280 research outputs found

    La Motivación y el Aprendizaje de Matemática en los Estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Federico Villarreal de Miraflores

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    El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación fue el principal objetivo de estudio fue que se determina la relación sobre la motivación de los discentes para el aprendizaje matemático en la I.E. de Federico Villarreal de Miraflores, 2020. En cuanto el enfoque es de carácter cuantitativo tipo básico y diseño no experimental, correlacional. El método de la investigación es descriptivo. La muestra fue no probabilística censal formado por 113 estudiantes del nivel secundario de la I.E. Federico Villarreal de Miraflores. Se utilizó el software Spss versión 25, la prueba de confiabilidad se realizó por el Alfa de Cronbach y la prueba de normalidad de Kolmogorov-Smirnov y en análisis de inferencia que se llevó a cabo mediante la coeficiencia de correlación de Spearman. Se llegó a concluir la existencia de una relación de significancia sobre el aprendizaje de matemática y la motivación.The objective of this research work was the main objective of the study was to determine the relationship on the motivation of students for mathematical learning in the I.E. by Federico Villarreal de Miraflores, 2020. Insofar as the approach is quantitative in nature, basic type and non-experimental, correlational design. The research method is descriptive. The sample was non-probabilistic census made up of 113 students at the secondary level of the I.E. Federico Villarreal from Miraflores. The Spss version 25 software was used, the reliability test was carried out by Cronbach's Alpha and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test and in the inference analysis that was carried out using Spearman's correlation coefficient. It was concluded the existence of a relationship of significance on the learning of mathematics and motivation.ChosicaEscuela de Posgrad

    Efecto de los biorreguladores en el cuajado y rendimiento de los frutos en tomate de mesa (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cv. Pietro, bajo invernadero en el cantón Paute

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    El tomate de mesa es un alimento consumido a nivel mundial, se conoce que representa el 30% de la producción hortícola mundial; asimismo, a nivel nacional su consumo es en grandes cantidades, por lo que su producción en el país ha aumentado, sin embargo, uno de los problemas más comunes es el cuajado en la etapa de floración, disminuyendo la producción si las condiciones externas o internas no son favorables para el cuajado, las flores caen después de la antesis e incluso después de la polinización, por lo que es de importancia mejorar el rendimiento de este. El objetivo de este estudio fue probar tres biorreguladores Cytoquin®, New Gibb y Brasinolide, en distintas dosis al aplicar en flor abierta y flor cerrada, se lo llevó a cabo en el cantón Paute, sector de Secay, una zona que es conocida por la producción de tomate. Los resultados muestran que en todas las variables tanto en flor abierta y cerrada hubo diferencias significativas (p-valor < 0.05). Se evidenció que existe una tendencia de obtener mejores resultados de algunas variables al aplicar los biorreguladores en flor cerrada. La aplicación de New Gibb en concentraciones de 1250 mg/l en flor cerrada obtuvo el mejor rendimiento, sin embargo, este deformó el fruto. El mejor biorregulador en diámetro fue el Brasinolide en dosis de 0,0625 mg/l en flor cerrada. Brasinolide 0,0625 mg/L fue el mejor biorregulador aplicado en flor cerrada permitió obtener mayor peso, mientras que, en rendimiento Brasinolide 0,0625 mg/L en flor cerrada y Cytoquin 2,25 ml/L en flor abierta obtuvieron resultados muy similares. Esta investigación sugiere que es mejor aplicar los biorreguladores en flor cerrada pues permite que el fruto tenga mejores características y a su vez es un punto de partida para realizar otras investigaciones en esta etapa fenológica de la planta.The tomato is a food consumed worldwide, it is known that it represents 30% of the world's horticultural production is this; Likewise, at the national level its consumption is in large quantities, so its production in the country has been increasing, however, one of the most common problems is fruit set in the flowering stage, decreasing production if external conditions or internal are not favorable for fruit set, the flowers drop after anthesis and even after pollination, so it is important to improve its performance. The objective of this study was to test three bioregulators Cytoquin®, New Gibb and Brasinolide, in different doses when applied in open flower and closed flower, it was carried out in the Paute canton, Secay sector, an area that is known for the tomato production. The results show that in all the variables both in open and closed flower there were significant differences (p-value < 0.05). It was evidenced that there is a tendency to obtain better results of some variables when applying the bioregulators in closed flower. The application of New Gibb in concentrations of 1250 mg/l in closed flower obtained the best performance, however, it deformed the fruit. The best bioregulator in diameter was Brasinolide at a dose of 0.0625 mg/l in a closed flower. Brasinolide 0.0625 mg/L was the best bioregulator applied in closed flower, it allowed to obtain greater weight, while in yield, Brasinolide 0.0625 mg/L in closed flower and Cytoquin 2.25 ml/L in open flower obtained very similar results. This research suggests that it is better to apply the bioregulators in closed flower as it allows the fruit to have better characteristics and is a starting point for further research in this phenological stage of the plant.0000-0003-2716-6978Ingeniero AgrónomoCuenc

    Membrane vesicles released by a hypervesiculating Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 tolR mutant are highly heterogeneous and show reduced capacity for epithelial cell interaction and entry.

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    Membrane vesicles (MVs) produced by Gram-negative bacteria are being explored for novel clinical applications due to their ability to deliver active molecules to distant host cells, where they can exert immunomodulatory properties. MVs released by the probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) are good candidates for testing such applications. However, a drawback for such studies is the low level of MV isolation from in vitro culture supernatants, which may be overcome by the use of mutants in cell envelope proteins that yield a hypervesiculation phenotype. Here, we confirm that a tolR mutation in EcN increases MV production, as determined by protein, LPS and fluorescent lipid measurements. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of negatively stained MVs did not reveal significant differences with wild type EcN MVs. Conversely, TEM observation after high-pressure freezing followed by freeze substitution of bacterial samples, together with cryo-TEM observation of plunge-frozen hydrated isolated MVs showed considerable structural heterogeneity in the EcN tolR samples. In addition to common one-bilayer vesicles (OMVs) and the recently described double-bilayer vesicles (O-IMVs), other types of MVs were observed. Time-course experiments of MV uptake in Caco-2 cells using rhodamine- and DiO-labelled MVs evidenced that EcN tolR MVs displayed reduced internalization levels compared to the wild-type MVs. The low number of intracellular MVs was due to a lower cell binding capacity of the tolR-derived MVs, rather than a different entry pathway or mechanism. These findings indicate that heterogeneity of MVs from tolR mutants may have a major impact on vesicle functionality, and point to the need for conducting a detailed structural analysis when MVs from hypervesiculating mutants are to be used for biotechnological applications

    Incorporación de nuevos ingredientes funcionales a alimentos como contribución a la promoción de la salud y/o a la prevención de enfermedades de la población iberoamericana

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    Coordinador: Javier Fontecha.-- et al.El desarrollo de nuevos alimentos que incorporen ingredientes funcionales requiere un enfoque multidisciplinar, por lo que se considera esencial la participación conjunta de grupos de investigación internacionalmente reconocidos, entre los que surjan sinergias, colaboraciones e intercambios, que permitan la obtención de resultados de investigación difícilmente alcanzables por un solo grupo. En la presente propuesta, se promueve la interacción, la cooperación y la transferencia de conocimientos y tecnologías relacionadas con compuestos bioactivos, suficientemente caracterizados por los diferentes grupos que componen esta acción, que integren sus tareas mediante la interconexión con empresas especializadas en ingredientes funcionales, permitiendo una mejor transferencia al sector productivo y por tanto, un aumento de su competitividad.PROYECTO CYTED. IBEROFUN. REF: 110AC0386.Peer reviewe

    Optimism and Social Support as Contributing Factors to Spirituality in Cancer Patients

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    Background/objective: The impact a cancer diagnosis and its treatment are affected by psychosocial factors and how these factors interrelate among themselves. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between optimism and social support in spiritual wellbeing in cancer patients initiating chemotherapy. Methods: A cross-sectional, multi-center (15 sites), prospective study was conducted with 912 cancer patients who had undergone curative surgery for a stage I-III cancer and were to receive adjuvant chemotherapy. They completed the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness-Spiritual Well-being Scale (FACIT-Sp), Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R), and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS). Results: Significant differences on spirituality scales (meaning/peace and faith) were detected depending on age (≤ 65 vs > 65), sex, marital status, employment, and cancer treatment. Married or partnered participants had significantly higher meaning/peace scores compared to their non-partnered counterparts (p = 0.001). Women, > 65 years, unemployed, and patients treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy had significantly higher faith scores versus men, ≤ 65 years, employed, and subjects only receiving adjuvant chemotherapy (all p < 0.030). Multivariate analyses indicated that meaning/peace and faith correlated positively with optimism and social support. Conclusion: During oncological treatment, the positive effects of optimism and social support exhibit a positive correlation with spiritual coping. A brief assessment evaluation of these factors can aid in identifying at risk for a worse adaptation to the disease

    Exercising leadership of nurses in the intensive care unit

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    Objetivo: conocer la comprensión de los enfermeros que trabajan en una Unidad de Terapia Intensiva sobre el ejercicio del liderazgo, así como los aspectos de la formación que interfieren en el liderazgo y sus implicaciones para la práctica. Métodos: estudio de abordaje cualitativo, de tipo descriptivo y exploratorio. Participaron cinco enfermeras que trabajaban en Unidad de Terapia Intensiva de un Hospital Escuela localizado en el Sur de Rio Grande del Sur. La recolecta de datos ocurrió por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas, analizadas conforme Análisis Temático. Resultados: fueron identificados dos temas – Ejercicio del liderazgo en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva y Formación para liderar en la Enfermería. Los resultados sugier en la adopción de estilo de liderazgo democrático entre los participantes. Consideraciones finales: la educación permanente se destacó como necesidad a ser sanada para fortalecer el liderazgo del enfermero

    Trichoderma harzianum no Desenvolvimento e na Proteção de Mudas contra a Fusariose do Tomateiro

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    The fusarial wilt of the tomato is a disease difficult of being controland it is looked for in the biocontrole an alternative. The objectiv of thework went to verify the action isolates of T. harzianum in the developmentand in the protection of seedlings against the fusarial wilt of the tomato.Treatments of seeds with three isolates and mix of T. harzianum being usedto evaluate germination, emergency and development of seedlings. Two forms of the biocontrole agents application were used, through seed andsubstratum, and for the seeds they were also accomplished biological andchemical treatments, for the evaluation of the incidence and severity of thefusarial wilt. It was observed that the isolates of Trichoderma did notpromote the germination and emergency of the tomato. In this treatmentsof seeds and substratum, the smallest incidence percentages were found bytreatment HTSR5 + Rhodiauram and the rate of 0,5 g of powder (HTSR5).A fusariose do tomateiro é uma doença difícil de ser controlada ebusca-se no biocontrole uma alternativa. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificara ação de isolados de Trichoderma harzianum no desenvolvimento e naproteção de mudas contra a fusariose do tomateiro. Foi utilizado tratamentode sementes com três isolados e um mix de T. harzianum, para avaliargerminação, emergência e desenvolvimento de mudas. Para o controleda fusariose foram utilizadas duas formas de aplicação dos agentes debiocontrole, via semente e substrato, sendo que para as sementes foramrealizados, também, tratamentos biológico e químico. Observou-se que osisolados de T. harzianum não promoveram a germinação e emergência dotomateiro. Para os tratamentos de semente ou substrato, as menores incidênciasforam encontradas no tratamento Rhodiauram + HTSR5 e a dosede 0,5g de pó (HTSR5), respectivamente

    High circulating SDF-1and MCP-1 levels and genetic variations in CXCL12, CCL2 and CCR5 : Prognostic signature of immune recovery status in treated HIV-positive patients

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    The underlying mechanisms of incomplete immune reconstitution in treated HIV-positive patients are very complex and may be multifactorial, but perturbation of chemokine secretion could play a key role in CD4 T-cell turnover. We evaluated the circulating baseline and 48-week follow-up concentrations of SDF-1/CXCL12, fractalkine/CX3CL1, MCP-1/CCL2, MIP-α/CCL3, MIP-β/CCL4 and RANTES/CCL5, and we estimated their association with CXCL12, CX3CR1, CCR2, CCL5 and CCR5 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to investigate multiple chemokine-chemokine receptor signatures associated with immune dysregulation preceding poor immune recovery. The circulating concentrations and gene expression patterns of SDF-1/CXCL12 (CXCL12 rs1801157) and MCP-1/CCL2 (CCR2 rs1799864_814) were associated with immune recovery status. CCR2 rs1799864_814 and CCR5 rs333_814 (Δ32) determine the baseline plasma RANTES and MIP-α concentrations, respectively, in participants with poor immune response. SDF-1/CXCL12 and MCP-1/CCL2 could be considered prognostic markers of immune failure despite suppressive antiretroviral therapy. The strong linkage disequilibrium (LD) between CCR2 rs1799864_814 and CCR5 rs1800024 indicated that the alleles of each gene are inherited together more often than would be expected by chance. This work was supported by Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria and SPANISH AIDS Research Network (ISCIII-FEDER); AGAUR and Gilead Fellowship. FV and YMP are supported by grants from the Programa de Intensificación (ISCIII) and Servicio Andaluz de Salud, respectively. JVG,EY and LR are supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII). AR is supported by Departament de Salut, Generalitat de Catalunya and by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)

    Biodiversity post-2020: Closing the gap between global targets and national-level implementation

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    National and local governments need to step up efforts to effectively implement the post-2020 global biodiversity framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity to halt and reverse worsening biodiversity trends. Drawing on recent advances in interdisciplinary biodiversity science, we propose a framework for improved implementation by national and subnational governments. First, the identification of actions and the promotion of ownership across stakeholders need to recognize the multiple values of biodiversity and account for remote responsibility. Second, cross-sectorial implementation and mainstreaming should adopt scalable and multifunctional ecosystem restoration approaches and target positive futures for nature and people. Third, assessment of progress and adaptive management can be informed by novel biodiversity monitoring and modeling approaches handling the multidimensionality of biodiversity change