones: La humanización de la atención en salud permite desarrollar estrategias en beneficio del bienestar y la buena práctica.  Aunque el concepto de humanización de la atención se puede analizar desde diferentes perspectivas, la metodología de análisis de concepto es una perspectiva útil para considerar a la humanización de la atención en salud como un eje orientador de políticas de mejoramiento y calidad de la atención, así como en la promoción de prácticas que facilitan el trabajo colaborativo, la comunicación y el desarrollo humano.A análise do conceito de humanização da assistência em saúde apresenta uma contribuição teórica e refletiva, que evidencia os princípios e os valores que somam valor aos serviços de saúde prestados em contextos mutáveis. Objetivo: Analisar o conceito de humanização nos serviços de saúde. Materiais e métodos: Aplicou-se a proposta de Beth L Rodgers que estabelece 7 passos para a análise de conceito. A pesquisa documental realizou-se nas bases de dados: Springer Plus, Pubmed, EBSCO Host, Biblioteca virtual em saúde e organismos nacionais; em espanhol, inglês e português. Resultados: Com 33 artigos científicos logrou-se analisar o conceito de humanização da assistência em saúde, descrevendo atributos éticos, epistêmicos e metodológicos. Igualmente, ressaltou-se a comunicação assertiva e efetiva no atendimento em saúde, no contexto de saúde-doença, contribuindo à enfermagem e conceitos de humanização nesse marco. Conclusões: A humanização da assistência em saúde permite desenvolver estratégias em beneficio do bem estar e boa pratica. Embora o conceito de humanização do atendimento possa se analisar desde diferentes perspectivas, a metodologia de analise do conceito é uma ferramenta útil para considerar à humanização da assistência em saúde como eixo orientador de politicas de melhoramento e qualidade do atendimento, assim como na promoção de práticas que facilitem o trabalho colaborativo, a comunicação e o desenvolvimento humano

    Determination of the Kinetic Behavior of Diclofenac in Aqueous Solution by UV Light Radiation

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    Kinetic behavior and half-life of diclofenac, trimethoprim and 17-α-ethinyl estradiol in aqueous solution under UV light radiation were determined.Diclofenac (DCF) is one of the most widely used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs worldwide, and several studies have reported adverse effects on the environment, in plants and animals; so, it is classified as an emerging pollutant. There are several alternatives for its removal; however, it is necessary to study the way in which the DCF is degrading to offer more effective removal techniques, since the traditional ones such as chlorination, activated sludge, and biofiltration offer low removal efficiency (20–40%). This work analyzes the kinetic behavior of the photodegradation of DCF and the thermodynamic parameters of the reaction under UV-C-type light radiation. The results obtained indicate that it presents a first-order kinetic promoted by the increase of the temperature. Also, within the evaluated interval (273 to 308 K), the values of the kinetic coefficient (k) range between 0.05 and 0.20 min−1 and the half-life ranges from 3 to 9 min. The reaction is exothermic and spontaneous and gives way to the formation of approximately 6 byproducts, being two with the reatest presence and stability. This suggests that its decomposition route occurs through the dechlorination of the molecule and originate compounds known as carbazoles that have been detected in revious works. It was also found that this mixture of byproducts remained after the degradation of the drug, which is released to the environment, so it is necessary to extend a study on its properties and its possible environmental impact.CONACYT (Proyecto 215997)

    Hermenêutica da pergunta pedagógica: Aprendizagem mediada pela prática da liberdade a partir da perspectiva de Freire

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    El ser humano se aproxima al mundo mediante la dialéctica de pregunta y respuesta para construir socialmente la realidad mediante la práctica de la libertad. En este contexto, el estudio se realizó con el objetivo de exponer el análisis hermenéutico de la pregunta pedagógica como instrumento pedagógico para el aprendizaje mediado por la práctica de la libertad desde la perspectiva de Freire. Desde el campo de la investigación filosófica se desarrollaron tres etapas (construcción del horizonte de comprensión, destructiva y constructiva) para proyectar la tradición educativa de Vigotsky y Ausubel hacia la hermenéutica de la pregunta y confrontar el aporte de la pedagogía de la pregunta de Freire. Los resultados obtenidos recuperan la pregunta inicial, mediadora y esencial situándolas en relación con la estructura y horizonte de la pregunta. El acto de preguntar se rehabilita como práctica de la libertad al mediar el aprendizaje desde el pensamiento crítico y creativo.The man approaches the world through the dialectic of question and answer to socially construct reality by practicing freedom. In this context, the study was conducted with the aim of exposing the hermeneutical analysis of the pedagogical question as an educational tool for learning through practice of freedom from the perspective of Freire. From the field of philosophical inquiry three stages (construction horizon of understanding, destructive and constructive) were developed to project the educational tradition of Vygotsky and Ausubel hermeneutics to question and confront the contribution of pedagogy Freire's question. The results obtained recover the initial question, mediator and essential placing them in relation to the structure and horizon of the question. The act of asking is rehabilitated as a practice of freedom to mediate learning from the critical and creative thinkingO ser humano aproxima-se ao mundo mediante a dialética de pergunta e resposta para construir socialmente a realidade mediante a prática da liberdade. Neste contexto, o estudo realizou-se com o objetivo de expor a análise hermenêutica da pergunta pedagógica como instrumento pedagógico para a aprendizagem mediada pela prática de liberdade a partir da perspectiva de Freire. Do campo da investigação filosófica desenvolveram-se três etapas (construção do horizonte de compreensão, destrutiva e construtiva) para projetar a tradição educativa de Vigotsky e Ausubel para a hermenêutica da pergunta e confrontar a contribuição da pedagogia da pergunta de Freire. Os resultados obtidos recuperam a pergunta inicial, mediadora e essencial situando-as em relação com a estrutura e horizonte da pergunta. O ato de perguntar reabilita-se como prática da liberdade ao mediar a aprendizagem a partir do pensamento crítico e criativ

    Phosphorus availability drives mycorrhiza induced resistance in tomato

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis can provide multiple benefits to the host plant, including improved nutrition and protection against biotic stress. Mycorrhiza induced resistance (MIR) against pathogens and insect herbivores has been reported in different plant systems, but nutrient availability may influence the outcome of the interaction. Phosphorus (P) is a key nutrient for plants and insects, but also a regulatory factor for AM establishment and functioning. However, little is known about how AM symbiosis and P interact to regulate plant resistance to pests. Here, using the tomato-Funneliformis mosseae mycorrhizal system, we analyzed the effect of moderate differences in P fertilization on plant and pest performance, and on MIR against biotic stressors including the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea and the insect herbivore Spodoperta exigua. P fertilization impacted plant nutritional value, plant defenses, disease development and caterpillar survival, but these effects were modulated by the mycorrhizal status of the plant. Enhanced resistance of F. mosseae-inoculated plants against B. cinerea and S. exigua depended on P availability, as no protection was observed under the most P-limiting conditions. MIR was not directly explained by changes in the plant nutritional status nor to basal differences in defense-related phytohormones. Analysis of early plant defense responses to the damage associated molecules oligogalacturonides showed primed transcriptional activation of plant defenses occurring at intermediate P levels, but not under severe P limitation. The results show that P influences mycorrhizal priming of plant defenses and the resulting induced-resistance is dependent on P availability, and suggest that mycorrhiza fine-tunes the plant growth vs defense prioritization depending on P availability. Our results highlight how MIR is context dependent, thus unravel molecular mechanism based on plant defence in will contribute to improve the efficacy of mycorrhizal inoculants in crop protection

    Evaluación de un algoritmo de recocido simulado con superficies de respuestas

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    The solution of the geographical clustering problem includes a combinatorial classificationof the geographical units. The aggregation proposed in this work requiresan objective function that minimizes the distance between the objects that will beclustered together, in order to achieve geo-graphical compactness (a desirable goal inproblems of geographical design). Because this problem is NP hard [10], it is usuallysolved with heuristic methodologies that can proportionate satisfactory so-lutions in areasonable amount of computational time, even for large problems. The main purposeof this research, it is to propose a Box-Behnken experimental design applied into theresponse’s surface, in order to evaluate the quality of the generated solutions. Thebalance and adequacy of Simulated Annealing’s parameters would help to control anddirect the heuristic method to obtain good solutions for the partitioning problem.Keywords: Geographical Clustering, Experimental Design, Response’s Surface, SimulatedAnnealing.En la soluci´on al problema de conglomerado geogr´afico est´a impl´?cito un procesode clasificaci´on combinatorio sobre unidades geogr´aficas. La agregaci´on propuesta eneste trabajo considerara como funci´on objetivo la minimizaci´on de distancias entrelos objetos a agrupar con el fin de lograr la compacidad geogr´afica (tan deseable enproblemas de dise˜no geogr´afico). Este problema es NP duro [1], por lo que es necesarioel uso de m´etodos heur´?sticos para obtener una soluci´on satisfactoria tanto enla bondad de las soluciones como en tiempo de c´omputo en problemas grandes. Ladiscusi´on se centra en evaluar la calidad de las soluciones obtenidas bajo procedimientossistem´aticos. Este trabajo presenta la modelaci´on del problema de conglomeradogeogr´afico, el uso de un algoritmo de Recocido Simulado en el algoritmo de particionamientocon el fin de obtener soluciones aproximadas y finalmente, para evaluarla calidad de las soluciones generadas, la aplicaci´on de un Dise˜no de ExperimentosBox-Behnken y Superficies de Respuestas para encontrar un balance y adecuaci´on delos valores de los par´ametros de Recocido Simulado en el control de la obtenci´on debuenas soluciones.Palabras clave: conglomerado geogr´afico, evaluaci´on de par´ametros, superficies de respuestas

    Estudio del proceso de desnitrificación en un reactor SBR alimentado con el afluente de un reactor anaerobio de membranas sumergidas SAnMER

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    The treatment or after-treatment of anaerobic effluent suggests study of various processes that allow the elimination or removal of contaminants. The objective of this work consisted in the study of the ability of denitrifícation under anoxic conditions using different givers of electrons, available in the SAnMBR such as reactor effluent: volatile fatty acids, dissolved methane and sulfur. The importance of this study lies in the possibility of using volatile fatty acids, methane and sulfide dissolved as givers of electrons, for the Elimination of nitrogen. The dissolved methane is a source of very cheap carbón and an effective greenhouse gas, requiring their removal. The SAnMBR reactor effluent contains significant concentrations of ammonium, phosphorus, sulfur, acetic acid and elements dissolved methane and trace. During the operation of the reactor SBR (Sequencing Bacth Reactor) the concentration of nitrate in each cycle remained constant, around 50 mg N03-N l'1 The percentage of denitrifícation retrieved was higher than 60%. The microbiological study, using the FISH technique, showed the presence of bacteria metanotroficas (type I and II), sulfatoreductoras bacteria and denitrifying bacteria in the reactor.El tratamiento o postratamiento de efluentes anaerobios sugiere del estudio de diversos procesos que permitan la eliminación o remoción de los contaminantes presentes. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en el estudio de la capacidad de desnitrificación en condiciones anóxicas utilizando los distintos dadores de electrones, disponibles en el efluente del reactor SAnMBR tales como: ácidos grasos volátiles, metano disuelto y sulfuro. La importancia de este estudio radica en la posibilidad de utilizar los ácidos grasos volátiles, el metano y el sulfuro disuelto como dadores de electrones, para la eliminación de nitrógeno. El metano disuelto es una fuente de carbono muy barato y un gas de efecto invernadero eficaz, siendo necesaria su eliminación. El efluente del reactor SAnMBR contiene concentraciones importantes de amonio, fósforo, sulfuro, ácido acético, elementos traza y metano disuelto. Durante la operación del reactor SBR (Sequencing Bacth Reactor) la concentración de nitrato en cada ciclo se mantuvo constante y en tomo a 50 mg N03-N l 1. El porcentaje de desnitrificación obtenido fue superior al 60%. El estudio microbiológico realizado, empleando la técnica FISH, mostró en el reactor la presencia de bacterias metanotróficas (tipo I y II), bacterias sulfatoreductoras y bacterias desnitrificantes

    RosneT: A block tensor algebra library for out-of-core quantum computing simulation

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    With the advent of more powerful Quantum Computers, the need for larger Quantum Simulations has boosted. As the amount of resources grows exponentially with size of the target system Tensor Networks emerge as an optimal framework with which we represent Quantum States in tensor factorizations. As the extent of a tensor network increases, so does the size of intermediate tensors requiring HPC tools for their manipulation. Simulations of medium-sized circuits cannot fit on local memory, and solutions for distributed contraction of tensors are scarce. In this work we present RosneT, a library for distributed, out-of-core block tensor algebra. We use the PyCOMPSs programming model to transform tensor operations into a collection of tasks handled by the COMPSs runtime, targeting executions in existing and upcoming Exascale supercomputers. We report results validating our approach showing good scalability in simulations of Quantum circuits of up to 53 qubits.We acknowledge support from project QuantumCAT (ref. 001- P-001644), co-funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Union Regional Development Fund within the ERDF Operational Program of Catalunya, and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951911 (AI4Media). This work has also been partially supported by the Spanish Government (PID2019-107255GB) and by Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2014-SGR-1051). This work is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the framework of the ERFD Operative Programme for Catalunya 2014-2020, with 1.527.637,88C. Anna Queralt is a Serra Hunter Fellow.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Antibacterial and antifungal properties of dendronized silver and gold nanoparticles with cationic carbosilane dendrons

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    Water soluble silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) capped with cationic carbosilane dendrons have been synthesized by direct reaction in water of dendrons, silver precursor and a reducing agent. These nanoparticles have been characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), ultraviolet spectroscopy (UV), elemental analysis, and zeta potential (ZP). The antibacterial and antifungal properties of the cationic dendrons and dendronized AgNPs and AuNPs with these dendrons have been evaluated against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial -including resistant strains- and yeast strains, respectively. The results stand out for the activity of AgNPs covered with first generation dendron compared with this free dendron and corresponding dendronized AuNPs.Ministerio de Economía y Empres