123 research outputs found

    Identifikasi dan Pengelolaan Risiko Rantai Pasok Rumah Produksi Tahu Apu dengan Metode House of Risk

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    Rumah Produksi Tahu APU is one of the industry tahu who is in Dukuh Girirejo, Jemawan Village, Jatinom District, Klaten Regency. According to the observations that have been made there are not maximum coordination on supply chain flow. Uncertainty of the types of risks that may occur in any activity undertaken will hamper the production process and have an impact on the operational and financial losses. The purpose of this study is to identify risk events that arise, determine the causes of risk should be prioritized, and determines the risk management strategy to address the causes of risk in the supply chain Rumah Produksi Tahu APU. The benefits of this research is to provide information about the causes of management strategies to reduce the risk and minimize the impact of such risks. Risk management can be accomplished by using the House of Risk (HOR) is divided into two stages: stage risk identification (HOR phase 1) and the formulation of risk management strategies (HOR phase 2). Based on the HOR phase 1 activity mapping identified a total of 23 Risk Event and 25 Risk Agent. Through analysis using FMEA concept as much as 7 causes the dominant risk is known value of the Aggregate Risk Potential (ARP). HOR Phase 2 the formulation of risk management strategies and formulation of strategy successfully designing a number of 14 formulation of strategies

    Evaluasi Susut Daya Pada Jaringan Transmisi 150Kv Gardu Induk Jajar-Pefan

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    There is often a reduction in power supply between the Jajar substation lines and Pedan substations because of the long distance during distribution, which means that the power lost due to power losses is a power that is generated but not sold which results in a loss from the PLN. Minimize the occurrence of power losses so that energy can be used or sold optimally. Power losses are one of the crucial problems faced by PLN that have not been fully resolved. I am here as the author will evaluate the shrinkage of the 150kv transmission line between the Jajar-substation Pedan substations. Here I also collect several international references and journals related to power losses or power losses. For the next step, I as a writer collects the data needed to evaluate the research by following all the procedures determined by the PLN for data collection. The calculation method that I use is by using calculations manually. Time of data collection when there is a peak load at 10:00 WIB and 19:00 WIB. from the calculations that I counted manually on November 14 experienced the biggest power losses 3661,496 KWH and on November 20 experienced the lowest power losses of 3401,205KWH. total power losses in November amounted to 105919,9607 KWH and the total losses suffered by PT PLN (Persero) in November reached a value of Rp. 124.138.100,00


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    Mesin diesel telah dikenal sebagai jenis motor bakar yang mempunyai efisiensi tinggi. Salah satu keunggulan mesin diesel adalah sistem pembakarannya menggunakan compression-ignition sehingga memungkinkan tercapainya tekanan awal yang tinggi sebelum terjadi proses pembakaran. Hal ini menjadikan mesin diesel mempunyai fleksibilitas jenis bahan bakar yang bisa digunakan. Salah satunya adalah minyak nabati (biofuel). Jatropha telah dikenal sebagai bahan bakar alternatif terbarukan yang menarik yang dihasilkan dari minyak nabati. Oleh karena itu penggunaan Jatropha adalah pilihan yang tepat sebagai alternatif bahan bakar untuk mesin diesel dalam menghadapi krisis minyak bumi di dunia. EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculaing) pada mesin disel digunakan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi bahan bakar dan menurunkan konsumsi bahan bakar. Cold EGR adalah suatu metode yang digunakan untuk mensirkulasikan gas buang kembali ke intake manifold. Pada penelitian ini, gas buang yang disirkulasikan didinginkan terlebih dahulu dengan menggunakan heat exchanger. Dalam hal ini, gas buang sebelum masuk kembali ke ruang bakar temperaturnya diturunkan menjadi 37oC. Pada penelitian ini, bahan bakar yang masuk saluran pada ring magnet elektrik akan dipanaskan terlebih dahulu menggunakan ring magnet elektrik. Pengujian ini dilakukan dengan beberapa variasi, yaitu variasi beban, rpm, % EGR, penggunaan dan tanpa ring magnet elektrik, temperatur EGR 37oC, dan variasi campuran jatropha - solar. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa peningkatan dan penurunan nilai Daya, BMEP, dan ϕ tidak terlihat signifikan dengan adanya Cold EGR. Yang mempengaruhi nilai tersebut adalah peningkatan beban dan rpm. Penggunaan Cold EGR dengan variasi campuran bahan bakar menyebabkan nilai BSFC semakin turun, ηf meningkat dan ηv turun dibandingkan tanpa menggunakan cold EGR. Kata kunci: performa mesin diesel, heat exchanger - EGR, ring magnet elektrik, bahan bakar campuran solar - minyak jara

    Optimasi Multi-Objektif Untuk Penentuan Uang Kuliah Tunggal Menggunakan Algoritme Non-Dominated Sort Genetic Algorithm Ii (Nsga-Ii) Yang Dimodifikasi

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    Penentuan Uang Kuliah Tunggal (UKT) proporsional adalah proses penentuan besaran UKT yang harus dibayarkan mahasiswa. Penentuan besaran UKT didasarkan pada kemampuan finansial keluarga dari mahasiswa tersebut. Namun, ketika mahasiswa dalam satu fakultas terlalu banyak yang kemampuan finansialnya kurang, maka penghasilan fakultas mungkin kurang dari biaya operasional yang dibutuhkan. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, penentuan UKT diselesaikan menggunakan metode-metode data mining dan cenderung proporsional terhadap kemampuan finansial mahasiswa saja, tanpa menghiraukan penghasilan institusi. Penentuan UKT proporsional dalam penelitian ini akan diselesikan sebagai permasalahan optimasi multi-objektif. Tujuan dari proses optimasi adalah minimal jarak antara besaran UKT dengan kemampuan finansial mahasiswa, dan maksimal penghasilan institusi. Salah satu algoritme yang sering digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan multi-objektif adalah Non-dominated Sort Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II). Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemodelan permasalahan penentuan UKT dengan menggunakan NSGA-II. Pemodelan NSGA II yang dimaksud adalah mencari representasi kromosom terbaik, parameter genetik terbaik, operator genetika terbaik, proses inisialisasi terbaik, hingga melakukan modifikasi metode seleksi dari NSGA-II. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa representasi kromosom kedua yang diusulkan peneliti lebih baik daripada representasi kromosom pertama. Untuk data 100 mahasiswa dalam 2 prodi, NSGA-II yang dimodifikasi berhasil memperoleh solusi yang layak hanya menggunakan jumlah populasi 200 dan maksimal iterasi 100. NSGA-II yang dimodifikasi berhasil mempercepat waktu eksekusi dari NSGA-II sebesar 20%, tanpa menurunkan nilai fitness dari solusi yang dihasilkan. Hasil optimasi multi-objektif menggunakan NSGA-II adalah sejumlah solusi, bukan satu solusi. Sehingga solusi yang dihasilkan dalam permasalahan penentuan UKT sangat beragam, mulai dari solusi yang cenderung kepada mahasiswa (solusi dengan nilai fitness 1 terbesar) sampai solusi yang cenderung kepada institusi (solusi dengan nilai fitness 2 tertinggi). Hal ini akan sangat membantu pengambil keputusan dalam penentuan UKT, untuk memilih solusi yang menguntungkan institusi atau mahasiswa, atau solusi yang berada diantara keduany

    Continuous Multi-Parameter Heart Rate Variability Analysis Heralds Onset of Sepsis in Adults

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    BACKGROUND: Early diagnosis of sepsis enables timely resuscitation and antibiotics and prevents subsequent morbidity and mortality. Clinical approaches relying on point-in-time analysis of vital signs or lab values are often insensitive, non-specific and late diagnostic markers of sepsis. Exploring otherwise hidden information within intervals-in-time, heart rate variability (HRV) has been documented to be both altered in the presence of sepsis, and correlated with its severity. We hypothesized that by continuously tracking individual patient HRV over time in patients as they develop sepsis, we would demonstrate reduced HRV in association with the onset of sepsis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We monitored heart rate continuously in adult bone marrow transplant (BMT) patients (n = 21) beginning a day before their BMT and continuing until recovery or withdrawal (12+/-4 days). We characterized HRV continuously over time with a panel of time, frequency, complexity, and scale-invariant domain techniques. We defined baseline HRV as mean variability for the first 24 h of monitoring and studied individual and population average percentage change (from baseline) over time in diverse HRV metrics, in comparison with the time of clinical diagnosis and treatment of sepsis (defined as systemic inflammatory response syndrome along with clinically suspected infection requiring treatment). Of the 21 patients enrolled, 4 patients withdrew, leaving 17 patients who completed the study. Fourteen patients developed sepsis requiring antibiotic therapy, whereas 3 did not. On average, for 12 out of 14 infected patients, a significant (25%) reduction prior to the clinical diagnosis and treatment of sepsis was observed in standard deviation, root mean square successive difference, sample and multiscale entropy, fast Fourier transform, detrended fluctuation analysis, and wavelet variability metrics. For infected patients (n = 14), wavelet HRV demonstrated a 25% drop from baseline 35 h prior to sepsis on average. For 3 out of 3 non-infected patients, all measures, except root mean square successive difference and entropy, showed no significant reduction. Significant correlation was present amongst these HRV metrics for the entire population. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Continuous HRV monitoring is feasible in ambulatory patients, demonstrates significant HRV alteration in individual patients in association with, and prior to clinical diagnosis and treatment of sepsis, and merits further investigation as a means of providing early warning of sepsis

    Entomological aspects and the role of human behaviour in malaria transmission in a highland region of the Republic of Yemen

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    © 2016 Al-Eryani et al. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/ publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. The attached file is the published version of the article

    The vitamin D, ionised calcium and parathyroid hormone axis of cerebral capillary function: Therapeutic considerations for vascular-based neurodegenerative disorders

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    Blood-brain barrier dysfunction characterised by brain parenchymal extravasation of plasma proteins may contribute to risk of neurodegenerative disorders, however the mechanisms for increased capillary permeability are not understood. Increasing evidence suggests vitamin D confers central nervous system benefits and there is increasing demand for vitamin D supplementation. Vitamin D may influence the CNS via modulation of capillary function, however such effects may be indirect as it has a central role in maintaining calcium homeostasis, in concert with calcium regulatory hormones. This study utilised an integrated approach and investigated the effects of vitamin D supplementation, parathyroid tissue ablation (PTX), or exogenous infusion of parathyroid hormone (PTH) on cerebral capillary integrity. Parenchymal extravasation of immunoglobulin G (IgG) was used as a marker of cerebral capillary permeability. In C57BL/6J mice and Sprague Dawley rats, dietary vitamin D was associated with exaggerated abundance of IgG within cerebral cortex (CTX) and hippocampal formation (HPF). Vitamin D was also associated with increased plasma ionised calcium (iCa) and decreased PTH. A response to dose was suggested and parenchymal effects persisted for up to 24 weeks. Ablation of parathyroid glands increased CTX- and HPF-IgG abundance concomitant with a reduction in plasma iCa. With the provision of PTH, iCa levels increased, however the PTH treated animals did not show increased cerebral permeability. Vitamin D supplemented groups and rats with PTH-tissue ablation showed modestly increased parenchymal abundance of glial-fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), a marker of astroglial activation. PTH infusion attenuated GFAP abundance. The findings suggest that vitamin D can compromise capillary integrity via a mechanism that is independent of calcium homeostasis. The effects of exogenous vitamin D supplementation on capillary function and in the context of prevention of vascular neurodegenerative conditions should be considered in the context of synergistic effects with calcium modulating hormones

    Health in times of uncertainty in the eastern Mediterranean region, 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013

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    Background: The eastern Mediterranean region is comprised of 22 countries: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Since our Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (GBD 2010), the region has faced unrest as a result of revolutions, wars, and the so-called Arab uprisings. The objective of this study was to present the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors in the eastern Mediterranean region as of 2013. Methods: GBD 2013 includes an annual assessment covering 188 countries from 1990 to 2013. The study covers 306 diseases and injuries, 1233 sequelae, and 79 risk factors. Our GBD 2013 analyses included the addition of new data through updated systematic reviews and through the contribution of unpublished data sources from collaborators, an updated version of modelling software, and several improvements in our methods. In this systematic analysis, we use data from GBD 2013 to analyse the burden of disease and injuries in the eastern Mediterranean region specifically. Findings: The leading cause of death in the region in 2013 was ischaemic heart disease (90·3 deaths per 100 000 people), which increased by 17·2% since 1990. However, diarrhoeal diseases were the leading cause of death in Somalia (186·7 deaths per 100 000 people) in 2013, which decreased by 26·9% since 1990. The leading cause of disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) was ischaemic heart disease for males and lower respiratory infection for females. High blood pressure was the leading risk factor for DALYs in 2013, with an increase of 83·3% since 1990. Risk factors for DALYs varied by country. In low-income countries, childhood wasting was the leading cause of DALYs in Afghanistan, Somalia, and Yemen, whereas unsafe sex was the leading cause in Djibouti. Non-communicable risk factors were the leading cause of DALYs in high-income and middle-income countries in the region. DALY risk factors varied by age, with child and maternal malnutrition affecting the younger age groups (aged 28 days to 4 years), whereas high bodyweight and systolic blood pressure affected older people (aged 60–80 years). The proportion of DALYs attributed to high body-mass index increased from 3·7% to 7·5% between 1990 and 2013. Burden of mental health problems and drug use increased. Most increases in DALYs, especially from non-communicable diseases, were due to population growth. The crises in Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Syria have resulted in a reduction in life expectancy; life expectancy in Syria would have been 5 years higher than that recorded for females and 6 years higher for males had the crisis not occurred. Interpretation: Our study shows that the eastern Mediterranean region is going through a crucial health phase. The Arab uprisings and the wars that followed, coupled with ageing and population growth, will have a major impact on the region's health and resources. The region has historically seen improvements in life expectancy and other health indicators, even under stress. However, the current situation will cause deteriorating health conditions for many countries and for many years and will have an impact on the region and the rest of the world. Based on our findings, we call for increased investment in health in the region in addition to reducing the conflicts

    The dominant Anopheles vectors of human malaria in Africa, Europe and the Middle East: occurrence data, distribution maps and bionomic précis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This is the second in a series of three articles documenting the geographical distribution of 41 dominant vector species (DVS) of human malaria. The first paper addressed the DVS of the Americas and the third will consider those of the Asian Pacific Region. Here, the DVS of Africa, Europe and the Middle East are discussed. The continent of Africa experiences the bulk of the global malaria burden due in part to the presence of the <it>An. gambiae </it>complex. <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>is one of four DVS within the <it>An. gambiae </it>complex, the others being <it>An. arabiensis </it>and the coastal <it>An. merus </it>and <it>An. melas</it>. There are a further three, highly anthropophilic DVS in Africa, <it>An. funestus</it>, <it>An. moucheti </it>and <it>An. nili</it>. Conversely, across Europe and the Middle East, malaria transmission is low and frequently absent, despite the presence of six DVS. To help control malaria in Africa and the Middle East, or to identify the risk of its re-emergence in Europe, the contemporary distribution and bionomics of the relevant DVS are needed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A contemporary database of occurrence data, compiled from the formal literature and other relevant resources, resulted in the collation of information for seven DVS from 44 countries in Africa containing 4234 geo-referenced, independent sites. In Europe and the Middle East, six DVS were identified from 2784 geo-referenced sites across 49 countries. These occurrence data were combined with expert opinion ranges and a suite of environmental and climatic variables of relevance to anopheline ecology to produce predictive distribution maps using the Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) method.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The predicted geographic extent for the following DVS (or species/suspected species complex*) is provided for Africa: <it>Anopheles </it>(<it>Cellia</it>) <it>arabiensis</it>, <it>An. </it>(<it>Cel.</it>) <it>funestus*</it>, <it>An. </it>(<it>Cel.</it>) <it>gambiae</it>, <it>An. </it>(<it>Cel.</it>) <it>melas</it>, <it>An. </it>(<it>Cel.</it>) <it>merus</it>, <it>An. </it>(<it>Cel.</it>) <it>moucheti </it>and <it>An. </it>(<it>Cel.</it>) <it>nili*</it>, and in the European and Middle Eastern Region: <it>An. </it>(<it>Anopheles</it>) <it>atroparvus</it>, <it>An. </it>(<it>Ano.</it>) <it>labranchiae</it>, <it>An. </it>(<it>Ano.</it>) <it>messeae</it>, <it>An. </it>(<it>Ano.</it>) <it>sacharovi</it>, <it>An. </it>(<it>Cel.</it>) <it>sergentii </it>and <it>An. </it>(<it>Cel.</it>) <it>superpictus*</it>. These maps are presented alongside a bionomics summary for each species relevant to its control.</p