111 research outputs found


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    Keyword: Language style, language style in advertisement, GADIS magazine.People may use different language style when delivering ideas through language. The way people speak depends on the speaker’s relationship with the addressee in determining the appropriate style of speaking used. In conducting the study, the writer analyzed two problems of study namely; (1)What kinds of language style are used in the slogan of advertisement of beauty products in GADIS magazine seen from its sentence structure? (2)What types of language style are used in the promotional sentences of beauty product advertisement of GADIS magazine?This study used qualitative approach and document analysis since the analysis focused on analyzing and interpreting the text in the form of slogans and promotional sentences.The theory used in this study is the language style theory proposed by Keraf (2010) and Wells (1995).From 15 slogans analyzed, the writer found all of the type of language style based on sentence structure. The parallelism style is mostly used and the occurrence is about 6 times, it is followed by climax style found in 5 slogans and anticlimax found 2 times, the next is repetition style and antithesis style occurs only once in each type. Based on types of language style in advertisement, from 28 Promotional, the writer found 14data which are categorized into demonstration style, 8 data are categorized into hard sell style, 3 data are categorized into problem – solution style, 2 data are categorized into spokesperson style and one data categorized into comparison style.In conclusion, the writer concludes that in parallelism style and demonstration style the creators of the advertisement mostly used adjectives from the vocabulary of the sentence. Finally, the writer concludes that adjectives are important in advertising to add prestige and desirability for the readers. For further research, the researcher are expected to be able to develop and explore further using different theory and different subject such as advertisement in radio in order to help the readers to understand more about theory of language style


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    Penelitian ini di latar belakangi dengan adanya permasalahan yang ditemukan di PAUD Miftahussa’adah Jl. Cijambe Rt.04 Rw.05 Desa Cirenghas Kecamatan Cirenghas Kabupaten Sukabumi, yaitu kemampuan motorik kasar sebagian besar anak yang masih rendah terutama dalam melakukan gerakan-gerakan yang menggunakan kaki seperti menendang bola secara terarah, berlari secara berjigjag, kurang keseimbangan saat menendang bola, melempar bola secara terarah dan melatih gerakan koordinasi mata sehingga anak kurang fokus melakukan kegiatan tersebut. Sedangkan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk mengetahui keterampilan motorik kasar anak di PAUD Miftahussa’adah sebelum diterapkan permainan futsal modifikasi, (2) Untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan penerapan permainan futsal modifikasi untuk meningkatkan keterampilan motorik kasar pada anak PAUD Miftahussa’adah. (3) Untuk mengetahui peningkatan keterampilan motorik kasar pada anak PAUD Miftahussa’adah setelah diterapkan permainan futsal modifikasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan hasil dan memperbaiki dalam proses pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kemampuan motorik kasar pada anak usia dini. Metode yang di gunakan adalah metode penelitian tindakan kelas, dilakukan secara kolaborasi dengan pihak sekolah yang terkait, subjek penelitian adalah 15 anak kelompok B terdiri dari 8 laki-laki dan 7 perempuan. Analisis data diperoleh melalui hasil observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa melalui permainan futsal modifikasi motorik kasar anak menjadi lebih baik dari pada sebelum di lakukan tindakan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui permainan futsal modifikasi dapat meningkatkan kemampuan motorik kasar anak usia dini. Rekomendasi untuk guru yakni permainan futsal modifikasi dapat di gunakan sebagai kegiatan alternatif dalam KBM anak usia dini agar anak tidak merasa jenuh dan terhindar dari cedera dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran.;---This research background backs with their problems were found in early childhood Miftahussa'adah Jl. Cijambe Rt.04 Rw.05 Village Cirenghas Cirenghas District of Sukabumi, ie gross motor skills most children are still low, especially in conducting movements of his arms and legs as kicking a ball in a focused, ran berjigjag, less balance when kicking the ball, throw the ball directionally and train movements eye coordination so that children do not focus on doing these activities. While the purpose of this study were (1) To determine the gross motor skills of children in early childhood before applied Miftahussa'adah futsal game modifications, (2) To investigate the implementation of the application of futsal game modifications to improve gross motor skills in children early childhood Miftahussa'adah. (3) To determine the increase in gross motor skills in children early childhood Miftahussa'adah after modification applied futsal game. The purpose of this study to increase the yield and improve the learning process to improve gross motor skills in early childhood. The method used is the method of action research, conducted in collaboration with the school related, the study subjects were 15 children in group B consisted of 8 males and 7 females. Analysis of data obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that through the game futsal modification gross motor skills of children to be better than before in doing the action. It can be concluded that through the game of futsal modification can improve gross motor skills of young children. Recommendations for teachers namely futsal game modifications can be used as an alternative activity in early childhood teaching so that children do not feel bored in implementing the learning activities

    Language Style Used In Beauty Product Advertisements Of “Gadis” Magazine

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    Keyword: Language style, language style in advertisement, GADIS magazine.People may use different language style when delivering ideas through language. The way people speak depends on the speaker\u27s relationship with the addressee in determining the appropriate style of speaking used. In conducting the study, the writer analyzed two problems of study namely; (1)What kinds of language style are used in the slogan of advertisement of beauty products in GADIS magazine seen from its sentence structure? (2)What types of language style are used in the promotional sentences of beauty product advertisement of GADIS magazine?This study used qualitative approach and document analysis since the analysis focused on analyzing and interpreting the text in the form of slogans and promotional sentences.The theory used in this study is the language style theory proposed by Keraf (2010) and Wells (1995).From 15 slogans analyzed, the writer found all of the type of language style based on sentence structure. The parallelism style is mostly used and the occurrence is about 6 times, it is followed by climax style found in 5 slogans and anticlimax found 2 times, the next is repetition style and antithesis style occurs only once in each type. Based on types of language style in advertisement, from 28 Promotional, the writer found 14data which are categorized into demonstration style, 8 data are categorized into hard sell style, 3 data are categorized into problem – solution style, 2 data are categorized into spokesperson style and one data categorized into comparison style.In conclusion, the writer concludes that in parallelism style and demonstration style the creators of the advertisement mostly used adjectives from the vocabulary of the sentence. Finally, the writer concludes that adjectives are important in advertising to add prestige and desirability for the readers. For further research, the researcher are expected to be able to develop and explore further using different theory and different subject such as advertisement in radio in order to help the readers to understand more about theory of language style


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    West Sumatra has many traditional foods, one of which is Sumbareh. This food is not widely known by the public. This encourages the craftsman to visualize  Sumbareh  in the work of  food photography.  Presenting with a different concept than before, namely presenting with traditional and modern concepts. Use traditional objects and modern properties in their setup. The collection uses high-speed techniques in some works in addition to the craftsmanship also presents symbols and semiotics to convey the message. The purpose of the creation of this work is to present a new concept and arrangement from  Sumbareh, to be better known by the wider community, especially young people. Sumbareh  is made from real rice flour, which must be produced by itself. To eat it there are several additions in how to eat it such as Black Tapai, Cendol, White porridge, Lopis, and Brown Sugar Gravy. The creation of this work is carried out in four stages, firstly in the form of preparation by conducting research, secondly the design of the concept of the work, the three manifestations of the work, and the four presentations of the work


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh struktur modal, ukuran perusahaan dan profitabilitas terhadap nilai perusahaan pada perusahaan Food and Beverage yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Struktur modal diukur dengan Debt to Equity Ratio, ukuran perusahaan diukur dengan logaritma natural dari total aset, profitabilitas diukur dengan Return On Asset, dan nilai perusahaan diukur dengan Price to Book Value. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian ini diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode sampel jenuh, yaitu teknik penentuan sampel apabila semua populasi digunakan sebagai sampel. Berdasarkan metode sampel jenuh terdapat 11 perusahaan. Metode analisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis inferensial dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian statistik deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa Debt to Equity Ratio, ukuran perusahaan dan Return On Asset memperoleh rata-rata cukup baik. Hasil uji asumsi klasik menunjukkan semua variabel yang digunakan memenuhi asumsi dan tidak terdapat pelanggaran, demikian juga hasil uji kelayakan model menunjukkan bahwa model regresi layak untuk digunakan. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan Return On Asset berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan, sedangkan Debt to Equity Ratio dan ukuran perusahaan berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Kata kunci: Struktur Modal, Ukuran Perusahaan, Profitabilitas, Nilai Perusahaa


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh seringnya terjadi kecelakaan lalu-lintas, terutama pada pengoperasian sepeda motor. Salah satu factor penyebabnya adalah pada sistem pengereman. Ketika kendaraan harus berhenti mendadak karena sesuatu hal maka roda sepeda motor akan terkunci (locked), sehingga antara ban dan permukaan jalan akan terjadi gesekan kinetis yang berdampak pada hilangnya pengendalian sepeda motor. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan umum untuk mendapatkan sistem pengereman sepeda motor yang lebih efektip, sehingga dapat meningkatkan keamanan bagi pengendara sepeda motor. Metode penelitian bersifat kaji eksperimental yang dimulai dengan rancang bangun komponen ABS (antilocked Brake System). Eksperimen dilakukan dengan cara mengoperasikan kendaraan bermotor manual pada kecepatan tertentu, selanjutnya kendaraan di rem kejut. Respon pengereman dilihat dari jarak tempuh kendaraan sampai dengan posisi berhenti. Perlakuan tersebut juga dilakukan pada sepeda motor yang menggunkan sistem ABS. Keberhasilan penggunaan sistem ABS dianalisis dengan cara membandingkan kedua data pengereman tersebut. Dari kegiatan rancang bangun pengereman ABS dan dilanjutkan dengan pengujian, dapat disimpulkan antara lain:-        Terjadi hubungan linier antara kecepatan dan jarak pengereman, baik untuk pengereman konvensional maupun pengereman ABS.-        Frekwnwbsi getaran optimum untuk pengereman ABS adalah fopt = 11,5 cps, kapasitor yang dipakai mempunyai spesifikasi C = 130 μF-        Pengereman ABS yang dikembangkan bersifat luwes (flexible), artinya dapat dimodifikasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan-        Komponen ABS murah hargya dan tersedia di berbagai toko suku cadang kendaraan bermotor-        Perangkat keras ABS mudah dalam perawata serta perbaikan jika terjadi kerusakan


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    The dominant role of banks in Indonesia makes bank should have a healthy financial performance. A way to maintain good financial performance by analyzing the level of efficiency so it can be seen how banks are efficient, healthy and able to survive in any economic conditions. The purpose of this research is to analyze the efficiency level of stateowned banks and foreign banks in Indonesia in period between 2010-2014 based on three approaches; operational approach, intermediation approach and asset approach. The analytical method used are Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) using production function and Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA). SFA method used to measure efficiency level and the result appears in numeric score 0-1 form. The closer the result with score 1 so the banks getting closer with the perfect efficiency level. One Way ANOVA is used to find out the difference of state-owned bank and foreign bank efficiency level in every approaches. This research shows the results that efficiency level of state-owned banks and foreign banks in Indonesia is increasing in every period between 2010-2014 using operational approach, intermediation approach and asset approach. At operational approach, the average efficiency on state-owned banks are 0,97677198 and foreign banks are 0,78301436. At intermediation approach, the average efficiency on state-owned banks are 0,98241996 and foreign banks are 0,42062963. At asset approach, the average efficiency on state-owned banks are 0,322442 and foreign banks are 0,22159316. The results of hypothesis testing shows that there is significance difference in efficiency level of atate-owned banks and foreign banks based on operational approach, intermediation approach and asset approach. Both state-owned banks and foreign banks have to increase the efficiency level on asset approach because it has the lowest values

    Model Desain Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) Pada Industri Tekstil Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process

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    This paper aims to design Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to evaluate sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) in the textile industry in Indonesia. Supply chain sustainability has various challenges in supply chain management from an environmental, social and economic perspective. This encourages better performance management.The method used in identifying SSCM KPIs in the textile industry is carried out by surveys and field studies and validation of the respondent's questionnaire assessment, there are 20 SSM KPIs obtained during direct research in one of the textile industries in Kudus City. Precision performance is obtained by assessing the level of importance between KPI indicators measured using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. According to respondents' preferences, the most dominant indicators are economic indicators, followed by environmental indicators and then social indicators. The results of these KPIs are used to measure the performance of SSCM in the textile industry and as a reference for recommendations for performance improvement.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang Key Performance Indicators (KPI) untuk mengevaluasi pengelolaan rantai pasok berkelanjutan (Sustainable Supply Chain Management/SSCM) pada industri tekstil di Indonesia. Keberlanjutan rantai pasok memiliki berbagai tantangan pengelolaan rantai pasok dari segi lingkungan, sosial dan ekonomi. Hal ini mendorong pengelolaan kinerja yang lebih baik. Metode yang digunakan dalam mengidentifikasi KPI SSCM di industri tekstil dilakukan dengan survei dan studi lapangan dan validasi penilaian kuesioner responden, terdapat 20 KPI SSM yang didapatkan selama penelitian langsung di salah satu industri tekstil di Kota Kudus. Kinerja yang presisi didapatkan dengan penilaian tingkat kepentingan antar indikator KPI yang diukur menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Menurut preferensi responden indikator yang paling dominan adalah indikator ekonomi, diikuti indikator lingkungan dan kemudian indikator sosial. Hasil KPI tersebut digunakan untuk pengukuran kinerja SSCM di industri tekstil dan sebagai acuan rekomendasi perbaikan kinerja
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