706 research outputs found

    Mapping the neutral atomic hydrogen gas outflow in the restarted radio galaxy 3C 236

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    The energetic feedback that is generated by radio jets in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) has been suggested to be able to produce fast outflows of atomic hydrogen (HI) gas that can be studied in absorption at high spatial resolution. We have used the Very Large Array (VLA) and a global very-long-baseline-interferometry (VLBI) array to locate and study in detail the HI outflow discovered with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) in the re-started radio galaxy 3C 236. We confirm, from the VLA data, the presence of a blue-shifted wing of the HI with a width of 1000kms1\sim1000\mathrm{\,km\,s^{-1}}. This HI outflow is partially recovered by the VLBI observation. In particular, we detect four clouds with masses of 0.28-1.5×104M0.28\text{-}1.5\times 10^4M_\odot with VLBI that do not follow the regular rotation of most of the HI. Three of these clouds are located, in projection, against the nuclear region on scales of 40pc\lesssim 40\mathrm{\,pc}, while the fourth is co-spatial to the south-east lobe at a projected distance of 270pc\sim270\mathrm{\,pc}. Their velocities are between 150150 and 640kms1640\mathrm{\,km\,s^{-1}} blue-shifted with respect to the velocity of the disk-related HI. These findings suggest that the outflow is at least partly formed by clouds, as predicted by some numerical simulations and originates already in the inner (few tens of pc) region of the radio galaxy. Our results indicate that all of the outflow could consist of many clouds with perhaps comparable properties as the ones detected, distributed also at larger radii from the nucleus where the lower brightness of the lobe does not allow us to detect them. However, we cannot rule out the presence of a diffuse component of the outflow. The fact that 3C 236 is a low excitation radio galaxy, makes it less likely that the optical AGN is able to produce strong radiative winds leaving the radio jet as the main driver for the HI outflow.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    What triggers a radio AGN? The intriguing case of PKSB 1718-649

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    We present new Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of the young (< 10^2 years) radio galaxy PKS B1718-649. We study the morphology and the kinematics of the neutral hydrogen (HI) disk (M(HI) = 1.1x 10^10 M(sun), radius ~ 30 kpc). In particular, we focus on the analysis of the cold gas in relation to the triggering of the nuclear activity. The asymmetries at the edges of the disk date the last interaction with a companion to more than 1 Gyr ago. The tilted-ring model of the HI disk shows that this event may have formed the disk as we see it now, but that it may have not been responsible for triggering the AGN. The long timescales of the interaction are incompatible with the short ones of the radio activity. In absorption, we identify two clouds with radial motions which may represent a population that could be involved in the triggering of the radio activity. We argue that PKS B1718-649 may belong to a family of young low-excitation radio AGN where, rather than through a gas rich merger, the active nuclei (AGN) are triggered by local mechanisms such as accretion of small gas clouds.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, Accepted to A&

    A search for 21 cm HI absorption in AT20G compact radio galaxies

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    We present results from a search for 21 cm associated HI absorption in a sample of 29 radio sources selected from the Australia Telescope 20 GHz survey. Observations were conducted using the Australia Telescope Compact Array Broadband Backend, with which we can simultaneously look for 21 cm absorption in a redshift range of 0.04 < z < 0.08, with a velocity resolution of 7 km/s . In preparation for future large-scale H I absorption surveys we test a spectral-line finding method based on Bayesian inference. We use this to assign significance to our detections and to determine the best-fitting number of spectral-line components. We find that the automated spectral-line search is limited by residuals in the continuum, both from the band-pass calibration and spectral-ripple subtraction, at spectral-line widths of \Deltav_FWHM > 103 km/s . Using this technique we detect two new absorbers and a third, previously known, yielding a 10 per cent detection rate. Of the detections, the spectral-line profiles are consistent with the theory that we are seeing different orientations of the absorbing gas, in both the host galaxy and circumnuclear disc, with respect to our line-of-sight to the source. In order to spatially resolve the spectral-line components in the two new detections, and so verify this conclusion, we require further high-resolution 21 cm observations (~0.01 arcsec) using very long baseline interferometry.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures and 5 tables; accepted for publication in MNRAS (version 2 based on proof corrections

    From ivory tower to inclusion: Stakeholders’ experiences of community engagement in Australian autism research

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    Autistic people, and other community stakeholders, are gaining increasing recognition as valuable contributors to autism research, resulting in a growing corpus of participatory autism research. Yet, we know little about the ways in which stakeholders practice and experience community engagement in autism research. In this study, we interviewed 20 stakeholders (academics, autistic people, family members/careers, research students, and service providers) regarding their experiences of community engagement in Australian autism research. Through reflexive thematic analysis of interview data, we generated four themes. First, our participants perceived academia as an “ivory tower,” disconnected from community members’ lives and priorities. Second, our participants identified that different stakeholders tended to hold different roles within their research projects: academics typically retained power and control, while community members’ roles tended toward tokenism. Third, our participants spoke of the need to “bridge the gap” between academia and the community, highlighting communication, accessibility, and planning as key to conducting effective participatory research. Lastly, participants emphasized the changing nature of autism research, describing participatory research as “the way of the future.” Our findings reflect both the progress achieved to date, and the challenges that lie ahead, as the field advances toward genuine co-production of autism research

    Risk factors for bovine respiratory disease in Australian feedlot cattle: use of a causal diagram-informed approach to estimate effects of animal mixing and movements before feedlot entry

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    A nationwide longitudinal study was conducted to investigate risk factors for bovine respiratory disease (BRD) in cattle in Australian feedlots. After induction (processing), cattle were placed in feedlot pens (cohorts) and monitored for occurrence of BRD over the first 50 days on feed. Data from a national cattle movement database were used to derive variables describing mixing of animals with cattle from other farms, numbers of animals in groups before arrival at the feedlot, exposure of animals to saleyards before arrival at the feedlot, and the timing and duration of the animal's move to the vicinity of the feedlot. Total and direct effects for each risk factor were estimated using a causal diagram-informed process to determine covariates to include in four-level Bayesian logistic regression models. Mixing, group size and timing of the animal's move to the feedlot were important predictors of BRD. Animals not mixed with cattle from other farms prior to 12 days before induction and then exposed to a high level of mixing (≥4 groups of animals mixed) had the highest risk of developing BRD (OR 3.7) compared to animals mixed at least 4 weeks before induction with less than 4 groups forming the cohort. Animals in groups formed at least 13 days before induction comprising 100 or more (OR 0.5) or 50-99 (OR 0.8) were at reduced risk compared to those in groups of less than 50 cattle. Animals moved to the vicinity of the feedlot at least 27 days before induction were at reduced risk (OR 0.4) compared to cattle undergoing short-haul transportation

    LOFAR discovery of a 700-kpc remnant radio galaxy at low redshift

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    Remnant radio galaxies represent the final dying phase of radio galaxy evolution, in which the jets are no longer active. Due to their rarity in flux limited samples and the difficulty of identification, this dying phase remains poorly understood and the luminosity evolution largely unconstrained. Here we present the discovery and detailed analysis of a large (700 kpc) remnant radio galaxy with a low surface brightness that has been identified in LOFAR images at 150 MHz. By combining LOFAR data with new follow-up Westerbork observations and archival data at higher frequencies, we investigated the source morphology and spectral properties from 116 to 4850 MHz. By modelling the radio spectrum we probed characteristic timescales of the radio activity. The source has a relatively smooth, diffuse, amorphous appearance together with a very weak central compact core which is associated with the host galaxy located at z=0.051. From our ageing and morphological analysis it is clear that the nuclear engine is currently switched off or, at most, active at a very low power state. The host galaxy is currently interacting with another galaxy located at a projected separation of 15 kpc and a radial velocity offset of 300 km/s. This interaction may have played a role in the triggering and/or shut down of the radio jets. The spectral shape of this remnant radio galaxy differs from the majority of the previously identified remnant sources, which show steep or curved spectra at low to intermediate frequencies. In light of this finding and in preparation for new-generation deep low-frequency surveys, we discuss the selection criteria to be used to select representative samples of these sources.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables, A&A accepte

    Brussowvirus SW13 Requires a Cell Surface-Associated Polysaccharide To Recognize Its Streptococcus thermophilus Host

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    Four bacteriophage-insensitive mutants (BIMs) of the dairy starter bacterium Streptococcus thermophilus UCCSt50 were isolated following challenge with Brussowvirus SW13. The BIMs displayed an altered sedimentation phenotype. Whole-genome sequencing and comparative genomic analysis of the BIMs uncovered mutations within a family 2 glycosyltransferase-encoding gene (orf06955(UCCSt50)) located within the variable region of the cell wall-associated rhamnose-glucose polymer (Rgp) biosynthesis locus (designated the rgp gene cluster here). Complementation of a representative BIM, S. thermophilus B1, with native orf06955(UCCSt50) restored phage sensitivity comparable to that of the parent strain. Detailed bioinformatic analysis of the gene product of orf06955(UCCSt50) identified it as a functional homolog of the Lactococcus lactis polysaccharide pellicle (PSP) initiator WpsA. Biochemical analysis of cell wall fractions of strains UCCSt50 and B1 determined that mutations within orf06955(UCCSt50) result in the loss of the side chain decoration from the Rgp backbone structure. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the intact Rgp structure incorporating the side chain structure is essential for phage binding through fluorescence labeling studies. Overall, this study confirms that the rgp gene cluster of S. thermophilus encodes the biosynthetic machinery for a cell surface-associated polysaccharide that is essential for binding and subsequent infection by Brussowviruses, thus enhancing our understanding of S. thermophilus phage-host dynamics.IMPORTANCE Streptococcus thermophilus is an important starter culture bacterium in global dairy fermentation processes, where it is used for the production of various cheeses and yogurt. Bacteriophage predation of the species can result in substandard product quality and, in rare cases, complete fermentation collapse. To mitigate these risks, it is necessary to understand the phage-host interaction process, which commences with the recognition of, and adsorption to, specific host-encoded cell surface receptors by bacteriophage(s). As new groups of S. thermophilus phages are being discovered, the importance of underpinning the genomic elements that specify the surface receptor(s) is apparent. Our research identifies a single gene that is critical for the biosynthesis of a saccharidic moiety required for phage adsorption to its S. thermophilus host. The acquired knowledge provides novel insights into phage-host interactions for this economically important starter species

    The Lockman Hole with LOFAR: Searching for GPS and CSS sources at low frequencies

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    The Lockman Hole Project is a wide international collaboration aimed at exploiting the multi-band extensive and deep information available for the Lockman Hole region, with the aim of better characterizing the physical and evolutionary properties of the various source populations detected in deep radio fields. Recent observations with the LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) extends the multi-frequency radio information currently available for the Lockman Hole (from 350 MHz up to 15 GHz) down to 150 MHz, allowing us to explore a new radio spectral window for the faint radio source population. These LOFAR observations allow us to study the population of sources with spectral peaks at lower radio frequencies, providing insight into the evolution of GPS and CSS sources. In this general framework, I present preliminary results from 150 MHz LOFAR observations of the Lockman Hole field. <P /

    A 20 GHz bright sample for {\delta} > +72{\deg}: I. Catalogue

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    During 2010-2011, the Medicina 32-m dish hosted the 7-feed 18-26.5 GHz receiver built for the Sardinia Radio Telescope, with the goal to perform its commissioning. This opportunity was exploited to carry out a pilot survey at 20 GHz over the area for {\delta} > + 72.3{\deg}. This paper describes all the phases of the observations, as they were performed using new hardware and software facilities. The map-making and source extraction procedures are illustrated. A customised data reduction tool was used during the follow-up phase, which produced a list of 73 confirmed sources down to a flux density of 115 mJy. The resulting catalogue, here presented, is complete above 200 mJy. Source counts are in agreement with those provided by the AT20G survey. This pilot activity paves the way to a larger project, the K-band Northern Wide Survey (KNoWS), whose final aim is to survey the whole Northern Hemisphere down to a flux limit of 50 mJy (5{\sigma}).Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    Jet-driven outflows of ionized gas in the nearby radio galaxy 3C 293

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    Fast outflows of gas, driven by the interaction between the radio jets and interstellar medium (ISM) of the host galaxy, are being observed in an increasing number of galaxies. One such example is the nearby radio galaxy 3C 293. In this paper we present integral field unit observations taken with OASIS on the William Herschel Telescope, enabling us to map the spatial extent of the ionized gas outflows across the central regions of the galaxy. The jet-driven outflow in 3C 293 is detected along the inner radio lobes with a mass outflow rate ranging from ∼0.05 to 0.17 M yr−1 (in ionized gas) and corresponding kinetic power of ∼0.5– 3.5 × 1040 erg s−1. Investigating the kinematics of the gas surrounding the radio jets (i.e. not directly associated with the outflow), we find linewidths broader than 300 km s−1 up to 5 kpc in the radial direction from the nucleus (corresponding to 3.5 kpc in the direction perpendicular to the radio axis at maximum extent). Along the axis of the radio jet linewidths >400 km s−1 are detected out to 7 kpc from the nucleus and linewidths of >500 km s−1 at a distance of 12 kpc from the nucleus, indicating that the disturbed kinematics clearly extend well beyond the high surface brightness radio structures of the jets. This is suggestive of the cocoon structure seen in simulations of jet–ISM interaction and implies that the radio jets are capable of disturbing the gas throughout the central regions of the host galaxy in all directions