31 research outputs found

    Education Differences in Life Expectancy With Cognitive Impairment

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    Background. Low education has an impact on life expectancy and level of cognition, but little is known on its effect on life expectancy with cognitive impairment. Methods. The Medical Research Council Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (MRC CFAS) collected population-based longitudinal data on people aged 65 years and older including measures of education and cognitive impairment, using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), for five geographically diverse areas around England and Wales interviewed between 1991 and 2003. Transitions between health states were calculated using Markov chain methods. Life expectancy in different states of cognitive function as measured by MMSE were further explored for different education groups. The effect of fixed and educationally based cut points for cognitive impairment are investigated. Results. Life expectancy spent with cognitive impairment is fairly constant with increasing age at around 1.4 years in men and 2.5 years in women, though this reflects a large increase in the proportion of life spent with cognitive impairment. The differences seen between education groups for the proportion of total life with cognitive impairment (men 13% and women 22% of life lived for low education vs men 7% and women 12% in high education group) disappear when education-adjusted cut points are used (10% in men and 17% in women at age 65 for all education groups). Conclusions. The results show that there is a substantial amount of life expectancy with cognitive impairment in both men and women. The impairment burden is just as great for those with high education as the lowest educated group. Ā© 2009 The Author(s)

    Republicanism and Markets

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    The republican tradition has long been ambivalent about markets and commercial society more generally: from the contrasting positions of Rousseau and Smith in the eighteenth century to recent neorepublican debates about capitalism, republicans have staked out diverse positions on fundamental issues of political economy. Rather than offering a systematic historical survey of these discussions, this chapter will instead focus on the leading neo-republican theoryā€”that of Philip Pettitā€”and consider its implications for market society. As I will argue, Pettitā€™s theory is even friendlier to markets than most have believed: far from condemning commercial society, his theory recognizes that competitive markets and their institutional preconditions are an alternative means to limit arbitrary power across the domestic, economic, and even political spheres. While most republican theorists have focused on political means to limit such powerā€”including both constitutional means (e.g., separation of powers, judicial review, the rule of law, federalism) and participatory ones (democratic elections and oversight)ā€”I will examine here an economic model of republicanism that can complement, substitute for, and at times displace the standard political model. Whether we look at spousal markets, labor markets, or residential markets within federal systems, state policies that heighten competition among their participants and resource exit from abusive relationships within them can advance freedom as non-domination as effectively or even more effectively than social-democratic approaches that have recently gained enthusiasts among republicans. These conclusions suggest that democracy, be it social or political, is just one means among others for restraining arbitrary power and is consequently less central to (certain versions of) republicanism than we may have expected. So long as they counteract domination, economic inroads into notionally democratic territory are no more worrisome than constitutional ones

    Epigenetic clock and methylation studies in cats.

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    Human DNA methylation profiles have been used successfully to develop highly accurate biomarkers of aging ("epigenetic clocks"). Although these human epigenetic clocks are not immediately applicable to all species of the animal kingdom, the principles underpinning them appear to be conserved even in animals that are evolutionarily far removed from humans. This is exemplified by recent development of epigenetic clocks for mice and other mammalian species. Here, we describe epigenetic clocks for the domestic cat (Felis catus), based on methylation profiles of CpGs with flanking DNA sequences that are highly conserved between multiple mammalian species. Methylation levels of these CpGs are measured using a custom-designed Infinium array (HorvathMammalMethylChip40). From these, we present 3 epigenetic clocks for cats; of which, one applies only to blood samples from cats, while the remaining two dual-species human-cat clocks apply both to cats and humans. We demonstrate that these domestic cat clocks also lead to high age correlations in cheetahs, tigers, and lions. It is expected that these epigenetic clocks for cats possess the potential to be further developed for monitoring feline health as well as being used for identifying and validating anti-aging interventions

    An exploration of the experience of cancer cachexia: What patients and their families want from health care professionals

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the perceptions of patients and family members with regard to care received for cancer cachexia. A qualitative study recruited 27 participants, of which 15 were patients with advanced cancer who had primary cachexia and 12 were family members. Participants were recruited from a regional cancer centre in the UK. All participants took part in a domiciliary interview, which was transcribed verbatim for analysis. A major finding from analysis was ā€˜lack of response from health care professionalsā€™ in relation to cancer cachexia management. This finding illuminated that patients and their family members wanted three things from healthcare professionals. They wanted their profound weight loss acknowledged, they wanted information about it and why it was happening and they wanted interventions to deal with it. This paper provides powerful messages for healthcare professionals and highlights the needs of patients and their family regarding cancer cachexia management. Patients and their families want this problem addressed by healthcare professionals. This client group requires supportive healthcare interventions, so that they can understand the nature and impact of this syndrome

    Epigenetic models developed for plains zebras predict age in domestic horses and endangered equids

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    Effective conservation and management of threatened wildlife populations require an accurate assessment of age structure to estimate demographic trends and population viability. Epigenetic aging models are promising developments because they estimate individual age with high accuracy, accurately predict age in related species, and do not require invasive sampling or intensive long-term studies. Using blood and biopsy samples from known age plains zebras (Equus quagga), we model epigenetic aging using two approaches: the epigenetic clock (EC) and the epigenetic pacemaker (EPM). The plains zebra EC has the potential for broad application within the genus Equus given that five of the seven extant wild species of the genus are threatened. We test the EC's ability to predict age in sister taxa, including two endangered species and the more distantly related domestic horse, demonstrating high accuracy in all cases. By comparing chronological and estimated age in plains zebras, we investigate age acceleration as a proxy of health status. An interaction between chronological age and inbreeding is associated with age acceleration estimated by the EPM, suggesting a cumulative effect of inbreeding on biological aging throughout life

    Ideologies of religion and diversity in Australian public schools

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    In many multicultural democracies, education has a Christian history. However, teaching religion has ideological variation. Progressives teach about many religions, while conservatives favor (often exclusive) instruction into one tradition. Australian secular education controversially prioritizes faith-forming instruction (mostly Christian). In this exploratory study (N = 123) the author examines pedagogical preference and attitudes toward religious diversity

    Riding natural scientists' coattails onto the endless frontier: The SSRC and the quest for scientific legitimacy

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