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    Every institution has a profile as their identity, in the form of writing, pictures, and videos to introduce themselves to the public. The same applies to SMK Yapis Fakfak, one of the vocational education institutions in Fakfak. This profile video is designed with an interesting and informative concept to provide a clear picture of the school, educational programs, facilities, and achievements of SMK Yapis Fakfak. In this profile video, the PkM implementation team collected materials that included pictures and videos of the school, extracurricular activities, teaching and learning atmosphere, as well as interviews with the principal and vice principal. The script of the profile video was carefully crafted to describe the vision, mission and values of SMK YAPIS Fakfak, as well as explain the educational programs provided and their benefits for prospective students. The shooting process was conducted in various locations in the school, highlighting activities of interest and reflecting the diversity of educational programs offered. In the video editing process, relevant scenes were selected and narration was added to explain in more detail about the school excellence of SMK YAPIS Fakfak. The profile video will be uploaded to the school's website, social media channels and video-sharing platforms to ensure its accessibility for prospective students and parents so that it can be an effective promotional medium in supporting enrolment and strengthening the image of SMK YAPIS Fakfak school in the communityEvery institution has a profile as their identity, in the form of writing, pictures, and videos to introduce themselves to the public. The same applies to SMK Yapis Fakfak, one of the vocational education institutions in Fakfak. This profile video is designed with an interesting and informative concept to provide a clear picture of the school, educational programs, facilities, and achievements of SMK Yapis Fakfak. In this profile video, the PkM implementation team collected materials that included pictures and videos of the school, extracurricular activities, teaching and learning atmosphere, as well as interviews with the principal and vice principal. The script of the profile video was carefully crafted to describe the vision, mission and values of SMK YAPIS Fakfak, as well as explain the educational programs provided and their benefits for prospective students. The shooting process was conducted in various locations in the school, highlighting activities of interest and reflecting the diversity of educational programs offered. In the video editing process, relevant scenes were selected and narration was added to explain in more detail about the school excellence of SMK YAPIS Fakfak. The profile video will be uploaded to the school's website, social media channels and video-sharing platforms to ensure its accessibility for prospective students and parents so that it can be an effective promotional medium in supporting enrolment and strengthening the image of SMK YAPIS Fakfak school in the community

    Pengujian Blackbox pada Sistem Informasi Komunitas Pecinta Kucing di Bandar Lampung

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    Penelitian ini merespon dengan pertumbuhan minat komunitas pecinta kucing di Bandar Lampung dengan menelusuri dan mengevaluasi keandalan Sistem Informasi Forum Komunitas Pecinta Kucing melalui pendekatan blackbox testing. Fokus penelitian ditujukan untuk mengamati fungsionalitas sistem, untuk menemukan kekurangan dari sistem yang sebelumnya tidak diketahui oleh komunitas. Melalui penerapan metode blackbox testing, kinerja sistem dievaluasi dengan skenario penggunaan uji fungsional. Hasil pengujian akan mengungkap sejumlah aspek terkait peforma sistem, serta menemukan bagian masalah yang dapat disarankan untuk diperbaiki. Dari 12 skenario pengujian yang digunakan, 75% pengujian menghasilkan hasil yang valid atau lulus uji, sementara 25% menghasilkan hasil yang tidak valid atau tidak valid, hal ini menandakan perlunya perbaikan dan tindak lanjut untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna sistem. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengujian blackbox pada Sistem Informasi Komunitas Pecinta Kucing di Bandar Lampung memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam menemukan masalah pada sistem tersebut, sehingga akan meningkatkan kewaspadaan pada komunitas pada sistem yang telah dibangun serta untuk pengembangan sistem pada masa yang akan datang


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    Many nutritional problems occur when the intake of children under five is not balanced so that it will cause problems with poor growth status. The purpose of this health counseling is to determine the influence of breastfeeding mothers' knowledge regarding balanced nutrition after being given health education. Using a survey research design with quantitative methods and accidental sampling techniques. The target used was breastfeeding mothers as many as 18 respondents in Margamukti Village, North Sumedang District, Sumedang Regency, West Java Province. The results of health counseling activities regarding the level of knowing of breastfeeding mothers obtained pre-test results of 50% (Enough) and after being given health education there was a significant accure of 22.2% with post-test results of 72.2% (Very Good). The conclusion shows that there is an influence after being given health education to breastfeeding mothers regarding balanced nutrition in Margamukti VillageMany nutritional problems occur when the intake of children under five is not balanced so that it will cause problems with poor growth status. The purpose of this health counseling is to determine the influence of breastfeeding mothers' knowledge regarding balanced nutrition after being given health education. Using a survey research design with quantitative methods and accidental sampling techniques. The target used was breastfeeding mothers as many as 18 respondents in Margamukti Village, North Sumedang District, Sumedang Regency, West Java Province. The results of health counseling activities regarding the level of knowing of breastfeeding mothers obtained pre-test results of 50% (Enough) and after being given health education there was a significant accure of 22.2% with post-test results of 72.2% (Very Good). The conclusion shows that there is an influence after being given health education to breastfeeding mothers regarding balanced nutrition in Margamukti Villag


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    Digital platform are growing by providing various infrastructure, one of which is live video streaming on the TikTok application which is widely downloaded in Indonesia, which ranks second in 2022. The live can be utilized with positive activities and cause public reaction at the activities of Posyandu Asoka II Jatiranggon Bekasi. But in reality, Posyandu cadres only use smartphones to chat on certain applications such as Whatsapp, take photos, do recording, and store important files. Some cadres already have a TikTok account but only view, and comment on videos passing by on the homepage of their account, sometimes uploading videos as a variation of life if free time. Based on the observations that have been made, the abdimas team conducts training to better utilize the TikTok application for activities carried out directly so that it can attract viewers or other TikTok users to interact in the comment column, even viewers can give awards (tap-tap screen), gifts in the form of coins on each image and can join in the live broadcast that is done. The results of the training have received appreciation, and the addition of the latest technology knowledge so that it motivates cadres to be able to live regularly.Digital platforms are growing by providing various infrastructure, one of which is live video streaming on the TikTok application, which is widely downloaded in Indonesia and will rank second in 2022. The live can be utilized for positive activities and cause public reaction to the activities of Posyandu Asoka II Jatiranggon Bekasi. But in reality, Posyandu cadres only use smartphones to chat on certain applications, such as WhatsApp, take photos, do recording, and store important files. Some cadres already have a TikTok account but only view and comment on videos passing by on the homepage of their account, sometimes uploading videos as a variation of their free time. Based on the observations that have been made, the Abdimas team conducts training to better utilize the TikTok application for activities carried out directly so that it can attract viewers or other TikTok users to interact in the comment column. Even viewers can give awards (tap-tap screen), gifts in the form of coins on each image, and join in the live broadcast that is done. The results of the training have received appreciation, and the addition of the latest technology knowledge has motivated cadres to be able to live regularly


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    The problem that occured in Dwi Karya Bakti Hamlet was that PKK activities and programs were not active in the village. The challenge undertaken by the service team was to reactivate the activities and programs that had been prepared by the PKK Dusun Dwi Karya Bakti. For this reason, the social service team approached the head of the committee and looked for problems and solutions to these problems. From these observations, the service team received information that the community, especially the member of PKK needed a facilitator or mentor to develop the PKK so that the PKK could be active again. The target of this activity focused on empowering the members of PKK in Dwi Karya Bakti. The aimed of carrying out this community service activity was to increase household income, entrepreneurial for the members of PKK, and improved the social life of the residents of Dwi Karyabakti. The methods used in this activity were educational methods and mentoring methods. Educational methods include training and mentoring methods included direct practice in making Dendeng Daun Pepaya. The implementation of the social service activities that have been carried out has a positive impact on the community, namely the members of PKK who were the targets of these service activities. The members of PKK Dwi Karya Bakti have started to have motivation to improve their abilities and creativity in developing UMKM.The problem that occured in Dwi Karya Bakti Hamlet was that PKK activities and programs were not active in the village. The challenge undertaken by the service team was to reactivate the activities and programs that had been prepared by the PKK Dusun Dwi Karya Bakti. For this reason, the social service team approached the head of the committee and looked for problems and solutions to these problems. From these observations, the service team received information that the community, especially the member of PKK needed a facilitator or mentor to develop the PKK so that the PKK could be active again. The target of this activity focused on empowering the members of PKK in Dwi Karya Bakti. The aimed of carrying out this community service activity was to increase household income, entrepreneurial for the members of PKK, and improved the social life of the residents of Dwi Karyabakti. The methods used in this activity were educational methods and mentoring methods. Educational methods include training and mentoring methods included direct practice in making Dendeng Daun Pepaya. The implementation of the social service activities that have been carried out has a positive impact for the community, namely the members of PKK who were the targets of these service activities. The members of PKK Dwi Karya Bakti have started to have motivation to improve their abilities and creativity in developing UMKM


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    Stunting is a serious threat to the future generation of Indonesia. Stunting is a growth and development disorder resulting from chronic malnutrition and recurring infections. Posyandu is the front line in efforts to prevent stunting because it involves measuring growth and development. The aim of this Community Service (PKM) is to address stunting through e-counseling with an inclusive approach to promote and support the participation of people with disabilities and their access to healthcare services. It is expected that this PKM will contribute to the sustainability of community-based health programs that are inclusive. From the PKM conducted, various characteristics of the cadres were identified, including those who areve. E-counseling is conducted both offline and online. The offline e-counseling activities for cadres proceeded smoothly, with all participants enthusiastically participating in every training process. One of the cadres is inclusive. There was an increase in knowledge by 6 points. The offline e-counseling activities for mothers with stunted toddlers went well. The online e-counseling activities for one month also went well, although one participant experienced signal issues


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    Adolescent development is as complex as that of children, because there are complex interactions between puberty, maturation, neurocognitive, and transitional social roles. In addition to the role of living conditions and the environment, especially at home, the key contributor to normal development is nutrition. It is necessary to consume healthy food, proper growth and development during puberty, which requires adequate macro and micro nutrients. Adjustment of energy and nutrient inputs, as well as the increasing variety of physical activities carried out by this age group. On the basis of these various factors, nutritional needs need to be prioritized because young women are prospective mothers who will give birth to the nation's next generation. The PKM activity was carried out with the aim of identifying adolescent nutrition as well as increasing adolescent knowledge about nutrition which was carried out at Bulakamba Vocational School, Brebes Regency on February 14, 2022, the number of participants who took part in PKM activities were 68 students. The results of PKM activities including Hb examination showed 50 students with normal status and 18 students with anemia status, 68 adolescents with normal nutritional status, 57 students, fat 5 students and thin students 6, there was an increase in knowledge from health education activities, from 23% (16 people) ) have good knowledge, 50% (34 people) have sufficient knowledge and 27% (18 people) have less knowledge to 56 people (83%) have good knowledge and 12 people (17%) have sufficient knowledge.   Keywords:  Adolescents, Youth Nutrition, AnemiaAdolescent development is as complicated as children, because there are complex interactions between them, namely puberty, maturity, neurocognition, and social roles. Apart from that, the role of living conditions and the environment, especially at home, is the main contributor to growth is nutrition. Therefore, nutritional needs need to be prioritized because young women are prospective mothers who will give birth to the nation's next generation. The incidence of anemia in teenagers in the Brebes Regency area is still quite high, education for teenagers is still very limited only from local health center activities and is not carried out routinely. PKM activities were carried out with the aim of identifying adolescent nutrition as well as increasing adolescent knowledge about nutrition which was carried out at Bulakamba Vocational School, Brebes Regency on February 14 2022, the number of participants taking part in PKM activities was 68 female students. The results of PKM activities including Hb examination showed that 50 female students had normal status and 18 female students had anemia status, 68 teenagers had normal nutritional status, 57 female students, 5 female students were fat and 6 students were thin, there was an increase in knowledge from health education activities, namely from 23% (16 people ) good knowledge, 50% (34 people) have sufficient knowledge and 27% (18 people) have poor knowledge, 56 people (83%) have good knowledge and 12 people (17%) have sufficient knowledge


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    In the ever-evolving digital era, the importance of digital marketing as a key tool in promoting businesses and services is increasingly apparent. The Kayoon area, which was originally the center of the decorative stone and jewelry trade in Surabaya, has experienced a decline in visits along with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a solution, the Surabaya City Government in collaboration with ADIDES and PK-KPBI ITS, along with ITTelkom Surabaya, initiated a revitalization by turning Kayoon into the Surabaya Design Centre (SDC). SDC aims to be an Urban Education area and a center for branding original handicraft products, but faces challenges in visibility and interaction in the digital era. To overcome this, a community service program is designed to assist SDC in improving the promotion of its business, products, and services digitally through website creation, social media, and Google Business registration. With the implementation of this digital marketing strategy, it is hoped that SDC can strengthen its reputation as a center of innovation and creativity, expand audience reach, and create new business opportunities within the design community. Thus, this community service program activity is expected to help the Kayoon community to get more benefits and new opportunities in this digital era.In the ever-evolving digital era, the importance of digital marketing as a key tool in promoting businesses and services is increasingly apparent. The Kayoon area, which was originally the center of the decorative stone and jewelry trade in Surabaya, has experienced a decline in visits along with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a solution, the Surabaya City Government in collaboration with ADIDES and PK-KPBI ITS, along with ITTelkom Surabaya, initiated a revitalization by turning Kayoon into the Surabaya Design Centre (SDC). SDC aims to be an Urban Education area and a center for branding original handicraft products, but faces challenges in visibility and interaction in the digital era. To overcome this, a community service program is designed to assist SDC in improving the promotion of its business, products, and services digitally through website creation, social media, and Google Business registration. With the implementation of this digital marketing strategy, it is hoped that SDC can strengthen its reputation as a center of innovation and creativity, expand audience reach, and create new business opportunities within the design community. Thus, this community service program activity is expected to help the Kayoon community to get more benefits and new opportunities in this digital era


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    The partner for this community service activity is SMK Unitomo which is located at Jl. Semolowaru No 84, Surabaya, East Java. The principal of SMK Unitomo is trying to provide short story writing training in blogs for female students at the school. So the partner problems, in this case SMK Unitomo, are: 1) Students' understanding of short stories; 2) Students do not have insight and knowledge regarding writing short stories in blogs, so they need training regarding how to write short stories in blogs. The short-term goal of community service activities is to increase students' knowledge and abilities by providing training on short story writing material on blogs. Apart from that, it also develops links and matches between Dr. Soetomo University and SMK Unitomo. The implementation method used in the community activity program includes 1) training, there are two stages of training, namely, training on short story writing material in blogs; 2) training in writing short stories in blogs. The results of this community service activity are: 1) There are significant differences before and after the training, before and after the concept of writing short stories was explained, this can be seen from the ability of female students to understand how to write short stories in blogs; 2) During the training process for writing short stories in blogs, partners and the service team work together so that the specified targets can be achieved well.The partner in this activity is SMK Unitomo which is located at Jl. Semolowaru No 84, Surabaya, East Java. The head of SMK Unitomo is trying to provide short story writing training in blogs for female students at the school. So the partner problems, in this case SMK Unitomo, are: 1) Students' understanding of short stories; 2) Students do not have insight and knowledge regarding writing short stories in blogs, so they need training regarding how to write short stories in blogs. The short-term goal in this activities is to increase students' knowledge and abilities by providing training on short story writing material on blogs. The implementation method includes 1) training on short story writing material in blogs; 2) training in writing short stories in blogs. The results of this community service activity are: 1) There are significant differences before and after the training,; 2) During the training process for writing short stories in blogs, partners and the service team work together


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    One of many administrative services carried out by various lecturer associations is the announcement of various scientific collaboration activities between members. At the Asosiasi Dosen Integrator Desa (ADIDES), the process of submitting scientific collaboration activities between members is still done manually. This process is considered less effective because it takes quite a long time because it requires confirmation and manual input by the website admin for each announcement of scientific collaboration activities. Therefore, during this community service activity, a website-based knowledge management system (KMS) application was created which can be accessed independently by association members at any time. Through this website-based KMS application, it is hoped that it can become a means of communication and dissemination of information between association members and the general public who are interested in the scientific collaboration programs offered by ADIDES. The scientific collaboration in question includes: Research, Community Service, Textbook Writing, International Journals, International Conferences, or IPR Development between ADIDES members. Implementation of community service activities is divided into several stages, namely collecting data on needs, designing and creating KMS applications, as well as trial test in using website-based KMS applications. During the trial test, participants demonstrated the use of the KMS application and filled out a survey regarding the quality of the service. Based on the survey results, data was obtained that the KMS application is easy to use and the features it has are in accordance with association needs. This application is effective in creating and announcing scientific collaboration program but still requires further development. Thus, these community service activities need to be carried out on an ongoing basis to improve the quality and speed of the ADIDES work program achievement.One of the administrative services carried out by various lecturer associations is the announcement of various scientific collaboration activities between members. At the Asosiasi Dosen Integrator Desa (ADIDES), the process of submitting scientific collaboration activities between members is currently still carried out manually. A manual input process like this is certainly less effective because the time required is longer because it requires confirmation and manual input by the website admin for each announcement of scientific collaboration activities. Based on these conditions, in this community service activity (PKM) a website-based knowledge management system (KMS) application was designed so that each member of the association can add activities and collaborate independently. Through this website-based KMS application, it is hoped that it can become a means of communication and dissemination of information between association members and the general public who are interested in the scientific collaboration programs offered by ADIDES. The scientific collaboration in question includes: Research, ABMAS, Textbook Writing, International Journals, International Conferences, or IPR Development between ADIDES members. Implementation of community service activities is divided into several activities such as: collecting data on association needs; designing and creating website-based KMS applications; to trial the use of website-based KMS applications. During the trial process, a demonstration of the use of the KMS application was carried out with members of the association management and website managers. Based on the test results, information was obtained that this KMS application has features that are in accordance with the association's needs and are easy to use. The application being developed is also considered effective in helping to announce scientific collaboration activities, but it still requires further development. Therefore, community service activities need to be carried out on an ongoing basis to increase the speed and quality of services to achieve the ADIDES work program.  mendemonstrasikan penggunaan aplikasi KMS dan mengisi survei terkait kualitas layanannya. Berdasarkan hasil survei tersebut diperoleh data bahwa aplikasi KMS ini mudah digunakan dan fitur yang dimiliki sudah sesuai dengan kebutuhan asosiasi. Aplikasi ini efektif dalam pengumuman kegiatan kolaborasi keilmuan namun masih memerlukan pengembangan. Dengan demikian, kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini perlu dilakukan secara berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kecepatan pencapaian program kerja ADIDE


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