984 research outputs found

    Prevention of femicide

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    When referring to ‘prevention of femicide’, we refer to actions at the individual, family, and social and community levels that can reduce the likelihood of women being killed because of their gender. Strategies for prevention of femicide differ depending on the definition of femicide and the cases to which we refer. For example, prevention of femicide in intimate partner relationships is different from prevention of the killing of trafficked women, or girls being subjugated and killed. These distinct femicides are set in different contexts, involve different risk factors and therefore require different prevention strategies. However, what all femicides share is a single motivation: femicide, according to the feminist approach, and the one that enables us to explain its prevalence worldwide, is the killing of women because they are women, regardless of whether it is perpetrated by the victim’s partner, ex-partner or a non-partner. The killing of women constitutes an extreme exercise of power against them; it is perpetrated to establish control (Radford and Russell, 1992).peer-reviewe

    Seleção de diretores e o sentido da gestão escolar: percepções de diretores sobre o plano de gestão

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    Nas redes públicas de ensino do Brasil tem se estabelecido crescentemente mecanismos mistos de seleção de diretores escolares, no sentido de aferir a competência técnica e política dos candidatos para gerir as escolas. No contexto do processo de descentralização de políticas educacionais e afirmação do paradigma pós-burocrático de matriz gerencial, o plano de gestão, requisito técnico para a seleção dos diretores, constitui-se como instrumento para indução do uso de indicadores educacionais, definição de metas e alcance da eficácia escolar. Com base em análise bibliográfica, documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas, este estudo de caso busca verificar as percepções dos diretores de duas escolas da rede pública municipal do Rio de Janeiro, considerados burocratas do nível de rua, sobre a implementação da diagnose e autoavaliação, etapas constitutivas do plano de gestão nas escolas. Verificamos que as diretoras participantes da pesquisa atuaram com margens de liberdade para gerir o processo, e que baseadas nas distintas experiências e valores atribuíram sentidos diferentes aos planos de gestão

    Time-varying Markov models of school enrolment

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    This study uses Markov models to develop a general quantitative approach to aid the modelling of school enrolment. The performance of the stationary 1970s to limitations Markov project of the chain model, widely used during the 1960s and school enrolment, has thrown into relief traditional model. Only a few studies early the have thoroughly tested the model over a period of time to determine whether it is really valid for predictive purposes. The present study starts by testing the stationary Markov model using data over a twelve year period for a subsystem of the Portuguese educational system, the model being applied to the whole country and to each district into which the country is administratively divided. Several least squares estimation procedures are performed to produce estimates of the transition probabilities. As expected this model proves to be inappropriate, generating biased and non-efficient estimates for the transition probabilities. Assuming that the non-stationarity of the transition probabilities is due to causal factors, linear behavioural relationships are included in the model. An extended Markov model with time varying transition probabilities is developed and applied to the same Portuguese educational subsystem. Seventeen explanatory variables, divided into supply-side factors and demand-side factors, are used, and stepwise regression and pooled cross-section time-series regression are performed to produce estimates of the time-varying transition probabilities principal components analysis is also applied on supply factors and demand factors and new sets of explanatory variables are used. The results show that the patterns of the time-varying transition probability estimates describe reasonably well the patterns of the corresponding observed point estimates. This suggests that it is appropriate to include a causal structure in the model. Having established the causal relationship influencing the time-varying transition probabilities, an analysis of these relationships suggests both policy implications of this work and areas for future research

    Reaccion en cadena de polimerasa en tiempo real cuantitativa (qPCR) para el diagnostico de tuberculosis pulmonar en esputo de pacientes con VIH/sida

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    Objetivo: Evaluar la Reacción en Cadena de Polimerasa en tiempo real cuantitativa (qPCR) para el diagnóstico de tuberculosis pulmonar (TBP) en esputo de pacientes con sida y sospecha clínica de TBP. Método: Se trata de un estudio prospectivo para evaluación de precisión de prueba diagnóstica, realizado en 140 muestras de esputo provenientes de 140 pacientes con sida y sospecha clínica de TBP atendidos en dos hospitales de referencia para atención VIH/sida en Recife-PE, Brasil. Se utilizó el cultivo en medios Löwenstein-Jensen y 7H9 como estándar de oro. Resultados: De las 140 muestras de esputo, 47 (33,6%) fueron positivas por el estándar de oro. La qPCR fue positiva en 42 (30%) de los pacientes. En apenas un (0.71%) caso no correspondió con el cultivo. La sensibilidad, especificidad y precisión de la qPCR fueron 87,2%, 98,9% y 95% respectivamente. De las 42 qPCR positivas en 39 (93%) el CT (threshold cycle) fue igual o inferior a 37. Conclusión: La qPCR realizada en muestra de esputo de pacientes con sida demostró sensibilidad, especificidad y precisión satisfactoria, pudiendo ser recomendada como método de diagnóstico de TBP.Objective: To assess quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR) for the sputum smear diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) in patients living with HIV/AIDS with a clinical suspicion of PTB. Method: This is a prospective study to assess the accuracy of a diagnostic test, conducted on 140 sputum specimens from 140 patients living with HIV/AIDS with a clinical suspicion of PTB, attended at two referral hospitals for people living with HIV/AIDS in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. A Löwenstein-Jensen medium culture and 7H9 broth were used as gold standard. Results: Of the 140 sputum samples, 47 (33.6%) were positive with the gold standard. q-PCR was positive in 42 (30%) of the 140 patients. Only one (0.71%) did not correspond to the culture. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the q-PCR were 87.2%, 98.9% and 95% respectively. In 39 (93%) of the 42 q-PCR positive cases, the CT (threshold cycle) was equal to or less than 37. Conclusion: q-PCR performed on sputum smears from patients living with HIV/AIDS demonstrated satisfactory sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, and may therefore be recommended as a method for diagnosing PTB

    O papel da mulher na agricultura familiar: dois estudos de caso

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    This articles discusses aspects of female labour in the strategies developed by farming families from Minas so as to ensure both access to and permanence in farmlands. Case studies have been carried out in two communities- one of which being an old constitution, Boa Vista, in Itaguara, MG, the other being a newly consituted unit, Assentamento Dom Orione, in Betim, MG- where it was possible to observe the importance of women’s role with their struggle and labor in the composition of family strategies. The Boa Vista community has been experiencing changes in the families’ production dynamics due to the decline in income from farming activities, causing handcraft work to gain greater and greater economic importance. Such activity involves all family members, but it is the women who outstand for coordinating the related activities and for being, themselves, the artisans, the connoisseurs of the office. The new importance of handcraft work done in loomshas redefined gender relations in and out of the family nucleus. However, that does not bring deeper changes in cultural patterns. In spite of modifying men and women, they not only keep, but also reaffirm gender relations, female subordination included. As for the life history of the families from Assentamento Dom Orione brings to light aspects of alterations in women’s bahaviour patterns and roles. Of rural origin, these families have undergone intense migratory processes, motivated by the search for land and work. Women stood for labour force of communitary organization and played a fundamental role in children raising and family care. It is important to mention that the community in question is located in the metropolitan boundaries of Belo Horizonte, and the families are devoted mainly to farming activities, the non-farming activities performed by them not being the chief ones. Thus, female farm work becomes auxiliary and subordinated to men’s. Besides, women’s participation in the gestion of the community is of secondary importance, occupying positions of smaller political strength. The farming environment in this rural space which lies next to the urban space strongly controls the role played by women.family farming, female labour, rural woman.,

    Nursing Education: conceptualizing a pedagogical project from the view of professors

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    Objective: To understand the pedagogical project concept of the professors of the Paulista School of Nursing, and to identify the challenges and the limits faced by them during its development. Methods: Qualitative study, in the oral history thematic modality. Using semi-structured interviews, the narratives of six professors who participated in, at least, half of the meetings for the pedagogical development were obtained. The statements were recorded, interpreted text transcribed, recreated and analyzed, respecting the methodological steps and ethical precepts. The Social World Theory of Pierre Bourdieu was used as a reference for analysis. Results: The concept of the pedagogical project was limited to the curriculum frameworkstraining of the professors is the main difficulty for the planning phase of the paradigmatic change. Conclusion: Professors value the pedagogical project development, but do not advance the proposition because they are steeped in previous models that support workload and organization according to specialty.Objetivo: Apreender o conceito de Projeto Pedagógico dos professores da Escola Paulista de Enfermagem e identificar os desafios e os limites enfrentados por eles durante sua elaboração. Métodos: Estudo qualitativo, na modalidade História Oral Temática. Por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas obtiveram-se as narrativas de seis professores que participaram de, no mínimo, metade dos encontros para essa construção. Os depoimentos foram gravados, transcritos, transcriados e analisados, respeitando-se as etapas do método e os preceitos éticos. Foi utilizada a Teoria de Mundo Social de Pierre Bourdieu como referencial de análise. Resultados: O conceito de Projeto Pedagógico ficou circunscrito à grade curricular e a formação docente é a principal dificuldade para a mudança de paradigma na ação do planejamento. Conclusão: Os docentes valorizam a elaboração do Projeto Pedagógico, mas não avançam na proposição porque estão fixados em modelos anteriores que privilegiam a carga horária e a organização por disciplinas.Paulista Nursing School of UNIFESPCtr Univ Assuncao, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Enfermagem, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Enfermagem, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Susceptibility of Argentinean Biomphalaria tenagophila and Biomphalaria straminea to infection by Schistosoma mansoni and the possibility of geographic expansion of mansoni schistosomiasis

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    IntroductionHuman migration and the presence of natural vectors (mollusks) of Schistosoma mansoni are the primary causes of the expansion of mansoni schistosomiasis into southern areas of South America. Water conditions are favorable for the expansion of this disease because of the extensive hydrographic network, which includes the basins of the Paraná and Uruguay rivers and favors mollusk reproduction. These rivers also aid agriculture and tourism in the area. Despite these favorable conditions, natural infection by S. mansoni has not yet been reported in Argentina, Uruguay, or Paraguay.MethodTwo species of planorbid from Argentina, Biomphalaria straminea and B. tenagophila, were exposed to the miracidia of five Brazilian strains of S. mansoni.Results Biomphalaria tenagophila (Atalaya, Buenos Aires province) was infected with the SJS strain (infection rate 3.3%), confirming the experimental susceptibility of this Argentinian species. Biomphalaria straminea (Rio Santa Lucía, Corrientes province) was susceptible to two Brazilian strains: SJS (infection rate 6.7%) and Sergipe (infection rate 6.7%). ConclusionThese results demonstrate that species from Argentina have the potential to be natural hosts of S. mansoni and that the appearance of foci of mansoni schistosomiasis in Argentina is possible.61161

    Modelo de estimativa de valores nutricionais, calóricos e glicêmicos por meio de reconhecimento de alimentos em imagens digitais

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    Atualmente, a disponibilização de informações alimentares e nutricionais em estabelecimentos da área de alimentação não é obrigatória. Porém, os consumidores podem, fácil e rapidamente, obter informações precisas em sites confiáveis ou por meio de aplicativos sobre a composição nutricional e calórica de alimentos. Estudos recentes mostram a importância não só do controle da ingestão diária de calorias, mas também do consumo de carboidratos, que são os nutrientes mais responsáveis por elevar o nível de glicose no sangue. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um modelo para reconhecimento de alimentos em imagens de refeições por meio de técnicas de Processamento Digital de Imagens, possibilitando assim, a estimativa dos valores nutricionais, calóricos e glicêmicos dos alimentos identificados. Foram analisadas imagens de refeições e mediante reconhecimento, foram estimados os valores calóricos, nutricionais e glicêmicos de cada alimento identificado e da refeição. O procedimento de construção do artefato foi conduzido pelo método Design Science Research. Os resultados obtidos apontam a importância de uma segmentação eficiente por porções, para que não haja interseção ou mistura de cores dos alimentos, e de utilização de algoritmos de extração de características para que a disponibilização de informações nutricionais, calóricas e glicêmicas se torne ainda mais confiável e precisa

    Qualidade de vida e capacidade para o trabalho dos professores do ensino superior, politécnico e universitário

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    Hoy en día se sabe que los profesores de la enseñanza superior, fruto de una sociedad cada vez más exigente, enfrentan constantes desafíos en el ejercicio profesional. Los profesores acarrean riesgos profesionales, que muchas veces restringen su participación en actividades socio-familiares, alteran su salud y su cualidad de vida (QV), pudiendo también comprometer su capacidad de trabajo (CT). La preocupación por esta problemática nos llevó a inquirir a los profesores de la enseñanza superior con el fin de conocer como evalúan su cualidad de vida y su capacidad para trabajar, así como cuales son los factores psicosociales que valorizan en el trabajo. Constituyen también objetivos de esta investigación, identificar la relación entre la cualidad de vida y los factores psicosociales con la capacidad para el trabajo, y delinear estrategias de intervención a nivel de salud pública que promuevan la capacidad de trabajo. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y de correlación, abordado de forma cualitativa, que implicó 203 profesores de un establecimiento de enseñanza superior politécnica y universitaria de la zona Norte de Portugal