748 research outputs found

    Comparative assessment of control strategies for the biradial turbine in the Mutriku OWC plant

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    To be competitive against other renewable energy sources, energy converted from the ocean waves needs to reduce its associated levelised cost of energy. It has been proven that advanced control algorithms can increase power production and device reliability. They act throughout the power conversion chain, from the hydrodynamics of wave absorption to the power take-off to improve the energy yield. The present work highlights the development and test of several algorithms to control the biradial turbine which is to be installed in the Mutriku oscillating water column plant. A collection of adaptive and predictive controllers is explored and both turbine speed controllers and latching strategies are examined. A Wave-to-Wire model of one chamber of the plant is detailed and simulation results of six control laws are obtained. The controllers are then validated using an electrical test infrastructure to prepare the future deployment in the plant. Finally, the control strategies are assessed against criteria like energy production, power quality or reliability.This work has received funding from the European Union'sHorizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grantagreement No 654444 (OPERA Project). This work was financed by GV/EJ (Basque Country Government) under grants IT1324-19. The second author was partially funded by the Portuguese Foundationfor Science and Technology (FCT) through IDMEC, under LAETAPEst-OE/EME/LA0022 by FCT researcher grant No. IF/01457/2014.The authors acknowledge AZTI Tecnalia for wave resource data measured at the plant

    Dicionário virtual de ornitologia e ecologia: as novas tecnologias de informação ao serviço do ensino da Biologia e Ecologia

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    1º Encontro de Observadores de Aves das Arribas do Douro, Solar dos Marcos, Bemposta, Mogadouro, 26-27 Julho 2003.Este artigo apresenta o projeto “Dicionário Virtual de Ornitologia e Ecologia”, que pretende tirar partido do veículo de divulgação por excelência que é a Internet para divulgar informação científica, nas áreas da Ornitologia e Ecologia. Na sequência de um trabalho anterior, e com o apoio do ministério da educação, através do programa Nónio Século XXII e PRODEP III, foi possível constituir um consórcio que reúne as competências necessárias e suficientes para a concepção, implementação e manutenção do projeto. De facto, a junção da competência técnica do Centro de Computação Gráfica aos conhecimentos científicos do Instituto do Mar e à qualidade das ilustrações científicas da empresa Gradientes e Texturas, permitiu a implementação de um portal com as funcionalidades necessárias para reunir à sua volta uma comunidade mundial de amantes da natureza, e da ornitologia em particular. São as principais características deste portal que se apresentam ao longo deste artigo, bem como algumas conclusões que foi possível formular desde que ficou oficialmente online

    Specific berenil–DNA interactions: an approach for separation of plasmid isoforms by pseudo–affinity chromatography

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    Small molecules, like some antibiotics and anticancer agents that bind DNA with high specificity can represent a relevant alternative as ligands in affinity processes for plasmid DNA (pDNA) purification. In the present study, pDNA binding affinities of berberine, berenil, kanamycin and neomycin were evaluated by a competitive displacement assay with ethidium bromide using a fluorimetric titration technique. The binding between pDNA and ethidium bromide was tested in different buffer conditions varying the type and the salt concentration, and was performed both in absence and in presence of the studied compounds. The results showed that the minor groove binder berenil has the higher pDNA binding constant. Chromatographic experiments using a derivatized column with berenil as ligand, showed a total retention of pDNA using 1.3 M ammonium sulphate in eluent buffer. A selective separation of supercoiled and open circular isoforms was achieved by further decreasing salt concentration to 0.6 M and then to 0 M. These results suggest a promising application of berenil as ligand for specific pDNA supercoiled (sc) isoform purification by pseudo-affinity chromatography.C. Caramelo-Nunes acknowledges a fellowship (SFRH/BD/64918/2009) from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)

    A study on the relationship between muscle function, functional mobility and level of physical activity in community-dwelling elderly

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    OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a relação da função muscular de membros inferiores (MMII), circunferência de panturrilha (CP), força de preensão palmar (FPP), mobilidade funcional e nível de atividade física (NAF) em idosos comunitários ativos com idades entre 65-69, 70-79 e 80 ou mais anos e identificar a melhor medida clínica para rastreamento de redução de função muscular de MMII em idosos. MÉTODOS: Oitenta e um idosos (42 mulheres e 39 homens) submeteram-se à avaliação da velocidade de marcha (Kit Multisprint), FPP (dinamômetro Jamar), força e potência muscular de MMII (dinamômetro isocinético Biodex), NAF (Perfil de Atividade Humana) e CP (fita métrica). Procedeu-se à análise estatística com ANOVA, correlação de Pearson e curva ROC. RESULTADOS: Os idosos de 80 ou mais anos apresentaram valores menores que os de 65-69 para CP dominante (34,9±3 vs 37,7±3,6), velocidade de marcha habitual (VMH) (1,1±0,2 vs 1,2±0,2) e velocidade de marcha máxima (VMM) (1,4±0,3 vs 1,7±0,3), FPP (23,8±7,5 vs 31,8±10,3), média de pico de torque (MPT) e potência média (PM) de quadril, joelho e tornozelo (p<0,05). O NAF não apresentou diferença significativa entre os grupos. A força e potência muscular apresentaram correlações moderadas com VMH, VMM e FPP e correlações baixas com a CP e com o NAF (p<0,05). A curva ROC sugeriu o ponto de corte de FPP de 14,51 Kgf para rastreamento de redução de função muscular nas mulheres idosas (p=0,03). CONCLUSÕES: Existe associação entre a função muscular de MMII, FPP e VMM: esses parâmetros diminuem com o envelhecimento, e a FPP pode prever redução de função muscular de MMII em idosas.Objectives: to evaluate the relationship between lower extremity muscle function, calf circumference (CC), handgrip strength (HG), functional mobility and level of physical activity among age groups (65-69, 70-79, 80+) of older adults (men and women) and to identify the best parameter for screening muscle function loss in the elderly. Methods: 81 community-dwelling elderly (42 women and 39 men) participated. Walking speed (Multisprint Kit), HG (Jamar dynamometer), hip, knee and ankle muscle function (Biodex isokinetic dynamometer), level of physical activity (Human Activity Profle) and CC (tape measure) were evaluated. ANOVA, Pearson correlation and ROC curves were used for statistical analysis. Results: Dominant CC (34.9±3 vs 37.7±3.6), habitual (1.1±0.2 vs 1.2±0.2) and fast (1.4±0.3 vs 1.7±0.3) walking speed, HG (23.8±7.5 vs 31.8±10.3), average peak torque and average hip, knee and ankle power (p<0.05) were lower for the 80+ group than for the 65-69 year-olds. There were no differences in physical activity level among age groups. Moderate signifcant correlations were found between muscle function parameters, walking speed and HG; a fair degree of relationship was found between muscle function parameters, CC and level of physical activity (p<0.05). The ROC curve analysis suggested a cutoff point of 14.51 Kgf for screening muscle function loss in elderly women (p=0.03). Conclusions: This study demonstrated an association between muscle function, HG and fast walking speed, a decrease in these parameters with age and the possibility of using HG to screen for muscle function of the lower extremities

    Sources of uncertainty in the closed-loop supply chain of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles

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    Due to increasing demand for electric vehicles and short innovation circles of battery, production, and recycling technology, different uncertainties need to be faced at different stages of the supply chain. However, a qualitative analysis of the uncertainties and their sources is missing. Therefore, in this paper the authors propose an empirical approach to the identification of uncertainty occurring in the closed-loop supply chain of lithium-ion batteries from electric vehicles (uncertainty in supply, process, demand, control, and environmental uncertainty). The investigation methodology consists of a content analysis of press media documents related to electric vehicles and the automotive industry. The final content analysis comprises 102 evidences of uncertainty. Consequently, the evidences of uncertainty found are classified in a spectrum between statistical uncertainty and total ignorance (levels of uncertainty). Graphs and data are described to provide detailed information. The results signal predominant environmental uncertainty besides the uncertainty within control and supply of the closed-loop. A conclusion on the investigation shows cobalt as a raw material responsible for increasing uncertainty (boomerang effect). Additionally, the content analysis evidences uncertainty with the availability, quantity, stock control policies, government regulations, and political instability with cobalt, lithium, and nickel.publishersversionpublishe

    Desempenho de sementes peletizadas de alface em função do material cimentante e da temperatura de secagem dos péletes

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    Sementes de alface da cultivar Grand Rapids Nacional foram peletizadas, utilizando-se como material de enchimento, a mistura de microcelulose e areia fina em volumes iguais e, como material cimentante, diferentes volumes de suspensão aquosa de bentonita e de acetato de polivinila, em cinco proporções (%): 100+0; 75+25; 50+50; 25+75; e 0+100. Os cimentantes foram aplicados em separado, sendo a bentonita aplicada na primeira camada de recobrimento das sementes. Após a peletização, as sementes foram submetidas à secagem sob temperaturas de 15 e 36°C, e avaliadas quanto à germinação e emergência das plântulas. As combinações de cimentantes utilizadas na peletização e a temperatura de secagem não afetaram significativamente a porcentagem final de germinação das sementes em gerbox. Na avaliação da emergência de plântulas em bandejas, apenas duas formulações de péletes apresentaram menor taxa em relação ao tratamento com desempenho máximo, indicando que as diferenças obtidas não foram devidas às diferenças na formulação do recobrimento e nem à temperatura de secagem. Independentemente da temperatura de secagem, todas as formulações utilizadas na peletização causaram redução na velocidade de germinação. Entretanto, quando semeadas em substrato orgânico e cultivadas em casa de vegetação, as sementes revestidas com várias formulações apresentaram índices de velocidade de emergência semelhantes aos das sementes não peletizadas. Neste ambiente, as plântulas oriundas de sementes peletizadas apresentaram crescimento normal, sem diferenças significativas com a testemunha, em relação à produção de matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes, avaliadas aos 20 dias após a semeadura

    Using fire to enhance rewilding when agricultural policies fail

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    Rewilding has been proposed as an opportunity for biodiversity conservation in abandoned landscapes. However, rewilding is challenged by the increasing fire risk associated with more flammable landscapes, and the loss of open-habitat specialist species. Contrastingly, supporting High Nature Value farmlands (HNVf) has been also highlighted as a valuable option, but the effective implementation of agricultural policies often fails leading to uncertain scenarios wherein the effects of wildfire management remain largely unexplored. Herein, we simulated fire-landscape dynamics to evaluate howfire suppression scenarios affect fire regime and biodiversity (102 species of vertebrates) under rewilding and HNVf policies in the future (2050), in a transnational biosphere reserve (Gerês-Xurés Mountains, Portugal-Spain). Rewilding and HNVf scenarios were modulated by three different levels of fire suppression effectiveness. Then, we quantified scenario effects on fire regime (burned and suppressed areas) and biodiversity (habitat suitability change for 2050). Simulations confirm HNVf as a longterm opportunity for fire suppression (up to 30,000 ha of additional suppressed areas between 2031 and 2050 in comparison to rewilding scenario) and for conservation (benefiting around 60% of species). Rewilding benefits some species (20%), including critically endangered, vulnerable and endemic taxa, while several species (33%) also profit from open habitats created by fire. Although HNVf remains the best scenario, rewilding reinforced by low fire suppression management may provide a nature-based solution when societal support through agricultural policies failsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Abordagem terapêutica na exacerbação da doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC)

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    Exacerbações de DPOC causam aumento da morbimortalidade, internação, piora da qualidade de vida e custos para o paciente e para o sistema de saúde. O paciente com DPOC apresenta, aproximadamente,duas a três exacerbações ao ano, principalmente no inverno, causando progressiva deterioração fisiológica e aumento da inflamação das vias aéreas. O tratamento se faz com broncodilatadores, corticosteróides, oxigenoterapia, ventilação mecânica e antibióticos, em alguns casos.Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) cause increase in morbidity and mortality, hospital admissions, influence health-related quality of life and costs to the patient and health system. COPD patient experience 2 to 3 exacerbations per year, specially during winter, causing a progressive physiologic deterioration and increase in the airway inflammation. Treatment is based on bronchodilators, corticosteroids, oxygen therapy, mechanical ventilation and antibiotics

    Initial screening of poly(ethylene glycol) amino ligands for affinity purification of plasmid DNA in aqueous two-phase systems

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    Gene therapy and DNA vaccination are among the most expected biotechnological and medical advances for the coming years. However, the lack of cost-effective large-scale production and purification of pharmaceutical-grade plasmid DNA (pDNA) still hampers their wide application. Downstream processing, which is mainly chromatography-based, of pDNA remains the key manufacturing step. Despite its high resolution, the scaling-up of chromatography is usually difficult and presents low capacity, resulting in low yields. Alternative methods that are based on aqueous two-phase systems (ATPSs) have been studied. Although higher yields may be obtained, its selectivity is often low. In this work, modified polymers based on poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) derivatisation with amino groups (PEGamine) or conjugation with positively charged amino acids (PEGlysine, PEGarginine, and PEGhistidine) were studied to increase the selectivity of PEGdextran systems towards the partition of a model plasmid. A two-step strategy was employed to obtain suitable pure formulations of pDNA. In the first step, a PEGdextran system with the addition of the affinity ligand was used with the recovery of the pDNA in the PEG-rich phase. Then, the pDNA was re-extracted to an ammonium-sulphate-rich phase in the second step. After removing the salt, this method yielded a purified preparation of pDNA without RNA and protein contamination.Thanks are due to the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) for financial support to the NMR Portuguese network (PTNMR, Bruker Avance III 400-Univ. Minho) and strategic funding for CQUM (UID/QUI/00686/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio