1,022 research outputs found

    Evolutionary variation in the expression of phenotypically plastic color vision in Caribbean mantis shrimps, genus Neogonodactylus

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2006. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Marine Biology 150 (2006): 213-220, doi:10.1007/s00227-006-0313-5.Many animals have color vision systems that are well suited to their local environments. Changes in color vision can occur over long periods (evolutionary time), or over relatively short periods such as during development. A select few animals, including stomatopod crustaceans, are able to adjust their systems of color vision directly in response to varying environmental stimuli. Recently, it has been shown that juveniles of some stomatopod species that inhabit a range of depths can spectrally tune their color vision to local light conditions through spectral changes in filters contained in specialized photoreceptors. The present study quantifies the potential for spectral tuning in adults of three species of Caribbean Neogonodactylus stomatopods that differ in their depth ranges to assess how ecology and evolutionary history influence the expression of phenotypically plastic color vision in adult stomatopods. After 12 weeks in either a full-spectrum “white” or a narrow-spectrum “blue” light treatment, each of the three species evidenced distinctive tuning abilities with respect to the light environment that could be related to its natural depth range. A molecular phylogeny generated using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase C subunit 1 (CO-1) was used to determine whether tuning abilities were phylogenetically or ecologically constrained. Although the sister taxa N. wennerae and N. bredini both exhibited spectral tuning, their ecology (i.e. preferred depth range) strongly influenced the expression of the phenotypically plastic color vision trait. Our results indicate that adult stomatopods have evolved the ability to undergo habitat-specific spectral tuning, allowing rapid facultative physiological modification to suit ecological constraints.This research was funded partially by NSF grant (IBN-0235820) to TWC and Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid to AGC and by the National Coral Reef Institute through a subaward to PHB and RL Caldwell through the NOAA Coastal Ocean Program under award #NA16OA2413, to Nova Southeastern University

    The complete mitochondrial genome of the burrowing ghost shrimp, Nihonotrypaea harmandi (Bouvier, 1901), (Crustacea, Decapoda, Axiidea, Callianassidae) - a validation of the genus and species classifications

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    The complete mitochondrial genome of the burrowing ghost shrimp Nihonotrypaea harmandi wasreconstructed using the Illumina HiSeq platform. The genome was 15,272 bp in length made up of 37 mitochondrial genes (13 CDSs, 22 tRNAs, and 2 rRNAs) in the same order as other Nihonotrypaea species.Phylogenetic analyses suggested that Nihonotrypaea is a valid genus, and that N. harmandi can be phylogenetically marginally separated from N. japonica, though some authors considered the former as a synonym of the latte

    Erosion characteristics and horizontal variability for small erosion depths in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, California, USA

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    Erodibility of cohesive sediment in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta (Delta) was investigated with an erosion microcosm. Erosion depths in the Delta and in the microcosm were estimated to be about one floc diameter over a range of shear stresses and times comparable to half of a typical tidal cycle. Using the conventional assumption of horizontally homogeneous bed sediment, data from 27 of 34 microcosm experiments indicate that the erosion rate coefficient increased as eroded mass increased, contrary to theory. We believe that small erosion depths, erosion rate coefficient deviation from theory, and visual observation of horizontally varying biota and texture at the sediment surface indicate that erosion cannot solely be a function of depth but must also vary horizontally. We test this hypothesis by developing a simple numerical model that includes horizontal heterogeneity, use it to develop an artificial time series of suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) in an erosion microcosm, then analyze that time series assuming horizontal homogeneity. A shear vane was used to estimate that the horizontal standard deviation of critical shear stress was about 30% of the mean value at a site in the Delta. The numerical model of the erosion microcosm included a normal distribution of initial critical shear stress, a linear increase in critical shear stress with eroded mass, an exponential decrease of erosion rate coefficient with eroded mass, and a stepped increase in applied shear stress. The maximum SSC for each step increased gradually, thus confounding identification of a single well-defined critical shear stress as encountered with the empirical data. Analysis of the artificial SSC time series with the assumption of a homogeneous bed reproduced the original profile of critical shear stress, but the erosion rate coefficient increased with eroded mass, similar to the empirical data. Thus, the numerical experiment confirms the small-depth erosion hypothesis. A linear model of critical shear stress and eroded mass is proposed to simulate small-depth erosion, assuming that the applied and critical shear stresses quickly reach equilibrium

    Larval development of the pea crab Afropinnotheres monodi Manning, 1993 (Decapoda, Pinnotheridae) using plankton-collected and laboratory-reared specimens: effects of temperature

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effect of temperature on the survival and duration of larval development in the African pea crab Afropinnotheres monodi, as well as to describe its larval stages. We studied larvae reared in the laboratory and also specimens collected from plankton from the Gulf of Cådiz at two different temperatures. According to the results of this study, larval development of A. monodi involves four zoea stages and one megalopa and lasts around 25 days at 25°C, and longer than 40 days at 19°C. Such a temperature-related duration of this dispersive phase may be causing a higher recruitment to parental populations during the summer, but a higher dispersal to new locations during the rest of the year, a seasonal pattern of dispersion which could favour the successful expansion of this non-native species into European waters. The identification of both larval phases from plankton samples and adult specimens was carried out using morphological characters and molecular techniques. Both the 16S mtDNA sequences of this species, now available in GenBank, and the larval descriptions provided by this study could help to establish an early alert for the detection of this African species in its northward expansion

    A molecular method for the detection of sally lightfoot crab larvae (Grapsus grapsus, Brachyura, Grapsidae) in plankton samples

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    The decapod Grapsus grapsus is commonly found on oceanic islands of the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of the Americas. In this study, a simple, quick and reliable method for detecting its larvae in plankton samples is described, which makes it ideal for large-scale studies of larval dispersal patterns in the species

    Increasing blood pressure variability predicts poor functional outcome following acute stroke

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    Introduction: Increasing blood pressure variability has been reported following acute stroke, but there is uncertainty about how best to measure it and about the impact on prognosis following acute ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attack. Methods: Enhanced casual blood pressure and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring were completed at baseline (≀48 hours post symptom onset). Blood pressure variability was defined by standard deviation and coefficient of variation of systolic, diastolic, mean arterial pressure, and pulse pressure. Modified Rankin scale score ≄3 described poor functional outcome assessed at 1- and 12-months post-stroke. Multivariable logistic regression models incorporating blood pressure variability measurement and other factors were performed, and odds ratio and 95% confidence intervals reported. Results: 232 patients were recruited; 45 were dependent at 1-month, and 37 at 12-months. Dependent patients were more likely to be older, with a higher burden of pre-morbid conditions, and with increased blood pressure variability. Enhanced casual standard deviations of diastolic blood pressure [1.19 (1.02 to 1.39)] and mean arterial pressure [1.20 (1.00 to 1.43)] predicted dependency at 1-month. Predictors of 12-month dependency included: enhanced casual standard deviation of mean arterial pressure [1.21 (1.0-1.46)]; 24-hour ambulatory monitor standard deviations of diastolic blood pressure [2.30 (1.08-4.90)] and mean arterial pressure [1.72 (1.09-2.72)], and the coefficient of variation of mean arterial pressure [1.76 (1.05-2.94)]; day-time ambulatory monitor coefficient of variation of systolic blood pressure [1.44 (1.02-2.03)] and mean arterial pressure [1.46 (1.02-2.08)]; and night-time ambulatory standard deviation of diastolic blood pressure [1.65 (1.03 -2.63)], and the coefficient of variation of mean arterial pressure and [1.38 (1.00- 1.90)] and pulse pressure [1.29 (1.00–1.65)]. Conclusion: Increasing blood pressure variability is independently and modestly associated with poor functional outcome at 1- and 12-months following acute stroke

    A map of specific cleavage sites and tRNA genes in the chloroplast genome of Euglena gracilis bacillaris

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    A map showing locations of 22 of the 30 endonuclease EcoRI cleavage sites and 54 additional sites for eight other restriction endonucleases is presented. The regions of chloroplast DNA that hybridize with chloroplast tRNA are also shown.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47547/1/438_2004_Article_BF00425601.pd

    Continuing medical education in Turkey: Recent developments

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    BACKGROUND: The Turkish Association of Medicine founded a Continuing Medical Education Accreditation Committee in 1993 to evaluate and accredit scientific meetings and publications. The aims of this project were to raise the standards of meetings and to introduce compulsory revalidation and re-certification for physicians in Turkey. DISCUSSION: Since the year 1994, 2348 applications to the Continuing Medical Education board have been made (mostly for scientific meetings), and 95% of these applications have been accepted. Physicians received 139.014 credits during this time. This number is increasing every year. Meeting organisers' demand for such a kind of evaluation is increasing, because participants increasingly request it. SUMMARY: Efforts for revalidation and re-certification of physicians have not been completely successful yet. In the near future the Co-ordination Council of Medical Speciality Societies is going to oblige member associations to establish speciality boards. This will be the first step to the conventional use of Continuing Medical Education credits in occupational evaluation. Time-limited re-certification of physicians is the principal goal of Turkish Medical Association. Efforts to implement this change in legislation are being made

    Machine learning algorithms for systematic review: reducing workload in a preclinical review of animal studies and reducing human screening error

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    BACKGROUND: Here, we outline a method of applying existing machine learning (ML) approaches to aid citation screening in an on-going broad and shallow systematic review of preclinical animal studies. The aim is to achieve a high-performing algorithm comparable to human screening that can reduce human resources required for carrying out this step of a systematic review. METHODS: We applied ML approaches to a broad systematic review of animal models of depression at the citation screening stage. We tested two independently developed ML approaches which used different classification models and feature sets. We recorded the performance of the ML approaches on an unseen validation set of papers using sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. We aimed to achieve 95% sensitivity and to maximise specificity. The classification model providing the most accurate predictions was applied to the remaining unseen records in the dataset and will be used in the next stage of the preclinical biomedical sciences systematic review. We used a cross-validation technique to assign ML inclusion likelihood scores to the human screened records, to identify potential errors made during the human screening process (error analysis). RESULTS: ML approaches reached 98.7% sensitivity based on learning from a training set of 5749 records, with an inclusion prevalence of 13.2%. The highest level of specificity reached was 86%. Performance was assessed on an independent validation dataset. Human errors in the training and validation sets were successfully identified using the assigned inclusion likelihood from the ML model to highlight discrepancies. Training the ML algorithm on the corrected dataset improved the specificity of the algorithm without compromising sensitivity. Error analysis correction leads to a 3% improvement in sensitivity and specificity, which increases precision and accuracy of the ML algorithm. CONCLUSIONS: This work has confirmed the performance and application of ML algorithms for screening in systematic reviews of preclinical animal studies. It has highlighted the novel use of ML algorithms to identify human error. This needs to be confirmed in other reviews with different inclusion prevalence levels, but represents a promising approach to integrating human decisions and automation in systematic review methodology
