102 research outputs found

    Pojęcie supozycji sądu w poglądach polskich filozofów

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    The concept of „supposition" has already been brought in by the scholastics (suppositio) for describing different relations between objects and names, which refer to these objects. In the XX century, the problem of supposition, understood som ew hat different than by the scholastics, was taken up by A. Meinong. His intention was taking notice of judgment existence, which does not express even the involvement of belief. Such a concept of supposition has been taken up and developed by many Polish philosophers (inter alia W. Witwicki, T. Czeżowski, K. Pasenkiewicz, K. Ajdukiewicz, H. Mehlberg, B. Gawęcki, and L. Kołakowski). They emphasized both subjective aspect - lack of belief moment, and objective aspect - non-verifiability

    Media sharing websites and the US financial markets

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    Recently, one of the main issues of concern within the world wide web is the understanding of web 2.0 mass collaboration systems. These systems have emerged in recent years and gained enormous popularity. It must, however, be pointed out, that the potential and practical application of web 2.0 are still not well understood and deserve academic attention. In this paper we investigate the online media sharing collaborative community and its applications for uses in stock market analysis and prediction. Specifically, we look at Youtube.com, one of the most popular social media sharing websites. The association with stock market behaviour and usage patterns are investigated. This work became of more interest and significance with the recent credit crunch crisis. The data under investigation is novel, and to our knowledge, this paper reports the first investigation of its kind to the use of collaborative media sharing website for stock market analysis. We find significant association between video meta-data and textual data using a content driven sentiment text mining approach. The results are very encouraging and importantly highlight efficient information transfer to online media sharing communities as there seems to be predictive value in youtube data

    Long Term Trends and Correlates of Antler Anomalies in Roe Deer

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    Length and structural complexity of antlers provide an indication of individual quality in many ungulates in the context of female mate choice and trophy hunting. Selectivity of hunters for individuals with various antler sizes may have bearing on the population structure. It is less well understood, however, whether and how antler anomalies may signal individual characteristics. We used data on 2,461 roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) males harvested by stalking during 1966–2011 in western Poland to test hypotheses explaining probability of occurrence of accessory, broken, and malformed antlers. By employing a multinomial logistic regression, we showed that the probability of occurrence of broken and malformed antlers increased in males older than 2 years. Probability of occurrence of accessory and, in young males, broken antlers was higher in individuals with increased body weight. Occurrence of malformed antlers decreased over the study period. Contrary to our prediction, we did not detect an effect of distance to forest on the probability of malformed antlers occurring. We conclude that the main premise of compensatory culling is not supported in roe dee

    Search for potential cholinesterase inhibitors from the zinc database by virtual screening method

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    A virtual screening of the ZINC database was applied for the identification of novel cholinesterase inhibitors. The first step allowed to select compounds with favorable physicochemical properties. Then, the compounds were screened with the pharmacophore models built using crystal structures of donepezil, tacrine, decamethonium and bis-7-tacrine with acetylcholinesterase and well characterized interactions of bis-nor meptazinol with butyrylcholinesterase. The selected compounds from the group of donepezil were docked to acetylcholinesterase giving 7 structures for further studies. These compounds were tested against cholinesterases and two of them, 1-[4-(1H-indol-3-ylmethyl)piperazin-1-yl]-2-phenoxyethanone 2 and 2-[(1-benzylpiperidine-4 yl)amino]-1-phenylethanol 4 displayed, respectively, 50.1% and 79.5% of inhibition against butyrylcholinesterase at the concentration of 100 μM

    Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio predicts long-term all-cause mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease stage 5

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    Introduction: A high neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) has been reported to be a strong biomarker of infl ammation. Aim: We sought to evaluate the impact of NLR on long-term all-cause and cardio-vascular (CV) mortality in hemodialysis (HD) patients. Material and Methods: A total of 84 chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 5 patients with 54 of them on HD, with a median age of 61.5 (51.3-74.8) years were enrolled. The association between NLR and clinical biomarkers was investigated. Multivariable Cox regression analysis was used to find significant predictors of all-cause and CV mortality at follow-up. Results: The median NLR (interquartile range) was 3.0 (2.1-4.1). Patients with NLR ≥3.9 (the highest tertile) had higher fi ve-year all-cause mortality then remaining patients (53.6% vs. 30.4%; p = 0.039). On the contrary, only a trend towards increased CV mortality was observed (25.0% vs. 42.9%; p = 0.10). NLR ≥3.9 was a significant predictor of all-cause mortality at five years [hazard ratio (95%CI): 2.23 (1.10- 4.50); p = 0.025] in Cox regression model adjusted for age, gender, and diabetes status. Similarly, while using NLR as continuous variable a significant association between NLR and all-cause mortality was confirmed even after adjustment for covariates [hazard ratio per 1 unit increase (95%CI): 1.26 (1.06–1.51); p = 0.009] with the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.64. Correlations between NLR and WBC, concentration of fi brinogen, albumin were observed. Conclusions: Asymptomatic inflammation measured by NLR showed an association with long-term all-cause mortality in stage 5 CKD patients, even while white blood cell count was in the normal range

    Assessment of some of the factors involved in collagen metabolism in the abdominal aortic aneurysm wall

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    Wstęp. Przebudowa macierzy pozakomórkowej ściany aorty odgrywa istotną rolę w patogenezie tętniaka aorty brzusznej (AAA). Wraz z postępem choroby w jego ścianie zmniejsza się zawartość elastyny i zwiększa się zawartość prekursorowych form kolagenu, podczas gdy całkowita zawartość tego białka nie ulega istotnym zmianom. Celem pracy była ocena następujących czynników regulujących metabolizm kolagenu: insulinopodobnego czynnika wzrostu typu I (IGF-I) i jego białek wiążących (IGFBP-1 i IGFBP-3) oraz metaloproteinaz (MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-9) w ścianie TAB w porównaniu ze ścianą aorty prawidłowej. Materiał i metody. Materiał do badań stanowiły ściany AAA o średnicy 80 ± 20 mm pobrane od 30 chorych w wieku 65 ± 10 lat podczas planowych zabiegów operacyjnych. Materiałem kontrolnym były prawidłowe aorty brzuszne 10 dawców narządów w wieku 34 ± 5 lat. Metodami radioimmunologicznymi oznaczono stężenie IGF-I, IGFBP-1 i IGFBP-3. Oceniono również ekspresję MMP-1, MMP-2 oraz MMP-9. Wyniki. Wykazano, że zawartość IGF-I zmniejsza się, natomiast zawartość IGFBP-1 oraz IGFBP-3 zwiększa się w ścianie AAA w porównaniu ze ścianą aorty kontrolnej. Ponadto stwierdzono większą intensywność ekspresji MMP-1, MMP-2 oraz MMP-9 w ścianie AAA w porównaniu ze ścianą aorty kontrolnej. Wnioski. W ścianie AAA zmniejsza się zawartość oraz biodostępność IGF-I w porównaniu ze ścianą aorty prawidłowej u osób młodych. Proces ten może utrudniać odtwarzanie kolagenu degradowanego przez metaloproteinazy (kolagenazę, żelatynazy), których zwiększona ekspresja występuje w ścianie AAA.Background. Extracellular matrix remodelling of the aortic wall plays an important role in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) pathogenesis. With progress of the disease, elastin content decreases and the contents of collagen precursor forms increase in the AAA wall; however, total collagen content does not show any significant changes. The aim of the study was to evaluate the following factors involved in collagen metabolism: insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and its binding proteins (IGFBP-1 and IGFBP-3), as well as metalloproteinases (MMP-1, MMP-2 and MMP-9) in the AAA wall when compared to the wall of normal aorta. Material and methods. The studied material consisted of AAA walls that were collected during elective surgical treatment of 30 patients in the age range 65 ± 10 years. The AAA diameter was 80 ± 20 mm. Normal abdominal aortas from 10 organ donors in the age range 34 ± 5 years were the control material. Contents of IGF-I, IGFBP-1 and IGFBP-3 were evaluated according to radioimmunometric methods. Expression of MMP-1, MMP-2 and MMP-9 was also assessed. Results. It was demonstrated that IGF-I content was decreased, whereas content of IGFBP-1 and IGFBP-3 were increased in the AAA wall when compared to the wall of normal aorta. Furthermore, increased intensity of MMP-1, MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression was found in the AAA wall in comparison with the wall of normal aorta. Conclusions. Insulin-like growth factor 1 content and its bioavailability are decreased in the AAA wall when compared to the wall of normal aorta in young subjects. This may impede regeneration of collagen degraded by metalloproteinases (collagenase, gelatinases), increased expression of which is present in the AAA wall

    Synthesis, molecular modelling and biological evaluation of novel heterodimeric, multiple ligands targeting cholinesterases and amyloid beta

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    Cholinesterases and amyloid beta are one of the major biological targets in the search for a new and efficacious treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. The study describes synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of new compounds designed as dual binding site acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Among the synthesized compounds, two deserve special attention—compounds 42 and 13. The former is a saccharin derivative and the most potent and selective acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (EeAChE IC50 = 70 nM). Isoindoline-1,3-dione derivative 13 displays balanced inhibitory potency against acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) (EeAChE IC50 = 0.76 μM, EqBuChE IC50 = 0.618 μM), and it inhibits amyloid beta aggregation (35.8% at 10 μM). Kinetic studies show that the developed compounds act as mixed or non-competitive acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. According to molecular modelling studies, they are able to interact with both catalytic and peripheral active sites of the acetylcholinesterase. Their ability to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) was confirmed in vitro in the parallel artificial membrane permeability BBB assay. These compounds can be used as a solid starting point for further development of novel multifunctional ligands as potential anti-Alzheimer’s agents

    Trudny pacjent, trudny dostęp. Nie ma rzeczy niemożliwych

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    Leczenie nerkozastępcze wiążę się z różnorakimipowikłaniami, których występowanie zwiększa sięz upływem czasu leczenia. Autorzy przedstawiliprzypadek pacjenta, który jest leczony z powoduchorób układu moczowego od wczesnego dzieciństwa.Leczenie hemodializami i wytwarzane przetokibyły powikłane tętniakami, zwężeniami żył i licznymireoperacjami, dializa otrzewnowa musiała byćprzerwana z powodu stwardniającego zapaleniaotrzewnej, przeszczepiona nerka funkcjonowałaprawidłowo przez niecałe 5 lat. Powrót do hemodializpostawił przed lekarzami wyzwanie w postacikonieczności wytworzenia nowego skutecznego dostępu.Opisano możliwe sposoby poradzenia sobiew trudnej sytuacji

    Large-scale mitochondrial DNA analysis reveals new light on the phylogeography of Central and Eastern-European Brown hare (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778)

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    European brown hare, Lepus europaeus, from Central and Eastern European countries (Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Lithuania, Romania, Georgia and Italy) were sampled, and phylogenetic analyses were carried out on two datasets: 1.) 137 sequences (358 bp) of control region mtDNA; and 2.) 105 sequences of a concatenated fragment (916 bp), including the cytochrome b, tRNA-Thr, tRNA-Pro and control region mitochondrial DNA. Our sequences were aligned with additional brown hare sequences from GenBank. A total of 52 and 51 haplotypes were detected within the two datasets, respectively, and assigned to two previously described major lineages: Anatolian/Middle Eastern (AME) and European (EUR). Furthermore, the European lineage was divided into two subclades including South Eastern European (SEE) and Central European (CE). Sympatric distribution of the lineages of the brown hare in South-Eastern and Eastern Europe revealed contact zones there. BAPS analysis assigned sequences from L. europaeus to five genetic clusters, whereas CE individuals were assigned to only one cluster, and AME and SEE sequences were each assigned to two clusters. Our findings uncover numerous novel haplotypes of Anatolian/Middle Eastern brown hare outside their main range, as evidence for the combined influence of Late Pleistocene climatic fluctuations and anthropogenic activities in shaping the phylogeographic structure of the species. Our results support the hypothesis of a postglacial brown hare expansion from Anatolia and the Balkan Peninsula to Central and Eastern Europe, and suggest some slight introgression of individual haplotypes from L. timidus to L. europaeus