23 research outputs found

    Informal caregiving, a battle of resources? : "like tilting at windmills"

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    Sammandrag Fakultet: Statsvetenskapliga fakulteten Utbildningsprogram: Magisterprogrammet i samhĂ€llsvetenskaper Studieinriktning: Socialpsykologi Författare: Melissa Maltzeff Arbetets titel: NĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd, en kamp om resurser? - ”som att slĂ„ss mot vĂ€derkvarnar” Arbetets art: Magisteravhandling MĂ„nad och Ă„r: November 2021 Sidantal: 72 + 8 Nyckelord: nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare, belastning, resurser, teorin om resursbevaring, innehĂ„llsanalys Handledare: Mia Silfver-Kuhalampi FörvaringsstĂ€lle: Övriga uppgifter: Sammandrag: Trots att nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rden Ă€r en viktig resurs för samhĂ€llet med tanke pĂ„ den Ă„ldrande befolkningen, upplever flera nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare belastning som uppkommer i samband med vĂ„rden. Syftet med studien var att ta reda pĂ„ hur nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare beskriver nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rden, vilka resurser de har tillgĂ„ng till eller brister i samt hur de pĂ„verkar den belastning de upplever och i hurdana situationer utnyttjar de resurser som de har tillgĂ„ng till. Materialet som analyserades var svaren pĂ„ en öppen frĂ„ga och som samlades in vid en tidigare enkĂ€tundersökning om nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare. Svaren analyserades med hjĂ€lp av den teoristyrda innehĂ„llsanalysen, som Ă€r en typ av kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys. Analysen utfördes med stöd av Hobfolls teori om resursbevaring. Teorin har anvĂ€nts inom stressforskning, t.ex. gĂ€llande belastning som uppstĂ„r dĂ„ det finns konflikter mellan arbete och familj, men har Ă€ven anpassats inom de senaste tiderna till forskning om vĂ„rd. De resurser som nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdarna upplevde som viktiga för dem och pĂ„verkade belastningen de upplevde var hĂ€lsa, tid, pengar, anstĂ€llning, informellt och formellt stöd. NĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare beskrev ofta nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rden som en kamp, dĂ„ det handlade om att fĂ„ tillgĂ„ng till eller att det fanns brister i resurser de hade. GĂ€llande hĂ€lsa upplevde nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare att de antingen hade förlorat den genom fysisk och/eller psykisk ohĂ€lsa och flera uttryckte ocksĂ„ oro om att förlora sin hĂ€lsa dĂ„ omsorgen var krĂ€vande. Tiden som gĂ„r till omsorgen kan leda till konflikter med den tid som gĂ„r till arbete eller fritid och dĂ€rmed skapar belastning för nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare. Att inte ha tillrĂ€ckligt med pengar upplevdes ocksĂ„ som belastande och vissa ansĂ„g att stödet för nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rd var inte tillrĂ€ckligt. NĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare kunde bĂ„de ha tillgĂ„ng till och brist pĂ„ informellt och formellt stöd. DĂ„ de ansĂ„g sig ha informellt stöd, kunde de anvĂ€nda det till att kompensera brister i resurser som tid och formellt stöd. Trots att det fanns nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare som hade tillgĂ„ng till formellt stöd, uppgav flera att de hade haft problem med att det inte fanns tjĂ€nster tillgĂ€ngliga, de hade inte fĂ„tt lov att anvĂ€nda sig av dem eller att samarbete med myndigheterna inte fungerade. AlltsĂ„ skulle det krĂ€vas flexiblare system för att minska pĂ„ belastningen som nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare upplever

    Pest categorisation of the Gonipterus scutellatus species complex

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    The Panelon Plant health performed a pest categorisation of the Australian Eucalyptus snout-beetle Gonipterusscutellatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), for the EU. G.scutellatus should be referred as the G.scutellatus species complex because it includes several cryptic species. A complete nomenclature of the species present in the EU is still pending. It is a quarantine pest listed in Annex IIB of Council Directive 2000/29/EC. Protected zones are in place in Greece and Portugal (Azores). In the EU, it has been found in Italy, France, Spain and Portugal. It only consumes Eucalyptus species leaves. The main pathways of spread are the trade of Eucalyptus timber, hitchhiking in various commodities, trade of apple fruit as well as of plants for planting or plant parts. Spread by flight is also possible. The climate of the EU protected zones is similar to that of the Member States (MS) where the G.scutellatus complex is established, and the pest's main host plants are present. The damaged trees suffer die-back and the development of epicormics shoots. Severe attacks may provoke massive amounts of tree death. Biological control by using the egg parasitoid wasp Anaphesnitens is the most effective control measure. Some species within the G.scutellatus complex are not yet present in the EU (including G.scutellatus sensu stricto) and might therefore be considered as potential union quarantine pests for the EU territory. At least two species within the G.scutellatus complex (most likely G.platensis and Gonipterus species no. 2) meet the criteria assessed by EFSA for consideration as potential protected zone quarantine pests for the territory of the protected zones: Greece and Portugal (Azores). The criteria for considering the G.scutellatus complex as a potential regulated non-quarantine pest for the EU are not met since plants for planting are not the main pathway

    Are mist nets a menace for threatened insects? A first attempt to gather quantitative data

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    We attempt to identify the threat to flying beetles imposed by mist nets deployed for bird studies in an area of Mediterranean mosaic of evergreen scrub and deciduous forest in Italy. The present paper is the first attempt to identify the non-target species which die in these artificial traps. A large number of large scarab beetles was entangled in mist nets during a complete ringing session. The seasonal trend of beetle populations and their daily flight activity were also recorded. The results lead us to suggest that the populations of some threatened dung beetles can be impoverished at local level and represent a bycatch of mist net techniques, especially in early spring and at sunrise, when their swarming and reproductive activity is high. When summed with other factors affecting these beetles, such as habitat loss and fragmentation, this tool may represent a threat for vulnerable insect populations. Trapping effects may also represent a depletion of food resource for some insectivorous birds. For these reasons we recommend cooperative research between ornithologists and entomologists to fully study the bycatch effects of mist netting on flying insects and their effects on food availability for insectivorous birds