39 research outputs found

    HSP70/IL-2 treated NK cells effectively cross the blood brain barrier and target tumor cells in a rat model of induced glioblastoma multiforme (GBM)

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    Natural killer (NK) cell therapy is one of the most promising treatments for Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). However, this emerging technology is limited by the availability of sufficient numbers of fully functional cells. Here, we investigated the efficacy of NK cells that were expanded and treated by interleukin-2 (IL-2) and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), both in vitro and in vivo. Proliferation and cytotoxicity assays were used to assess the functionality of NK cells in vitro, after which treated and naïve NK cells were administrated intracranially and systemically to compare the potential antitumor activities in our in vivo rat GBM models. In vitro assays provided strong evidence of NK cell efficacy against C6 tumor cells. In vivo tracking of NK cells showed efficient homing around and within the tumor site. Furthermore, significant amelioration of the tumor in rats treated with HSP70/Il-2-treated NK cells as compared to those subjected to nontreated NK cells, as confirmed by MRI, proved the efficacy of adoptive NK cell therapy. Moreover, results obtained with systemic injection confirmed migration of activated NK cells over the blood brain barrier and subsequent targeting of GBM tumor cells. Our data suggest that administration of HSP70/Il-2-treated NK cells may be a promising therapeutic approach to be considered in the treatment of GBM. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Engineered Tumor-Derived Extracellular Vesicles: Potentials in Cancer Immunotherapy

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    Exosomes are nano vesicles from the larger family named Extracellular Vesicle (EV)s which are released by various cells including tumor cells, mast cells, dendritic cells, B lymphocytes, neurons, adipocytes, endothelial cells, and epithelial cells. They are considerable messengers that can exchange proteins and genetic materials between the cells. Within the past decade, Tumor derived exosomes (TEX) have been emerged as important mediators in cancer initiation, progression and metastasis as well as host immune suppression and drug resistance. Although tumor derived exosomes consist of tumor antigens and several Heat Shock Proteins such as HSP70 and HSP90 to stimulate immune response against tumor cells, they contain inhibitory molecules like Fas ligand (Fas-L), Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGF-β) and Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) leading to decrease the cytotoxicity and establish immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment (TME). To bypass this problem and enhance immune response, some macromolecules such as miRNAs, HSPs and activatory ligands have been recognized as potent immune inducers that could be used as anti-tumor agents to construct a nano sized tumor vaccine. Here, we discussed emerging engineered exosomes as a novel therapeutic strategy and considered the associated challenges. © Copyright © 2020 Taghikhani, Farzaneh, Sharifzad, Mardpour, Ebrahimi and Hassan

    The extracellular vesicles-derived from mesenchymal stromal cells: A new therapeutic option in regenerative medicine

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    ABSTRACT Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are adult multipotent cells that due to their ability to homing to damaged tissues and differentiate into specialized cells, are remarkable cells in the field of regenerative medicine. It's suggested that the predominant mechanism of MSCs in tissue repair might be related to their paracrine activity. The utilization of MSCs for tissue repair is initially based on the differentiation ability of these cells; however now it has been revealed that only a small fraction of the transplanted MSCs actually fuse and survive in host tissues. Indeed, MSCs supply the microenvironment with the secretion of soluble trophic factors, survival signals and the release of extracellular vesicles (EVs) such as exosome. Also, the paracrine activity of EVs could mediate the cellular communication to induce cell- differentiation/self-renewal. Recent findings suggest that EVs released by MSCs may also be critical in the physiological function of these cells. This review provides an overview of MSC-derived extracellular vesicles as a hopeful opportunity to advance novel cell-free therapy strategies that might prevail over the obstacles and risks associated with the use of native or engineered stem cells. EVs are very stable; they can pass the biological barriers without rejection and can shuttle bioactive molecules from one cell to another, causing the exchange of genetic information and reprogramming of the recipient cells. Moreover, extracellular vesicles may provide therapeutic cargo for a wide range of diseases and cancer therapy. Key Words: Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Extracellular vesicles, Exosome, Regenerative medicine

    Glioblastoma cancer stem cell biology: Potential theranostic targets

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is among the most incurable cancers. GBMs survival rate has not markedly improved, despite new radical surgery protocols, the introduction of new anticancer drugs, new treatment protocols, and advances in radiation techniques. The low efficacy of therapy, and short interval between remission and recurrence, could be attributed to the resistance of a small fraction of tumorigenic cells to treatment. The existence and importance of cancer stem cells (CSCs) is perceived by some as controversial. Experimental evidences suggest that the presence of therapy-resistant glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs) could explain tumor recurrence and metastasis. Some scientists, including most of the authors of this review, believe that GSCs are the driving force behind GBM relapses, whereas others however, question the existence of GSCs. Evidence has accumulated indicating that non-tumorigenic cancer cells with high heterogeneity, could undergo reprogramming and become GSCs. Hence, targeting GSCs as the �root cells� initiating malignancy has been proposed to eradicate this devastating disease. Most standard treatments fail to completely eradicate GSCs, which can then cause the recurrence of the disease. To effectively target GSCs, a comprehensive understanding of the biology of GSCs as well as the mechanisms by which these cells survive during treatment and develop into new tumor, is urgently needed. Herein, we provide an overview of the molecular features of GSCs, and elaborate how to facilitate their detection and efficient targeting for therapeutic interventions. We also discuss GBM classifications based on the molecular stem cell subtypes with a focus on potential therapeutic approaches. © 201

    Glioblastoma cancer stem cell biology: Potential theranostic targets

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is among the most incurable cancers. GBMs survival rate has not markedly improved, despite new radical surgery protocols, the introduction of new anticancer drugs, new treatment protocols, and advances in radiation techniques. The low efficacy of therapy, and short interval between remission and recurrence, could be attributed to the resistance of a small fraction of tumorigenic cells to treatment. The existence and importance of cancer stem cells (CSCs) is perceived by some as controversial. Experimental evidences suggest that the presence of therapy-resistant glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs) could explain tumor recurrence and metastasis. Some scientists, including most of the authors of this review, believe that GSCs are the driving force behind GBM relapses, whereas others however, question the existence of GSCs. Evidence has accumulated indicating that non-tumorigenic cancer cells with high heterogeneity, could undergo reprogramming and become GSCs. Hence, targeting GSCs as the �root cells� initiating malignancy has been proposed to eradicate this devastating disease. Most standard treatments fail to completely eradicate GSCs, which can then cause the recurrence of the disease. To effectively target GSCs, a comprehensive understanding of the biology of GSCs as well as the mechanisms by which these cells survive during treatment and develop into new tumor, is urgently needed. Herein, we provide an overview of the molecular features of GSCs, and elaborate how to facilitate their detection and efficient targeting for therapeutic interventions. We also discuss GBM classifications based on the molecular stem cell subtypes with a focus on potential therapeutic approaches. © 201

    Subcutaneous Injection of Allogeneic Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Psoriasis Plaques: Clinical Trial Phase I

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    Objective: Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) play immunomodulatory role in various autoimmune diseases. Previouspre-clinical and clinical studies have shown that MSCs could be a therapeutic modality for psoriasis. However, themechanisms of treatment and its possible side effects are under investigation. In this study, the safety and probableefficacy of injecting allogeneic adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (ADSCs) in psoriatic patients were evaluated.Materials and Methods: In this phase I clinical study with six months of follow-up, total number of 1×106 or 3×106cells/cm2 of ADSCs were injected into the subcutaneous tissue of each plaque as a single dose in three males and twofemales (3M/2F) with a mean age of 32.8 ± 8.18. The primary outcome was safety. Changes in clinical and histologicalindexes, the number of B and T lymphocytes in local and peripheral blood, and serum levels of inflammatory cytokineswere assessed. Paired t test was used to compare variables at two time points (baseline and six months after injection)and repeated measures ANOVA test was utilized for variables at three time points in follow-up visits.Results: No major adverse effects such as burning, pain, itching, or any systemic side effects were observed followingADSCs injection, and the lesions showed slight to considerable improvement after injection. The mRNA expressionlevels of pro-inflammatory factors were reduced in the dermis of the patients after injection. The increased expressionlevel of Foxp3 transcription factor in the patient blood samples suggested modulation of inflammation after ADMSCsadministration. Six months after the intervention, no major side effects were reported, but skin thickness, erythema, andscaling of the plaques, as well as the PASI score, were decreased in majority of patients.Conclusion: Our study suggested that ADSC injection could be considered as a safe and effective therapeuticapproach for psoriatic plaques (registration number: IRCT20080728001031N24)

    Deiminated proteins and extracellular vesicles - novel serum biomarkers in whales and Orca

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    Peptidylarginine deiminases (PADs) are a family of phylogenetically conserved calcium-dependent enzymes which cause post-translational protein deimination. This can result in neoepitope generation, affect gene regulation and allow for protein moonlighting via functional and structural changes in target proteins. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) carry cargo proteins and genetic material and are released from cells as part of cellular communication. EVs are found in most body fluids where they can be useful biomarkers for assessment of health status. Here, serum-derived EVs were profiled, and post-translationally deiminated proteins and EV-related microRNAs are described in 5 ceataceans: minke whale, fin whale, humpback whale, Cuvier's beaked whale and orca. EV-serum profiles were assessed by transmission electron microscopy and nanoparticle tracking analysis. EV profiles varied between the 5 species and were identified to contain deiminated proteins and selected key inflammatory and metabolic microRNAs. A range of proteins, critical for immune responses and metabolism were identified to be deiminated in cetacean sera, with some shared KEGG pathways of deiminated proteins relating to immunity and physiology, while some KEGG pathways were species-specific. This is the first study to characterise and profile EVs and to report deiminated proteins and putative effects of protein-protein interaction networks via such post-translationald deimination in cetaceans, revealing key immune and metabolic factors to undergo this post-translational modification. Deiminated proteins and EVs profiles may possibly be developed as new biomarkers for assessing health status of sea mammals

    COMPARE CPM-RMI Trial: Intramyocardial transplantation of autologous bone marrow-derived CD133+ Cells and MNCs during CABG in patients with recent MI: A Phase II/III, multicenter, placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind clinical trial

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    Objective: The regenerative potential of bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (MNCs) and CD133+ stem cells in the heart varies in terms of their pro-angiogenic effects. This phase II/III, multicenter and double-blind trial is designed to compare the functional effects of intramyocardial autologous transplantation of both cell types and placebo in patients with recent myocardial infarction (RMI) post-coronary artery bypass graft. Materials and Methods: This was a phase II/III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial COMPARE CPM-RMI (CD133, Placebo, MNCs - recent myocardial infarction) conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki that assessed the safety and efficacy of CD133 and MNCs compared to placebo in patients with RMI. We randomly assigned 77 eligible RMI patients selected from 5 hospitals to receive CD133+ cells, MNC, or a placebo. Patients underwent gated single photon emission computed tomography assessments at 6 and 18 months post-intramyocardial transplantation. We tested the normally distributed efficacy outcomes with a mixed analysis of variance model that used the entire data set of baseline and between-group comparisons as well as within subject (time) and group�time interaction terms. Results: There were no related serious adverse events reported. The intramyocardial transplantation of both cell types increased left ventricular ejection fraction by 9 95% confidence intervals (CI): 2.14% to 15.78%, P=0.01 and improved decreased systolic wall thickening by -3.7 (95% CI: -7.07 to -0.42, P=0.03). The CD133 group showed significantly decreased non-viable segments by 75% (P=0.001) compared to the placebo and 60% (P=0.01) compared to the MNC group. We observed this improvement at both the 6- and 18-month time points. Conclusion: Intramyocardial injections of CD133+ cells or MNCs appeared to be safe and efficient with superiority of CD133+ cells for patients with RMI. Although the sample size precluded a definitive statement about clinical outcomes, these results have provided the basis for larger studies to confirm definitive evidence about the efficacy of these cell types (Registration Number: NCT01167751). © 2018 Royan Institute (ACECR). All Rights Reserved